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Poor Things (2023)
what a waste of time
1 March 2024
When movies get pumped up with publicity that is usually a sign of bleakness. Me and my daughter watched gaping. It never takes off as a story and makes no sense in any way. The brain of your child in your body really makes you nuts even thinking about an abomination like that and as a result of a suicide is even worse. We did not like the absence of logic and the abuse of sex in the ridiculous settings. We found it boring and we were going to stop watching it but we thought that something was going to come through but it didn't and it took a couple of shots to swallow the lumps. If you like to get bored to death this movie will do it for you.
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Don't forget
12 November 2020
We do forget we are hosted by a wonderful planet that has no shame in showing it's raw power. We think we can do what ever we want without consequence but nature has it's vengeance. We can behold and be amazed by it's beauty if we just slow down and appreciate every little detail. I thank David Cross for this production that is wonderful to feel without strange and mind bending messages it is true like it should be and easy to relate to. Let us respect our EARTH, she is our wonderful mother.
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The Half of It (I) (2020)
It is hard to really love.
3 May 2020
I think love is powerful but its power scares you.
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Euphoria (2019– )
Cool down
19 April 2020
I have had a hard time finishing this story simply because it hit me so hard. I am not a teenager anymore but this sure sent me back in time. It is exactly the way you feel, everything is possible not worrying about the consequences but just mad enough to do it. You do tell yourself the story without realizing that you are deciding it as you go. A lot is packed in the last episode and it is perfect. My father died without notice and it changed my life instantly. As a son you do not realize how important he is until he is not there anymore. That sends you on a trip most people do not understand and it takes time to come back. If your feelings are so strong and yet so sensible you are strange for all the other normals that simply do not let themselves be who they are. People should be loved as people not as women and men, it would be easier. So we do end up being in a hard shell and seem impenetrable but if someone has the key to pass the barrier he discovers a different dimension. I have done this with my kids, I have not hidden a thing. It is easier to forgive for them knowing what is important. My daughter has been curious about Euphoria and we will see it together soon. Sam Levinson has made a masterpiece with the right help.
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Three Christs (2017)
The invisible line.
11 January 2020
We convince ourselves that lines exist. We take pure abstraction for real absolutes. We have no way to base any thinking along its natural source. We reason as if it was real and as if it meant something. We do not connect ourselves to our feelings and we do not understand its expressions. We live in a world that we hardly can make sense of and defend the idea that it is truthful. Watch and listen closely to what is said and maybe it will not scare you that some things do not make sense.
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Bao (2018)
How we see our kids.
4 November 2018
This is not only for kids and I see Domee Shi's heart. Parents see their kids as dumplings. You will need to explain it to your kids to make them understand the feeling behind our being parents. I loved it, I call my girl my little meatball, (polpetta) in italian. We see our kids as ours and forget that they need to be themselves to be happy, we would protect them for ever. It is wonderful to see this feeling expressed without words and in a way that speaks directly to the soul. We need to remember that our kids are a big part of our life and that it becomes vital to keep them in our lives regardless of our ideas that do not match with our love for them.
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Honeyglue (2015)
A visual expression of a love poem.
6 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I hate definitions and those that are not defined have a hard time. Being yourself is probably the hardest thing to do. I like avoiding the obvious and I think James Bird avoids it elegantly keeping the story line true. It is not easy to talk about dying without religion. I enjoyed the lightness of the narration, the taking hold of their life and making it memorable. I do believe it fundamental to making it memorable in the little things in order to make it worth its real value for any person. I think we should talk more about people without the temptation to judge them especially those that are true to themselves. I have seen in the movie a collective effort and it does manage to avoid stereotypes. No fancy production but a perfect use of the essentials for movie making. Keep it up guys!!!
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Chasing Life (2014–2015)
You think you are cool.
1 November 2014
I do feel lucky and I do thank God when I realize that fact. It is hard to talk about certain things like old age and death because we tend to hide them under the mat but you can still see the bump. I would prefer dying on the spot before one of my kids and I know it is hard to put it in words. Putting a complicated topic like death on film becomes hard if you think at what you want to put across. The prospect of loosing a person you love,including yourself, has to become a description of feelings. Joni Lefkowitz and Susanna Fogel have pleased my soul, it is wonderful to know that someone can depict reality from the heart. I do not think everything has to be a fairy tale but things do tend to be different if you let your heart talk and express your feelings. We are always chasing life even if we do not realize it and I think it is a show worth dedicating a few hours of my chase. Thanks to all involved in this show and I wish all the best.
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About Time (I) (2013)
Like me as I am
16 July 2014
It was About Time to be taken to the magic of movie land without special effects but with real effects. I feel that I need to talk to people with my heart about my heart but how wonderful it is to do it with your own kind better with you own blood. I know what it is like because I think it is the most important thing in life. You need to make the best possible effort because you do not have a second chance and it's always too late if you need to repeat actions. Good times you live become a special time in space they float and become a little piece of paradise. I know that the best way to influence in positive the world around you is to be true to yourself and make the best possible effort to be yourself with all your aspects positive and negative. It is hard and not always perfect but imagine to like the outcome anyhow. I really enjoyed the movie and think it is worth seeing and take it as it is.
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Work It (2012–2013)
Do not take it seriously
23 February 2014
It not easy to dismantle stereotypes and laughing about them is one of the best ways. You do not always have to be complicated to be funny. Work today has become difficult in many ways, you do put up with a lot to keep on working. Thinking about the impossibility of actually transforming everyday in secret makes the show funny. Nothing new under the sun in TV or at the movies but new laughs be made from old ideas. I like the fact that it is not perfect in a lot of aspects but I see the risk of getting it predictable if you prepare it too much. I think sometimes we do get caught in the little things as if they we the most important gears in our machine and again laughing about them resizes our goals and leads them to the reality of life. I do not believe in a necessary difference between man and woman in life but I love their souls regardless of their sex.
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A Touch of Cloth (2012–2014)
15 September 2013
When you think of something different how different do you want it. The usual expectations fall short every time things should be predictable and a new gag is ready. At times not so easy to understand but just review the scene. Nothing is sacred for the writers of the show, anything is worth a laugh. I laughed my head off when the double in the sex scene is not the usual beauty but a bad looking man that doubles a woman. The over the top effects remind us of how we take for granted the language and the standards in movies that are in fact more than real. The English are great at inventing satire from zero and making the obvious seem new. If you want to laugh at all levels of intelligence you can take a chance at ''A touch of cloth'' it will not let you down.
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12 March 2013
It is always easy to dismiss real things as not important. Writing real things do not make them surely understood. You need to be in somebody's shoes or pen to imagine what the words were meant to mean. 1+1 adds to two anythings. But we make abstraction our normal way of seeing things. I am not a Woody Allen fan but I see the real Woody in this film. Expressing the absurd is hard if you want to make sense. 'life is cruel at times and does not fulfill your needs' Rome is an eternal city that is witnessing our short sight. We do not appreciate the effort of our ancestors to leave a testimonial for future generations to pick up. We simply do not understand that saying things once should be enough. We keep on making the same mistakes over and over walking over the signs left for us to notice. Italians are just easier to point out because they shout about it, they are just loud. If you take a peek in the past you end up caught in it so be careful.
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Life kids love sex
17 September 2012
When I started to watch the movie I became curious about the director and story writer. I was not surprised to find Jennifer Westfeldt writing and directing. It is not an easy topic to be neutral about and it is not easy to do the right thing. Life is exactly like that at times and it becomes hard to stick with a decision if you do not see over the problems. I like the approach to life Jennifer has and I hope for her that certain aspects will be easier for her. Kids are extremely important and when you decide to have one the beauty of the arrival is unforgettable. A kid is a part of you and another person you should respect just for that fact. The good ending is not always there but Jennifer believes that the weight on the balance is heavily on the sentimental side and honestly I believe it is too.
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The River Why (2010)
we always fish
13 June 2012
It is hard to point out certain aspects of life. You live a passion but you do not explain it, but how do you talk about it without demising it. Passion is the essence of life and we can only fulfill it when we feel it. You do not always know what you are passionate about. When life starts to expect something from you and it seems tied to you in particular then you understand the real need. We all expect love from our world but we cannot predict from where. When a gravitational pull comes into play you feel its attraction. Loving someone as they truly are is true love and when really expressed it is invisible. In the 'The river why' it is so pleasantly narrated and it makes you wish it was so easy. Unfortunately it is not always like that but the fulfillment in loving is worth the wait.
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