6 Reviews
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Rubbish and Boringly Predictable
26 March 2007
I had high hopes for this film and felt really irritated by it when I finally saw it.

First of all the child, who appears in the flashbacks looks amazingly like one of the stars- so its no surprise as to who they are when - shock horror - their identity is revealed.

Secondly one character is "Killed" but is actually alive at the end and its all a set up blah blah

In a word boring and if you were watching it and paying attention you can see all the twists coming.

This film is not as clever as it likes to think it is.
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300 (2006)
26 March 2007
Knocked for 6 by this movie.

Its a really beautiful film to watch and is that rare film, art movie mixed with Action film.

Its like watching a moving painting. The set pieces, battles etc. are amazing to watch.

This held the audience spellbound at the screening I saw.

Some of the acting could be better, but seeing this was a really involving experience, that genuinely made me forgot about the rest of my day and be fully involved in the world of the 300 for 2 hours.

What can be one with cgi blue screen now is an exciting time for film production. Hopefully this will lead to more films that are that bit different being made
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Outlaw (2007)
Not Perfect - But a Better Than Most British Films
23 March 2007
Outlaw is a disturbing well acted film. That shows how much violence hurts and how little violence it takes to inflict a lifetime of damage on someone.

This is a far from perfect film but it is a brave attempt at making something a bit different with a bit of thought behind it.

The first three quarters are better than the last. Which does get a bit "Hollywood". Having said that the film's strength lies in the portrayal of violence in the first three quarters of the movie. i.e the scenes that don't rely on guns but on violent confrontations seemingly coming out of nowhere involving fists and other weapons that come to hands.

The scene where Lennie James gets started on in a bar for spilling a drink seemed all too possible.

The performances by Sean Bean (whom I don't normally like), Lennie James and Sean Harris are all excellent. Danny Dyer is well Danny Dyer, but still capable of carrying a movie.

This is not your usual boring Brit film aimed at a twee audience somewhere in Hampstead, and nor is it Hollywood actioner with balletic action scenes and characters able to take endless punches. Characters in this film get hit, fall over and look like it hurts.

Don't be put off by various newspapers that called this film the British Fight Club (which it ain't), revelling in violence, right wing propaganda (which there is none) etc. This is a film to make you think. Nick Love is one of our most interesting film makers.
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Crank (2006)
Not Bad But Not Average
12 March 2007
Didn't mind this movie but I don't know if its worth a second viewing.

Different it is, and the ending shot is a knockout.

Two things let Crank down. One is the script. It is probably a draft short of being ready, but the movie's pace and craziness (and in some scenes outrageousness)keep it interesting. It is very original and different to most action films, which is both refreshing and why it works.

Crank though not perfect is good enough to interest me in anything the writer and director make.

Second is Jason Statham. He's getting better as an actor, but having to carry a whole movie proves he's still not good enough. Someone like Daniel Craig who looks tough enough and can definitely carry a movie would have been better. But then there are aren't many tough guy British actors to choose from for an action movie who are 1: big enough names 2: good actors 3: look good in an action movie.

Also most of the action was with guns and Jason Statham didn't get to indulge in enough fisticuffs - which is where he really excels on screen.

Worth a visit but not to everyone's taste
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Cult Classic Or Just C**p?
6 March 2007
I'd heard a lot about this movie, most of which was good.

However having seen it I can only describe it as a waste of time.

The acting is just horrible, the local amateur group could have done better. The cast all seem to be in a mad staring eyes competition.

The script if there was one, is lacking in any real desire to tell the story and stuffed too breaking point with padding. The film is at least 20 minutes too long.

And whatever directorial talent Paul Morrisey possesses or possessed is not evident.

The only time the film is interesting is when it gets gory and that is at best, sub-Hammer and laughable.

Come Back Hammer - all is forgiven
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Unrelentingly Awful
5 March 2007
This is one of the worst films I've ever scene. And if this is the kind of film Britain is making then let the industry die.

I was stunned at how bad this film is.

The acting except for Marc Warren and Sienna Guillory is awful. Alec Newman stares madly into space a lot of the time. The supporting cast are so wooden that they can't possibly be professional actors.

Guillory and Newman aren't helped by the fact their characters are selfish, boring and unlikeable.

Marc Warren alone has an interesting character and his performance is all that makes it watchable. The film does at least pick up some energy when he is screen. When he's not the rest of the cast mope around in boredom.

The script is dull. Characters sit in the bath or smoke joints while talking about living life to the full.

The orgy scene is laughable with one character spouting pretentious rubbish about exploring the darker side while wearing a dog collar.

I stuck with this, like I was watching a car crash to see how bad it would get. And when it thankfully finished I was left with a feeling of "So What?".

Its a film that desperately wants to shock with it scenes of explicit sex and violence against children but to be honest is tedious and reminds me of the kind of thing Sixth formers would make to upset their parents.

The fact this film was backed when so many others are struggling to find finance is another nail in the coffin of the British film Industry.

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