
3 Reviews
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Target (2004)
The most wooden acting since Pinocchio
10 September 2004
Absolute trash. No one in the movie could act except for ex-child actress Patty McCormack as the waitress.

Stephen Baldwin, in a ridiculous haircut, delivers all his lines in a monotone. Zero character development. All the actors were completely unbelievable.

Hokey made-for-TV dialogue, especially between Baldwin and CIA computer operator. How many times can she say, "Listen, brother, I've got your back!"? Conveniently finds troubled CIA black sheep to help him. Coincidentally encounters young girl to aid him. Mindless, bumbling LA cops are horrible stereotypes. Estranged wife predictably warms as they bring children to crime scene (don't they always?)

Melodramatic suspense music made it laughable. Formulaic plot with gratuitous flashbacks and predictable shots.

Starts with an interrogation that is never concluded. Low budget dreck. Unbearable to watch. Sorry I rented it.
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Rude, disgusting people
18 January 2004
The plot of this movie had absolutely no redeeming value--filled with irresponsible, pervy, over-sexed kids, selfish, insensitive to anyone but themselves. (Yeah, I know that's what some kids are like, but this movie validates their self-absorption.) When the daughter says Glenn "owes" her, I would've smacked that daughter if I were Glenn Close! Too many martyred parents hoping their kids will like them. Let's bring back real parents who know who the adult is. These were lost people all searching for values. Ugh! Many, many distasteful scenes: looking at a comatose man's privates? Masturbating naked in the backyard? The whole subplot about the boy with a doll? Who ARE these people? This is the kind of movie that rightfully elicits the criticism that Hollywood is out of touch with America's values. What a waste of good actors. Would Jimmy Stewart, Henry Fonda, Spencer Tracey, Humphrey Bogart even watch this movie let alone agree to act in it? Hardly. Trash parading as deep and profound.
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The Ring (2002)
Horrible Horror Flick
30 November 2003
The implausible plot, full of holes, is its first weakness. Supporting players are better than the wooden stars. The fatal error is the fact that the key murder is suffocation with a plastic bag--which wasn't invented at the time! An utter waste of time.
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