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IF (I) (2024)
Jon Krasinski rips off again! Now it's from Pixar!
20 May 2024
Jon Krasinski rips off again! Now it's from Pixar!

IF you do not know what I am talking about, you can do a short internet search on the following topics: "the novel The Silence and the film A Quiet Place", "Lip synch battle rips off", "SomeGoodNews rips off".

Now let me summarize the brain-storming process that led to the conception of this rip-off: One day, along with his family, Jon Krasinski was probably watching Pixar's Monsters Inc., Inside Out and Up back-to-back, and he "thought" what IF I put Ellie (from Up) back in her childhood with the emotions and imaginary friend, Bing Bong, of Riley's (from Inside Out) and gave the backstory of the monsters (from Monsters Inc.) to the imaginary friends in the movie, and then put some surface-level father story-line which is extremely predictable?

I mean, who could figure it out all these "inspirations" Jon Krasinski got from Pixar, right? Maybe, anyone who watched these Pixar films at least once?

And the X-Force scene was so cringe!

Apart from that, we have some positives: acting is fine, Ryan Reynolds is Ryan Reynolds as usual. Jon Krasinski and Steve Carell are the weakest links, they do not act... Phoebe Waller-Robot sounds like a robot with no emotions.

And one more thing: IF you find a cam-corder in a kid's wardrobe with its lens-cap off, do not watch the tape! And by the way, good luck charging a mini DV cam-corder using a firewire (IEEE 1394) cable because it is a data transfer cable only!
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Young Sheldon: Funeral (2024)
Season 7, Episode 13
I hate you!!!!
17 May 2024
I hate you!!!!

I hate you!!!! I hate you!!!!

I hate you!!!! I hate you!!!! I hate you!!!!

I have been watching this show since day one. And the most important factor keeping me watching the show was the cast. Even the child cast - now young adults, of course - has been AMAZING!

As audience we have had some serious connections with the characters as they are not some unrealistic sit-com schmucks.

Mary, a loving wife trying her best with and for her family;

Missy, the sister often ignored, but because she is not loved but because she has the emotional strength to survive;

Geoorgie, the son that we all have been, trying to have fun, but stand tall when duty calls;

Sheldon, the person we cannot stand for various reasons because we all have met people like him;

Connie, the wise woman we consult when things get rough because we know we can trust her perception, vision and resilience;

and George, the father we all want to be: being there for the good and the bad, trying to do the best he can - just like Mary - as a parent, trying to understand and adapt to new obstacles that life puts in front of us...

These truly talented people have brought to life these ordinary people in an extra-ordinary way for the past seven years.

And then, the talentless writers and producers tried to ruin this beauty with the next/final episode!!!!!

For me, this is the final episode, this is the goodbye we, the audience, and our beloved characters deserve.
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I thought cultural appropriation was bad...
1 May 2024
I thought cultural appropriation was bad according to w.o.k.e. Culture? Isn't it what they have been saying for the past ten years? Cultural appropriation is bad; if you do it, you are nothing but a bad person, a bigot, and a racist?

Yet, here in this movie, one of our protagonists Lucy Grey sings country songs in rhythm and blues voice even though she is from New Jersey, and the daughter of a father of Polish descent and a mother of Colombian descent. I believe that is the definition of cultural appropriation, am I wrong?

Despite an interesting premise, the execution of that premise is amazingly poor. Apart from Zegler and her fake and inadequate accent, the acting in the movie is what makes you continue watching - if you have not stopped already after the one-hour mark. Peter Dinklage and Viola Davis do the most of the heavy lifting, but their characters are not in the center of the plot. Therefore, there is little that they can do to save the film.

And the singing is the worst part of the film. Each time they start singing, it is just cringe and embarrassing.
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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Years (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
When there's no rhyme or reason...
24 April 2024
When there's no rhyme or reason, everything depends on luck, or chance, or whatever you like to call it.

The whole episode - I mean, the plot - depends on chance and coincidences. There is no "because", or "therefore"; or "because of this..." and "therefore, that happened..."


Plot points happen because they need to happen. Otherwise, the plot would not move an inch.

I mean, the chopper scene! One hundredth of a millimeter, and Rick would have been gone along with the show.

The acting is great, though, I must admit. Photography and editing are mediocre at best.

Let us see what other coincidences will drag the plot unwillingly.
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Ritchie craves for some Oscar trophies
19 April 2024
Guy Ritchie was cool, original with a unique aesthetic and taste. More importantly, his films were fun to watch. As you might have noticed, I am using past tense here.

This film proves that Guy Ritchie craves for some Oscar awards for his study room obviously. And what is the best way to the Oscars? The best way to the Oscars is to follow the foot steps of another Oscar-hungry, talentless director, Quentin Tarantino. Even though I think Guy Ritchie must take a very important step before this film, which, I believe, he has skipped.

However, I see one nomination for screenplay for him in next year's ceremony.

What a sell-out!

The only good thing in this film is Henry Cavill, though.
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3 Body Problem: Red Coast (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
Magic box strikes again
23 March 2024
Yep, J. J. Abrams' magic box strikes again in this episode. Throughout the whole episode - approximately one full hour - nothing worth mentioning happens, and the last sixty seconds (literally), we are shown something remotely interesting.

By the way, the opening them of the show is an obvious rip-off of season one opening theme and music of "Westworld". I am sure anyone who watched the first season of "Westworld" will notice that.

Other than that, a complete snore fest. Characters are so blank and so blah you can hardly stay awake watching this excuse of a TV show.

Before I forget, there are some subtle "references" to lately recent events prior to the development of this show, which are now in scrutiny today.

How time affects our perception, right?
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For a nice family fun
23 March 2024
Watching a reboot of Ghostbusters requires one fundamental thing: stopping yourself from comparing the reboot with the original film.

All in all, acting is nice and characters are believable. However, I think since I watched "Killing Eve", I found myself rooting for a character to get decapitated mercilessly throughout the film, and that character is Trevor. I mean, talk about useless characters.

I totally buy the chemistry among the family members. There is no problem for me there. Another good thing was the film was not drowned in nostalgia and it gives sufficient time to our new characters to grow.

However, I think they should have written off Bill Murray's character. I mean, enough already! It was not funny! It does not add anything to the story!

There is one more thing I found boring watching the film, but I do not want to spoil it for everybody, so I will not mention it as it is an important plot point.

Also, James Acaster is good in the film. I did not know he was in the film. And Kumail Nanjiani actually steals the show a bit. He was actually funny in the film, which was a surprise because of "Eternals"... Remember that film? Neither do I!
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
Pretentious and illiterate
2 March 2024
Pretentious and illiterate. First things first, I did not start watching this film as an "Adam Sandler" movie, but I started to watch "Spaceman" as a science-fiction movie. And it is disappointingly pretentious and illiterate.

To start with, how come people in charge of a space mission this important could and would have designed a one-man mission? Also, how come they chose a man with no mental strength?

I would like to add something at this point for real life as well: if you are going to send someone into space for a one-year, one-man mission, you should not send a husband with a pregnant wife, you should send an introvert who is fine to stay away from other people. One-year, one-man mission is just a piece of cake for them (us).

Second part. Production-wise it is a bit less than what we expected from the trailers. I do not want to spoil anything about the movie because the whole movie is a spoiler itself.

Wasted potential.
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Horrible Histories: Episode #1.9 (2009)
Season 1, Episode 9
They got some things right
17 January 2024
They got some things right in this episode especially about the ancient Athens and Athenians.

These parts in the episode are completely true: Athenian women were not allowed to go outside the home unchaperoned, and to vote, and to watch the Olympic Games, and to become actors (thespians) in theater.

Some extra info, then, by yours truly: Athenian women were not allowed to go outside unchaperoned, if they did, they would be considered promiscuous, and men were allowed to approach them for some contemporary activities. Also, they were not allowed to get any formal education other than housework. They were not allowed to talk to their husband directly in public and in front of other men. They were not allowed to get a job, and to get inheritance.
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Ghosts: A Christmas Gift (2023)
Season 5, Episode 7
A great send-off to our beloved ghosts and hosts
26 December 2023
Many TV shows try to finalize their stories with too much emotions to make the audience fake-feel something, and while doing that they ignore logic and reasoning. When I found out that this Christmas special would be the last ever episode of Ghosts I hoped the writers would find a balance between the two.

I was not wrong, and I believe this is a great send-off to our beloved ghosts and hosts. Writers did not betray the characters and the audience, there is a Christmas feeling throughout the episode, and it does not betray the audience, either.

I wish shows like this could go on forever, but the reality is the longer a show goes, the worse it gets. At least we will remember and re-watch this show with a happy feeling each and every time.

Thanks to the cast, writers and everyone involved in the show.
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The Ark (2023– )
Just watched for the actors
23 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched for the actors, not the characters but the actors. It is obvious that the actor did their best for this abysmal piece of writing despite the director's inability to direct and poor writing. I mean writing in this show is as good as the writing in Marvel Phase 4 shows and films.

Character development kind of exists. Plot is full of holes. The conflicts shift so illogically that you think you are watching a soap opera. And do not even get me started with the same Disney+ thing where five-foot thin people breaking the necks of people double their size in weight and shoulder width. I mean, just rubbish.

The VFX is so cheap, they should have spent more time and money on those.

And as for the "science" part of this science fiction: just forget everything but the final episode of the first season. I mean, just because the atmosphere is on fire does not mean the whole planet will explode. It is like covering a bowling ball with oil up to 1mm and expect it to explode! I mean how!?
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The Ark: We Weren't Supposed to Be Awake (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
J.J. Abrams' magic box?
22 December 2023
So far it is a mediocre show. There is absolutely nothing new that you have not seen before any other standard and ordinary science-fiction shows or movies.

This very episode reminded me of a Japanese animated movie called "There were 11!". If you have the chance go ahead and watch it.

Photography is so mundane, by the way, you should get some coffee every now and then watching this show.

Cast is fairly adequate, but I believe they were given strict directions, no much improvisation or character differences among them. Characters suffer from Disney politics. You know what I mean.

The VFX, to be polite, should have been designed and rendered much longer.

But the greatest red flag for me is "J. J. Abrams' Magic box": every episode we are given some info, but at the end we are given new secrets to be revealed in the next one.
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The Marvels (2023)
Not the worst thing in MCU
18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are many negative comments on the film. And before watching the film, I had expected a complete mass even though my expectations are non-existent when it comes to Disney-Marvel.

Let me start with the things that I liked:

First things first, the enthusiasm of Ms. Marvel is the best thing about the film. The whole film, in fact, could have been narrated through her point of view, and it could be a little more endearing.

Also, the team-up is kinda nice, but as we saw in "Avengers: Endgame" Captain Marvel is too powerful to need help. If they had set up the character Captain Marvel much less like Superman, there could have been some space for her to need and/or ask for help.

The introduction of the X-Men was also nice.

And things that I did not like:

Disney+, why did you not make a 6-episode Captain Marvel show about the annihilator? That would have been much more interesting.

And still Captain Marvel technically did not need any help from anyone. Therefore, the whole film is a bit redundant.

The plot, to be honest, consisted of a patchwork of secondarily added event-lines. Not much of it, I mean.

And it was not the worst thing in MCU since "Endgame".
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Loki: Glorious Purpose (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
A metaphor for divorce?
10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start with thing that I like in this season first.

This second season is mostly about our dear beloved Loki. If you happen to remember the first season, it was more about Sylvie (female Loki). It was a classical bait-and-switch in true Disney fashion. We see our dear beloved Loki going through a deep (or, rather, deepened) character development - for a second time though it might be. In just twelve episodes (season one and two combined), Loki goes through much more character development than any other MCU characters in phase four combined.

As for the things that I did not enjoy, the list is short - but longer than the paragraph above. The plot this season does not proceed in any meaningful way. The second episode undid the first episode, the third undid the second, the fourth undid the third, the fifth undid the fourth, and this final episode undid the previous eleven episodes. So, technically, it was a waste of time.

Second thing that I dislike is more fundamental, though. Loki does not want to be alone, right? So, who does he turn to? His brother, Thor? His father, Odin? His mother, Freya? Any of the Avengers? Nope! He turns to the people he met barely a week ago! Yep! That was hilarious!

And I think this last episode is a metaphor for divorce. Let me explain:

In every nice man's life, there is at least one ex-girlfriend or ex-wife, whom you tried and tried and tried to explain why things were not working out, and what we should have done to fix them. Over and over and over again, no matter what you did, no matter how much you explained patiently, she just refused to listen or to discuss or to actually look for a solution. She was just stubborn and selfish. She never took a step towards you even though you tried to meet her half-way. You got tired, bored and consumed in conflicts, fights and meaningless disputes. Eventually, you just stopped trying and just gave up. You turned to your former life without her in complete seclusion becoming a total recluse. Away from everyone and everything, in silence.

And that is what our beloved Loki did.

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Old Dads (2023)
Classic Bill Burr: fun, funny and real
30 October 2023
I have to admit "Old Dads" is much better than I expected. It is mostly a family film, and hilarious to watch.

Just like in the title, this is kind of a film from 1980s. Fun from beginning to the end, and funny all the way, too. I felt like I was watching a Bill Burr show, but not in a negative way. The plot and the dialogue have his humor in Bill Burr's character. However, our three dads have their own personal traits, which shows good writing, because when stand-up comics write screenplays, more often than not, all the characters sound the same.

Here in this film we have three distinctive dad characters with three distinctive wives. They all lead their lives in their own ways.

My two favourites in the film:

First, the epiphany moments of each character. Even though they follow each other very closely, they come in different moments and emotions.

Second is the cameo of Nia (Bill Burr's wife in real life).
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Sex Education: Episode 8 (2023)
Season 4, Episode 8
Too optimistic, yet...
28 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
That is my one complaint about this final season: It is too optimistic. Yet I like it. I have been watching the show since the very first season. I love the casting and colours.

One thing I did not like, the "they/them" situation. In real life, the police would have started to look for multiple people in search of Cal in episode seven.

Before I start talking about Otis & Maeve, I have to mention my favourite character arches belong to Eric & Adam. To be honest, I like it when they deal with Adam's character development apart from the main crew. I do not know why they did it, but I liked it. Sometimes, you need some space from others, and, yes, even though you are a man, you have feelings. I know many people think otherwise.

They gave us nice conclusions for many characters hinting longer and deeper stories, which I wish I could watch in "a" season five some 5 or 10 years later...


As for Otis & Maeve, the letter at the end might sound cheesy, but I received a letter like that in real life, as well. Not in the age of internet and social media, of course. I received a letter like that when I was 18.

In 2001.

High school had just been finished and we had taken the exam for university. The content was very similar. It was not a love letter, I thought, and I still think so.

Had I not experienced something similar, I would have thought the ending was phony and cheesy.
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Upload: Strawberry (2023)
Season 3, Episode 2
Season 3!!! Yay!!!
23 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers

Fun to watch, great casting, great story. I love the characters, and I have to be honest here, I love "the O. G. Angel". I have been waiting season 3, and it is finally here!

The chemistry between our love duo is amazing. I want to believe that this is a fact that nobody would disagree. The plot still puts me on a hook, which makes me watch each and every episode. Day after day, and week after week. And for some reason in season three they decided to stream the episodes weekly. I would rather watching them all at once. Nevertheless, I am going to continue to watch the show to the end.

However, they must offer us, the audience, some nice plot twist.


P. S.: I did not like the idea of a "back-up copy" of an actual human being.
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Watching for the 2nd time after 21 years
15 October 2023
I think I watched this film when it was first released. I have always liked good time travel fantasy movies. Back to the Future Trilogy, Donnie Darko, Groundhog Day, Twelve Monkeys, Edge of Tomorrow, Happy Accidents (a film nobody has watched, by the way), and, of course, Predestination.

I remember watching The Time Machine not having watched the 1960s' version. This film has heart, an idea, a personality, and most of all, character arcs.

The librarian character had hit me the most, I must admit, when I first watched it. Now that I have watched it again, I must add, the ending hit me hard, too, admittedly in a different way.

The casting is great, do I even have to mention it?!

Watch it and have fun!
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Loki: Ouroboros (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
Watching only for Loki
6 October 2023
At this point, I am watching the show only for Loki. The Loki whom we love and love to hate, not for others. This first episode is surprisingly about 40 minutes, unlike the episodes from season one. I hope it will continue like this in the following weeks. Tom Hiddleston is great to watch as usual.

There are some spoilers on the net, which I am not going to add here. I hope the second season will go on as this very first episode of the season two.

So far, interestingly, editing is also surprisingly great. Casting has also given me a nice surprise.

I guess the key word for the second season is "surprise" so far.

Edit: The plot is basically a copy of Lost Season 5.
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Guess which stories Oliver ignores in his recap
2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Can you guess which stories Mr. Oliver ignores in his recap?

Here's a list of the topics he included: A senator reciting an extract from an inappropriate children's book (with no context); Trump's Mugshot; inappropriate behaviour of a member of Congress; Italy's new prime minister (with some detail); gold bars found in home of New Jersey Democratic senator; My Pillow Guy; Coronation of King Charles; Election in Turkey; Coup attempt in Russia; a Chinese zoo; reddit protest with John Oliver photos (in detail); Barbenheimer; Boston cop slide; Titan incident; fires in Maui (with one sentence only); a cover of a song with more details than fires in Maui; and self-glorifying coverage of writers' strike.

Something missing, right? Any mention of any incidents in Canadian Parliament last week, Mr. Oliver? Any news concerning the impeachment, Mr. Oliver?

I used to like you, but now that you have proven to be a political pundit, I no longer find you funny, Mr. Oliver... Disappointing...
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How I Met Your Mother: Something New (2013)
Season 8, Episode 24
10 years after it aired
29 September 2023
I am watching this episode after ten years it aired. I thought that it was a great episode when it aired, and I still think it is. Let me explain.

First of all, everyone, who watched the show when it was on, expected that they (the producers and the writers) to reveal who the mother was in the last episode. Instead, the creators of the show revealed the image of the mother in the penultimate season, and spent the last season why she is the mother; why she was the soulmate of Ted Mosby, and how they matched. And they spent one season explaining it.

I have to be honest here: when I was watching the show ten years ago, I was not expecting this, but it was a nice and surprising route for the writers to take.

Watching the final season after all these years, I can understand once more that they made the right choice.
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One Piece (2023– )
Netflix is good now? Again?
21 September 2023
Netflix is good now? Again?

After 4 years of watching crappy shows and films with bad writing (from 2019-2023), It is good to watch something good. I know, I was not expecting that either. Maybe because it is an adaptation from anime? And not much change made?

I did not watch the original anime by the way, but this first season put me on my couch and made me finish it in a day. Casting is great. All actors and actresses just fit in their places. They literally sell it to the audience. You feel the passion of the story.

Character development... exists! I mean, remember the crappy writing for the last four years and tell me you did not get excited to witness this level of character development!

I am looking forward to watching the second season. Netflix, keep on making shows like this!
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One Piece: Romance Dawn (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael & Donatello
21 September 2023
First things first, I am a normie. I have never watched the original anime. Do not hate me, please.

Very good stunt work, let me start with that. Fun to watch, and I am sure crew was meticulous. Action scenes for me were enjoyable, and did not take me out of the show.

Casting is good, as well. Characters are very well introduced in the pilot. Actors are great. I have no problem with the acting.

VFX, though, might have used a little bit more time in general.

All in all, fun to watch and I will continue to watch the rest of the season.

The show reminded me highly of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for some reason. It is not the fighting or the actions scenes. I believe it is the characters: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael & Donatello.
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Keske daha önce seyredeydik...
21 September 2023
Let me start with the negative comments here:

First, someone wrote here that he lost his touch with people: in this show, however, he has more references to the oral and written literature of Anatolia and Turkish literature than all of his previous shows combined. So, this comment is nothing but of ignorance. I am sure that those people have never read anything by Yunus Emre, Nasreddin Hoca, and the book of Kutadgu Bilig, and I am also sure they have never had a look into the musical heritage of Anatolia, Balkans and Mesopotamia. Talk about irony, right?

Second, the homophobia joke: his joke is that his joke would be considered "homophobic" even though it is a joke against homophobic people!!! And he says, in the joke, some people will think that!!! Another irony by the way.

And one last thing: what happened to your mouth?

Edit: IMDB (amazon) does not let me use the letter "sh" in the title.

Edit 2: Whoever wrote "As Cem Yilmaz himself said, it doesn't taste old :)" that is not what he said. In fact, what you wrote, or how you translated it directly contradicts with your comment.
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NewsRadio: Jackass Junior High (1998)
Season 4, Episode 21
Fun, warm, and ridiculous all at the same time
12 September 2023
One of my favourite episodes, and for some reason it has a low rating. I like it when they deal with gender issues on TV in a fresh way. In this episode, Lisa is "one of the guys", and she does not understand why she is one of the guys. While watching, you expect it would be something outrageous and radical, but no. They deal with the issue with the respect to the audience and to the characters, which is much more important.

I started watching the show last week, but, honestly, I can say this show would have been much more popular if the unfortunate event had not happened after the fourth season. They would have been, I assume, still remembered and listed with Friends.

Fun, warm, and ridiculous all at the same time.
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