
46 Reviews
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Expend4bles (2023)
So Barney Ross
1 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Murdered a random guy, just because this guy beat him in thumb wrestling, where Barney lost his ring - in a fair competition? After Ross got him beat up by Lee, and took the ring, the guy won fair and square, Ross alsobabducted him and let him burn to death in a horrible plane crash? And then they laughed about it?

RIP Jumbo Shrimp, you didn't deserve any of this.

It's always good to see Stallone, Statham, Lundgren and Couture, it's like seeing an old friend at this point, but that's about it.

There's really no point to this movie, it's just these "heroes" beating everybody up - like in a video game on an "easy mode". Statham shoots, kicks or stabs, they bleed and fall and die. Rinse and repeat.

There's usually very little point to action movies, unless we're talking Predator, Terminator 1 & 2 and Rambo First Blood and a few more, but this is taking the pointlessness a tad too far.

The crew - Megan Fox looks like an inflatable s3x doll version of her former self, that's not even a face anymore. It's like a living filter.

The other girl is also totally...expendable? They are both so out of place playing mercenaries, like Stephen Hawking playing Michael Jordan in a biopic.

Honestly, I gave it 4 stars only because of nostalgia, I am 40 and I grew up watching those guys. Stallone is my childhood...and adulthood hero, I started weight training after seeing Rocky for the first time, still going strong 27 years later, but let's be honest, not all his films are exactly masterpieces.

Statham is charismatic, looks great for his age, or any age, but his best work was in Transporter.

Dolph is having some serious health issues, from what I understand, maybe that's why his role seemed even more limited, than before, but it was good to see him.

Would I watch Exp5ndables? Or Expendable5? Or however would they name the next installation? Very likely, again, just to see those guys, not because the films are that good.
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Nefarious (2023)
Zero special effects
25 June 2024
...yet so very effective.

The demon actor takes the cake, so does the writing - for the most part.

I will get the bad out of the way first, as there's very little of it.

1) The detective with a gun viewing the execution - would he be really allowed to have a gun on him? What for? So that was convenient, also very unnecessary. The breakdown could have been done differently.

2) The bum/demon in the end - totally unnecessary. Demon should have just taken the psychiatrist because 3) the psychiatrist already invited the demon in - which is my third point - why did the demon need another agreement for the book, the psychiatrist already let him in, so the demon doesn't need any other permission. With so much thought put into the writing and the character, this to me seems like a serious flaw.

These points almost make me want to rate the film a 9, but the demon actor was so good and the back and forth conversation was just so well written, that I am going to let it slide. Maybe I would rate it a 9.5, but tha can't be done.

It wasn't the original Exorcist - the best horror movie ever made and one of the best movies overall, it wasn't Rosemary's baby, or Omen, it was a totally different kind of a horror.

No special effects, just a very strong character, playing mind games, controlling everyone around him, destroying his poor vessel Edward, whom he makes suffer the most - because he's evil and it gives him pleasure.

Some say, that this film can't be a 10, because it's not Citizen Kane - I agree, it's not, as I didn't fall asleep 20 minutes into watching this film.

This film was actually captivating, so incredibly "simple" - taking place mostly in one room, most of it is just a conversation, most of which a monologue and most of the acting done by the demon actor.

There were plenty other movies about demon possession, mental illness, multiple personality disorders - this one was the most well played evil/demon character I've ever seen, in about 30 years of watching horror movies on a weekly basis.

This has to be the best new/current film, that I've seen in last 20 years. Don't get me wrong, I've seen many fantastic films - but all of them are older ones, new films don't tend to impress me at all, so this was an unexpected surprise. Most of the horror movies on Prime are so weak, that a 6 rating here, is a 3 rating from me.
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The Resort (2021)
Low effort
23 June 2024
Let me start with the things, I actually appreciated. Filming in an abandoned resort actually sounds like a great idea - especially, if you had an actual idea on what the story should be. But I will give them a point for the setting.

The scenery is nice. Some of the actors I can imagine seeing in other projects, it's not all bad, the big buff guy looks quite memorable.

I liked the little detail, when walking on the path to the resort (ideally, the path would have been overgrown, not looking like a botanical garden path) - when the two characters are walking in front of the camera and talking and the other two characters are behind them, having a conversation of their own. You can kind of hear them from the back, they're having a good time - it was a nice touch. It was definitely the realest part of the film.

Now to the bad parts.

The interior scenes especially, were filmed like a soap opera and overall, like a low effort TV movie at best. A helicopter scene has helped, drone footage also helps, but they can do only so much.

The whole premise is unfortunately a non-story. It's so low effort, it's not even worth getting into*. Wanting to film a haunting in an abandoned resort for a youtube channel/project would have been OK, since there's plenty videos like that and they get views - but this is not even it, she barely tried to take some pictures - what was even the point in going there?

* the main issue, is the premise of the haunting itself - that's just non existent.

As for the "horror" aspect, it wasn't a horror for most of the film and it was even watchable at times, before it decided to turn into a "horror" for the last 15 or so minutes.

  • a zombie ghost girl in nightgown, with hair covering her face - check
  • a friend running away and you find him standing, point a flashlight at him from behind, while he's facing the wall - check
  • the reality is not the reality - check

With the scenery, the setting, even the cast, they could have done much better. There doesn't seem to be any cheaper film genre, than a "horror" film, yet the story itself is almost always neglected- they always seem to rush, instead of giving the story some meaning and developing it properly.
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17 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The "good" - the black girl looks good naked The bad - everything else.

This is not a film, despite having "credits" stretched for maybe 8 minutes. This is a YouTube holiday video, with a twist.

I've mentioned nudity, it's absolutely pointless, but whoever filmed this, must have insisted on it for some reason. The long haired blond dude probably enjoyed filming this.

This whole fiasco looks like unsuccessful rehearsal of amateur movie "hey, so we're gonna stand here and talk about some random stuff - like "how do you two know each other" - "I think we know each other from high school..." (- you "think"? You're supposedly 20 and you don't know, how you know your supposed friend?).

The "couples" act like total strangers to each other (the couple at the start look like they could, theoretically be dating) .

This whole "acting", looks like a low effort rehearsal. But instead of rehearsing it and then filming the scenes, they just filmed the rehearsal and were done with it.

I ffw through most of the movie, because there was no point.

The bigfoot mask was ridiculous, but still better, than any of the "acting". The black girl- Kelly, I think, should have been a mute character.

There's one hilarious scene, when this bigfoot is sitting in the dark, wearing Kelly's bandana and Kelly's boyfriend approaches the bigfoot, thinking it was his girlfriend. Seriously funny bit.

Another funny bit almost happened, or so I hoped- after Kelly "fought" bigfoot in the horrid day/night "fight " scene, and the lady pulled over in her 4x4 and was enquiring about the injuries and this was filmed from POV - you couldn't see who she was talking to, who she was letting in her truck. Logically, it was obviously Kelly, but I hoped it would be the bigfoot, in a funny swerve...That would have been hilarious. But it wasn't meant to be.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Utter waste of time
10 June 2024
Another film you've seen at least a dozen times, and that's only if you don't even watch "horror" movies.

Good for the actors, the crew and all the local fast food establishments, that the crew frequented during the filming - they all made some money - other than giving some people money and a credit for their resume, it was absolutely pointless.

There were about three relatively funny remarks in the whole film, unfortunately, I can't recall these remarks two days after watching this film, so they weren't all that memorable, but they were there somewhere.

Small town..yadda yadda yadda, a big local event is going on/anniversary coming up...yadda yadda yadda..killer in a mask that anybody could wear, yadda yadda yadda, cold weapons being used to murder pretty much random people - because the reason of the revenge murders was totally, unapologetically shoehorned in, as always:

" you were like laughing and pointing that is how you caused that people got killed in that Black Friday sales shopping stampede..yeah and most importantly, my pregnant lover that got killed there, she's got to be at least - at least! 55 years old, but anyway.."

I only give it 3 stars instead of 1 or 2, because it looks like it wasn't just recorded on an iPhone, so the production value was a bit higher, than some other "horror films", I've seen in the last couple of months.
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25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'll get the positives out of the way - the setting/scenery is very nice and the camera work is decent - after having watched too many low budget "horror" films, that look like they were filmed on a phone. Thank God for drone footage being so accessible these days. "Amirite"? It's the best part of the film. The mom actress is also OK in some scenes.

Wow, so female ghosts of slave owners from centuries ago have boob jobs, skimpy modern clothes, use smart phones, have acting abilities of amateur adult film performers and their male counterparts can fix modern cars. I had no idea.

The story of a family, moving into an old, haunted house, with the kids being all spooky and the mother freaking out, is as old as hills. It's been done one million times, so you can't really be mad at the story - you can however, be mad at how badly it's done.

Among all the unnecessary scenes, one of the very worst is the lillith ghost climbing out of the well, covered in blood, walking like a..."err miss, are you having a stroke?" Kind of way. A useless, badly filmed scene. So a perfect fit with the rest of this whole fiasco.

The male ghost's acting is so weird, him being also the director only makes sense. He's got a good physique though, for what it's worth.

The one redeemable plot twist was not really having a daughter that drowned - had they capitalised on this, it could have pretty much "saved" the film.. well...that didn't happen. So who is haunting the place, the slave owners, the daughter of previous owners, that drowned in that pool, the cuckoo mother, all of the above?

The 4.6 current rating is a lie, there's absolutely no way. I've been bamboozled, scammed and conned to watch this film based on this deceiving rating.
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One of the best versions
12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, too many important bits and pieces are omitted, or twisted.

No Dr. Mortimer's walking stick left at Baker Street, no Frankland - so no Laura Lyons - so no burned note for Charles Baskerville to be found, no boy carrying food for Holmes - observed again by Frankland, Holmes said he had the letters redirected from Grimpen to Baker Street and back- what a waste of time that would have been, with murder to be expected (he said it's only a day delayed, but still, makes no sense)..there's probably a lot more, but this is off the top of my head, and it's been years since the last time I've read the book.

With that being said, the movie is well done, scenery, cinematography, the feel - they had rain, gloom and fog in all the right places (=everywhere). Watson actor is great, Roxburgh is very good, although he sounds a bit like Mr Burns, if Mr Burns tried to speak with a French accent, for some unknown reason. I like Roxburgh a lot, but he just doesn't sound English to me in this one. He's charming enough to outshine most of the other Holmes actors, that tend to be pretty wooden and boring.

I've always liked, that in this version, both Holmes and Watson look younger, than in any other film versions of this story.

It's a very good film, I would rate it higher, if it wasn't for the missing bits - some very crucial..but if one is not familiar with the book, or doesn't care, it's one of the best versions.

If you're looking for the best film version of this book, or any other Sherlock Holmes story, you want to see the Jeremy Brett version, it's not 100% faithful to the book, but by far the closest and Jeremy Brett IS Sherlock Holmes, nobody can touch him.
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Reacher: Welcome to Margrave (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
My name is Holmes, Terminator Holmes
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The script was written by a 12 year old and nobody is going to convince me otherwise. By 12 year old, for 12 year olds.

The main character a cowboy astronaut millionaire, or rather a mysterious Sherlock Holmes/Terminator/Rainman hybrid, with a dark past, dark present and dark future.

He's super confident and super smart, but still not smart enough for a Harvard educated cop, who dresses like a history professor, who happens to work in a redneck town, with population of about about "tree fiddy". That salary will pay for his Harvard student fees juuust fiiiine. But he probably had a full Harvard scholarship for being a ninja wizard, or something like that.

A cop can just put random people in prison, without any proceedings whatsoever, nobody asks for a lawyer either.

There's something mysteriously sinister going on in this town, some operation that involves a guy, that looks like Frank Frink, but it's apparently a different actor, or so he claims. Anyway, he's an accountant or something. He says he committed a murder, because baddies wanted to nail him to a wall and yadda yadda yadda, if he doesn't cooperate...- but he did cooperate, so why would he...I give up. Because being beat up and r@ped everyday in a prison full of lifers, is a much better option than..gosh, I don't know..taking the family a going away? But like I said, he cooperated anyway, so why bother.

The dialogues are about as cheesy, as the fight scenes, the main character has learned all of his facial expressions from a cat.

Terminator Holmes has a great, very muscular physique - it's very handy, that all his altercations last about 30 seconds, because otherwise he'd be ouf of gas, gasping for air, which would cause anyone within half a mile radius to pass out from oxygen deprivation. Which would also work to defeat his enemies, I guess.

Anyway, for all the kids out there, young and old, enjoy.
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River of Fear (2021)
Well, the scenery was beautiful
31 March 2024
A bunch of young people go into a forest/river area, to film an adventure video with a vegan sausage somehow shoehorned into it. Everybody communicates as if it was their first time among other people. There's some mysterious flower blooming in the forest, that seemingly makes these people even weirder, a nut of a "sheriff" who tells you, that you can't urinate in "his" apparently the answer to a lifelong question "does the bear $h1t in the woods" - is a "No!", at least in this particular location. Who knew. There's another bunch of strange individuals, conducting some sort of iffy business and some other, cabbage fermenting gentleman and his wife. Two people wear a nose clip of some sort, but nobody else...there's not one normal person in the whole film. The film is a salad of random ideas - inserted - again, at random - minor characters, their stories and dialogues, shots, that add absolutely nothing.

There seems to be this trend, of making movies, especially "horror" movies, without any real conclusion, or even if it has some sort of ending, they don't show you, how it got there.

It's not as cute, as they think it is. Quite the opposite.

Imagine watching Star Wars where there would be no spaceships, no lightsabers etc shown. They would tell you - "yeah, so we travel between galaxies and stuff and we fight, but we won't show you how. Just imagine it, or whatever - and do our work for us - in your mind, it's cheaper that way and we don't have any ideas anyway."

Yeah, it wouldn't work very well, would it?

Almost everything would be half passable, meh acting, but it's low budget, so you expect that, even the non-ending would hurt way less, if it wasn't for the unbearable dialogues!

The fact, that non English speakers (maybe the actual actors themselves) dubbed the dialogues into "English", is totally fine, it kind of adds to the character. However, should you really write dialogues in a foreign language just using Google translate? Without having ANY native speaker to at least read through the script, before doing the voice-over.. Because that's exactly how the dialogues sounded. Maybe in Latvian, or whatever the original language was, it all sounded right, but in English it just didn't.

Don't get me wrong - all the words used in the film do exist, I've heard them all before, but never in this order. You know what they're trying to say, probably most of the time, but it's clear, that they've picked the wrong words and made up their own expressions.

I will put it this way - if you watched this movie on mute and without any subtitles, just for the visual, you'd probably get way more out of it. You'd try to imagine, why people act the way they do, you'd try to figure out what they're talking about - and you'd do a much better job, than the filmmakers did.
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Road House (2024)
An expensive TV movie
22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(Or should I say "TV movie on steroids"? Ba dum tsss....thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week)

The story takes place in, actually it's Florida Keys. A place famous for drug trafficking, no tourists whatsoever (just a community, where everybody knows everyone's name) - seriously though, was this off season? Where's all the tourists? ) ...there's a book store, and only one civilian has a concealed carry..again, in Florida. All the bike gang members and angry bar goers just punch each other, although one has a knife.

(The..) One beach bar has been "terrorised for months" by some unpleasant individuals and this bar needs a new bouncer. But only for a month. Only one month because...yeah...and they will pay $5k a week. Anyway, what's the plan here, he'll beat everyone for a month, leaves and they won't come back? They want the property to build a resort, so surely they wouldn't just stop trying..Anyway. There's some mention, that if Brandt doesn't get the Road house, the backers might pull away from the deal, so maybe that's why it's a month, but who cares.

There's Dalton - a UFC vet, who apparently fought for undisputed UFC middleweight championship (which he seemingly won? he, or was he the champion? Why isn't he with the ufc, or some other promotion?) So he apparently sleeps in his car, doesn't have a phone, kind of wants to kill himself. You can stab him, he doesn't bleed, it doesn't hurt him, removing a piece of duct tape gives him some pain though.

He also makes the most stupid faces ever in the cut scenes in the octagon.

This was the absolute worst part of the film, and I am serious - the octagon gesticulating and face pulling by this Dalton person, like an angry little vampire from an afternoon teen TV drama. Cringe worthy, as the kids say. Seriously, without these scenes, it would have been just a bad movie, or at least that much less embarrassing.

Anyway, I know Dana doesn't pay nearly as much, as he should, but if Dalton got only 250k for that (final) bout, he'd have a very sucky manager, but still. He would have had a bunch of UFC fights before getting a title shot, at least a few of the last ones would be maybe 150k+ per fight,
  • and that is if he's really dull and didn't negotiate well, but could be really hundreds of thousands per fight.

So why is he a drifter a d sleeps in a car? Also, very few people seem to actually recognise him, or care? Yeah, sorry but probably everybody in a dodgy bar setting would know a top UFC fighter.

There's Charlie, any Juliette Lewis 90s character, same style of acting, copy/paste, nothing more. She sells books, although nobody's actually buying them, there's never a single customer in there, other than Dalton. If Charlie sees/hears somebody arguing in 5 mile radius of her shop, she takes a baseball bat to them, although it has absolutely nothing to do with her and nobody is really doing anything note worthy anyway.

There's Conor McGregor. Or Knox, as they call him here. It still seems just like Conor on any Tuesday night. As for his "acting", he gives Hulk Hogan a run for his money. (I actually like Conor, despite everything..and he was the only reason why I would every watch this film..but, yeah, nah)

There's Brandt Jr, who runs the family business, since his dad is in prison. He's actually the only character that I somewhat enjoyed.

Everybody is way over the top, it's so unnecessary.

This movie provides every cliche idea, scene, or bits of dialogue you can think of. The most macho main character ever, with dark past - and dark present...deeply troubled individual - cold and calculated, doesn't get angry, because then all the hell breaks loose...he just sees red, you that No Country for old men guy, if he smoked some devil's lettuce and smiled more.

You get those "funny" one liners, "quirky" characters like Charlie, or the one higher body fat % individual, who says they don't have black coffee, but have Cuban coffee, which apparently isn't black coffee, Brandt Jr, who gets shaved with a straight razor on the choppy seas, as you would. A bad/corrupt sheriff, his renegade/but ghetto/but educated/but estranged daughter. This film also seems to act like a vehicle for some bands, that actually get a decent exposure. Good for them, I guess.
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Communion (1989)
What the actual..
13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"So Christopher, we'll have you playing this weirdo writer, who dresses up like David Bowie, even when he's at home alone. His wife is a mid and has a son, that talks quite funny for a little kid.

Anyway, you will have some strange experiences with Martians, that for some reason look like dwarf gorillas in capes and others, that look kind of like aliens "should", but *cough-cough* very *cough* cheap *cough-cough" you'll dance with them, kiss some of them, talk some nonsense to them..they'll probe know..good stuff. Otherwise, nothing whatsoever will be happening. Some random dialogues and characters and one absolutely atrocious "actor" at a group therapy session...etc. Overall fantastic stuff"

Walken: "What?? Are you mad? I would never take such a role! It's insane. Are you high?"

"Yes, of course we are. But we have photos of you d0ing a g0at.."

Walken: "Oh, I see. I'll take it then. Could be worse, I suppose. OK, will the aliens look cool and stuff? Like proper masks, special effects? Like Predator, or Aliens? Or Star Wars? Or you know, at least Star Trek from like decades ago? "


***** I am pretty sure the negotiations went something like that.

If you're into weird stuff, like really dirty kinky stuff...I am pretty sure, that you can find something better than this, especially because this isn't kinky or dirty. It's just silly and a waste of time. If you like horrible, pointless movies and your suffering gives you pleasure, you might enjoy it though.

If you're sane though, or don't have the time, just watch Stone Temple Pilots "Sour Girl" video. You'll get a guy, with a similar haircut to Walken, who also liked to dress up like David Bowie, dancing with similarly looking Teletubbies. Plus there's Sarah Michelle Gellar. It's a nice song and it only takes a few minutes, instead of hour and a half. You're welcome.
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I will get downvoted
11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
But hear me out. I liked almost everything about these two episodes, except for the premise.

A German woman, that first came to the UK as a 20 year old (was presumably 19 towards the end of WW2 and served some of her sentence, so would have been around 20 when she came). How come nobody notices, that she's actually not English?

Of course, she learned, she had nearly 30 years to do you have any friends, that came to your country as adults (with - in this case- very likely very basic knowledge of your country's language - how many young German ww2 nurses do you think spoke perfect English?), have been living there for a considerable time and now everyone believes they have been born and bred there? I know exactly 0 people like that. Their English/or whatever the language is, might be "perfect", but you just know.

I know quite a lot of old people, that came to Australia from Scotland, England, Wales.. nearly 60 years ago and still sound like they just came here for a holiday - And that is the same language. You know after their first sentence, where they're from, or at least, that they're definitely not from Australia. With many NZ people it's the same.

(If somebody emigrated as a kid, that's a whole another story.) Now imagine it's a whole another language. Imagine mastering it to perfection, rising through the ranks, becoming a matron/a supervisor - years of work. Even if she's this great after 30 years, she couldn't have been this great 10 or 20 years ago.

This means, people from years ago would have talked. There would have been rumours - because people talk and people talked in the 50s, 60s and 70s and there's always somebody, that know somebody. She's always been a nurse. From at least 1944/45 to mid 70s. Give me a break.

There wouldn't be just one other nurse, that potentially knew (although we don't really know what she knew, she's dead), there would have been heaps of medical staff from different hospitals, that would have known her for all those years.

Yes, you would absolutely recognise, if a German person, who came to the UK as an adult, had a conversation with you in English.

If she had a backstory, that she was let's say Swiss, that could have made it believable. "Ah yes, I was actually born in (neutral) Switzerland and came here after the war."
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12 February 2024
It looks like at this point, they're just begging us to stop watching this show. The main characters are either dead, or not main anymore, Julianna is literally barely there, John Smith is, but his main duty is dealing with his teenage daughter (who apparently is played by the same actress as always, but I've never noticed what she looked like, because it just doesn't matter). There's a bunch of new characters, now there's apparently no Resistance in the Pacific West, now it's just black communists, who are suddenly on their own. Wyatt is being pushed, but at least he's somewhat established from before..Childen doesn't recognise him, they honestly have never met in Denver? And who cares about Kido's son, if we didn't need him for the first 3 seasons, why do we need him now, same goes for all the Japanese higher ups. Tagomi being killed off screen is pathetic, he obviously didn't want to be in this anymore, which is a shame (but understandable..), he was such a likable character. There have been some very questionable subplots and developments before, weird characters, even the last season wasn't all that great, but seeing these two episodes, I really don't think I am going to finish this series.
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The Man in the High Castle: Revelations (2015)
Season 1, Episode 4
A bounty hunter is after us, yeah, no worries
22 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I am Joe and me and Juliana are in a kind of a pickle - this dude is after us, he acts like he's dangerous, because he talks funny and he's got a, that's so unique. I also happen to have a gun, in the truck, but nevermind that.

So this guy is shooting at us, I tell Juliana to run, as I reverse the truck, instead of just reversing further and driving away...or running over him...and this bounty hunter is after her. I run after them - but I leave my gun in the you would.

So I catch up to them, just as he's about to shoot her and I smack him over his head with a blunt instrument of some sort. Then, instead of taking that shotgun of his and just killing him, or at least tying him up and leave him there/take him away, whatever...I leave him there - with his gun - again, as you would.... If you were an absolute m 0 r 0 n.

So then we spend the rest of at least this episode running from him, instead of doing absolutely anything else. Hello, I am Joe, and I am obviously just not very smart...

If Joe didn't want to kill him, because the bounty hunter works for the Nazis, maybe he could have just told him that earlier. Grab that shotgun, wait till he wakes up and talk to him "take a hike son and don't interfere with my super secret Nazi mission, otherwise obergruppenfuhrerichschwitzewiediehure Johnny Smith will be very mad at you" , while Juliana waits outside, because you asked her to. What a nonsensical writing.

But seriously, back to this guy with the shotgun - all those black guys in the forest also have rifles, obviously it's not super hard to get one, he's not a lawman, he's just a guy who probably weighs buck 50 and has this one firearm. One day, when he's sitting in that dinner, eating pork chops as tough as leather, come up to him from behind, and shoot him in the head...or smack him over the head with something, tie him up and slap him across the face with a sock full of quarters, until he is no more. Because what's he's gonna do? Threaten you? If there was a gang of thugs like him, 3 of them, 5 of them, that would be something else. But he's just one, with one gun and he's cocky, he's not expecting it.
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Not all bad
29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not all bad, but closer to "The nun", than to "THE EXORCIST (1973)".

"Hi, I am Gabriele, the Pope's exorcist, as in - I work for the Vatican as a chief exorcist, not that the Pope himself is possessed and I am trying to exorcise him personally. Just so you know. I am a smart and a funny guy, a maverick and a ride my 1963-1965 Lambretta Serveta 150 around Rome..but when I am needed in Spain, I don't mind taking the 2000km (1200+mile) trip to Castile region in Spain, on this trusty little 25+ year old scooter, that tops 90kmh (56mph). "

"Hello, I am Henry, the possessed boy, who acts pretty much as your average Aussie Eshay - I swear and yell a lot and I am aggressive and generally, not pleasant to be around."

"Hello, I am his sister, sorry, I forgot my name, but it's not important. My personality trait is, that just like my brother, I also listen to loud music on my walkman and I rebel against my mother. I also look like I stink".

"I am the mother, my husband died, my kids suck. One doesn't talk and when he does, he's possessed by the demon..the other one looks like she should wash her hair. Maybe at least once a fortnight? Please? Anyway, we moved to Spain, to live in this fixer upper mediaeval Abbey, because we have no money otherwise. But we have money to fix it somehow. I am also like 30 something, but that doesn't mean that I will get a job instead. So fixer upper in a foreign country it is!"

"I am local priest, my name is father something and I like young women - hey, at least I don't like little boys. Let's leave it there. I am obviously a very quick learner and ready to raise some hell. Or the opposite ".

"And I am Cardinal Sullivan, I am a real pain, and I am probably the youngest Cardinal ever, because I look 25. I don't believe in Devil, because I am not into fairytales..I guess?"

The storyline is quite OK, acting is fine, scenery is good. Once you've seen the original Exorcist from '73, no other film that deals with devil/exorcism is ever scary, because every demon/devil film is just trying to copy the original. This one is also just a very diluted version. You can't ever match it, so why bother? With that being said, this attempt is miles above the Exorcist prequels, or sequels. Of course, it's not meant to be part of the "franchise", I am mentioning it solely because of the similarity ( name, storyline, and of course the opening sequence, "borrowing" lines directly from the original movie). Storyline - old expert priest with anti Nazi past, coming to a foreign country, to meet with demon that's inhabiting an innocent child's body. This demon is also expecting him. So the premise is pretty much the same, just not as good, because it can't be. Special effects are good, but again - not nearly as good as the 50 year old movie. At least they didn't try too hard, like the prequels.
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About as scary as an average Scooby-Doo episode, but less funny
22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"so hear me out - let's make a cliche slasher horror film with an average (at best) looking female nerd lead, a boring guy, a weirdo that smokes dope, a jock and a random blonde woman, who we'll pretend, like she's really hot. They will go into a cabin in the woods, where they will be all slaughtered in the usual order, by a zombie family"

  • great, I love it! -

"But that's not it! There's gonna be like a huge swerve man!"

  • what swerve? -

"it's like this super secret government thing going on, with hi tech and 5hit, that makes no sense, and we'll use ideas from Cube (1997), something from Hellraiser and Stephen King's Mist"

  • wow, you got me there, I didn't expect that. I love it -

"...but that's still not it! We're gonna revive the weird dope smoking guy and we're gonna bring a famous actress in, to suddenly bring some nonsensical mythology into it for the last 5 minutes, and get to an ending, that will blow everybody's mind"

  • wicked cool, here's millions of dollars, go and make the film.

If anybody (other than the filmmakers, cast members and staff) watching this claimed, that they knew how this movie is going to end, they're a liar. That's the only thing, that makes this film unusual. Bait and switch, rinse and repeat, but I'll give them that.

It's not a good film, not funny enough to be a comedy, not scary enough, to be a really good horror movie. If you don't know about this film, it will surprise you, once or twice. That's all.
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Amazing cinematography and scenery
17 September 2023
...and that's where my praise unfortunately ends.

I thought my expectations could not have been any lower, but I was wrong. I honestly went to see this movie saying to myself, "it's probably going to be bad and cringey, as the kids say..but what the hell, it's a Poirot".

It's called A haunting in Venice, obviously, it's going to take place in Venice, Italy, they'll find a reason why Poirot would be there - he travels a lot, it will make sense. It didn't.

He apparently wanted some peace and quiet, so he Venice.

Not English countryside, not any other countryside, Venice. (He reaaally doesn't want to be bothered - in this crowded city...he literally hired a bodyguard, to keep people away from him - in this crowded city..This bodyguard even beats up random people, that try to approach Poirot for help and only the pastry baker is allowed near him, twice a day.) Could have been worse, I guess, they could have made him retire in the walled city of Kowloon.

This is one of the many totally nonsensical elements in this film.

1947, Italy - how many Italian characters are actually in the film? The bodyguard/ex policeman, the pastry baker, the guy who wants to see Poirot, because his family is dead..and? The extras? The children that visit the palazzo on Halloween are Black and 1947 Venice. In 2023? Absolutely, 100%, wouldn't question it a bit. In 1947? Yeah, nah.

The Hungarian/Gypsy "siblings" are so obviously not even remotely related, it's not even funny, their names are "Desdemona" and "Nicholas" - "Holland"? - sure, typical Hungarian and Romani names.

And then there's "Mrs Reynolds". Are you kidding me?? A lovely Asian lady, with a lovely English accent..and with a lovely non-Asian 1947. Again, if it was set in the last 30 years, sure.

Now imagine, that this character was actually portrayed like a mysterious Asian/Oriental lady medium, with a proper Chinese name, who would speak in broken English - how much more depth and mystery that could add. Instead we got something like "'ello, my name is (insert the most generic name you can think of, like : Jennifer Smith..or how about "Mrs Reynolds"), hello, I'm Julie, or whatever Reynolds, and I be your medium tonight".

So very and unnecessarily inauthentic.

It's almost surprising, that when the phone rang, it wasn't an iPhone.

The rest of the cast is also quite meh. Jamie Dornan and the mother bothered me the least. The "Poirot" actor/director obviously hates the character, makes him look like a total buffoon. Yes, Poirot is quirky, but come on.

Yeah, like Poirot, with his perfectly manicured moustache, would let this strange woman, place a mask over his face, cape over his head..yeah, right..and to walk over to the giant bowl, to submerge his entire fish out an apple with his teeth! Poirot doing something like this? It's like Superman burning down a shack full of cute little bunnies and puppies.

Moronic writing. I don't remember Ms Oliver being American and a despicable person, she is weird and of course, like I said earlier, Poirot is weird too in the books and other adaptations, but there's a limit to their weirdness.

All the characters are actually excessively weird.

The only positive points I can actually think of, are the scenery, which is very nice, and overall, the cinematography is great. These two thing make it look like it should be a really good film, unfortunately, the film is quite abysmal.

Acting overall is just over the top. Everybody. And it's really annoying. The "Mrs Reynolds" lady spinning around and yelling is eye roll inducing, some of her other scenes are not bad. Except for the "listening".."listening"..."listening"..and again some more "listening". Just enough already... Angry "Poirot" is trying to be an angry David Suchet Poirot...but at least he's copying the second best Poirot (BBC's John Moffatt is always no. 1), Peter Ustinov is 3rd and this current one probably somewhere around 57. I wouldn't hate him as much, if he wasn't also the director. He's not playing the character like someone else wants him to play it. He plays it like he wants to. This is how he sees it. That's just sad.

I can see how people, who have never actually read the books, listened to BBC radio plays, or watched some much better versions of Poirot stories would like the film much better than I did, but I've spent decades loving this character, so for me this movie was very boring, shameful and embarrassing.
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'twas.. different!
13 August 2023
In a very good way. It all depends what you expect, I guess. I expected the kind of a film I've seen a million times, but it was quite different from almost anything.

The dramatic music and loud noises in the beginning - I could have been without, especially, since there wasn't much happening yet. They probably wanted to let us know, something is about to happen soon enough.

The story is about puritan family in an exile (voluntary), away from other people, due to religious differences. They are however not holier than th... anybody else. As pretty much anybody, who thinks and tries to portray themselves, like they're better than others. They have their fair share of troubles - with honesty, faith, kindness, they deceive each other, blame each other, hurt each other.

The land is hostile, the crops are bad, nothing is actually going very well at all. And then, as if that wasn't bad enough...there's this vvitch.

Eventually, even the father realises, he should have been a bit more humble and stayed in the settlement. A bit late for that though.

The scenery is great, haunting, acting is very good - kudos to those little children, other than having slightly different accents than the older family members - but that's absolutely nitpicking, they did fantastic, especially for this kind of movie.

If you're expecting to see a slasher horror, monsters running around all the time, slime and liters of blood gushing everywhere, this is not the film. You will have a bit of that sort of stuff, but really, only a bit. It's more of a psychological film. It's scary enough, but mostly in a different way.
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Well, the Holy Grail does get mentioned..
11 August 2023
If you foolishly expect a 45 minute documentary, about Nazis looking for the actual Holy Grail, you're foolish indeed. Just like myself.

They do talk about a German individual (Otto Rahn) working for Himmler, looking for the actual Grail in France - spoiler alert, he doesn't find it (thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week). They talk about the Cathars, that allegedly had the Grail in their possession. This is 5-10 minutes of the whole documentary.

After this, they talk about other German individuals believing in Atlantis (Herman Wirth) and looking for origins of Aryan race, also working for Himmler.

The Nazis conduct several expeditions around the world, Scandinavia, Iceland, Tibet (Ernst Schafer) looking for symbols, artefacts, measuring people's faces, etc., in quest for origins of Aryan race.

They want to replace Christianity with Nazi religion, based on old mythology, which is interesting, since they're looking for the Holy Grail, closely associated with Jesus, yet they apparently refuse Christianity, because they say it's essentially Jewish. OK.

Then they talk about Holocaust and show clips from the Holocaust.

They show the same photographs and short clips from the Nazi Germany over and over again throughout this documentary. You will probably see the exact same photos and clips like 4-5 times. They also tell you what they're going to talk about, talk about it and then repeat the same thing, to fill out the time.

Out of all the documentaries that I've seen, this is one of them. But seriously, it's more about Nazis in general, their ideology/mythology, rather than about the Holy Grail. Unless the Holy Grail is the Aryan race, in which case, they still don't offer you any conclusion.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Pretty much as you would expect
8 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hello, I am Lord Croft, a zillionaire, who is into ancient stuff. I've discovered this mysterious Japanese island, where the body, of even more mysterious Japanese lady is hidden - she is responsible for many deaths, so if someone discovers the body and takes it out, the curse will destroy the whole mankind.

So, naturally, I will go there and...not find the body, because that would obviously initiate the curse...I guess I will just go there and sit and wait? Yes, I guess, I will find it and then I'll just sit and wait, in case anybody else finds it. I could maybe try to destroy it, but I don't know how, because I believe in the curse.

So yeah, that's my plan. I'll just go there and be there. I guess. I hope there's no bad people involved, because that could turn nasty. I mean, people could die and I could be stranded there for years.

Being a billionaire, although it's perfectly easy to get there by a helicopter - that I can buy maybe 50 of, if I wanted to, I will go by the sea instead. The seas are rough, we'll probably wreck the ship, but nevermind that. I will struggle to find a Chinese sailor with a ship that's worth about $5 to take me there instead. He'll be killed too. Oh well.

Well, baddies also want to find this Japanese lady corpse, but unlike me, they want to use it for bad stuff, imagine that.

Just like in Indiana Jones, The Last Crusade, I wrote everything down in a notebook, and left for my child to find..gosh, I hope my child doesn't come to me and bring my notes directly to the baddies...just like in Indiana Jones, The Last Crusade. Well, anyway.

Hello, I am Lara Croft, a zillionaire's daughter, a quite run of the mill looking young lady, who you probably wouldn't even notice, standing at a bus stop, or walking through a mall, anywhere in Eastern Europe (but I do stand out in a crowd of Chinese sailors on a deserted island - OK, fair enough - it's not deserted, in has all these sailors and mercenaries on it) - who for some reason works as an Uber, has no money, gets her behind handed to her by a skilled lady trainee. Nevermind, I am sure I can defeat mercenaries in hand to hand combat though. But I am definitely very fit and brave. I can also solve any puzzle within 5 seconds.

I obviously still have access to my father's manor, but instead of I don't know, using actual money, that should be found somewhere in the house, or if nothing else, just selling a random item from the house, that has no emotional value to me and isn't totally irreplaceable, I will sell an amulet, a precious gift from my father, to a pawn order to get to Hong order to get to Japan to find my father. help the baddies find the Japanese lady corpse and kill everyone, including my father and destroy all the artefacts underground, potentially infect the mankind with a disease, but then somehow pull through and survive, but doing a lot of jumping.

A job well done. Daddy would be proud, if he wasn't dead..thanks to me. Oh yeah, then I am going back to that London pawn shop, to buy guns (yeah, handguns in London...sure) and pose with them for a sequel, that will never come. Oh yeah and the baddies work for my dad's company. Bye.
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Unemployable Harvard PhD does London
24 July 2023
Weaver plays a character, that is very smart, looks very good naked, apparently speaks every language under the sun, a very strong personality, she's obviously super educated with her PhD from Harvard, yet she earns next to nothing while working in London, because "she likes living abroad". Oh, OK then.

She lived and worked in China, but now she's an expert on Middle East relations. Same difference, I guess...?

Despite being brilliant at everything, and despite living in London (not exactly unimportant city) and mingling with people from her field and lots of important people, there's no universities or colleges she could work for, no magazines or newspapers worldwide, she could contribute to, that could save her from living in a dumpster (not a literal dumpster, but not exactly a desirable location, with a shared bathroom down the hall) and be more appreciated. Na-ahh, she becomes an escort, as you do.

Then she complains, that men use her as an object. Oh well, here you are, strong, very very self assured, charming, educated lady, expert on the Middle East, and the only way you can move ahead in one of the top capital cities in the world in the 80s, is to be a prostitute.

She turns some men down at first, after dinner, she doesn't seem to turn down anything or anyone after that.

She even uses her real name including her "Doctor" title as her escort name. Guess it's handy, since you're hanging out with the exact same people during your day job and at your second job.

Michael Caine plays the usual (this time a Lord/diplomat), but he's also kind of....he's got this thing going on, for this lady being used by all the other men - it turns him on, when she talks about them and if she doesn't talk about them, he'll ask.

There's this secret plot going on, the Doctor finds out she's being used in more ways than one and seems surprised. A gullible genius with a hot body indeed.

I had no idea what this film was going to be about, but Caine/Weaver combo seemed very interesting. It's a bit disappointing, to see both the lordship/important diplomat and the hot Harvard genius, being played like a fiddle by some very weak (although somehow also very cunning) wannabe assassins.

The only people, who seemed to be on top of things in the end, are the secret service and the police.

This movie could have worked, I guess, if Weaver wasn't portrayed as brilliant at almost everything. How about she's not a Harvard graduate, how about she's just a young (yeah, I know) foreigner, trying to get her foot in the door. Her character is already standing in the doorway, has no flaws, no morals, no clue. Or is that her weakness? A clueless expert?
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Favorite character assassination
9 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Indiana Jones is one of the World's most beloved characters. He's a superhero, without a cape, but with a whip, and wit, and charm, he's always moral, very smart, always in trouble (he generally gets into a trouble, because he's a good person and is a bit naive so he sometimes gets fooled by bad people, he's trying to see the good in), but always finds his way out of it - he's both cerebral and fit, obviously handsome - he's a perfect man. We all should want to be more like Indy.

Yes Disney - people do get old, you won't be as fit, agile and probably as smart when you're 80, than when you were 40, or 30. Especially if you were fantastic to begin with.

The question is, why do they think, we want to watch a depressed old man, yelling at the clouds (or out of the window)? Sad and lonely, in some meh apartment, although he worked his whole life and this is way back when, decades ago, when everything didn't cost arm and leg.

He lost his son, his wife, he's drinking - things do happen, life sucks even for the good and honest people, sometimes mostly for them, but why do they expect us to watch it and like it?

I want my Indy to thrive. I want him to be the lead character in HIS movie! Is that too much to ask? Apparently so.

I actually appreciated the CGI in the beginning, at least there, Indiana Jones was given a bit of the respect he deserved. Yes, he was in a trouble again, but it was almost half way the old fashioned Indy we all love.

The rest of the film, he was made into a sad, bafoonish sidekick to some unlikable female lead, that nobody, except the actress's family, wanted to see.

You have to wait almost until the end of the (very long) film, to find one redeeming quality about her (except that yeah, she's super smart). She's not conventionally, or even unconventionally attractive, she's a horrible person, that doesn't respect Indy, he's just an old fool to her, she just wants the money (she knows he father's lifetime work by heart, but yeah, she'd take 80k for an artefact, her father believed can change the outcome of everything), she sells artefacts that belong to a museum to some dodgy collectors. She's smug and obnoxious, but she doesn't have the aura. She's your run of the mill "I am the main character" person, you meet at your local coffee shop. You know about her, because she makes everyone aware of her presence (painfully so), but you want her to just take her complicated coffee and go away, or at least be quiet, so that you can go about with your day and you don't understand, what's all the fuss about and who she thinks she is.

This character takes over the whole film. This film is actually not Indiana Jones and whatever - it's some Wombat/Helen woman, nobody cares about, nobody paid a ticket to see - with Indy, as her mumbling, sad, old sidekick.

This nothing of a woman, that is definitely not a female UFC level looking athlete, punches our most beloved character and knocks him out. To emasculate him even further. Yes he was already hurt, no, it doesn't matter.

It's a shame. This whole film is mostly sad. Harrison Ford is great. He can very obviously still go and I feel very bad, to even say the word "still". And I understand, it would look silly, for an 80 year old man, to just whip (figuratively and literally) a whole bunch of Nazis and CIA agents, and everyone else by himself, without a hitch, but yeah, I kind of wanted to see just that. It's essentially a superhero film, why not? Harrison Ford won't be here forever, this was the goodbye to Indy. Why not leave on a high note? And no, I don't mean making up with his estranged wife at the end. I mean, he deserved a better life than this and better people around him.
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"Mom, can we get Indiana Jones?"
6 June 2023
Mom: "no, we already have Indiana Jones at home" Indiana Jones at home: ************** The film really tries to copy Indiana Jones, it's painfully obvious, but not quite as painful, as trying to watch it - they just didn't copy it well enough.

With a cast like that, they could have done way more than this. Unfortunately, the script is all over the place, it just makes no sense, even as a light hearted comedy adventure film. Those little subplots and stunts are just done for the sake of it (if you're hanging from a rope, with your partner hanging onto you, why shoot at the gold symbol for the split ground to close again, when you can obviously just climb back up anyway - which he did - and then push the symbol once you're up again? Getting yourself potentially squished by the closing ground as you climb, or closed inside under the path, makes a very little sense.)

The score is good, way too good for the film actually, scenery is nice, because of these two reasons I would almost give it a 4, but the special effects are very poor, the plot and the storyline development is just sad.

It was almost half bearable until they found the Lost City, but the acting got even worse, the new characters even sillier, and it all made even less sense than before.

Poor writing and directing unfortunately made this into a waste of time and resources - unless you're 10 years old, or have fond memories of watching this as a kid.
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Magpie Murders (2022– )
So what happened
20 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To the actual author (Lee Jaffery writer/waiter character) of the Magpie Murders story, that Alan Conway stole/plagiarized from? This didn't feel exactly concluded, did Alan Conway stole all his ideas from other people, or just this one? Plagiarism should seem like a much bigger deal for a publishing house, that's trying to find investors - if Magpie Murders being published is a must, whether Alan Conway is alive or not, for the sale to go ahead - what about the inevitable scandal? Or would Lee Jaffery just sit quietly and let them steal his book? Why not murder him as well, or at least pay him off? Or at least give us a hint of what could happen in that regard.

How did Alan Conway know, when he started writing the Atticus Pund books, that he'll be able to write and publish exactly 7 of them to spell out what he wanted? Why was he so interested in his editor and her family in particular? Yes, he wrote about people he knew/disliked (the same people anyway), but where is this particular interest coming from? Why give give Andreas the money just because of her? Just because he borrowed from her life? He borrowed from many people's lives, however, many of them didn't get to benefit from it.

It is an interesting form of storytelling, but overall, the Atticus Pund story felt way more important (to me), than the modern age storyline.

Some of the writing and acting seemed lazy, some way over the top, but this could be forgiven, if it wasn't for the glaring issues, that stood out like a sore thumb.

Actors playing dual roles can be cute, however, come on, we all know a lot of it was totally out of place in the 50s. Maybe it just wasn't necessary? You might as well just have a modern Tesla parked in the street, or let the characters have a "cheeky Nandos", or have them book a Benidorm summer holiday online. We know it's just a film/series, but you want to suspend your disbelief for a brief while and enjoy the ride.

Yes, it's a made up story, yes you can do it whichever way you want, but things like these are done obviously just because you want them this way. Definitely not for the sake of being realistic.

(This seem like exactly the opposite of Midsomer Murders, set much-much later, where it's actually a bit weird (very weird, actually), how you just can't find any non Anglo-Saxon people? No minorities in England in the 90s and 2000s? Again, totally out of place.)
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8 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hand embarrassment.

The plot would kind of be OK - somebody trying to commit a murder and making sure there's witnesses.

Unfortunately, when the millionaire's wife is found "dead"(hanging), everybody suspects the millionaire straight away anyway and she's actually never seen alive by anybody who remains alive, so they can only take his word for it, when he says - yeah, so she wanted to murder me (..she only pretended to be dead, she was totally alive afterwards, trust me bro..) with her lover, the psychiatrist and now they're both dead and in the acid, so we can't prove it, because there's no DNA testing in 1959, if anybody wanted to check the bones and also - Maybe I just murdered them in cold blood and them being dead hardly proves, that they plotted to murder me?

Also, the psychiatrist is the millionaire's wife's lover, the millionaire invited him, yet they're not surprised. Like hey, remember this husband of yours you're cheating on with me? Well, he invited me to this party in a "haunted house", that I can't leave until the morning and might die. Not suspicious at all.

The skeleton (that's about 5 foot nothing) that's supposed to be on a string, is pathetic, even for 1959.

The blind caretaker, that's looking like a taxidermied zombie is floating, for some reason, appearing/disappearing without a trace, although allegedly blind..doing pretty well for herself, in that aspect at least.

The acting is mostly very bad. The guys who's brother owned the house, is absolutely atrocious, with his big eyes and nonsense talk - if he was obviously in on it, sure, why not - he plays a lunatic. But he's trying to convince us, that there's something going on until the end, when we know it's just a murder, or at least, nothing supernatural is actually going on.

The randomly screaming woman is also very bad. It's mostly the script. Yeah, so I found a head in my bedroom, I'll scream. But then I am totally okay and just hang out with others, before I invite them to see the head in my room.

The house itself is also dull, at least from the outside - it looks like a mausoleum.

Overall, it's really embarrassing. I don't know if it's a generational thing, but I am almost 40 and I can't imagine this ever being scary, the script or acting ever being considered as good (I see some people here are fans of particular actors, but most of the acting here is either -way over the top - the eye bulging guy/zombie caretaker/screaming woman, or wooden - everyone else).

Maybe if you've seen it as a child, when you were like 7 and have never seen anything like that, it can impress you. Otherwise it's just a remarkably bad film.
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