
12 Reviews
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More of a "Behind the Scenes Look"
15 January 2024
This docu-series is very well done, light-years ahead of most UFO documentaries. It is well thought-out, has interviews with high-level government officials, and is done in a quality that is unheard of for this subject matter.

The one criticism that I would give is that it seems to focus too much on the trials and tribulations of the journalists and whistle-blowers. This is really fine, and an important part of the story, but just one episode would have been enough.

If you at all followed this story on the news and watched Joe Rogan's podcast, like many of us have already have, it's really just a more succinct telling of what you already knew from the people you've already seen except for one new cool footage of a "jellyfish UFO".

My personal preference would have been to use the last two episodes to meticulously walk through the most compelling video footage, explain the supporting opinions and testimony on them, explain why the footage and testimony are credible and then end the series with a debate between credible whistle-blowers, scientists, etc... on are these:
  • Aliens?

  • Hidden US tech, if so, was it Alien derived?

  • Adversary tech, if so, was it Alien derived?

  • Inter-dimensional tech?

  • Some kind of time-bending tech for humans in the future?

  • etc...
We all saw the videos, we all saw at least some of the whistle-blower testimony, and we're all sure that it's something, we just don't know what they are. A systemic walkthrough of all the potentials in detail with the pros and cons of each would have been very compelling.
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AKA (2023)
Better than you'd expect
29 April 2023
First the film is in French, so if you speak french or don't mind reading subtitles it's a solid choice.

It's kind of a Jason Bourne / Extraction type film, but done in a more realistic manner. Magazines aren't always magically full, the bad guys don't die from one shot while the good guys get shot 5 times and keep fighting, and while the hero is heroic, he's not completely impervious to the bad guys like a lot of action movies portray heroes.

Alban Lenoir does a great job being a badass and doesn't ruin the movie trying to look cool or have some stupid catch phrase that makes it cheesy. I definitely would watch another movie where he's the hero.

The action is really great, the sets are good, and you can stay immersed in the story pretty easily. The story is good and has a couple twists, but there's a couple of predictable times as well which was a little disappointing.

The fight scenes and shootouts are really good, the close quarter fighting is stellar but some of the long range shooting is not as good as it could have been. Hero not having enough cover, the missed shots causing little explosions, etc...

Overall a really solid action movie that won't disappoint you, If it were in English (I don't mean dubbed), I think more people would be talking about it.
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From Black (2023)
Premise is good, but movie could be better
29 April 2023
I really like horror movies and liked the premise of this movie very much, but it could have been way better.

The directing and sets are good, the story is good, the soundtrack is good, the special effects are good, but....

I don't know if it's the writing or Anna Camp's acting, but at no point did I find her character believable. John Ales was really the stand-out actor is this movie, and even Jennifer Lafleur who played Anna's sister put on a good performance. Every time Anna had any dialog though, it just slapped me in the face and popped me out of the atmosphere.

Anna has a number of acting credits, so maybe it's the writing, but it just seemed like she was monotone and her emotions didn't seem reasonable, nor matched the dialog correctly.

It's funny, I only watched this movie with actors I never heard of because it was rated a whopping 9.0, but by the time I finished the movie it had already fallen to 4.5 which is a bit harsh. I would say this is what I expect from the low 6's.

The movie is worth watching because the premise of the movie is kind of cool, but don't expect too much. Honestly, this could have easily been more on the level of the movie Seven if they had some more seasoned actors, or possibly writers.
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Ambush (I) (2023)
Writing and Directing Leaves a Lot to Be Desired
3 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of the movie is pretty good and they have some really talented actors, but you can feel something is off right from the beginning, especially if you have been in the military or even are just a connoisseur of military movies / documentaries.

A forward base is something we've all seen, but as soon as you lay eyes on this base, even a five year-old would wonder why on earth anyone would build a base like that. Why do they have like 30 guys on the base, no vehicles, but like 100 55 gallon drums?

The whole premise of the movie is that they come in possession of a secret binder with a complete list of secret agent locations and need to protect it. Someone accidentally discharges a weapon and the special forces captain throws the binder on the ground to go yell at the guy which allows a ditch-digger to get to thumb through it. What?! C'mon!

The dialogue just seems off too. When one 20-year old ditch digger, asks the other 20 year-old ditch digger what was in the binder - he asks 'Did it look like a ledger?" Who the heck would say that?

When the base gets attacked, they hide the binder in an ammo can in the HQ. What!? It's literally one inch thick, anyone who'd job it was to protect it would put it down this pants, or bury it under one of the hundreds of 55-gallon drums, it would never be found even if they totally lost the base.

In another ridiculous situation, as the base is being attacked, the captain orders every single soldier to leave the base to peruse the retreating attackers. It must not have seemed ridiculous enough, because then both the retreating and the pursuing solders then both stand in the open unloading machine gun fire at each other - AK-47 versus M16 at about 20 or 30 yards.

Mark Burman is an accomplished writer / director / producer, but quite honestly he really should have hired a military consultant on this one. Anyone who likes war movies, or even occasionally watches war documentaries on the History Channel sees right through this movie. It's really hard to even watch this to the end with all the cliches and totally unbelievable actions taken.
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Really Well Done!
14 September 2022
I really wasn't expecting much from this movie. Staring no one I knew other than Gina Gershon who I haven't seen in anything for years, and with a female protagonist, I was expecting it to be set in Woketardia - but boy was I wrong.

The acting and dialog was great and the story kept me interested even in the phase of building the background before the action. I wouldn't say they are really any plot twists, but at the same time I wasn't able to predict what was going to happen as you can normally do with crime movies.

Kudos to the writers and actors, I'm going to put Aubrey Plaza and Theo Rossi onto the list of actors to look for in future movies I'm considering watching - they really showed the subtleties of their characters.

Not a ton of action, but a solid 7 - I stretched it to 8 just because of the superior acting from someone I didn't recognize.
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The Summoned (2022)
Better than I thought
14 August 2022
I like horror movies and didn't really expect much, but was really happy with the story line. I was happy that it wasn't a rehash of a story I've already seen and the acting / directing was good despite my never having heard of any of them.

I think with a little effort it could have been much scarier though. It made me daydream of a Korean or Japanese version that could scare the pants off of people.

It would have been a lot scarier if they did a "Ghost Ship" ending where when you thought it was all over, you learn that it's just restarting fresh.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Awesomely Awesome....
10 July 2022
It's really refreshing to finally see someone make the kind of shows we're all craving.... It's really sad to have to say it, but this kind of show used to be the norm, but now they're few and far between. Not to say this is an average show, because it isn't. It's very well done, and not at all predicable like most Special Ops comes home to trouble movies. This honestly had me scratching my head unable to figure out which way this was going to go.

Action packed, plot twists, and none of the shoehorning of virtual signalling into the story-line where it just doesn't fit. I really can't say enough about this show, it's really everything you'd hope for.

Whoever cast Jai Courtney as the bad guy deserves a raise, that guy just makes an awesome bad-guy and I'm honestly not sure why someone would cast anyone else!

I'm only on episode 3, but I already know I'll be counting the days until season 2!
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I bet you cry...
17 June 2022
Indian movies never sound appealing to me, but it seems I always end up liking them.

I kind of expected a crime movie based on the synopsis, but it really wasn't and I sure am glad it wasn't. This is really a very well done (acted, directed, written) drama that actually got me choked up at times. The synopsis really doesn't do it justice.

If you can handle movies with subtitles, you won't regret watching this one. I bet you cry a couple time near the end, not because it shows you something sad like Old Yeller does, but because it makes you feel so good.
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Don't waste your time
15 June 2022
I like war movies and I'm very lenient, but this one is just too terrible. Reverse angle on the filing, and the numbers are backwards... Bad acting... obvious he actors never fired a gun before... bad special effects...

I tried... I tried really hard, but I only lasted 10 minutes before I gave up on this one.
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What you heard is true....
9 June 2022
If you're a Star Wars fan, you have to see it. Yeah, it's not as good as you hoped, but you get to see Darth Vader be scary, so you've got to see it anyway, plus the Inquisitors from Star Wars Rebels are kind of cool.

Moses Ingram does over act a little, but I think she's more a victim of costume design and make-up. Her baddie persona just isn't believable because she's in the company of real baddies. Rupert Friend and Sung Kang look the part and are scary to even just look at, while Moses looks like she just came out of a spa treatment. If they gave her some scars, a beat-up uniform, maybe a chunk of her head missing or something to make it look like she's lived a tough life, she would be much more believable.

Set design pops you out of the immersion at some points, but not nearly as bad as Boba Fett did. Like the city at Tatooine just doesn't have enough clutter - anyone who has traveled to the middle east would immediately feel that something is strange without clutter in the corners of the streets, and when Obi-Wan digs up a box, it looks like someone put a box in a complete hole rather than a box becoming visible from removal of dirt around it. Some of the Storm Troopers are dirty on Tatooine, but plenty of other characters (like the inquisitors) are totally clean (even their shows) despite walking on unpaved roads with dirt blowing all over the place. Just pulls you out of the fantasy at times.

I like female leads and female action heroes, but in this is just feels forced. Every single woman is a strong willed, courageous, and intelligent while every single man is depressed, broken, and a total doof that needs a woman to help them or they're totally dead. Now, some of this is OK, but when it's every single time, it just doesn't feel natural. If this were true, no woman would ever marry a man and the human race would go extinct - there has to be at least a couple competent men around.

I have no idea why they can't find a writer that is also a Star Wars fan, but it just feels like a deal with the devil where you technically got what you asked for, but at the same time it's not what you wanted and you immediately regret it. Yeah, we wanted Obi Wan, but we wanted the confident, active, and competent warrior Obi-Wan from the movies. Not a depressed butcher who gave up on life and needs a whole season of encouragement to be half of what he was.

It really feels like a social experiment where someone said "Okay, this story that everyone loves, how do we move the arc from here to there", then they got some writers who aren't hardcore fans to move the story line from a fun-loving, competent warrior protecting Luke for his whole life to a broken man who is brought back to life by a woman forcing him to go protect a little girl instead of Luke and saved from death (numerous times) as well as made successful by yet another woman.

It makes me almost scared to ask for an all Vader series... He'll end up having the batteries in his suit removed by Reva and spend the whole season knitting in the corner while Reva succeeds at everything he previously failed at and installs Whoopie Goldberg as Supreme Leader.
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Great for People Who Don't Follow the Topic Closely
7 June 2022
For people who follow the current events surrounding children transitioning genders, there isn't a whole lot of new information that will be learned in this movie, but it is very well made, a combination of amusing and horrifying, and nice to document what experts really say (or refuse to say when cornered).

For people who don't follow the topic closely, it's a really great film for documenting the breadth of the issue without needing to scotch-tape numerous interviews together to form your opinion.

It's really amusing to watch experts, Phd's in the field, doctors, councilors, etc... dodge giving a straight answer to simple questions that cut to the heart of the issue.

The one critique that I would have is that I wish the movie were longer and contained even more interviews, I would have really liked (and expected) to see interviews with Walt Heyer and Blaire White which I really wish were included in the film.
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The Actual Plane Isn't Believable
31 May 2022
The acting is not bad, and the story is so-so (predictable and not very deep, but that's okay for war movies), but the actual spitfire is embarrassing and almost made the movie unwatchable.

The opening sequence is the Spirtfire flying while avoiding flak, and the 100% CGI plane is horrendous, even worse than MS Flight Simulator. Same thing with the single flack burst that was copied and pasted numerous times.

I almost shut the movie off then, but decided to tough it out for a while, but every time you almost start to look past the terrible CGI, they through some other ridiculousness in your face. The actual plane used in land scenes is obviously a mock-up built with Phillips screws that weren't used on Spitfires, some even aren't painted, and every surface is brand new - showing zero use. Kind of like watching a jungle warfare movie where they've been trekking through a tropical jungle for weeks, but their faces are still clean, their T-Shirts still white, no one is sweating, and their uniforms are still clean with creases intact.

It's really hard to look past the poor attention to detail and get immersed into this movie, no matter how hard you try.
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