
19 Reviews
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Uncle Buck (1989)
My U movie
10 September 2020
From time to time to amuse myself I like to make lists. One such is favorite film starting with every letter of the alphabet, When it came to U, Uncle Buck stood way out in front. It's not some total laugh riot even though there was a great deal of humor in it. No, I didn't fall on the floor laughing. What I truly experienced was the flow of tears. Not joyless, but tears of being positively touched. The love that Candy showed for those kids especially the smart alek teenager was the movie to me. I truly miss John Candy fortunately we have dvds to remember him.
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Truly an all time classic
1 April 2019
I don't know how many times I have watched this magnificent classic but it is quite a bit more than a few. Every time I see it when I am done cussing the French, I bawl like a baby.
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Father Brown (2013– )
Couldn't ask for more
22 February 2019
I have always loved the Father Brown stories starting with G K Chesterton and progressing forward from there. A movie here and there and the earlier TV series increased my appreciation. The latest series (season 7 now) has joined the list of my favorite shows. Although the plots are not really Chestertonish they are absolutely enjoyable. How can anyone not love the Father Brown character, and how can anyone refrain from cussing Inspector Mallory, who by the way is wrong in every case but is saved by Father Brown. You are just about ready to slap Mrs Murphy and tell her to shut up and then she shows compassion . I am in love with Bunty. I had a dear friend (no longer with us) who was a priest in the Divine Word order. Father Brown reminds me so much of him that many times the tears flow. I guess by now it must be obvious, I love this show.
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Black Orpheus (1959)
One of the best ever
3 January 2018
I consider this movie the most beautiful I have ever seen. It is a complete and total delight to both the ears and the eyes. But its appeal to the heart is what has caused me to watch it many many times. The final scene with the little boy playing the guitar and the other little boy and the girl dancing while the sun rises, gives me a great feeling of hope and always brings on the tears. In fact I am starting to cry right now thinking about it. I can see why some people dislike the film because it has no special effects, crashes, explosions and the like and also the purists who object because it is not done as a Greek tragedy. They have their reasons but I have to admit they are missing something very special.
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You can't dislike Feydeau
24 November 2017
I have been a fan of Feydeau farces for a long time. I have read many and seen quite a few produced. How I missed this movie for so long is a complete mystery to me. Whether she can act or not, Gina L is a pure delight. I thought she was exactly right in this role. This is the one of the few times I have seen Alec Guinness as this type of character. But he is always on top of it, whether as a ladies man or as a priest. This movie is a little slow getting off the ground, but stay with it. After the various characters are introduced it is pure Feydeau the rest of the way. As in his other works there is a lot of assignation planned, but no consummation. I would like to give a 10 rating but even though this is a fun romp, it it not quite excellent. Too bad I can't vote 9.5
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Longmire (2012–2017)
Season 4 WOW !!!!!!!
11 October 2015
Seasons 1, 2, and 3 were excellent, but Season 4 is outstanding!!!!!!!! The characterizations are right on and the intermingling of the various stories is intriguing but nowhere near confusing as these sorts of things sometimes are. It seems as if Robert Taylor was born to be Walt. Lou Diamond Philips never disappoints. Kate Sackhoff is right there. Good cop, beautiful woman. The rest of the cast members are top notch. The show has all the elements of a great western while being a good modern mystery.

I am tempted to binge watch, but I find it good to contemplate each episode for awhile before going on to the next one. This show is a reason to subscribe to Netflix. 11 stars.
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Murdoch Mysteries (2008– )
One of the best
17 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A friend got me into this show via the DVD route. I will be eternally grateful. The whodunit components are excellent, but the characterizations are way beyond that. I find myself applauding at the end of every episode. The humor is top notch and totally in character. To me this show belongs right up there with Foyle's War and Inspector Morse. I realize that this is a tremendous accolade but Murdoch Mysteries deserves it. I have just finished seeing all of seasons 1 and 2 so I can hardly wait for season 3. By the way, I still think William should have stuck with Enid and Elwin, but that's just me. The last episode of season 2 where William meets his half brother was an absolute delight. Sorry about that spoiler.
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I have waited 48 years for this
30 March 2009
In 1961, this series was shown on local TV here in southern California. I and many others have been petering BBC for tape or DVD ever since. Now all of a sudden, here it is on Amazon. I pre-ordered in January and now here on March 30 it arrived. It was a long wait (48 years). Was it worth it? So far I have just watched Richard II (I've only had the DVD since 2 o'clock) and I can truly say YEA!!! totally worth the wait. The acting, direction, and production are superb and even better than I remember. The production is in B & W but somehow it fits. The video is clear and very good, the sound is flawless. Further proof of how timeless Shakespeare truly is.

I gave this 10 stars even though I have only seen 1 of the 8 plays. I am sure that when I have seen them all I will change my rating to at least a 12.

It's currently in stock at Amazon (US region 1) at a reasonable price.

I'd better stop now so I can get back to watching. Next up is Henry the IV, part 1 of which is my all time favorite Shakespeare play.
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Great book, great stage play, great movie
22 March 2006
I first became acquainted with the book while I was in the army in 1955. It was a true laugh out loud. Imagine me sitting by myself in the company day room laughing hysterically. Later I saw the Broadway play totally expecting to be disappointed. I definitely was not. Again I expected the worst when the movie was released (you can guess I'm kind of a cynic). Boy was I wrong. As far as comedy goes this was as close to perfect as you can come. The scene with the psychiatrist is the funniest all dialog scene there ever was. Remember the scene. There was no physical humor, no jumping around etc just straight dialog between two masters. People seem to remember the toilet seat gag the most. Since I had read the book I knew it was coming, yet it was done beautifully. That is done, not overdone. All the performers were at the top of their art. Even those with very minor roles hit their marks right on. Check the short scene with the female captain. She was absolutely in character. This is true for the entire cast. Myron McCormick gave the performance of a lifetime. And, Andy? What more can be said. It is extremely difficult to be such a center in any movie and yet leave plenty of room for the other actors. Write down some of the lines for NTFS and have someone read them. Not too funny. Then have them see them read in character in this movie and I guarantee they will fall over. I have rambled enough so I'll shut up. PS

Check EBAY they have the VHS tape there.
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Fatso (1980)
If you have a heart it will be touched
16 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I like to add my comments whenever I can make the above statement. It is impossible for me to watch this movie (I have now seen it at least 10 times)without completely breaking down particularly at the hospital where he asks her to marry him and she says "YES!!!" The montage of pictures during the final credits showing their growing family is a real heart toucher as well.

I had the extreme good fortune of meeting and visiting with Anne Bancroft a number of times. She was one of the nicest and most caring people I have ever known. She was the writer and director of this movie. Her warmth and good heart show throughout.

I've said it before and here it is again: When you watch Fatso, if you have a heart it will be touched.
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Dad's Army (1968–1977)
Quite possibly the reason television was invented
1 November 2005
I was a youngster during WW II living in America but I was made well aware of the courage and resolve of the British people. Dad's Army, in addition to being the best comedy show ever, shows us this courage. Unlike so many sit coms, it is not mean or vicious but is gentle yet over the top funny. Despite their bumbling and odd approach to things, their love of country, their braveness, and their willingness to die for England if they have to, always shows through.

I own over 50 episodes on either VHS or DVD and am constantly searching for the ones I do not have. In addition I have both volumes of the complete scripts. I never get tired of watching or reading them. I can't watch the final episode (Never Too Old wherein Jonesy gets married and they drink a toast to the Home Guard every where)without feeling some tears welling up in my eyes. In fact, I'm starting to choke up a bit right now just thinking about it.

I have acquaintances (notice I don't say friends) who have watched it with me and just don't get it. They prefer the smart Alex stuff which passes for humor today. I do feel sorry for them.
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Stupid dopey and dumb, and I LOVED every minute of it.
30 June 2004
I first saw this on the late show quite a a few years ago. I laughed so hard and loud that I woke up my wife and kids. I devoured TV Guide for the next six months until I found it on again and let the tape roll. This was long before the vhs vcrs we now have. Over the years, the tape got lost and I was heartsick. Not long ago, I found a dvd of it on Amazon.UK. It was of course PAL, Region 2. Then I found a region free, PAL and NTSC dvd player. Now several hundred dollars later, I can watch Spy Larks (British title The Intelligence Men)whenever I please, and I please often.

I see Eric was voted the funniest performer in the UK for the 20th century. Well deserved. That he is now dead is our great loss, but I have learned that he died of a heart attack while performing on stage. If God was not a comedy fan before, He is now.
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SCTV Network (1981–1983)
A dream come true
11 June 2004
Finally SCTV on DVD. The first 5 DVD's released contain the first 9 episodes from the 90 minute series on NBC. Thirteen and one half hours.

There are more to come. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mine arrived today. Already I have watched the first three episodes. Talk about holding up. After 23 years, these shows are just as funny and refreshing as they were in 1981. In fact, I think I laughed harder today then I did a long time ago. SCTV never took cheap shots or the easy way. Their sketches had wit, charm, and intelligence. They never played down to the viewers. For example, I remember their version of T S Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral. Except they set it around a space shot at Cape Canaveral. One of my sons and I once tried to list all the characters each person played. Try it yourself. You may never get to the end. I could go on and on, but the time I spend writing this is keeping me away from the next episode.


I'm glad my Spam blocker let the e-mail notice for these DVD's from Amazon come through. I bought 6 sets. One for me and one for each of my grown offspring. When they were little I let them stay up late on Friday nights for SCTV. Probably the best thing I ever did for them.
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Cannery Row (1982)
Critics, BAH HUMBUG!!!!!
7 December 2003
I find it easy to believe that many critics panned this movie, after all as William Peter Blatty once said about critics: "They neither reap, nor sow, nor harvest. They are malignant lilies of the field." For the most part, they are smart a--es who like to be cute and only have praise for "important films". Those of us who actually buy tickets prefer good movies and this was one.

For those who disliked this wonderful (and I truly mean filled with wonder) movie because it was different from the book (or books) I can only say a book is a book, a movie is a movie. It was delightful from beginning to end filled with likable characters. I remember when I first saw it, looking at the Cannery Row denizens with a feeling of envy. They had nothing, but somehow knew how to live.

Typically I only comment when I can make the following statement, which I now make unhesitatingly:

If you have a heart, it will be touched.
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I only comment when I can say this "If you have a heart it will be touched"
25 May 2003
The other reviewers have said it all. One of them said that he gets choked up every time he watches it. So do I. In fact I got choked up reading his comments. When I was in 7th grade, (so many years ago) I saw Sid Caesar in a movie called "Tars and Spars" In it he did a sketch called "Wings over Bermerschnitzen" I stayed for a second show and came back the next night and memorized it. Now 57 years later I can still do it. Needless to say every Saturday I was glued to the TV watching "Your Show of Shows" Even though I was at an age when I should have been out chasing around. So when I see a truly outstanding movie based on these people, I am doubly touched.

I have heard that Dick Benjamin is an extremely kind and gentle person. That must be true as Benjy tells Alan, "nobody's that good an actor without the courage in himself" Well to Dick Benjamin I say, "Nobody's that good a director without the heart in himself"

As you watch this movie, IF YOU HAVE A HEART IT WILL BE TOUCHED!!!!!!
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Heaven's Gate (1980)
This movie had one use for me!
19 April 2003
I had never seen Heaven's Gate. But a few weeks ago in a used video store I found the original uncut version. Since it was Lent and I felt that I should do something in penance for my sins, I bought it, went home, and watched it in one sitting with no breaks, snacks, or soda pop to sustain me. My sins have now been atoned for.
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Worth watching over and over again
8 February 2003
I guess I'm just a softie, in that every review I've submitted contains the sentence "If you have a heart it will be touched." Well this wonderful movie is a real heart toucher with laughs. If you've ever been a teen ager and had a crush on the totally out of your league prom queen, you can identify with Gregory. If in high school, you struck out with every girl you've even said hello to, you can identify with Andy. But if you've found a girl who likes being with you and laughs at your jokes, and listens to your babbling, then you will rejoice with Gregory. Others have said it all about this movie. Every time I see it, I laugh, I cry, and I jump out of my chair shouting "Bravo!" at the end. If you have a heart, you will too.
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Local Hero (1983)
It never fails to get to me
18 November 2002
All of the previous reviews of this wonderful movie have said it all. I just want to add that every time I've

seen it (and believe me that is a large number) I get choked up. In fact reading the reviews gives me the same feeling.

I find it impossible to understand the view point of those who pan this movie because of lack of plot or satisfying ending. They would throw out most of Shakespeare

because plot was always secondary to characterization in his


I heartily reccomend Local Hero to anyone with a heart.

It will be touched
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One of my all time favorites
12 December 2001
I love period movies and this one captures the time and place as well as it is possible. The humor is gentle and very touching. The scene of the 4th of July morning, when all the young boys come out with their firecrackers never fails to put me on the floor laughing.

Wallace Berry's delivery of the one word line "soup?" is almost worth the price of admission by itself.

I heartily recommend this movie to anyone who has a heart. It will be touched
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