
181 Reviews
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Rome (2005–2007)
Overall an entertaining epic and worth watching
27 June 2024
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Despite its length, the constant and graphic violence (including rapes), and the often very modern bits of dialogue, make-up and behaviour of various characters, much of this series is actually based on facts, according to historical and archaeological evidence. Although it's not a documentary and should not be judged that way, this series is an entertaining combination of soap opera, history lesson and visual treat. The high production value is evident by the wonderful period detail, the many battle scenes (you have to have a strong stomach to deal with all the blood and gore frankly), and depictions of everyday life in the Roman Empire. Most characters were exceptionally well portrayed apart from a few issues and scenarios, but considering how many actors were involved, including some outstanding ones like Ciaran Hinds, you really got a taste of this time and place, and the various strata of society that inhabited it. A good balance of the serious, tragic and smattering of humour make this one of the better viewing options out there. It may be too long for many to watch but it is worth the effort, if you accept there is an awful lot of graphic sex and violence to sit through. But the storytelling stays solid and interesting throughout. A one-off successful production.
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The Last Narc (2020)
Difficult to watch but a must-see
13 June 2024
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Even if you don't believe in conspiracies, this series will certainly make you question certain assumptions about politics, 'justice' and what is really criminal. Even if only half of what is covered in this powerful series is true, then the relationships between the U. S. and Mexican government (not just for this particular event), the drug cartels and the CIA, has benefited far too many for far too long. That there are always scapegoats, innocent victims and above all, those in power who dictate how things operate and who is left standing, is made very clear here. If there is money to be made and power up for grabs, no one is immune to its effects. The endless and repetitive calls of American politicians, then as now, for a 'war' on - pick your topic - is both cynical and hypocritical, to say the least. Honest individuals like Kiki Camarena and some of his colleagues will always be sacrificed for trying to uncover and reveal the complicity with which officials and their puppets accomplish their goals, be it supporting dictatorships around the world, selling arms to whoever needs them, or pocketing illegal proceeds to fund both personal and governmental goals. No need to pretend this is all completely fiction, as the facts and historical documentation eventually reveals the truth. This series is long, painful, tedious at times, extremely scary and yet needs to be seen and talked about. The issues it deals with: drugs, violence, corruption, duplicity, money laundering, political expediency and so many lost innocent lives is still alive and thriving. Kudos to the bravery and persistence of both the filmmakers and those involved in exposing the many lies and coverups this series deals with.
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Well acted but very ambiguous
9 June 2024
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Not sure how accurate this was, even after reading the little bit I found about the real crime this is based on. The series itself is a bit too repetitive and has been stretched unnecessarily. But the acting is generally very solid and believable, especially the parents. The 'evidence', such as it is as presented here, is never truly convincing, yet the statements by both parents as to what actually happened and when/where they were at the time of the murder, is also never satisfactorily explained. The lack of DNA for instance, in the car, the cottage and on the victim, is non-existent except for the so-called unexplained one by the male who apparently had nothing to do with this event. It was all a bit too confusing in terms of what really happened and above all, the motive was very unclear. It's ok to have a show with ambiguous endings, but in this case, where a young girl is murdered, ostensibly by her parents, it is left up to the viewer to decide on guilt or innocence. One thing was clear though: the mother had major psychological issues and the relationship between the parents was not healthy. How they managed to adopt this child is a question that lingers. A sad and still unresolved crime it seems, despite the guilty verdict.
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Law & Order: UK (2009–2014)
A pretty solid production despite some 'flaws'
25 May 2024
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After watching the first 2 seasons and not being sure if it improved after the first season, I would say this series is worth watching generally speaking. Some interesting cases and scenarios and above all, grown-up, realistic dialogue well delivered by the main leads. Nice to see so many ex-Coronation Street alumni (I used to be an avid fan but stopped after too many new characters were introduced), who have evolved into reliable and solid actors. Especially Brad Walsh, who holds his own against such pros as Harriet Walters. The pace is a bit too frantic for my tastes and done storylines are a tad too convoluted and beyond realistic, but this is fictional drama and so should be viewed as mostly entertaining yet with some authentic legal and law-enforcement angles. The Brits know how to present in-depth characters and make them come alive, even when some of the stories are a bit far-fetched, like when our main female prosecutor 'lets' herself be raped and films it to get a conviction. The relationships are interesting as is the tension between the various characters when they disagree or come into conflict. Not the best drama series but certainly substantial enough to watch when looking for entertainment that doesn't strain the brain.
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Oh how the mighty fall!
21 May 2024
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This part-documentary, part-fictionalized account of one narcissist's rapid rise and downfall proves that because of his outsized ego, he doomed himself. This show was perhaps a bit too long with too many repetitive scenes and prolonged interviews with too many people, but celebrity brings out the need for so many to be part of this circus. What was clear is that although the victim was clearly not the innocent sweet young daughter her mother wanted her to still be, she was definitely naive and vulnerable to such a con artist and obvious psychopath. What was truly shocking was how many people were taken in by his superficial charm and bizarre stories, without questioning anything, even his various lawyers. This murderer got away with so much because far too many people around him wanted to be close to this self-invented personality and his short-lived 'fame'. A sad commentary on how much influence 'celebrities' have in today's world. Overcompensation for his small stature and his dysfunctional upbringing were brought up in explaining his later actions and lies and so I would say, watch this and see how his own words finally revealed what an empty vessel he truly was. Too many women, especially those looking for 'rescue' will continue to fall victim to these types unless they have either a place to turn to or a strong support system. Heydi seems to have had lost her way in life and for this she paid a high price indeed. Cesar's life is now a reality over which he no longer has any control, finally. A fairly well-made and thorough telling of this sordid and sad tragedy that took the life of an immigrant at a time when so many are in the same situation.
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I apologize in advance
4 May 2024
I tried really hard and despite being a pretty captive audience (one of only a couple of potential movies on a long 10-hr flight), I just could not stomach watching this for longer than the first 1/2 hr. I would have given up earlier but was 'hoping' things might improve. The otherwise talented actresses who represented the 4 friends are either really needing the money to make this fiasco, or the producers wanted to prove that there are roles for older women. Either way, it was a terrible waste of talent, badly written and can barely qualify as an example of real 'acting'. I couldn't get over how much Botox/facial surgery was on screen and even more disappointed at how lazy it all was. The 'acting', the premise, the travelogue-type appearance of everything and the relationships were just too banal and improbable to believe for even one minute. It was predictable even after the first few minutes and I could not bring myself to just look at and enjoy the Italian sites and scenery as the characters and 'storyline/s, such as they were, were so wooden and just left me cold. Sorry, but if this is the best writing available for us mature women, I'll stick with reading a good book instead.
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Good start but falters
8 April 2024
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Having read about and watched factual documentaries about this particular incident, I was hoping for something more than what I got here. Despite the presence of many solid and fine actors/actresses, the film stayed on track until the last 1/2 hr or so. At the point where the 'waiter' from the club confronts fake 'Pam'. Until then this adaptation was both believable and historically close to the truth, apart from the whole thing with the 'expert' pathologist from Madrid. Even the occasional humorous exchanges didn't take away from the serious nature of this real event. But there was just too much relationship chaos that came together and interfered with the main thrust of this successful deception that deserves more recognition and respect. Could have been far better if the writers had not veered off into other side stories. Not the worst production out there but not worth a second viewing.
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Manhunt (2019–2021)
Excellent crime series
15 March 2024
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Martin Clunes proves here that he is an actor with a solid and wide range of talent and this two-part series is one of the better crime/real-life stories produced. The supporting cast were generally all very believable and did their roles justice. The pace, writing, and above all, the subtle use of background music all add up to a riveting and tension-filled series. It's rare these days to watch any show that isn't bombarded with theme music and songs that overwhelm most productions, but here it is used superbly and to great effect. The style and character-driven of this drama genre is of a very high quality and has few, if any, flaws. What's frightening is that these are based on real tragedies and like a few other recent crime shows, affords a similar and respectful handing of the victims and the impact on their lives. In this last case, some of the elderly people succumbed after the attacks and yet the perpetrator was never charged with manslaughter, which should have happened. But this is what occurred and such is the frustration that the investors involved likely also experienced. The humanity of everyone involved is shown as it really was. Solid drama which the Brits do so well.
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Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
Brutally funny, heart-wrenching and surprising
10 March 2024
Despite myself and 'forgetting' that I abhor violence and swearing as a main ingredient of any show, this Aussie series surprised me in an unexpected way. Forget any other crime/drama series you've seen, except maybe The Sopranos, this has to one of the most unique shows produced in the last few decades! Outstanding acting, especially by 'Ray', portrayed perfectly by a previously unknown (to me) who manages to be threatening, scary and sensitive all in the same episode! The writing is of high quality, not for the faint hearted and for those who appreciate a grown-up show. Yes, there's lots of graphic violence and some despicable characters, but the humour interspersed is something that is unpredictable a welcome change to the usual formulaic stories you get. The twists and turns aren't always realistic but they are always interesting and entertaining. If you can stomach the brutality, the swearing and watch it with subtitles (otherwise you will miss the Aussie vernacular and abbreviations), then you will have watched something totally unique and original, and that's saying a lot. Just finished the first season and second seasons, and have to say, the show has stayed consistent. I actually had tears in my eyes during a few scenarios in the 2nd series, especially concerning the brother Bruce, as brilliantly portrayed by Nicholas Cassim. Great acting also by the supporting cast, including 'Brittany' and even the despicable types, of which there are many. Just finished watching the last episode of the last (3rd) season, and it ended as it started: in an intriguing open-ended way. Each viewer will imagine what they believe will happen here. The outstanding emotional range of Scott Ryan as 'Ray' will stay with me. A powerful performer, regardless of how you view his character. Binge-worthy watching.
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Like a deflated kite
8 March 2024
This series had lots of interesting twists and turns, some decent dialogue, along with occasional funny moments, and scenery that just makes you drool, but... despite the strong presence of Clive Owen in a solid performance, some interesting side characters and lovely period details, the whole series floundered badly in the final episode. A truly bizarre and totally unbelievable wrap-up that made no sense even after the silly monologue by the 'Canadian UN' character, played badly by Alfre Woodard. I had high hopes things would eventually come together in the end but all that happened is a gathering a la Agatha Christie in the living room with each person described in a preaching tone. A really silly piece of writing and way to end this otherwise fairly decent production that felt and looked like the period it portrays. Lots of wasted talent and too many characters that were in this mix of the good, the bad and the useless. Still have no idea what that crazed monk was doing and on whose behalf he acted. I really was shocked at how improbable the last episode supposedly 'resolved' the many strands of this show. A disappointing end.
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Red Joan (2018)
This is not a documentary but it is worth watching
2 March 2024
With lots of solid acting and believable characters, this 'loosely' based on adaptation of the book is still better than lots of other spy stories from this period. What makes it unique is that the central (and real person it's based on) is female and that she was only exposed late in life. Another successful rendition of a period piece which the British do so well for the most part. The performances are largely spot on, apart from a few roles that didn't ring true and felt 'thin', like the 'Canadians' (I am one). But there's enough intrigue and tension and historical truths that it keeps your attention throughout. The pace is just right and although a few minor scenarios were not that interesting or even necessary to the story, the overall writing and dialogue felt very authentic. Beautiful cinematography and thankfully the background music stayed subtle (unlike most shows these days), and the period details also caught the mood and look of the times depicted. Not the best spy movie ever made but one of the better ones.
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London Kills (2019– )
Pretty mediocre in terms of story/dialogue and acting
25 February 2024
Honestly, this is a very run-of-the-mill rehash of fairly predictable stories/crimes and the main cast just don't gel. The acting consists of lots of crappy facial expressions rather than really trying to convey the character being portrayed. Not one of the roles is truly believable and there is far too much going on, so it just feels like a blender set on 'mix'. Sharon Small is wasted here and the others are just so improbable that you just don't care what happens. There are so many loopholes and silly scenarios that you wonder where the writers are actually getting their inspiration' from. A big disappointment since I usually enjoy most British crime/detective series and even the mediocre ones have at least something going for them, like humour or wit or solid characters. Not here.
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Black Snow (2022– )
Subpar acting generally and too long
23 February 2024
While I usually enjoy most Aussie offerings, this series just felt 'flat' to me and I was glad when the first season ended. Having never seen Travis in anything before I can't judge if he can really act or not. Here he was not a believable character to me, nor were most of the other parts. Positives: no excessive smoking or swearing, nice scenery at times and lots of unconventional people participating in this show. Negatives: the overwhelming use of crappy music, the stiff acting by most (apart from a few of the younger ones), the convoluted main crime and too many aide stories, and far too many characters that felt hollow, and most irritating of all, dad the fanatically negative/religious pastor who saw evil in everything and all the time. It just came across as a hodgepodge of trying to cover so many issues with so many people. And it went on for far too long frankly. No thanks to watching season 2. I just didn't 'buy' into any of it really.
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Informative and well done, but tragic
20 February 2024
For those of us outside the UK who've never heard of this story, I appreciate that the British seem to be able to convey the essence of this kind of crime without sensationalizing it. The acting was pretty solid and the pace was just right, apart from a few frantic camera shots that didn't add to anything except dizziness. What is clear here is that apart from the many victims (the ones shot and their families and friends), the other 'victim' is the empathy that all these social media/Facebook followers were lacking. However you feel about the police, the fact that psychopath (and he was a very damaged individual who made these choices) killed and maimed people and yet still was viewed by himself and his deluded 'fans' as a victim, is beyond comprehension. But sadly, this is far too commonplace these days and everyone wants to be a 'star' and be recognized, regardless of how or why. One has to despair of humanity that we have 'evolved' to this kind of mindless narcissism. This series at least tries to put some of that humanity back for the victims and show them the respect they deserved. Kudos to the whole production and shame on those who glorify killers of innocent people.
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Overall very well made mini series from Australia
19 February 2024
Despite a few irritants, like the occasional overwhelming music and the frantic camera work, this fact-based series showed the many facets of police/detective/legal work that goes into solving murders. It also makes clear that for every direct murder victim there are many more casualties and that despite the formidable technology of DNA, results are still not as straightforward as they could and should be. Unfortunately, these sorts of murders are not fictional and are not becoming rarer. Although a very sad and tragic subject matter, this show has solid acting, minimal violence and lots of personal angles that let you into the heart of these people and events.
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What a performance!
17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Patricia Routledge, seen here for her debut as the private detective, is a true 'tour de force' and amazing performer. This first instalment is quite a bit darker and has a number of wooden actors and weak characters which thankfully all changed in the latter series of hers called: Hetty Wainthropp Investigates. Despite a fairly mediocre production generally, Ms. Routledge manages to convey the whole range of emotions that personify this role and character to a tee. The very dated (I have only now come across this episode in 2024) wardrobe, scenes and details are quite cheesy now but worth a look. I really am glad her later shows are much lighter and a bit more intelligent than this one except that the various side stories here (especially the scenes with her friend and the husband's death) are very powerful still.
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Mrs. Wilson (2018)
Top acting marks except for....
15 February 2024
...Iain Glen's role was just not convincing for me and Ruth Wilson deserves an award for her portrayal, which must have been very difficult at times, given her connection. Truth in this case is really stranger than fiction, and if even half the scenarios and events shown are factually correct, the Wilson family will probably never know the whole story behind Alexander's life and intrigues. Very well done and a good pace, despite a few irritants for me personally. There were a few occasions when the background music became too intrusive and the religious aspects were something I best not comment on, but clearly are important factors in all this. As we know by now, there was deep infiltration by foreign powers during and after the 2nd world war, and the various govt agencies are still loath to admit to any shortcomings. The betrayals, double and more lives their agent lived has resulted in so much heartache and tragedy that it's a testament to the offspring that they have come through this mess so well and intact. Kudos for a great story and especially to Ruth whose acting is superb.
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Incredibly powerful and sad
25 January 2024
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By the last episode, my emotions were pretty well drained and the tears finally came. Not often do any shows move me like this one did. Apart from any artistic license taken by Sarah Phelps, her writing was powerful, respectful of the victims and their families and never strayed into the sensational. The acting by everyone was exceptional and always believable. The one small quibble I do have is that the last episode's music was far too intrusive and irritating. Even though there was only one verdict of murder, it was/is clear this psychopath would have continued in his targeting and killing of elderly people, but the death of both victims put a stop to this. It is a sad but wonderful legacy for both Peter and Ann that their lives will not be forgotten. Few series can achieve that delicate balance of true suspense and subtle storytelling without lots of action. Here is a show that proves the BBC can and does produce first-rate viewing without a lot of bells, whistles and not even a period costume piece! Top-notch production that had the perfect combination of real-life facts, sympathetic (and yes, flawed) victims, and a pace which pulls you along to the very powerful ending that rings so very true.
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Payback (I) (2023)
Overall good solid writing, acting and storylines
22 January 2024
Although the character of 'Lexie' is a bit far-fetched and a few others not all that credible (Derek Russell's role was irritating and his acting mediocre frankly), the acting by most was very solid and believable. The many unpredictable twists and turns were handled quite well and kept the suspense going. Most appreciated is the fact that the background music did not intrude the way far too many do these days when series are weak in the content. Also, there was no need for constant swearing, smoking or abundance of graphic violence. This proves that the writing and character development are strong enough to hold the viewer's attention. Despite a few flaws and weak scenarios (Cal's daughter was an unnecessary distraction), the overall quality held up and most roles were well acted. One of the better productions out of Scotland and certainly entertaining. The ending was satisfying but a bit abrupt. Still, not a bad series.
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Very different Agatha Christie adaptation
20 January 2024
This is one of those productions that combine really interesting characters within a story that has enough twists and turns to hold your interest, despite its rather tenuous link to real life events. What really drives this show along are the period details, the 'mood' and feel of the thing, and the solid acting by almost everyone involved. I felt 'Leonard' was the least effective character and the actor wasn't that convincing either. But Toby Jones and Ms Riseborough were too-notch in their performances. The pace was slow, filled with tension and showed how the various stratas of society dealt with the aftermath of a devastating war. The psychological damage was the most obvious, resulting in murder and an almost carefree attitude about the whole process and planning of it. This is a short story that is probably one of Ms. Christie's most damning condemnations of war and although adapted by Sarah Phelps, has definitely stayed true to the original intent. It's not light entertainment but worth watching, despite the fact that the lighting was just a bit too obvious in trying to create a certain 'atmosphere'.
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Birdsong (2012)
Many parts but no centre
10 January 2024
If it weren't for the scenery, pretty dresses and some beautiful period buildings and details, I would not have forced myself to endure this maudlin piece of subpar 'drama'. Nothing worked for me: the acting by most was fairly wooden, along with accompanying 'French' accents that bombed, the constant flashbacks so you lost the plot, the infernal music that was beyond intrusive, and the improbable scenarios, be they the war scenes, the sexual encounters (this supposedly being the early 1900s and NOT today), and the characters themselves. Not one person seemed 'real' and this was not only because they looked 'modern-day', but also their behaviours and dialogue. I could never buy into the two main protagonists' attraction to one another. Both look and 'act' like children and there was just such a disconnected feel about everyone and the many storylines that I was never invested in this production. A poor second 'cousin' to Downton Abbey or the even earlier Upstairs, Downstairs series, both of which had much better writing and at least some humour. And both did a better job of showing the impact of WW1 on all levels of society. This mini-series never felt authentic or had any depth. A real wasted effort and not even interesting.
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Another triumph by Mr Attenborough
9 January 2024
Having watched every Attenborough/BBC nature show I've managed to get my hands on in my 70 years of existence (so far), I can honestly say that each new documentary David Attenborough makes is a revelation. Yes, some things have been seen or discussed in his previous series, but the addition of time-lapse photography, extreme close-ups and the participation of young crew members in this latest series had added new perspectives and understanding, especially to previously unseen wonders. In these critical times, for all living things, the more information and new details we can be given, the more we can try to mitigate the destruction we've caused by our greed, arrogance and ignorance. Although I have always found the background music to be a bit much and the fast-paced camera work a little too frantic at times, these are just minor quibbles in an otherwise superb new series by a true champion of all things wild. Although we know this still-enthusiastic and intelligent man will not live forever, his legacy and films will endure. Nature is resilient, but it's also very clear by now that it is fragile and vulnerable to our impact on it, in all its forms and manifestations. There is no one to compare to this 'hero' and nothing better than watching and learning (for all ages and societies) any one of his nature shows. If this latest series doesn't make you feel anxious, awe-inspired and/or worried about the future, nothing will.
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The Child in Time (2017 TV Movie)
Discombobulated melodrama
8 January 2024
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Firstly, I don't understand the fuss about Mr Cumberbatch or why he is so popular and in almost every production lately. I personally find him quite unattractive to look at and his 'acting' just never convinces me. He, along with almost everyone else in this drawn-out film, are not able to 'inhabit' their roles or characters. Apart from the disconnected feel of the whole thing (I struggled to watch it to the end), the overwhelming music was really off-putting and an irritant more than an 'enhancement' to anything. The other major issue I had was the frantic camera movements that were reminiscent of a film student's initial experimentation. I found the production to be just so many unconnected and improbable scenarios that had no cohesion or authenticity. The main theme of a missing child became secondary to all these other side stories. Charles was clearly unhinged early on in the film yet no one did anything about it. Never a mention of any investigation or what might have actually happened. Yes, this was an exploration of 'feelings' but of too many peripheral characters and situations, both past and present. It felt very schizophrenic overall and really failed to hold my interest or complete attention. I just wanted it to be over, and the ending really made no sense. Strange film that I clearly missed the 'real' meaning of.
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Parade's End (2012)
What a waste of talent!
7 January 2024
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Tom Stoppard, a normally reliable and intelligent writer, should stick with modern theatre pieces. The writing is almost on the line of parody of this genre, given how much is lacking a real sense of gravitas and instead has lots of modern sensibilities and mannerisms. The acting by almost everyone involved is below par and the two main protagonists are really improbable in their own ways. I've never been much of a fan of Mr Cumberbatch, and here he's given the unenviable task of being constantly teary-eyed or actually crying over something or other. A cuckolded upper-class sensitive and naive soul who supposedly simmers with passion when he meets the child-like Valentine, another character totally lacking in believability. The actress looks and sounds and behaves like a school girl, not a fiery suffragette. Sylvia the 'wife' is a combination of sex-starved, always well-dressed and occasionally Cruella who is so self-absorber, nasty and arrogant and then in an about-face, becomes an avowed Catholic who forsakes sex so she can go back to tormenting her ever-faithful saint of a husband. She certainly never shows any interest in her son or in anything other than vying for male attention. The main irritant in this very choppy production was the constant presence of music which tried to dictate moods and emotions, but really only became overwhelmingly bothersome. Downton Abbey is in another league and cannot be compared to this mess, which often reminded me of the old Blackadder series, especially the war scenarios. That is not a compliment given that this is supposed to be a period drama. The BBC failed with this one.
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Poirot: Hallowe'en Party (2010)
Season 12, Episode 2
The best of the season 12 episodes
4 January 2024
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Considering how subpar the other stories are in this 12th season compilation, it isn't difficult to find this the best of the lot. Lots has to do with the acting, despite the improbable twists and turns. Far superior to the others in this season IMO. What I found very appealing was the cinematography and the interesting camera angles. The period details, scenery and interiors were spot on and made this otherwise strange story a bit more believable. Again, one can see the creeping in of certain behaviours and comments made by Poirot that later became far too prominent and off-putting: his religious/moral inclinations. The scientific and rational thinking man is becoming a bit unhinged and turning towards religion - fearing his own mortality perhaps? Something is entering the writing and characters that will s taking away from the sheer enjoyment of these previously wonderful 'who-done-its'. A good number of solid female actresses certainly added to a better standard in this production. The best part of season 12 had got to be the little Epilog at the end with David Suchet travelling on the Orient Express train and its wonderful history. A real treat and worth sitting through the mediocre episodes to get to it.
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