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I Am Legend (2007)
Poor quality adaptation of Richard Mathesons superb vampire novel
3 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As a keen fan of Richard Matheson's seminal vampire novella "I AM LEGEND", I was delighted to hear that it was to be filmed for a third occasion after Vincent Price starred in the low budget Italian made "THE LAST MAN ON EARTH" (1964) and Charlton Heston fought hooded, psychotic plague victims in "THE OMEGA MAN". However, after viewing the Will Smith film I came away quite disappointed and "I AM LEGEND" was easily the least faithful adaptation of the novel and something of a hollow movie overall.

( WARNING : POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD ) Where did it go wrong ? Personally, for me I am over post-apocalyptic movies that show repeatedly show iconic points of interest in famous cities (New York, London etc) to illustrate the point that the city is deserted. I didn't pay my admission fee to watch a travelogue of a barren New York filled with weeds, rusting cars and free range deer running up Fifth Avenue. I can work it out for myself that the cities buildings and infrastructure have eroded and corroded over several years since the population was exterminated so I don't need it to be shown ad nausea. Secondly, the plague victim "dark seekers" of "I AM LEGEND" seem to be more closely related to The Incredible Hulk than the vampires of Mathesons novel ! They run like the wind, leap up the side of tall buildings in a single bound, head butt their way through steel shutters, armored glass and flip over fully loaded SUV's.....but they are still susceptible to bullets ???? Boy, that must have been some crazy virus that turned their skulls into armored battering rams, but when they screech they look like enraged cartoon characters with their over-sized dinner plate mouths.

Where was the "Ben Cortman" character from the novel - he was nowhere to be seen, and his relationship with Robert Neville was a central component to the entire book. At least in "THE OMEGA MAN" Charlton Heston had the sinister "Mathias" as his antagonist to hound him in the night time hours with his brethren of fellow nut cases ! As far as the CGI effects of the "dark seekers" was concerned - I felt like I was watching an episode of "BUFFY - THE VAMPIRE SLAYER". They looked fake and that reduced the scare factor considerably. Their were some wonderful opportunities to really go somewhere new with this film, and they all fell well short of achieving some new benchmark in the horror genre.

As far as I'm concerned, I hope that one day some studio has the guts to film the book with a far higher degree of accuracy. This latest version runs second to "THE OMEGA MAN" not just in its lack of faithfulness to the book, but also in that "I AM LEGEND" relies too much on showing a decaying New York and computer generated vampires in place of more invigorating story and character development.
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Police Story (1973–1980)
Just when is the classic series going to be released on DVD ??
30 July 2006
Ex-LA police officer Joseph Wambaugh was definitely one hot selling author in the early 1970's (and he still is today !). Many of Wambaugh's sharply written, incisive and confronting novels about the lives of Los Angeles police officers were made into first rate telemovies or major theatrical releases ( "The Onion Field", "The Choir Boys", "The New Centurions", "The Blue Knight" etc ).

"Police Story" was also created by Wambaugh and is arguably one of the finest police drama series ever made for television. It really was the first TV series to develop intense stories about previously untouched issues confronting police officers such as job related stress, marriage break ups, alcoholism, retirement, partner conflicts etc. So many other police drama series in later years such as "Hill St Blues", "Cagney & Lacey", & "NYPD Blue" owe their roots to the ground breaking plots and solid scripts that were the backbone of "Police Story".

Many dynamic actors appeared in this wonderful TV series over its 5 year run including Darren McGavin, Tony Lo Bianco, John Forsythe, Ralph Meeker, Mike Conners & Ricardo Montalban. For those of us who so fondly remember the series, we just have one question.....just when is it coming out on DVD ?? A multi DVD box set covering all five seasons would be warmly welcomed by many TV fans who crave to re-visit this unique and captivating TV series.
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Wolf Creek (2005)
Highly unlikely to lure UK tourists to visit the Aussie outback.....
2 November 2005
This unnerving, tightly scripted and well acted film draw's its inspiration from two key events in Australian crime. Firstly, from the notorious case of convicted serial killer, Ivan Milat (now serving life for the murder of seven back packers in the NSW southern highlands during the early 1990's) and, secondly the case of the alleged murder of UK tourist Peter Falconio, and the abduction of his girlfriend Joanne Lees on a lonely road in the Northern Territory around October 2001 (case still currently before the courts).

In "Wolf Creek", three twenty something friends (one Aussie guy and two British girls) buy a second hand station wagon, and decide to make a cross country trip from Broome, Western Australia to Cairns, Queensland. With typical youthful enthusiasm, they set out on a remarkable adventure that unexpectedly spirals into them into a back packers worse nightmare. The three relatively unknown young leads (Cassandra Macgrath, Nathan Phillips & Kestie Morassi) all give eye catching, intelligent performances and seasoned Aussie actor, John Jarratt (usually playing a character on the right side of the law) excels himself as evil and sadistic predator with only torture and murder on his mind.

The tone and feel of "Wolf Creek" is remarkably similar to either Wes Craven's gripping "The Hills Have Eyes" or Tobe Hooper's infamous classic "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"....both similar tales of lost tourists falling prey to gruesome hunters. Full credit must be given to Greg Mclean who wrote, produced and directed this nail biting and sometimes stomach turning thriller....lets hope he has more like this to come. "Wolf Creek" has been nominated for 7 AFI awards, and is receiving rave reviews from Australian media and film critics. It's easily the best Australian thriller in quite a few years.

Well worth your viewing time....
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Entertaining, but low budget adaptation of John Wyndham novel
22 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Being a keen fan of John Wyndham's books, and the earlier 1962 screen adaptation of "Day Of The Triffids", I purchased this DVD based purely on the strength of the votes on the IMDb site. ( This six part mini series was released on DVD in Australia / Region 4 about a year ago ) This 1981 BBC mini-series is far more faithful to the original book than was the 1962 film starring Howard Keel, both in story and characters. The three lead actors : John Duttine, Emma Relph and Maurice Colbourne are all very capable in their roles, and come across convincingly as average people thrown into a maelstrom of lawless society and predatory flesh eating plants. The series has an unsettling and eerie atmosphere and has been well directed by Ken Hannam to hold viewer interest throughout the 160 minute running time.

My only real gripe about the series is the obvious low budget that was afforded to it's production by the BBC. Many of the shots are clearly on studio sets, and for the subsequent days after the entire populace of London is blinded by the meteorite shower, their is minimal footage of any type of mob chaos, crashed vehicles, rioting, fires etc. Strangely, out of a population of over six million Londoners, most of them not only go blind, but they seem to have subsequently disappeared, as the city streets are strangely deserted ? ( I can only guess it was cheaper to film deserted streets, as opposed to filming hundreds of extras stumbling around feigning vision loss ! ) Never to mind, for these few faults, this is still an entertaining and captivating piece of sci-fi that demonstrates a good, strong story is central to making solid entertainment.
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Beach Blanket Bingo meets the Atomic Hot Dog Monsters !
29 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Where I grew up, I recollect as a young teen that one of the TV channels used to show horror / sci-fi movies around midnight on Friday nights under the regular banner of "Movies from the Morgue", So, late one Friday night I stayed up expectantly to see this "horror movie about mutant monsters". After watching the film for about fifteen minutes, I wasn't too sure which was the most horrifying....the acting, the singing, the dancing or the skeletons re-animated into amphibious monsters ! This strange exercise in combining two profitable genres of the early 1960's ( beach movies and atomic monster films ) probably seemed like a good idea at the time, however the end result is one absurd movie with the entire cast in dire need of several years dramatic training at the Actors Studio. Plus these lame teens, have to fake shrieks of horror at the sight of the homicidal monsters ( each one of them with their mouths stuffed full of hot dogs ! ). And after several nubile females have been knocked off by the Weiner monsters, the beach teens and some kooky scientist hatch a plan to plaster these aquatic killers with sodium to disintegrate them. Personally, I would have thrown sodium at the Del-Aires to stop their shocking songs.

Now, I'm going to have to admit the truth.....I purchased a copy of this movie on DVD ! Why ? Well, I think it has some strange subconscious appeal to the same way that you slow down to look at a car accident, or when someone gets clobbered on a sporting field. Can't wait for the twin disc limited edition version with the alternate endings ( and a free six pack of hot dogs ).
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Lenny Henry - one of the UK's best comedians at his finest !
10 March 2005
UK comedian Lenny Henry cuts loose in hilarious fashion with this live show that is first rate comedy. The show commences with Lenny traveling to the theater and receiving advice on his comedy routine from rambunctious and "know it all" taxi driver, Robbie Coltrane. Once inside the theater, he meets up with comedians Steve Martin, Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor ( all cleverly depicted by Henry ), who all pass on their tips and suggestions on how to succeed in comedy.

( Best line by Henry posing as Murphy : "Don't forget the dick Man, the dick's important !" ) The show runs for approximately two hours in front of a live audience with Henry showcasing most of his weird and wonderful alter ego's including Fred Dread, Theophilus P Wildebeeste and Delbert Wilkins. This really is a fantastic show, and Henry's observational humor is very, very funny. If you like fast paced, intelligent this tape !
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Used Cars (1980)
"Hey, Fifty Dollars never killed anybody...."
26 May 2004
Entirely zany early work from talented director Robert Zemeckis about two car yards in direct competition with one another. Superb character actor Jack Warden plays dual roles as the owner of each business. The less glamorous yard is run by kindly Luke Fuchs, and the glitzy dealership is owned by his arrogant, loud mouth brother Roy L. Fuchs ! A youthful Kurt Russell & Gerritt Graham are the two fast talking, womanising car salesmen in the employ of Luke Fuchs, and there is nothing they won't do to increase business including cutting into football games & Presidential broadcasts with their own crazy ads !! Russell gets the bug to get into the big league by becoming a US senator and that's where the fun really starts...his mad schemes are aided by electronic experts Freddie & Eddie ( David L. Lander & Michael McKean aka Lenny and Squiggy from "Laverne & Shirley" )....and also by their foul mouthed mechanic, Jim (Frank McRae). The script is well paced, the actors very capable and funny in their roles, and you can see why talented director Robert Zemeckis went on to bigger and better projects such as Back to the Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit & Forest Gump. This isn't high brow humour, but most anyone will be able to relate to this very funny swipe at the stereotypical image of the shady used car salesman.
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Criminal Ways (2003)
Easily the worst Australian film of 2003....
1 October 2003
Clever scripting, well crafted characters, side splitting humour & wonderful will find ABSOLUTELY NONE of those qualities within the pathetic & smutty film "THE WANNABES" !!

After the local success of his last film, "THE WOG BOY", comedian (?)Nick Giannopoulos has fallen into the trap of thinking his audience would swallow anything he made, and this poorly executed & terribly acted attempt at comedy is full of immature toilet humour and lame jokes that make you grit your teeth in pain.

The turgid script concerns a bunch of low brow criminals who enlist the aid of a third rate actor to create a Wiggles / Teletubbies type childrens act as a cover for a series of heists. The film just lurches from one painful scene to another as it sinks to the depths of boredom & stupidity, and I can see this film destined to end up in two places...(a) On the IMDB Bottom 100 film listing, and (b), In the $1.00 a week dump bin at your local video library.

Steer well clear of this giant lemon !!
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