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The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)
Sort of unbelievable
29 June 2024
It's a bunch of actors who look like they are in their mid to late 20's "acting" like they are in high school. They have no rules, no curfews, barely seem to be in school at at. It would male more sense if they were maybe in college at least? It's pretty unbelievable that they are in high school. And the times and dates seem to change often. Stephan and Damian are supposed to be big brother and little brother, but they look the same age..at closer to 30 for both of them. The concept is alright, the books were good, but the show itself didn't really do it for me. For younger viewers maybe, but an older audience probably not. Just my opinion.
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Snapped (2004– )
Older episodes are better
7 May 2024
I love these documentaries. I have spenpt more than half a year in the hospital over the last 20 years, and getting stuck watching shows i dont care about. I found this series and got addicted.

My issue: the narrative often just repeats what an interview with someone is. Making it feel like filler to make a 15 minute production into an hour.

They show "coming up" which is just really snips of interviews to make it look more interesting, yet most of the time, none have anything to do with the other.

The older episodes are WAY better...the new ones are just filled with Zoom interviews, narrator saying the same thing that the person they're interviewing says, takes 3 commercial breaks to get to their point (which is a big -100% from the hype they built it up to be) The older episodes I would highly recommend, the new ones? If you like repetitive snap shots, hearing the annoying narrator voice, 60 minutes for even a TV series to cap in 13..by all means..
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In Ice Cold Blood (2018– )
Can't stand."Ice:-T"
15 January 2024
I love watching homiside/cold case/unsolved mystery shows. It's a good series. But I can't stand 'Ice-T' and his voice...he seems so arrogant, but what does he have that makes him special? Classified as a rapper and actor, cant name any of these he has done in 40 years. His voice drives me nuts. Would be such a better series without him. This seems like a way to try and get some cash, as his 'rap and acting' career is completely gone.

It has some really good cases, and I love watching them and trying to figure out 'who done it'. I just wish his voice wasn't in it.

But overall, I found this to be a good series if you are interested in documentary cases.i might be an odd-ball, but I like watching these type of shows. I do recommend, especially if you have no preference to the narrowative voice. Only little little stars is because of who the narrative voice is. But do recommend!
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I Lived with a Killer (2019–2020)
What's with the blue eyes?
27 October 2023
What's with all the series and when they do the recent interviews all the women have wicked blue eyes? I don't even know that many people with blue eyes..and when they show old pictures, eyes aren't blue. Maybe I just notice odd things, but it's almost every episode by this creator..it just seems odd. And some I'd the people giving interviews, blink really fast, like their eyes are bothering them.

Are they giving these people colored contacts for some reason?

I also find it really annoying that at every "break", when it comes back, they recap everything you just saw. So by the next break, you have learned maybe 2 minutes of new information. Episodes could be 11 minutes..
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In the Dark (2019–2022)
Started Promising
5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I got hooked in the first, season.. second was alright. Third I couldn't stand. Forth I had to force.

I could kind of get the first season. By the second, I didn't like the main character. On the third, I felt like throwing something at the tv..it made no sense..

She made no sense, so someone that used and abused the people in her life, she was extra. He logics and sense of thought had no sense..this it's more like someone that needs to be in a hospitality situation. Yet everyone just goes with her?! Not really believable.. plus all these men are sleeping with her, knowing she'd slept with many men, including their friends and/or family?

And Cranberry beverages don't clear a UTI btw.. I don't really understand the obsession with the women that she's looking for..it confused me how it was conected to Jess?

Then the dog..first season she hated him..then she's relying on him. Yet all she feeds him is crap potato chips and toilet water? How is the dog alive?

Plus not to mention 99% of the time when she's talking to someone she's looking right at them. I've known blind people, they rarely look right at you. And she gets around pretty well alone for some who she's nothing..
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Judge Judy (1996–2021)
It seems more staged..
13 September 2023
What is with the 'audience' in the last few seasons? I swear half aren't even real, and why are there maybe 10 now? The 'trials' all seem very staged especially since introducing Sara. She jokes all the time with being out of touch due to her age, but I think that's exactly why I wouldn't want her to be my judge. She has no concept on today's society. She always seems so biased right out of the gate. Talks to people like dirt until they say something that takes her off guard. I am firmly believing that the last few seasons are staged. I recognize some of the people from low budget films. It's just gotten stupid, especially since introducing Sara Rose..it seems very fake. Judy compares every trial against her our privileged family.
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Judge Judy Primetime (2014 TV Special)
13 September 2023
Any breed can be taught to be aggressive.

It's time we quit blaming the wrong end of the leash.

A small dog bite can still be just as infectious, and maybe more dangerous, as people write it off as as a "small bite" any aggressive behavior is bad behavior, no matter the size..its completely unexpectedly.. PERIOD. I have worked in many vet/doggy daycare facilities to know that small dogs can be, if not more, more aggressive than a large breed. Don't get me wrong, there are large breeds I will forever stay away from based on what I have seen. But too often when a small dog nips or bites people think it's funny or cute. It's NOT.
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True Blood (2008–2014)
Good at the start...
7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this series at the beginning. It was such a good take on the whole vampire theme.

Over the seasons it introduced a lot more folklore characters, which was so great.

But over the seasons it starts to develop into everyone has to have something super-natural going on...like people can't be people. Who were all these people 3 years ago?

By the time season five hit, I totally lost interest.

In season 4, characters and story lines where confusing how they all tied together. By season 5, I really didn't care.

There is so much going on, so many different stories.. its like the writers read reviews about people wanting to know more about each character, so tried to create a whole back story and now real time story...so they listened to EVERY single one, and wrote them into the plot...most really don't even make sense and seem like a really big waste of time, making it feel like all they were doing is paying actors for promised screen time without really having a reason.

Great series for the first bit, but then gets hard to follow and see how the stories connect. It feels very forced and very unrealistic..at the end of most scenes, you just sit there and ask why? What was the point? How is this relevant?

In my opinion, this went on twice the time it should have. Main character (sookie) should have been throat punched by the end of season two. Such a horribly selfish and unbelievable character who just bring the rest of the cast down with her. The series could very well have continued without her and still been more interesring... One of my favorite things-everyone seems to come and go from Merlotts, work when they want, or don't want, yet this bar always seems to be busy..especially since they basically have no staff.... And somehow every single man in the show for some odd reason wants Sookie for one reason or another? 5 years ago she was nothing (a virgin at that), and now suddenly men are falling at her feet? She's so innocent in the first season, second season still is, but conflicted..then by season 5 she is sleeping with everyone knowing she's teasing everyone...she's completely desirable to every man and woman she meets....yet up to this point no one was interested in her?

The story gets more unbelievable and dumb as the series goes on... Watch 2 seasons and quit. Not worth the time.
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The Rookie: Feds (2022–2023)
Hate Niecy Nash
31 October 2022
I can't stand her and her acting!

Hate Nathan Fillion too....as a Canadian I should like him but I just can't.

I can't even watch Rookie: Fed because if Niecy Nash..she is such a terrible actor, so unbelievable..stupid plot and idea, I'm not even sure how this became a show? Should definitely finish the season, call it quits or recast .

I really don't know how this became a show..the original was terrible and this one takes the cake...maybe they are trying to push the whole Canadian thing? Whatever it is, it does not work and should me canceled.

Niece Nash definitely wins the award for worst actress.
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Whispers and Lies (2008 TV Movie)
31 October 2022
Caught the last half of this. Didn't need to see the first to get what was going on.. Bad acting-and I mean I've seen better in a junior high school talent show, completely typical characters with not much thought put into them, greasy hair, a dead body laying in a warm room, 'flu' shots on the inside of the arm, cheap sponsor shots...the list goes on, and that was 20 minutes in.. There is so much wrong with thus movie. So predictable and expected. A typical 'B'..not even-a 'C' movie.

Glad it was on TV and not something I really picked or paid extra for.

Not something worth buying if it is on an app.
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Jett (2019)
29 October 2022
So not worth watching. It's so hard to follow right from the get go. Flash backs, subtitles make it hard to follow., The main character looks about 60, playing someone who is 35ish? Then with flashbacks 25? It's hard to follow what is going on because she looks exactly the same in every scene.

Save you're time and don't bother watching this...not worth the time and following an actress playing a role half her age. And the plot although fairly predictable, makes it confusing with all the flashbacks and characters who also have flashbacks, but don't seems to really matter.

Characters who really don't have much to do with the story get a huge background, but don't really seem relevant?
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Too hard to hear
27 December 2021
Good show, bit when music plays you can't hear anything they are saying. You either miss what's being said or have to constantly play with the volume. Totally took away from the show.
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