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Merlin (2008–2012)
Exciting, vital stories with a hint of the old Arthur legends. (light spoilers)
5 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"The Adventures of Merlin," is a great series that always manages to feel fresh and exciting.

In my opinion, it is a great achievement to make such a wonderful new take on the Arthur legends. It is true that this series "reinvents" the old stories, and changes key relationships and chronology.

I feel that this is "Merlin's" greatest strength; It's not exactly an original story, due to the heavy use of contrived material, but it is different enough from all of the original Arthur stories to not feel like you are watching the same thing for the thousandth time.

In addition to it's fresh take on the Arthur stories, it is also consistently fun, and frequently dramatic and engaging. The acting is good, and sometimes great. The writing is contrived, but fun, and it fits the rest of the production quite well.

The special effects are also really great. They are not blockbuster budget variety, but well done nonetheless. I especially like the monsters in this show, they are all really nice artistic renditions of classic old mythical beasts (like wyverns and griffins). The computer animation is not flawless, but it's good enough to show what a good job the artists did.

So, basically, this is a whole-package kind of a program. If you pick apart the elements of the story, and try to judge them alone, then it doesn't really look that impressive. However, as a whole, each episode of "Merlin" is fun and exciting, and is all the better for it's little flaws. For example, many of the actors have bad dramatic dialog, but it comes off as breezy, rather than overdone. It's all in the presentation, and "Merlin" has got the presentation down to a T.

On a final note, I would like to say that I believe many detractors of this show may have a specific grudge against any story or material that conflicts with the "cannon" King Arthur stories. This includes some of my friends who have said they can't watch this show. I believe this to be a huge mistake. Please don't let yourself miss out on this great show because you don't like the fact that they got Mordred's birthday wrong.

In fact, I have a very hard time understanding this kind of "die-hard" attitude towards the original Arthur cannon. There are a great number of Arthur stories that can be considered "original," and most, if not all of them, conflict with one another on a factual basis. (if you can even consider myths to have a factual basis) Actually, most Arthur stories were never written down, and there is no way to prove that this version of the story was never told around a campfire over 1000 years ago!

Please give this story a chance if you like fun adventures and huge mythical monsters; you won't be disappointed.
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I Am Legend (2007)
An enjoyable lightweight viral disaster movie.
30 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I Am Legend does plenty right, certainly most of the important things to a post-apocalyptic zombie film; it has absolutely breathtaking scenery, the sets (especially the house) are perfect, and the atmosphere is appropriately creepy the whole time. Add all of this up and throw in a strong performance by Will Smith, and you've got a very promising horror film. well... almost. I Am Legend has a really big story, so big that it can't cover all of it's bases in the time given. The movie is relatively short at about an hour and thirty five, and there isn't much time for Smith to explore the interesting and disturbing world he has found himself in. To make things worse, large portions of the film are dedicated to lengthy flashbacks from just before the movie starts that never really seem to be called for or drive the plot in any discernible way, serving only to supplement knowledge of the plot; given the short length of the movie, it hardly seems a worthy sacrifice for some action or, even better, some mystery. Essentially, that's where I am Legend falls short, it doesn't really present a decent mystery or developed drama, and it trades the possibility of delivering non-stop action for some mediocre flashbacks and a simple plot. However, it never really bores, and Will Smith is charismatic enough to elevate the viewing experience to well-above average. But just imagine what could have been if this movie was also well written. As it is, it's a good film that is too short and a bit thin, but it could have been a classic in the horror genre.
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Doom (2005)
Doom is a fun movie. It isn't like the game of is namesake but...
26 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
But it is like watching a video game. There are a few complaints that I have about the movie, but none of them is big enough to have distracted from my enjoyment. Doom is essentially a visceral experience, very bloody and fast paced. There is actually a story to the movie, perhaps more of a story than the game itself? I will let the fans be the judge of that themselves. However, many fans will undoubtedly take off points for Doom's total lack of consistency with the source material. This did not bother me at all. I liked the game, but I was never personally hoping for a realistic adaptation of the story in a movie. Furthermore, I never expected Doom to be turned into a movie because it doesn't exactly cry out for an adaptation. I have read other comments saying that the name was poorly chosen, but we all know the power of franchising in advertising. The name Doom gave this movie a bigger budget and payed for the cool special effects and the good action movie actors. (at least i think so)

That being said, I didn't like the ending much. I thought it was too abrupt and left a lot of unexplained things in a bad way. Tying up loose ends and possibly delving into the pseudo-scientific aspects that where introduced could have given the story a bigger universe to exist within and increased the likelihood of a sequel.

I also didn't much like what I saw as an unexplained change in the Rock's personality at the end of the movie. I could see all of the little foreshadowing of his ultimate transformation, but it did not make any sense. The leader of an elite marines team can be a crazy evil sociopath, but there should be a bit more of an indication of it earlier on in the movie. Seriously, if he was so evil, why did he offer to let Urban stay behind on the mission because he was feeling emotional. It doesn't make sense that a sociopath would have such a warm and fuzzy moment. I am not really that picky, but I wanted an explanation of some kind.

However, like i said, these problems did not really stop me from enjoying the movie. Doom never felt slow to me, and the action and gun fight scenes were all exciting to me. It also has a middle of the road quality story that only suffers from being abandoned before the movie ends.

I rated this movie a 6.5 out of 10 because I feel I have to fairly compare it to other, better action sci-fi movies. Basically, I took points off for lack of a good ending, and I also took points off for abandoning the plot too early in the movie.

BOTTOM LINE... Doom is fun. See Doom if you like bloody movies with guns that don't slow down. Stay away from Doom if you can't handle mindless violence or if you can't handle the fact that the movie completely ignores the story from the game.
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Body of Lies (2008)
A big change from traditional espionage movies. 'light spoilers'
21 August 2009
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"Body of Lies" is far from the usual cold-war espionage template that was standardized with the likes of John LeCarre and Robert Ludlum. Films like the recent "Bourne Identity" trilogy attempted to update the old format by infusing it with action and modern pop culture references. "Body of Lies" doesn't bother to connect it's mood with the espionage movie genre, but it does make use of several spy movie clichés like the rouge agent, the girlfriend in danger, and end plot twists.

"Body of Lies" takes place in the current wartime, in settings that have become increasingly familiar to the American public. The film does a good job of presenting the setting in a realistic manner, and shows a slice of the war in Iraq. However, don't expect to swept away with a great narrative or human drama, it's just not there.

This would not be a problem if it was a documentary, or it had a particularly compelling element of realism and an important realistic message, but I didn't see any of that. I just saw a spy movie using a realistic wartime backdrop and succeeding only in being exciting and entertaining in the action sequences. Nor did the film really develop characters much. I wanted to know more about the computer guy that DiCaprio works with, and to see DiCaprio's relationship develop, but it never happened.

"Body of Lies" was occasionally exciting, sometimes very sad, and never actually bad, but also never really brilliant. It is an entertaining political wartime thriller that tries to tell too broad a story and ends up lacking focus and imitating reality just a little too closely to make for a great movie.
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The Mist (2007)
Interesting set-up for a movie that goes nowhere
5 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie because of the good things i have read about it on this site... I guess it was just a slow movie year or something, because this was a boring film. It starts off really good with a post apocalyptic stuck-in-the-supermarket-during-judgment-day kind of vibe, but it doesn't really go anywhere. Instead, the story focuses on the limited interaction between the folks trapped together. For me, this was boring, because i was just waiting for them to leave the whole time. It's like getting stuck in the root menu of DVD or something. nothing ever happens. The cast just slowly learns what we all know from the beginning of the movie, about the origin of the mist, and how it's dangerous to go outside. Boring movie, but some good scenes and good acting all around for what it was. Not a total loss, but not above a 5 out of 10 for me.
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Mediocre at best
22 March 2008
this movie is a bit of fluff that is only saved by it's mindless sense of fun. if you are a fan of the series, you will undoubtedly be insulted by the lack of care taken with the series. mostly because the serious drama that forms the basis of the story is not present at all.

if those reading this comment have not read the series, or even watched the cartoon, then there is a chance that you may actually find this movie relatively amusing. because it is wacky and fun, and not really terrible. unfortunately, that is a very unlikely case indeed, since this is a cult series and the live action movie has never been professionally subtitled or released in English.

if you are just curious, why not watch this first, it can ONLY get better from here, trust me.

but for those who are serious fans of the series, i feel your pain (and as a consolation, check out the 2007 TV show if you can, it's much better).
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Must-see for any Wes Anderson fan, accessible enough for newcomers.
1 October 2007
From the point of view of a Wes Anderson fan, I thought this was an absolutely wonderful picture. There isn't anything bad at all I had to say about it when I got out of the theater. In retrospect, I have to admit that the film was very deliberate (or slightly contrived to use a less favorable term), but that is Wes Anderson's style so that is what I was expecting. What I wasn't expecting is how well the narrative, the music and the cinematography flowed together. Everything really gelled; it was seamless. It was so seamless that I didn't even notice how deliberate it was. I can't say that I felt that way about any other of Anderson's films. It definitely feels like he is maturing as a filmmaker and he is choosing his material better in the editing room. This is my second favorite Anderson film, right behind Rushmore, followed closely by Bottle Rocket and the other two are a toss-up for fourth place. I really hope this starts playing outside of New York so that the rest of the country can see it. Oh! and the soundtrack is amazing! Really great Bollywood film stuff.
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great movie, closer in spirit to the books
12 July 2007
The fifth installment in the Harry Potter movies is a satisfying retelling of it's book counterpart. What most impressed me was just how much the cast has grown as actors. All of the main characters have improved dramatically and the newcomers, such as Beatrice Lestrange, were all well chosen for their roles. There is also enough new content to hold the interest of those who have read the book many times over. The new content also succeeds in advancing the story and filling in holes created by missing story elements (elements that were present in the books). I was also really impressed with the way the movie treats the character of Dolores Umbridge, I was nervous that she would appear too silly in the movie, but she is really well done. All in all, my favorite Harry Potter movie so far!
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cult cinema/old serials styled psychological yakuza thriller
1 July 2007
This film instantly became one of my favorite movies after watching it. Starring Masatoshi Nagase, who first came to the notice of American audiences after appearing in Jim Jarmusch's "Mystery Train" (1990), this serial styled private eye film just oozes with creativity and dark humour. It's got everything I look for in cult films: ultra-violence, weird cult gangs, great style and a downbeat plot. Some folks will undoubtedly be confused by this movie, especially those who lack interest in cult cinema or those who are not used to the pacing of Japanese films. What can I say, this is not going to be for everybody, but to those who really get it, and you will know who you are, this movie is a classic waiting to happen.
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Entertaining early Chevy Chase film
15 February 2006
I found this film entertaining and well put together. Fans of Chevy Chase are advised to check this one out (if you've seen Caddyshack and Fletch too many times). Some truly hilarious scenes and good effort from the whole cast. Brian Murray, Bill Murray's oldest brother, is terrific in his role as the Vietnam vet./ alternative book publisher. His nonchalant irreverence looks forward to his role in the legendary third season of the Television show "Get a Life," in which he plays the roommate of Chris Elliot (highly recommended). Nonetheless, the film is short and feels open-ended, somewhat like a long comedy sketch. It's not going to make the top of any lists, but it's the best early Chase movie that was never a classic.
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Walk the Line (2005)
Well delivered Bio-film.
15 January 2006
Walk the Line is a competent, but not transcendent film that follows the Bio-film format to the letter. The strong points of the film come from the excellent original music sung by Pheonix and Witherspoon, the on-screen chemistry and the impassioned performances by the whole cast. The weakest point of the film is the lack of detail and story content. Cash's struggles were not adequately represented and the film failed to address anything that a fan of his music would find new and interesting. This is a shame, because Cash led one hell of an interesting life. Five out of five for execution, but two out of five for content.
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not exactly a zombie movie
12 March 2005
Shawn of the Dead is not the best zombie movie ever made, nor is it the best romantic comedy. However, it fills both roles so amazingly well that lovers of both genres should be satisfied. That is, unless your movies have to scare the pants off of you. People who love to be scared aren't going to get kicks from this movie. It's more of a fast-paced suspense film with some good fake blood and gore and a feel-good drama going on in the background. Aside from the genre, the film also employs some good story advancement techniques such as the television ads and joke shows that are reminiscent of Verhoeven's work. (total recall/starship troopers) This movie does not attempt to be epic or create some otherworldly or post-apocalyptic dream-scape, but it creates an intimate mood between the small group of survivors who exist in an innocuous suburban enclave, except with zombies. Furthermore, it manages to pull all of it's elements together without leaving anything behind or unfinished. I found it incredibly fun to watch, and that is as good of a measure I can think of for a film. Perhaps it's not the only measure, but we all to have a laugh now and again.
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enjoyable, but flawed by lack of detail
18 November 2002
As an older Harry Potter fan who has read the books, i found "The Chamber of Secrets" to be enjoyable, but a bit of a let-down after the "The Sorcerer's Stone." I understand that the story is far more complicated than the first book, but i do not believe that an appropriate compromise was reached between the mystery and the details of Harry's childhood. It seems as though, not only were the details of the mystery insufficient, but that Harry's coming-of-age has been almost completely ignored. However, in spite of some very bad acting from Draco Malfoy, there are plenty of exciting moments and the movie is fun throughout. They should look into replacing Malfoy as the new Dumbledore is chosen. It would be an added incentive to see the third movie. 7 out of 10 (for a potter fan)
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Ali (2001)
Ali is an interesting failure.
5 January 2002
Ali is an interesting failure. A movie about an important historical figure such as Ali could have benefited from a straightforward, energetic approach. However, Mann's more artistic approach might have succeeded had the artistic elements complimented the subject matter. Michael Mann does not effectively create a biographical account, nor does he emphasize the action scenes. Instead, he chooses to make it a self-consciously artistic film. The narrative facts are obscured by the filmmaking which destroys the cohesion of the plot. The only consistent element left to cling to is Mann's characteristic slow pacing. Some of the artistic sequences are quite interesting, taken out of context. However, these lengthy sequences end up taking the place of narrative information that is so important that it hardly seems an appropriate sacrifice. Furthermore, by allowing the pacing of the movie to become so exposed, one cannot help but feel it drag on. One direct criticism I have is that the music was poorly chosen. The movie starts off in a good place with Sam Cooke, but many sequences feature background electronic music (it sounds very modern). If the film had stuck to a period soundtrack, the artistic elements would have tied in with the plot effectively. All of this aside, Will Smith gave an incredible performance as Ali, perhaps the best of his career. It's a shame that Mann did not make a movie to match the honesty of Smith's performance.
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