
25 Reviews
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satire of the new world
10 January 2004
This is a very good satire of the snobism of the new world`s men believing in the american dream, where competition is all and to be number one rules! Highly recommended to all who think the same and I`d suggest you should think on the words of the two protagonists meeting the director on the hip near the so-called Niagara! Spicey!
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hungarian portrait of those sixties
10 January 2004
This is a very significant and specific hungarian portrait of the sixties as we know them, with their rebel youth, solid concepts worth fighting for, while times "they were a-changing". Highly recommended in order to know that hippies weren`t only american...
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two concepts previously met at bergman and antonioni
10 January 2004
The title of this film contains two concepts previously met at ingmar bergman (silence) and michelangelo antonioni (cry). Although I wouldn`t say this is the reason jancso uses them for, I think they involve a definite psichology and one should watch it only as a conosceur of art films as the order to fully understand it. Also, using two such extreme concepts analyzing the shades of human spirit, it manages to portray a tuff philosophical image of its depths.
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Jancso`s most antonionian movie...
17 September 2003
This is Miklos Jancso`s most antonionian film. I`m saying this because it draws most eloquenty the figure of the estranged intelectual in search for his roots. Beautifuly photographed, intelligently exposed. Don`t go searching for a plot though; focus on the characters.
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kafkian story of an insignificant teacher
21 March 2002
This is the story of a shool teacher who becomes a mementary hero after having rescued a stuffed-bird from a school incident! In esence, he is the prototype of the small and insignificant man and this fact is to be generalized even by his name(Nyul - meaning "rabbit"- Bela).When he sees his name wriiten on the walls as all insignificants spiritual leader, who must go, we know there`s no way out for him, but the inevitable death!Heartbreaking and sad, but so real, in the same time!Don`t miss it!
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Stalker (1979)
quintessence of life,magistraly portrayed in a masterpiece
7 March 2002
I cannot think suddenly of another movie that would be able to compete artistically with Tarkovskij`s masterpiece!Some consider his ultimate work Andrej Rubljov or perhaps Soalris, as for me i think this one is the top!Without describing the plot and the rest,as this movie MUST be seen by all art fans, I would just think that the pessimistic but metaphisical images here have no clear meaning, but once one sees them will never be able to forget them! Philosophicaly high, artisticaly ultimate!
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high-leveled meanings personified in the final scene
4 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
"Reconstituirea" is probably one of the most substanced Romanian film ever made in a country where cinematography doesn`t "fell at home"!It is the story of 2 young men of the communist era taken to a chalet in the mountains in order to rebuild a felony,which in the end leads to an unvoluntary murdering of one of them by the other.Senseless procedures are magistraly portrayed us all culminating in the end with the scene of the 2 fellas in which one of them begs for forgiveness,while the other concludes that he has enough of it all!Touching scene,great performances!Unmissable!
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Sunday at Six (1966)
yet another Pintilie masterpiece!
4 February 2002
If you have never seen Pintilie`s other masterpiece("Reconstituirea"),it would be quite difficult getting used to this world, where hard feelings run around in difficult times lived by emotionally charged people.This is the story of a couple struggling in a hopless world between obstacles that are thought in the end the meaning of the "big brother" concept and still,not giving up,even when was ready to!
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beautiful images,touching view
4 January 2002
I was wondering how interesting could be the story of a piano player born and raised on a ship!Well,if not so much for the plot,this movie is worth being checked out first of all for the beautiful sight magistraly offered to us by Giuseppe Tornatore(not a surprise for those who have previously seen Cinema Paradiso).Although the ship is undoubtebly alike Titanic,here(as well as there)the elegancy of the images is offered by the costumes and all that "sight candy" that after all and unfortunately the films drowns into making the viewer forget where did he lose the plot line!
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Deep Water (1999 TV Movie)
chilly horroristic thriller
12 December 2001
If one would draw a map of the scandinavian cinema,they`d have there the claustrophobic visions of Ingmar Bergman,the social care of Aki Kaurismaki,the melodrama of Lars von Trier and the horror of Ole Bornedal.Now,this particular work(I don`t now how many people saw Nightwach)builds up the thrill little by little.The mayor of a danish community is taken to hospital because of a heart attack and all the problems must be handled by the vice(Nils),but then there`s also the mayor`s son,a gambler who just seem to keep losing control on everything.Therefore a following tragedy becomes quite inevitable!
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Palmetto (1998)
a modern film-noir wannabe
10 December 2001
I think that this must have been Schlondorff`s idea when he began shooting this movie!Although is seems to feature some elements of this kind,the plot as well as poor Woody gets lost between all the babes around!And what babes!Worth watching at least for them!
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The Score (2001)
slow plot,easily detectable clips-NOT a must-see!
6 December 2001
Three generations of actors` best!What could go wrong here?Well,it looks like everything!De Niro kinda retakes his Heat character,Brando is like an overveighted Jon Voight of the same film(Heat)and Norton,well,he`s just proving on his fitness for a fortcoming Oscar!Is it only in my imagination or did anybody else notice that lately Bob is,well,recycling his previous hits?(fire expert cop in 15 Minnutes aka Backdraft,the famous Taxi Driver question again in Rocky & Bullwinkle)and if so,what for?Sorry,guys this doesn`t look like a blockbuster!
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Heat (1995)
top quality action drama somewhere half way between The Godfather and Shortcut
23 November 2001
Wow!I never thought that finally the time will come!I mean the best of the best,right?Pacino,the cop vs.De Niro the gang!Good vs. evil!Although the movie seems a pure action thriller, It is obviously far more than that!Useless to start explaining it!Don`t rent it,buy it!It is worth it!
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a pupeteer accidently finds the portal to John Malkovich`s head!
14 November 2001
Being John Malkovich was beyond my expectations!I mean this is perhaps the most original idea lately captured on screen!It is the plane story of an unemployed pupeteer(John Cusack)who gets a job at a wired company at the 7 1/2-th floor(it has a completely screed up,yet funny story!)of the building and accidently discovers the portal to John Malkovich`s head!Thing is taht his wife(unrecogniseble Cameron Diaz!)feels attracted as well to the idea,completely blowing up his plans.Malkovich is top even as himself(so far only Con Air blacks his career!Sorry,fans!)and even funnier as watched "on the inside"!Also notable directing of previously quite unnoted Spike Jonze.Rent this one if you haven`t yet and,even better,get it for your own collection!It is worth it!Freud surely would!
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Lolita (1997)
a middle aged literature teacher attracted by a young girl
13 November 2001
Since I have not seen Kubrick`s version of Lolita,I`m not in position to compare it to the cover version,so I`ll just take a fellow cinefil`s word taht this is a rare case when the remake is superior to the original(as opposed to the covers of Psycho,The Getaway,12 angry men or,recently,Planet of the apes).J.Irons as Humbert is top,but,as one of my all time favourites,I always expect him so!He rents a room at an attractive widow who`s daughter Dolores(Lolita,Lo)will shortly become the object of his affliction.He marries the widow(M.Griffith is also strong)just to be close to little Lo... The fact that this film was prohibited due to pedophilic acusations seems stupid to me if you take a look at its undoubtable literal value!Even knowing this "dangerous liaison" could(and actually will!)cause his end,Humbert lets himself carried by the flow,hoping to accomplish his utopia.Excelent Dominique Swain debut(?)and an A.Lyne at his best-all this makes a memorable cinematographic literature of Nabokov`s book!
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Ferrara`s masterpiece about a junkie corrupt cop
7 November 2001
If you would want to include this one in a certain category,well,it can give you quite some trouble as it containes many elements of both drama,crime as well as art.I don`t really recall to have previously seen such a stunning Keitel performance,maybe only later(see Reservoir Dogs,Pulp Fiction).The story of a corrupt cop,Bad Lieutenant is also a carefully prepared drama which leads the viewer to its main caharacter`s redemption in the end,as the ultimate solution.He investigates the case of a raped nun and learns to come in touch with his innerself after having abused of both his position and people he comes in contact with.As a junkie,he comites every felony,wondering in a vicious dark hole.The superb images of Jesus(crucified and standing in front of the broken Harvey asking for forgivness)are amplifying the art of Ferrara`s masterpiece.Unforgetable!
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A complete original view of Homer`s Odyssey
6 November 2001
If previously I said about the Coens that they`re the best,well,up from it would be certainly geniuses!I mean what other movie makers from nowadays(especially Americans!)would be presenting us with such stunning pieces?! Based on Homer`s Odyssey,Clooney`s character is taken after Ulysses(see his name)and George surprises us pleasantly to sing better than ok!Adventures after the prison escape of the 3 characters(also J.Turturro and Tim Blake Nelson),musical succes(as the Soggy Bottom Boys),meeting 3 syrenes,facing the Ku-Klux-Klan are amazingly narated in the very well known Coen style!Frankly,I remain a Big Lebowski fan,but this is yet another admirable and funny piece of work to remind us of the times of Babyface Nelson(himself a movie character).Don`t miss it!
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Cult fans get ready!
5 November 2001
Although he is not probably the most well-known european cinematographer,Lars von Trier is surely one of the best this industry has lately produced.Dancer in the dark is not only a cult movie but an emotionaly charged touching masterpiece.bjork is exceptional in her first ever movie role as the blind Selma Jezkova,coming to the US to be able to raise founds for her son`s eye operation to save him from going enterely blind as herself,proving incredible determination and also that she could easily fit the big screen!Nedless to say,she is admirably seconded by C.Deneuve.However,the cast is very well chosen in its integrity(Peter Stormare,Udo Kier)with surprisingly good performances(David Morse)!The dramaturgy is also greatly combined musical elements.Trier`s specific nervous camera work is superbly suported by bjork`s music(her first soundtrack!).All in one,an amazing combination of fantasy and reality!Strongly recomended!
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the Coens are the best!
29 October 2001
I don`t recall to have seen a bad Coen movie so far,but this one particulary became my favourite of them all!Incredibly funny with strong performances and original characters which are toped by John Turturro`s appearence as "Jesus Quintana"(at bowling!).The confusion caused by his name(confused to a similary named millionaire)brings a "lot of worries on the Dude`s head".Both Jeff Bridges and John Goodman are at one of their career`s best!The apelatives then(The Dude,His Dudeness,El Duderino)are amplifying Bridges`late hip character`s originality!Acording to Goodnman(as Walt Sobcheck)everything has a "literal" conection to Vietnam(he is a vet).Also,he is the always-ready-to-help buddy of the Dude but mostly screws it all! Unexpected ending where all facts come to light is also very cleverly done!Strongly recomended to all Coen and good movie fans in general!
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
long live Tarantino!
29 October 2001
It`s been called "the most influential film since CITIZEN KANE".I don`t know whether that is a fact or not,but this masterpiece is certainly one of the ten best movies made in the last say ten years! Extremely well structured plot and a diversity of characters that just play each other off the screen!Every part of the story has its well-diserved place and reason building up a unique "fiction",lasting for two and a half barely noticeble hours!Brilliant performances by the likes of Uma Thurman,Bruce Willis,Harvey Keitel,Chris Walken are toped by the front duo(Travolta-Jackson)!The fact is that if this film couldn`t have brought John Travolta back to the spotlight,well,nothing could!
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Snatch (2000)
26 October 2001
Guy Ritchie gives us yet another real spectacle of both plot and characters in this incredibly vigurous and amazing piece of work!Whoever thought "Lock,stock..." can`t be equaled,well,here`s the time to think again!The plot is focused on various aspects such as a big shiny diamond and there`s also an(by B.Pitt very well portrayed)irish unlicensed boxing champion,as well as unique figures as the likes of cousin Avi,Brick Top,Frankie Four-Fingers,Boris-the-Blade etc.We are also taken into the British underworld with its kinky "habits"(see the "pig-punishment"!),which make the story even more fun.If you are by now a Ritchie fan,here`s another piece to fall to your grace "like butta"!
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Buffalo '66 (1998)
a moving childhood portrait
25 October 2001
Buffalo`66 was to me what you can call an art movie in its esence for quite some time now since the work of those great masters such as Antonioni,Fellini etc.Focused on portraying Gallo`s boyhood(Billy Brown as his alter-ego)it is a distinguished piece of work with a high standard quality thanks to the performances of the likes of both Angelica Houston and Ben Gazzara.A brief encounter of Mickey Rourke is also notable.All in one,a movie recomendable for every/any parents wanna-be!
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The Apostle (1997)
outstanding drama about redemption
18 October 2001
Duvall`s amazing performance both as an actor and director,one of his career`s finest!The story is focused on a small comunity preacher and his maniac attraction for preaching.Unfaithful wife(Farah Fawcett)is just "match in the gasstank".Under a new id(as apostle EF)he is given the chance to perform again as a preacher,which seals his faith in the end as a fugitive,after having murdered.A both moral and dramatical brilliant performance,which why exactly didn`t deserve the Oscar? Obviously,the Academy is not an independent filmmakers`fan!
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Bolse vita (1996)
portrayal of the events that took place after 89
18 October 2001
I think this is a significant movie for those interested in the crucial events after 89,when "east met west".The story of 2 russian musicians searching for the "promised land",and another one who has to face the the real facts when he tries to make his way out.Eventualy and accidently he dies after having returned to Budapest,leaving us with a sorrow taste of his unsuccessful struggle.In order to completely understand the meaning of this film and really get its feeling,one should be a man of those times and places:an eastern!
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The Brave (1997)
a young father`s struggle to better his family`s life
17 October 2001
This is a very Kusturica like movie,as its feeling in any case.It`s based on the idea of a father`s supreme sacrifice in order to offer the chance of a better life for his family.This psychological drama`s feeling becomes a little bit hilarious though by Brando`s appearance as the "angel of death".Otherwise a very good start for Johnny`s "behind the camera" career.
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