
15 Reviews
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Entertainment Divorce
28 March 2023
All of these high ratings must be tied to the excessive entertainment demographic. With the principals being in entertainment, a skewed viewpoint follows.

I had more feeling of loss listening to Neil Sedaka's Breaking up is Hard to Do.

Aren't all divorces dreadfully painful. Face it, amicable divorces are the ones where love didn't exist in the first place. Many marriages are ones of convenience, transactional, or alliance based.

Adam Driver being self centered in entertainment profession is like "water off a duck's back". Not going to remember this piece the following week.

Not a tissue lost in the viewing of this film.
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Haul Out the Holly (2022 TV Movie)
Hallmark Christmas Headed for a Landfill
30 December 2022
Lame. Lame. Lame.

Parents pull wool over unsuspecting daughter's eyes by ditching her for sunshine. Burden her for her own good. Yeah. A true adult would just ignore the HOA president's tyrannical demands and relax. Concoct is a term that comes to mind and not in a good way.

The middle school humor was painful. How did these actors hold it together after reading the script? Are you that hard up for a paycheck? The instructions must have been behave so over the top that the children appeared more intelligent. They even brought in ace relievers in Kristopher Polaha/Eric Mabius...and it wasn't salvageable.

The saving grace was this one was not woke, which doesn't say much.
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Undercover Holiday (2022 TV Movie)
Mixed race mojito
30 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Noemi Gonzalez did not have the chops to win Pop Star USA. Her acapella singing said it all. NG was not sporting the age appropriate shape for just winning such a fictitiously prestigious award. JLO is smaller than NG at her advanced years. Steven Huszar did not pair well with NG. Talk about forced bonding. It is absurd that NG would wait until SH and her are in front of her family to spring the tired 'boyfriend' card on her family. Come on, man ... a Navy Seal wouldn't have "plot, plan, and execute" prior to arriving. He would really suck at this bodyguard job if so.

The whole 'fake' NG tantrum at SH and her brother keeping the mysterious notes from her is ridiculous.

I am so glad that I was able to fast forward through this one.
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Game, Set, Love (2022 TV Movie)
Hallmark continues to subliminal market for LGBTQ+
11 September 2022
Hello from the sane Hallmark viewer group, you should follow Netflix and quit bending the knee Notice at the 6 min mark the LGBTQ+ flag purse? Venus Williams as a consultant to this TV movie, one would expect nothing else.

The main leads have no chemistry and are not a convincing couple.

When Hallmark manages to create some worthy content with good story and convincing characters, then maybe a glimmer of its halcyon days would be in view. Bringing back Lori Laughlin to the Hallmark group is definitely going in the wrong direction. Hallmark values an unethical person says a lot. Paying her gobs of cash to be that self entitled prat is even more egregious.
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The Orville: Future Unknown (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
Gendel Three or slap at U.S.A
11 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The episode tries to be subtle in its woke beliefs and sublimely steer you to that conclusion. Marriage between a human and ANYTHING is OK! Oh wow, a planet with nations having borders! The condescending tone of Commander Kelly's voice. Imagine that? Countries having nuclear weapons. Surprised? Its not a Utopia...according to Woketard ideals. Yet, shouldn't they have the freedom of choice?

The only good part of the episode was that Scott Grimes can carry a tune...if only to belt a Kumbaya styled song.
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A worthy sequel, 30 years in the making
31 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Maverick has lost the swagger and replaced it with doubt. Not doubt about his ability to fly with the "best of the best" (although he is clearly a cut above the rest even some blow hard 3-star admiral), but the burdens of unresolved issues that come with the passage of time.

When Cruise was asked what type of movie the sequel was on the red carpet of the USS MIdway, he did not say an action picture. The military aspect of the plot was a rip-off of Star Wars IV. The majority of the movie focused on interpersonal relationships and how all of it came together to take the viewer from the past to the present with a deft touch.

Cruise deserves accolades for this picture as a well blended vehicle. I suspect that he will be denied for purely political reasons. If not, he will have to be content to rake in much $$$.

I don't think Maverick can wait another 30 years for a follow-up. But, I am sure Cruise doesn't feel any need.
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FBI: Protective Details (2022)
Season 4, Episode 16
Spewing sewage from boss lady's mouth
18 April 2022
SAIC Castille says "...even if he (Congressman) thinks out two families don't belong here". She responds to her agents when Congressman says "Not his parents who came here illegally in the first place"?

Are the writers so stupid that they are incapable of recognizing that the FBI's purpose to enforce the laws of the United States and NOT their own moronic opinions? Guess NOT.

This show HAD decent writers and replaced them with those that write based on 'feelings'. What could go wrong?
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Blue Bloods: Allegiance (2022)
Season 12, Episode 14
Trust and Relationships
28 February 2022
This episode made me suspicious of the relationships one maintains. Father-son, Husband-wife, Aunt-nephew,DA-Cop, et al. Nice to see Tony Danza, but hard to see him age less than gracefully. Pop explaining the rationale for NYPD rule was different and interesting. Family dinner was a great place for Eddie to expose more of professional self. Joe is player!!!
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Under the Influence (2022)
Season 13, Episode 9
Social Media and Privilege
28 February 2022
Holy Molely!

An episode that focused on waste of government resources for the PRIVILEGED! A reflection of present day. Social media snowflake's mommy is government bureaucrat so she needs elevated attention when her acolytes aren't able to fawn over last trip to the bathroom. Highlight generational divide of what is important vs what is pure self indulgence. Barf!
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Ritchie Torres the FUTURE of the Liburtards???
14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Bill Maher and Bari Weiss attempted to create a reasoned basis for their positions. Ritchie Torres was an obvious shill for his woke party. Please see Bari's expression at 31:11 when Ritchie says more guns, more violence theory. Both Bari and Bill push back. This show has been moving glacially back toward the center because failing ratings. If you keep brining morons like Ritchie Torres on the show, then expect the same declining ratings.
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Marry Me (2022)
Notting Hill remake comes up short
12 February 2022
Sorry Owen and JLO, Hugh and Julia "stuck the landing". The use of children to get easy sympathy is not art, but manipulation. The dog was an underwhelming prop. It did feel like a long running music video with a commentary overlay.
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Hope these medical students don't become doctors
21 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Navy Seal has guilt and PTSD which makes his judgment suspect. His rant with the military bot was uninspired and incredibly the bot came up with the 'human' belief of sacrifice.

Regarding the medical students, they sure could not reason worth spit. So many examples, but loved where the bot becomes immobile in the cave where they have to climb over it staying out of its reach. The bot's automatic firearm is just out of its reach in the direction the students are traveling. They leave the firearm laying on the ground as they flee. The Navy Seal says its only a matter of time before the bot frees itself. Seriously?

It was hard to watch and disappointed Neal McD did not bring out his ultra sinister skills on the screen.

Frankly, i didn't care who lived or died which allowed me to switch it off before the end.
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Christmas CEO (2021 TV Movie)
Christmas and CEO?
27 December 2021
Paul Greene is personable enough! Marisol Nicols is bubbly when needed. They don't click romantically.

The storyline would have worked with other leads.

Now that Hallmark needs to virtue signal with POC checks the 2021 box. Christmas' niece, on queue, acts angry and switches to convivial. Check. I wanted this to succeed, but felt more like paint drying instead of holiday cheer.
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Finch (2021)
Tom Hanks: Lessons from his Greek Sequester
5 November 2021
Tom Hanks has had many fine roles. I have enjoyed them.

Fast forward to present day. Actors who have reached success seem to use a template for future endeavors. Tom is no different. This could be a tweak of Cast Away.

It could be that Tom needs to stay 'current' as when a pilot needs to log flight hours. Hope for a return to glory.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Indentured (2021)
Season 13, Episode 3
The Left doing what it claims the Right does
26 October 2021
Well the Leftard controlled machine falsely generalizes the right as anti-immigrant, 2A fanatic, and conspiracy theorists. 6:55 timestamp.

Notice that Leftards are not portrayed by the entertainment machine for how they ACT.

All television shows are myopic and follow a false Leftard narrative. Go broke already,
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