14 Reviews
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A Surprisingly lovable Movie
24 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Despite a slow start in Brooklyn, I absolutely loved this movie, mainly for the action scenes & the references thou.

Voice Acting: Surprisingly, I ended up enjoying Chris Pratt as Mario, & I enjoyed Charlie Day's Luigi, Seth Green's DK, Anna Taylor Joy's Peach, Keegan-Michael Key's Toad & of course, Jack Black's Bowser (although, I always love everything Jack Black is in such as School of Rock & the Kung Fu Panda movies. Fred Amisen's Cranky Kong is probably my least liked voice acting, however, it still made me chuckle at times. Other performances like Lumalee & Kamek are pretty great too. Of course, I liked Charles Martinet's cameo roles too (especially as Mario's Father).

Characters: As for the characters themselves, well, of course, I absolutely love them. Mario has funny moments & Luigi is pretty great too. However, the standout character for me, is Peach, not sure if its thanks to Anna-Taylor Joy or not, but I absolutely loved Peach in this movie. I recently watched a Paper Mario playthrough, and I loved Peach in that game for the same reasons as I loved Peach in the movie, she is badass awesome & isn't treated as a damsel in distress like in most traditional Mario games. Donkey Kong was pretty great too, and Cranky Kong was surprisingly hilarious. I also loved Lumalee aswell, while their role was rather minor, they were still a hilarious character for me, especially their voice acting from Juliet Jelenic. It was also pretty neat spotting characters in the background like Pauline, Diddy Kong & Dixie Kong. Don't know who voices Diddy Kong (it isn't listed on the Mariowiki yet), but it reminds me of Sprig from Amphibia. Bowser was a pretty great antagonist in the movie, and I absolutely loved his song.

Edit: Just saw that Eric Bauza voiced Diddy Kong

Story: The story itself is kinda generic for me, not really much to say honestly. I do hope the setting itself is incorporated into a future Mario game, although what I really want is the next Mario Kart game to have elements of the Kart Making Workshop in the movie, cause that was pretty cool to see.

Edit: Forgot to talk about some stuff

Animation: This movie looks fantastic, love the texture of the clothes, the scenery looks amazing and the animation, just fantastic.

Score: The soundtrack is amazing, all the references to the Mario games. I also love the 80s songs in the episode, despite it not fitting in.

Overall, I would probably give this movie a 9/10 - Love, so far, its my movie of the year so far, but I have a feeling that won't last long.
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A Second ATLA Chance
8 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Boy, I did NOT appreciate this episode at all as a kid.

I did a review in the past on this site for this episode that wasn't well received, and a lot of people weren't happy (around 46-48 people found it unhelpful), and they were right for doing so. I'm honestly glad they did looking back, and if you are reading this re-review, I thank you very much.

After this rewatch, its quite a funny episode, and seeing the characters reacting to it was funny, especially Sokka, Suki & Toph. Don't have much else to say about the episode, and I do love the meta esque jokes in this episode too. It is a pretty fun parody too.

Also, I forgot about Toph talking about Iroh to Zuko was in this episode, and I do love that moment too.

My final rating will be 9/10, and the main reason for it not been 10/10 is due to the Katara actress's crying been too annoying, I get why its like that, but still.
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The Simpsons: Bart the Daredevil (1990)
Season 2, Episode 8
An Iconic Episode
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What is to say that hasn't being said about this episode, it has Truckasaurus and the iconic scene with Homer jumping over the gorge. This is an episode I have seen at least once during my childhood, but I will say something about Truckasaurus, I never realized it was from this episode until I watched it, before then I only knew it from Simpsons Hit & Run. Love how it begins with Bart & Homer watching the same wrestling match with their friends at the same time. It is a pretty fun Bart episode, and a good look into his relationship with his father. Like the previous episode, this is another episode I would show a someone who hasn't watched an episode of The Simpsons. The Truckasaurus & Gorge scenes aren't the only good ones, as the music recital has some funny moments during it too.
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The Simpsons: Bart vs. Thanksgiving (1990)
Season 2, Episode 7
A Classic Thanksgiving
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another Season 2 Episode I remember from my childhood, it is such a good episode full of Thanksgiving feels, at least at the end of the episode. Its a good showcase of Bart & Lisa's sibling bond, and that even thou they fight, they truly do care about each other. Its a nice sibling dynamic. There are other stuff good about the episode, like the art & animation during Bart's nightmare. This deserves to be a classic episode, and is an episode I would show Simpson newcomer to get them into the show.
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The Simpsons: Dead Putting Society (1990)
Season 2, Episode 6
A Good First Flanders-Simpson Episode
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is such a great episode, especially with how it is the first episode that really showcases Homer's hatred on Flanders. Bart & Lisa have really good roles in the episode too, with Lisa fitting well into the "Voice of Reason" role in the episode. I also like how this episode ends with Todd & Bart quitting the Golf Tournament.
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The Simpsons: Moaning Lisa (1990)
Season 1, Episode 6
A great Lisa Simpson Season 1 episode
6 December 2021
When watching the Simpsons as a kid, I often related more to Lisa Simpson more than Bart, and I did see this episode at least once as a kid. Watching it nowadays, I like it even more. It's also the actual debut of Janey Powell, Lisa's fair-weathered friend, who has being a fave character of my'n since childhood. There is another character called "Jamie" that appears in the episode prior, but people seem to mix her up with Janey due to how similar their names spell & sound. Anyway, if there is a flaw in this episode, its probably the Homer & Bart plot in this episode, I just find it forgettable.
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The Simpsons: Krusty Gets Busted (1990)
Season 1, Episode 12
An enjoyable Season 1 episode
6 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is an iconic episode, and for all the right reasons. Of course, like most people, the main reason why I enjoyed this episode is due to it being the introduction of the fan favorite/favourite, Sideshow Bob. This episode is a perfect introduction to his character. The only reason it isn't a 10 is that it feels like the beginning portion of the episode drags on a bit long for me.
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The Simpsons: Manger Things (2021)
Season 32, Episode 16
A Flandering Flashback
6 December 2021
Just going to say the positive I have for this episode, the flashbacks of Homer & Marge attending the Nuclear Power Plant Party, I did enjoy that part, and I enjoyed the present stuff too, and I liked Homer's moments when he is in the attic. Now to the negative, I feel like this episode is more of a retcon than the previous episode. Honestly, I had always believed that Todd was born after Bart, but before Lisa, which in this episode isn't the case. If I recall correctly thou, there is an episode where Todd is seen before Lisa is born. I also don't like Maude's portrayal in this episode, I found her kind of annoying.
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The Simpsons: The Road to Cincinnati (2020)
Season 32, Episode 8
A fantastic example of a non-simpson family focused episode
6 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is AMAZING, I just really enjoyed this episode and its an amazing exploration of Skinner & Chalmer's relationship. As the title suggests, this is a fantastic example of a non-simpson family focused episode as all of them having a minor role. Bart is the one who inspires Skinner, but he then disappears until the end of the episode when Skinner returns, along with Lisa. Also, Bart is the only one who interacts with the main two characters of the episode, and its only Skinner who he interacts with, while Lisa just appears in the background playing skipping rope with Janey, Sherri & Terri (aka, one VERY few times where Lisa is seen with friends in Modern Simpsons). While Marge, Homer & Maggie don't appear until the end of the episode, with Marge suggestion to see a play, which connects to an earlier scene in the episode with Chalmers & Skinner.
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The Simpsons: The 7 Beer Itch (2020)
Season 32, Episode 5
Weirdest Homer Romance Episode
6 December 2021
This was yet another episode that was weird, and while I did enjoy the previous episode before (which is the Treehouse of Horror episode), this was another episode of Season 32 that I disilked. Basically, a woman who is admired a lot in England comes to Springfield and falls in love with Homer, and Homer tries to avoid her while Marge, Bart & Lisa are out on holidays. Lily (the character who falls in love with Homer) was really annoying, trying to get Homer even thou he told her he was married. If there is a positive, its that Marge doesn't find out. Also, Marge's singing at the end of the episode, even if it was intentionally made to sound the way it did, was awful.
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So, its all fake?
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really hate how this episode ended the Daring Do arc, and how it ended with the reveleation that Ahuizotl is a protector, and not the villain. I had theorized that Daring Do is a secret agent or a secret spy for Princess Celestia, and honestly, I'm going to keep that as a headcanon myself. The revelation just makes everything regarding Daring Do really confusing for me, and seriously messes up Equestrian Lore aswell. The only reason why its not a 1 is due to Fluttershy's role in this episode.
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Diamond Tiara at her WORST
28 November 2021
This episode just feels really harsh on the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and I feel like all of the characters were real OOC (minus Rainbow Dash) in this episode. Like, they get mad at the CMC for writing gossip in the paper, but they don't even think about "oh, we should charge the newspaper head", hell, Cheerilee doesn't even do anything until the end of the episode where she fires Diamond Tiara. I did say in the title that Diamond Tiara was at her WORST, and the reason is due to the characters being OOC. Like, not even Applejack or Rarity even do investigation, they've known Apple Bloom & Sweetie Belle for their whole lives, wouldn't they bit at least a bit suspicious and do some investigating. This is the WORST episode of Friendship is Magic for me.
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A Loud House Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
A surprisingly decent live action movie adaptation
28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of TLH, its one of the few Modern Shows I keep up with, and when I saw that there was a live action TLH movie that was Christmas Themed, I had my concerns, but I am surprised that I enjoyed it. So, first of all, let's start with the Positives:

1. Leni, Luna & Lynn are portrayed really well in the movie (most of the characters are imo, but those three are what stood out to me the most)

2. The song Luna sings at the end is really good

3. Bruno does a really good job as Clyde and can't wait to see more of him as Clyde in Season 6

4. The plot is generic, which is to be expected, but its generic enough that you can have it on in the background

5. The CGI reminds me of Spy Kids, which is either good or bad depending on how you view the Spy Kids trilogy, personally, it felt nostalgic

Here are the negatives:

1. I wasn't a fan of Sam's portrayal in this movie

2. There were parts of the movie that felt rushed

3. Some portrayals didn't feel right at all, such as Bobby Santiago & Rita Loud

4. The worst portrayal of the movie however was Lincoln's, I found him to be incredibly rude & selfish in this movie.
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Loki (2021–2023)
A Decent MCU TV Show
28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Loki is a pretty decent show, and I will first start with the positives:

1. They handle Time Travel really well, and seeing the alternate timelines is pretty cool

2. Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson & Jonathan Majors are pretty funny with their roles, and are highlights of the show

3. The concept of the TVA is an interesting one

Now, to the negatives:

1. I wasn't a fan of Lady Loki, I found her INCREDIBLY annoying personality wise, not to mention, I didn't really enjoy how Sophia Di Martino portrayed her either.

2. The pacing was a tad bit slow at times.
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