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Stillwater (2021)
What beautiful score!
23 October 2022
I'm watching this movie with tears in my Eyes.

First his daughter reminds of my stubborn but loving daughter. I lived in Texas and Matt sounds like a lot of stubborn "Good ole boy". I love the the way he starts to take in the lifestyle of the city.

I'm also enjoying the difference of our "spend freely" American life as compared to this This shows me a lot of the combining of French culture and the Arabic culture.

It has beautiful scenery shots.

I love independent movies that show a lot of heart. The the young actress Maya makes me think of my grandkids also.

P.s. I love the piano music. It reminds me of French Impressionist music.
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IOWA (2005)
Southern Iowans to have a twang.
16 September 2022
I lived in Mystic and Centerville Iowa. They're the two towns in this movie. Believe it or not there's a lot of people that have a twang because they call us laplanders. It's because Missouri laps over into Iowa. And trust me I know this for a fact. Those towns used to be coal mining towns with a lot of money generating back in the 20s through the 50s. But Southern Iowa is very poor like Northern Missouri.

P. S. And Mystic is not on the border that they present. It's 20 miles north of the border.

Plus there's two interviews in this package that will show a family still doing Meth and one who got off of it in the two informative videos. The boys family is from Centerville and it was a cheap place to film the movie.

The extra video is very sickening.
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Ana Magnani
6 September 2022
I love this movie, the scenery, the music etc... But old foreign movie critic friend of mine back in the early '80s suggested to me that Michel playing the haggard Italian lady was a salute to Ana Magnani. I've seena few movies of her. And Michel really did a great job.

I'm from Avellino Italy and I came over in 1956. So. In our Italian American villages we didn't have running water so we had to pump the drinking water and have rain barrels around our houses to save it for washing clothes. It was great for your hair too.

My Italian grandmother and mother would act like him when they were toiling with their chores.
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Where's the internet when you need one?
28 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm was in love with her because she looks so great in a lot of her movies. But watching her wit on these different dates made me cringe a couple times. But the Val Avery segment was so real in my eyes. I'm known not so pretty men not getting a chance and it was obvious she didn't like his looks. Then he went bizarro on her. But that was so real.

Too bad they didn't have the internet back then it would have saved a lot of time if she just saw what they looked like on a computer.
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The Outsiders (1983)
Where is the southern accents?
25 November 2021
I've been down to Oklahoma and the people down there do have a slight Southern drawl. Not as a deep as a Southern Eastern drawl. Most of these kids sound Midwestern. Matt Dillion sounds likes he's from New York City metro.
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This episode reminds me of the suburban version of "The Shining".
11 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this made me think of Jack Nicholson and his wife Shelly Duvall. And the neighbor is the decaying nude lady. In the bathtub. Even some of the score had the eerie synthesizer playing.
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What a joke!! I guess they couldn't find any East Asian actors in Hollywood.
25 June 2021
You would think Richard Boone would have some input on this show because this is the last season. But you never know, maybe he was fighting with the producers and didn't care anymore. And it's soon to be the last show. This is a sad way to end a great series.
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Family Guy: Tales of Former Sports Glory (2021)
Season 19, Episode 20
Zero laughs from me.
17 May 2021
I was yawning throughout this episode. I'm glad I recorded it, so I can zip through the commercials.
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Dallas: Winds of Vengeance (1978)
Season 1, Episode 4
Imho, there's a little dark humor in this episode.
12 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching this live with my two friends who were really involved in this TV series. I found it funny that the two guys from Waco came up to hassle the Ewing family. And at the same time J.R. and Ray Krebbs were down in Waco hitting on their women. The dark comedy part was when they forced Sue Ellen to wear her Miss Texas bathing suit and sing the song while sobbing. Which she sang when she won the title. I laugh so much that my friends did not appreciate it. But after that, I got hooked on the show too.

Later on in the old HIGHLAND PARK neighbor NORMAN BENNETT was the cook at the greasy spoon that Lucy worked at. He also was the preacher in TENDER MERCIES and a possible husband for SHIRLEY MacLaine's character in TERMS OF ENDEARMENT.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: Side Sitting (2020)
Season 10, Episode 2
This show has become unbearable to watch.
29 December 2020
His show has "Jumped the shark"! Like a lot of shows that are running out of ideas and such... This show has gotten really uncomfortable to watch. And everybody that's still in the show are either doing it as a favor, getting paid a bunch or they're being blackmailed by Larry. P.S. And the high ratings are probably from people that been paid to do it. Or are friends of the show.😕
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I changed my rating from 9 to 2
11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When I was watching this at first it was a lot better when they were dealing with her and significant others families .... So she tried to be funny and people laughed. This makes me think of Dean Martin and Comedy Central's Comedy Roast. When you see people on the dais that are buddies of the person up there talking with them overly will go out of their way to laugh at something that is not even funny. This is what I thought what the writers was trying to make us do like "hey it's funny for a while now how about you laughing every time that she opens her mouth"
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Eddie Money Tribute Concert (2020 TV Movie)
Tearing up throughout.
13 October 2020
I used to kind of mock Eddie with the way he talked and sang. Then later on in life, I realized he was a great person and how I felt guilty about it. So watching this concert and listening to him and the other people singing his songs. And then speaking glowingly about him...makes me tear up to almost sobbing non-stop throughout the whole show. Thank you and your friends and your family for entertaining me Eddie!😁
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Arrested Development (2003–2019)
Arrested Development borrowed from the Mini-Series FRESNO with Carrol Burnett and Charles Grodin
17 September 2020
Has anybody seen the miniseries Dallas parody Fresno starring Carol Burnett and Charles Grodin? I was contacted in 2002 by Fox TV and they wanted me to send them Fresno series on tape. They said that when they did a search...I was the only person on the internet that had a copy of the 4 part mini series. They were willing for me to name my price. But I only charged $40 for 4 tapes. Before that... I actually re-recorded the original recordings in order to take out the commercials. Too bad I just didn't record them at "sp" speed and then save them for dvdrs. Though I do have them on dvdr, but not the best of quality. I asked these guys why they contacted me and they said that they were going to do a TV series and hope that Fresno gives them some ideas. Notice the weird brother on Fresno and David Cross on A.D. Also the form of transportation on Fresno is an older chevy station wagon with the back seat facing out. On A.D....they have the passenger transport truck from an airport. I just wish I could remember the names of the Fox people who I talked to and sent the tapes to. BTW! Fresno is available on YouTube for free. And Arrested Development is on Netflix. BOTH ARE VERY FUNNY. YOU'LL SEE THE SIMILARITIES.
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Brockmire: Three Year Contract (2020)
Season 4, Episode 2
Dull! No chemistry between the actors.
26 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show has become pathetic in my eyes. It used to be quick paced and funny. It reminds me of an Ingmar Bergman movie. It's like they're looking different directions while they're talking to each other. My negativity bolstered because the world is in a mess now. And a depressing Bergman movie isn't what I need to watch now.
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Brockmire: Favorable Matchup (2020)
Season 4, Episode 1
Like Jim Morrison of The Doors sang.. "this is the end my friend".
26 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show has petered out. Like Creek's last season...its been a total waste of my viewing time. But they still have sycophantic followers who will still give these shows a decent rating. Yes, but I do agree that this is a fair prediction on what's going to happen to pro sports in the near future. Because the cost of the tickets keep in going up. And the overpaying of players it's going to lose all support by the poor people out there. And I won't miss it. I rather watch high school and college sports anyway.
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Tears were welling up in my eyes!
12 February 2020
I knew about Lou Gramm since 1974 when I was an AOR dj at the U. of Iowa. He was Louis Gramnatico then. Him and his hometown Rochester, N.Y. boys formed a great band called Black Sheep. They were a lot like Free, Traffic and Humble Pie. His great "blue eyed soul" vocal range was what turned me on. But in the late 90s he suffered a brain tumor that affected his livelyhood. He required surgery and a lot steroids to help him along. This caused him severe issues with weight and throat issues. I saw him in 2006 Council Bluffs, Iowa. And it showed. Well... he's voice has really shaped up since. The present day charismatic lead singer Kelly Hansen really shined at this show. Myself and the fans loved it. And The back up band was excellant too. Later in the show... Lou join up with the old late 70s gang for a string of big hits on the final 40 minutes. I would love to see the latest version when they ever come to Iowa.
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The Andy Griffith Show: High Noon in Mayberry (1963)
Season 3, Episode 17
This episode has been stuck in my brain since it debuted.
6 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes, I have ussues with this show's scrpt being contrived like this one. Why would an Ex-con (that Andy helped put in prison) want to give Andy a present like this to begin with? And make everybody all worried about why he wants to look up Andy.
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"Flory" is no "Rosebud".
1 December 2019
During the intro of the episode...I wonder if anybody thought of "Citizen Caine" saying "Rosebud" right before Captain Thomas uttered "Flory" with snowflake like stubstances landing on his mustached mouth?
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Why do I get the girls that haved been played by creeps?
15 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this, I'm ever madder that I've been on the receiving end as the nice guy who gets turned down because of some other slim ball's antics. It happened a lot to me. Being on datelines brings a lot of players out from both sides. I met many of women who also play guys. Many of them are hoping for that guy from their last great date contacts her. And I found that both sides are willing to say what they think the other wants to hear. Sadly I'm an open book. Sometimes, they'll see me and say they wished they could have met me under better circumstances. So from now on, I'm just looking for friends with benefits!😁
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Bonanza: Big Shadow on the Land (1966)
Season 7, Episode 29
Reminds me of my immigrant grandparents.
4 October 2019
I can't help but tear up when I see this family struggle when trying to succeed. My grandparents lived in shacks in the early1900 Iowa. And it wasn't much better for their kids. The coal miner Italian father's that I grew up with were sometimes volatile and controlled their family with a firm hand. But deep down inside, they loved their family immensely. And would fight for their family to their death if needed. I'm really miss my old-country families! 😢
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Cringe worthy
26 September 2019
What a way to start their 14th season! This made me laugh and cringe through out. I actually was embarrassed for them while watching this episode. It's about time you guys came back with new episodes. I hope the family reappears this season.
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Wedding Daze (2006)
Over the top Stupid!
29 August 2019
I love nonsensical movies. But this was throw crap on the wall and see if it sticks stuff. These actors must have been hurting for money to prostitute themselves to look so stupid. Though, a lot of the younger actors here were funny in other corn ball tv. comedies I've seen on Comedy Central and Adult Swin Channels.
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Grey Gardens (1975)
Hey John Waters! Here's your next parody!
29 June 2019
Im watching this eccentic documentary with my mouth agape. It's not hard to see the beauty inside and out of both women. Even though they problably haven't been able to glam it up in a long time. Edith can sing and Edie obviously has a fashsion model quality about herself. But while I was watching this...I couldn't stop thinking of a John Waters type parody being made of this.
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Dickey needs some new teeth!
15 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
!!!Contains Spoilers!!! I watched a worned out old man trying to regain his 70s Allman Brothers live concert vibe. Along with me trying to watch his messy playing was me watching him trying to "gum" the lyrics. The other guitarists tried their best to play through his messed up leads. But the crowd seemed to love him. Maybe they're Jam Band fans who think every mess up was intended.😞
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Brockmire: Banned for Life (2019)
Season 3, Episode 4
Talk about "no filters"!
25 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! This was the funniest episode of the series IMHO! I felt like I was in a conversation with my kind of people.😀 The 4 guest stars in this episode did a solid job. Including Norm the "Asexual". I thought I was the only person that uses that same description of a person who's not turned on my either sexes. I really felt like it was a family I would love to hang out with. I couldn't make out the who was the tough mother. And wow! It was an 81+ year old Linda Lavin. She deserves an Emmy for best guest star in a series.
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