
5 Reviews
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Story is great; acting is atrocious.
2 June 2024
The story is fun; just three kids raising hell one summer around town and the woods. The cinematography is great. It is shot on 16mm stock, so it has a neat 70's kinda vibe. And the music is great. Music reminds me of 80ms fantasy, which is what the dialogue and story alludes to.

But the acting is terrible by almost all actors. Not even Lio Tipton (the only name I recognized on the bill) can save this disaster of a Goonies-wannabe.

However, please still check it out. Worth supporting an indie movie that looks great and has great music and a good story. Hopefully, this director will use this film as a stepping stone, learn from it, and the next film will be better.
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Sleeper hit for me
6 December 2022
It looks and sounds like a strange concept for a film, but it was kinda genius. Well acted, thoughtful music, and pretty good makeup. I agree with the last reviewer. Why is it no one has heard of this film? I ended up really liking it. And I'd probably watch it again someday. It might not go into my regular rotation of movies that are my classics, but it's good enough to watch some night on a whim, for good drama and maybe a laugh or two. The fat pig, Curley, is clearly a natural for acting. Kind reminds me of Seth Rogen back when he was cool meets. Jonah Hill when he was in shape. I would love to see another film from this story. Hell, start a series of the story and make it like Yellowstone meets Twin Peaks.
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A bond between father and son
23 February 2022
A soon-to-be beloved classic that appeals to psychological horror and romance fans alike, The Greasy Strangler offers fun for the whole family while still appealing to the older crowd. The movie rewrites the genre as the greats before it have - from Citizen Cane and Casablanca, to Apocalypse Now, the Greasy Strangler has cemented its place in cinematic history among other masterpieces. It's familiar story hides beneath it a cornucopia of suspense, drama, sorrow, and pure unadulterated sexiness that is rare to find in contemporary Hollywood. The Greasy Strangler reinvents the wheel, but also steers it competently in one of the boldest, bravest, and most beautiful examples of cinematography we personally have ever seen. Roll over Kubrick, Tarantino, and Nolan; director Jim Hosking has claimed all of your crowns. Witness this spectacular experience of humanity and pure will while you still can.
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The Tavern (1999)
10 January 2004
The "Subway Band" in the movie is none other than Ireland's famous band "The Saw Doctors". Nine of their songs are used in the movie. If you ever get a chance to see them live, do it. I was never really into Irish bands, but they have a perfect combination of traditional Irish music and punk/rock.
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All time classic!
5 April 2003
The first time I saw this movie, I thought it was sort of stupid. But then my roommate and I were drinking one night and started watching it again, and it was hilarious. After that, we started watching it every time we drank together. Eventually, ever line in the movie turned into one of those cool lines we'd say to each other in public that only we knew (or fans of the movie knew) what we were talking about. Today, I can watch the movie drunk or sober and still laugh my ass off through the whole thing even though my wife can't stand to watch it. So if you have a weird sense of humor, or you're just bored or drunk, this is a great movie to watch many times over and over. It's a classic!
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