
4 Reviews
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Logan (2017)
5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It goes against the rules or mutant super powers. So you're telling me a mutually that has indestructible bones and and regenerative capabilities gets old for the first time and dies? C'mon... this was terrible take in opinion. The whole premise of wolverine is that he doesn't age and is nearly indestructible. Also, the most powerful psychic in the Mutant universe can't see bad guys coming? 😂🤷‍♂️

Horrible film, how ever I'm Glad others liked it.

Wolverine forever....
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Encounter: UFO: Abductions (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Lies & slander
25 July 2022
All these people do is fear monger, slander, and try to make profit off fear in the weak minded. Don't support these shows, they are literally trying to brain wash you into thinking beings from space are bad. And the cast is bunch of losers who jumped on the "UFO" band wagon by trying to promote fear.

Skip these if you have any true intelligence.
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Encounter: UFO: Security Threats (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Horrible series.
25 July 2022
All these people do is fear monger, slander, and try to make profit off fear in the weak minded. Don't support these shows, they are literally trying to brain wash you into thinking beings from space are bad. And the cast is bunch of losers who jumped on a the "UFO" band wagon.

Skip these if you have any true intelligence.
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Encounter: UFO: Air to Air (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
This show is absolutely TRASH
25 July 2022
Noun: fear-mongering the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue.

"he was engaging in pure fearmongering that just might frighten folks into buying anti-hacker software"

All they do in this horribly written, directed, edited, show is try to convince people how terrifying and bad UFO's are.

To villainize someone is to speak about them negatively or portray them in a negative way, especially to influence others to see them as a bad person. Most often, it is individual people who are villainized, typically by someone who says bad things about them (especially things that are exaggerated).

Don't support these trash shows that do not know anything about extraterrestrials or their culture, intent, purpose. This whole show is garbage.
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