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This was a much needed movie!
13 June 2024
The Bad Boys are back and they do not disappoint.

Action packed, funny, intense, refreshing and fun, Bad Boys Ride or Die is a solid addition to the Bad Boys franchise. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence have always been a fantastic duo and apparently they always will. Their chemistry hasn't faded one bit. The writing is great, the acting is good, the directing is on point and moment the opening scene starts you know your in for a treat. Kudos to everyone involved, great job all around. I tend to lean in the thought that most movies start to push there luck and ruin things when they hit the third film but when it comes to Bad Boys I feel there is room for more. If they continue to stick to core of what these movies are like have up to this point, I'd be excited to hear that there is more coming.
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Unfrosted (2024)
A Fun Time
5 May 2024
This movie was a lot of fun. Innocent, clever and a good time for the whole family. I've seen some pretty rough reviews on it but I suggest giving it a watch and making your own conclusion. Seinfeld, The Bee Movie, Comedians in car's getting coffee, if you enjoy them then you'll mostly likely enjoy Unfrosted. It's totally Jerry Seinfeld. It has a big name cast, refreshing directing and does a lot with a not so big budget. Kudos to Jerry for still making us laugh and entertaining the crowd this far into the game without compromising his integrity by putting out something with a bunch of garbage attached to it like most things now days.
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I wanted to like this movie but.........
1 September 2023
As a fan of most things Dracula I wanted to like this movie but just couldn't get into it. The biggest thing for me was how they made Dracula. To me that was a major fail. I'm still not sure if he was CGI or a man in a suit mixed with CGI or what but it was a complete turn off for me. Even if everything else had been really good, the way they did Dracula was game over for me. I understand that's subjective like everything else but it ruined it through my eyes. I actually thought the story was pretty decent, and they have done a good job with that. I also thought that the actors or decent and had done a pretty good job. But with that said, it was a little bit dry and drawn out. I know that a lot of Dracula's things are but the way that this one was promoted and put out there, to me it just seemed like it was going to be a little less dry, and a little more intense. As much as I hate to say it, this one is forgettable and I wished I'd of waited to stream it...
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Ummm- No, just no
29 July 2023
So upfront I'll say that I don't listen to the artist who stars in this movie. I don't know any songs he sings, I only saw this movie because my son wanted to go see it. Walking into the theater I had no expectations for this movie, I had no idea what is was about (and honestly, I still don't.) I did read the synopsis of the movie online right before it started and I must say that it was not accurate. I read that it was a psychedelic, visual, mind bending experience, and I must disagree. This was a bunch of poorly executed shots of different places, an odd conversation between the music artists and producer Rick Rubin with a weird and bad lip sync performance to end the hour and 15 minutes of trying to stay awake... I would pay $5k to a lawyer to get the $60 back that I paid for the 2 tickets. When you see a bad movie, it's disappointing but it is what it is- some are good and some are not but this was different- my son felt like he was tricked. He said the movie was marked to be something it wasn't, not even close. Yes, even my son (who does listen to this artist) was dumbfounded at how bad this was.. I only gave it 2 stars instead of 1 because it was time I got to spend with my son. That's it. Wow, just wow this was horrible...
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I enjoyed it one last time
1 July 2023
I read a couple of reviews, both good and bad before I went to see Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny and it's safe to say I was a little nervous walking in to the theater. Not only because of the mixed reviews but because it's another Indiana Jones and I didn't want the series, Ford's last one, to end in a flop with a worse result than the last one. Well I have no idea what it will make or if it will even touch close to its $294,000,000.00 budget but I was completely satisfied and actually thankful that they made it! It was all that I was hoping for, an INDIANA JONES MOVIE WITH ALL THE INDIANA JONES ELEMENTS THAT HAS KEPT ME ATTACHED SINCE I WAS A CHILD. I just do not understand that hate reviews- I think people were wanting something else altogether. Have people forget what an Indiana Jones movies was like? Action, story, adventure , good acting - ITS ALL THERE IN THIS NEW ONE- WITH FORD IN HIS 80's AND ABSOLUTELY CRUSHING IT!!! If you are an Indiana Jones fan(truly) than you will enjoy this movie and be grateful that they made it and didn't retire Ford from the roll with 'The Crystal Skull'.

Don't be scared about the bad reviews- Go have some fun!!!!!!!
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Tag (I) (2018)
One of the most underrated comedies
14 May 2023
This is in the top 3 of my all time favorite movies.

Sincerely one of the most underrated comedies of my life time. Based off of the rating that this movie has, it seems I'm pretty alone on this but I can't understand why. The acting is great, the directing is great, the story (which is based on a true story) is wonderful. It's fun, the humor is excellent, it's exciting, and it has a connection that just sucks you in and holds on to you long after the movie is over. I wish more movies were like this one. Purely full of love, friendship and a solid moral compass. I apparently love this movie.....
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
Enjoyed it. Fun but was expecting a touch more
1 April 2023
Cocaine Bear did it's job. It was worth watching for sure (at least for anyone who is interested in seeing a movie called Cocaine Bear lol). Definitely entertaining but I was honestly expecting a little more funny. Don't get me wrong, it has funny moments but for some reason I thought I'd be laughing more than I did. The writing was good, the directing was good, the acting was good and again, for anyone who's interest the trailers caught, you probably will find it worth the watch just don't expect more than a bear eating cocaine and people and some mild humor.. The gore was done right for this movie in my opinion. They did just the right amount for the feel of this movie(whatever that means lol). It was nice seeing Ray on the big screen once again after his passing(just a nice bonus)..
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These just do not disappoint
25 March 2023
If you're a fan of the JW franchise than you're fan of the entire franchise and this movie will not disappoint. It does start off a little slower than the last movie as far as the insane action but It's one of the best written JWs yet(at least in my opinion) and the story is partially why the action takes just a hair longer to get to. But not to worry cause the action comes and it comes strong! By now we all know what to expect from the JW movies and if we are watching them, it's because we enjoy what they offer. For me this movie is one of the best written as far as the story goes. I truly enjoyed learn about the parts of the table previously unknown. I'm not sure how I would feel it they ever did these movies without Keanu (as a spin off or something, not even sure I'd give them a chance.) I think when Keanu is done, they should do what a lot of studios don't do and Call It a Success and Say Goodnight! Leave this one be to remain one of the greatest action Series in cinema... Go see it and enjoy.
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Scream VI (2023)
Didn't think it would be bad but it was Unexpectedly Good!
14 March 2023
Full disclaimer- I'm a Scream fan. I'm gonna go see them as long as they are putting them out, well unless they just completely lose their way and screw it up to the point of no return (as the Halloween franchise did)... But there is no sign of that happening here, they did this one right!

Best one since the first one. That's right, the 6th one in and it's gotta be the best since the first!

They obviously took their time and paid attention to what people wanted from the franchise. They kept it from getting to corny and bubblegumish and really gave it the sense of "This could actually happen". The kills were brutal but not ridiculous and over the top fake, the scenarios were good and they didn't have it play out the way you would expect like most franchises do (in a good way). I will say that storylines ending falls in line, they didn't stray from a normal kind of writing when it came to who Ghostface was and that was okay, they didn't need to because they did so good with everything else so why take the chance of trying to do something crazy for that.... Koodos to everyone involved in making this film- you didn't disappoint!
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You will have to find out what your take away is.
6 February 2023
I did not know the entire premise of this movie before watching it. I had seen one trailer for it and decided not to do a deep dive before seeing it because I didn't want any expectations. After watching I read some reviews and I can understand the mixed reviews. Some people read the book first and said it didn't live up (which is usually the case), some people said there wasn't enough gore or scare to it(those people must have been anticipating a horror movie)and some people said there was not twists(which the director is known for). In the end I'm glad I went into it with no expectations because I was truly able to enjoy it for what it was. I didn't know who the majority of the cast was but I thought they all did a fine job, I felt the directing was good and the concept was intriguing. Not sure why it was rated R, I feel that they really should have made it PG13 but I'm not sure of all the rules so maybe there was a good reason and I just missed it. It is not gory but there were a few F-bombs here and there.. I think with this movie different people are gonna walk out with different take always- Not the greatest, not the worst but solid.
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Violent Night (2022)
Loved it!! Got just what I wanted- a fun time!
5 December 2022
So I'll start by saying that I didn't go to see this movie expecting to be watching an award winning masterpiece, nor did I expect it to be a Die Hard type story (I mean it's Santa Claus kicking a** and not needing to take names). I went to see this movie expecting to watch exactly what I watched and that's just what I wanted so therefore I gave it 9 stars. Violent Night is it's own thing-It's a lot of fun, very violent, didn't take itself to seriously yet serious enough and had some creative, out of the norm kill scenes. This movie could have easily gotten messed up and have been cheesy and corny but luckily it was done right! It's not a kids movie for sure but it does have a family Christmas vibe(just in a action movie kind of way lol).

If you're wanting to see something a little different and you like action movies with some humor than Violent Night is probably for you.
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Bosch (2014–2021)
Top Notch
27 November 2022
Bosch is a top notch, top of the line, grade A, best of the best, no holds bar, gritty, captivating, edge of your seat, no fluff, hard hitting cop show that deserves it's high ratings. If you're someone who gets their kicks from detective shows then you do not want to skip this one. When it ended I found myself wishing that it had gone another 10 seasons (I don't say that about most shows) and I recently found out that they brought it back with a few changes but am told it is still as good as ever- I can't wait to get started on the new series of this wonderful, captivating and masterful show.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Loved it!
27 November 2022
I won't go into long detail about the story line other than that it follows Wednesday as she gets sent off to boarding school and separates from the Addams Family but I will say that the acting is great, the story is fun, the directing is on point and Thing should have always had stitches (it just looks better). They did this show right! They didn't put a bunch of BS in it like more and more shows are doing now days, they just stuck to what it is put in great effort and I think it's going to pay off. Really hoping for and looking forward to more seasons on Wednesday. Kudos to Netflix, Tim Burton, the actors and everyone involved- a job well done.
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Blade (1998)
Good, solidly done, vampire flick
26 November 2022
Blade is a solid movie. It's a movie that I wish more comic book adaptations would take note from. I remember watching this back in the 90s and thinking "Wow that was good." I recently rewatched it and said the same thing again. It's fun, full of action, and has a great pace. It's not full of CGI which is a plus for me.

The acting is solid and brutal and reminds me of a different time for actors.

Blade is an adult vampire adaptation of a comic book as it should be -so they don't hold back on language and gore. It seems to have been made with the thought of just making a great movie and not so much worrying about making sure that every human on earth could go to the theaters to see it for maximum profit. Two Fangs in for Blade.
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Elvis (2022)
Fantastically Entertaining
26 November 2022
Fantastically Entertaining Movie. The first 15-30 minutes moves kind of fast and chaotic (so pay close attention) but then everything slows down just enough to make the last 2 hours a great rollercoaster ride that didn't feel insanely fast but sure wasn't slow either. There were things that were left out and a few of those things I wished they had put in but when it comes to Elvis, trying to fit everything in 2-1/2 hours just can't happen. I enjoyed the view point that this movie is executed through and thought that the actors and director did an excellent job creating a fun, exciting, emotional and tragic experience(which is how one would imagine Elvis's life really was) that people of all ages can enjoy. You don't have to be a fan of Elvis or even know his music to to a fan of this movie.
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Beyond a let down is an understatement.
13 October 2022
I won't say anything that happens in the movie, I'll just complain and start with-If you absolutely have to see this movie watch it on a streaming service. But it's not even worth that. A 20 minute short film of just the ending would have been the only way this movie would have been good.. Absolutely NO WAY they didn't screw this up on purpose. A 4 year old with no concept of the series and possibly not even potty trained could have made a better film. Why they would end it with this? Honestly an insult to fans, past writers and everyone and thing involved. I think it's time the series ends. Will always love the original. Heck, I loved 2018. How they started it back up with 2018 and ended it with horrible slap in the face is astonishing..
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Witty, fun and funny- An all around good time.
1 October 2022
Witty, fun and funny- An all around good time.

I had no idea what I was walking in to see, never saw a preview for it, just something my wife wanted to see. No, it's not a life changing or ground breaking movie. No one is going to walk out of the theater saying this movie should win awards or make Top Gun money but you will walk out with a smile and be glad to have seen it. Great acting, great humor, good story line, just Couldn't recommend it enough. Free your schedule, recruit a friend, Grab some popcorn, drink, a box of candy and a good seat and enjoy yourself. It's Witty, fun and funny- An all around good time.
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29 May 2022
They nailed it with Top Gun Maverick!

Staying true to the original film and focusing on what the fans wanted they have created another classic. Feel good, action packed, excellent acting and a great closure to the original - This was a much needed film. The saying goes "They don't make them like they use to" and that saying is true most of the time but Top Gun Maverick is definitely an exception...
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Epic Letdown
8 May 2022
I enjoyed the first Doctor Strange movie, it was one of my favorite Marvel movies yet but this one was an epic letdown. Such a letdown that I have absolutely no interest in seeing the next one. It's as if they tried to make a kid friendly horror movie with a bunch of Nonsense hidden lightly in the background.. This movie was completely unnecessary and only pushes me farther away from the marvel universe.
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Scream (I) (2022)
A Re-quel better than the sequels
16 January 2022
Scream 2022 is full on nostalgia with a fresh twist.

Let's be honest, they will never make one better than the original, but this doesn't seem like they were trying to out do the original just complement it- and this does just that. Staying true to the original while adding a new take seems to be something that Hollywood often has a hard time doing but the writers, director and cast of Scream have managed to do it and do it well. You can pick it apart and find things to complain about(as with any movie)but if your a Scream fan this one will satisfy. Fun, witty, bloody, and smart- Wes would be proud.
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Keeps you thinking
31 December 2021
I don't like spoilers so I won't say what goes on in the movie but I will say it keeps you thinking. It's got some twists and turns and ups and downs and was very well written. I had no idea what to expect when I went to see it, I hadn't even seen a preview for it. I was told it was good by a trust source and they turned out to be right. Highly enjoyed.
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Fun as usual
31 December 2021
The Kings Man series has been a lot of fun and I expected nothing less from this installment. Great story, good action and good acting. I could have done without the certain aspects but that's with any movie. Definitely worth the watch.
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Nonstop energy!
31 December 2021
They just keep knocking these movies out of the park! High energy and awesome action that rips through the entire movie from start to finish is how I best describe it. It picks up where part two left off and just keeps you rolling through the fun and exciting world of John Wick..
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Not bad but not the best
31 December 2021
Not a Halloween fan that owns every Halloween movie ever made. I enjoy a few and can't watch others. But I loved Halloween 2018 and after it I was excited for this one! All and all I was happy with it. Halloween Kills doesn't exactly have the same vibe as Halloween 2018 like I was hoping for but it's definitely better than some of the other Halloween movies. Halloween Kills is brutal, fun at times and keeps the story going for sure but it just didn't have that erie feeling that I was hoping for, it was more of just blunt brutal murder. There were also a few scenes that I just wished they hadn't put in there. Like the hospital suicide scene. I understand what they were going for but I feel it just took away from the movie and definitely could have done without it.. Regardless I did enjoy it and have seen it multiple times and will add it to my collection. I'm still really excited about Halloween Ends and am just hoping that they do a nice combination of 2018 and kills when it comes to executing the all around vibe of the movie...
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Enjoyed the first time, Really enjoyed the second time
31 December 2021
I watched it twice, as I think every Matrix fan should.

The first time was in an IMAX theater and I enjoyed it. Action scenes were good, storyline was good but I'm not real sure I was fully following it. I left with some questions as to why certain things were done in the ways that they were. I had read some reviews before seeing it that first time and I disagreed with some of those reviews and agreed with others but all and all I had enjoyed it enough... I then watched it again on HBO MAX and that's when I really enjoyed it. I had more of a grasp on the story line and a lot of those questions I had after the first showing were no long there and this were making themselves more clear and I disagreed with a lot more of the not so good reviews.. It's a fun movie with a smart storyline. I'm welcoming to another if they chose to do another one. I'm sure I'll see it a few more times and throw it in the mix throughout the years when revisiting the Matrix...
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