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Young Royals (2021–2024)
Loyalty to royalty
3 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let's be honest if you're watching this show it's vecayse you love Simon, he's literally the only decent human in this show. I can't wait for season 3 of course they'll end up together it's just that type of show but I do like the formulac predictability of it all, of course the straight up shotgun to the face wasn't predictable but most of it is and that's part of the charm. Its mostly harmless BL with great ADHD representation as well as having gay characters that aren't just gay but have personality. This was my first Swedish show so that was also pretty cool. Simon please just be happy, poor kids been getting screwed over ever since he got involved with those royal bustards.
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Barry (2018–2023)
Watch for Barry stay for No ho hank
29 May 2023
Bill Hader plays the hitman turned actor whose dark past catches up with him by one name Fuches. This is an dark comedy turnt serious drama with elements of satire and genius moments of character development, you started watching for Barry but you'll continue watching for No Ho Hank, everyones favourite bold, gay mobster. The episodes Hader directed stand out from the rest, he's a hell of a director taking inspiration from films like Andrei Rublev by Tarkosky, etc. Sally is a well developed character and a good counter point to Barrys more human side but the only character who I actively dislike is Gene.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Not a corporate show
29 May 2023
On the outside this looks like a corporate show but it's not, it's about the lives of those who control a corporate empire. It deals with drug addiction and murder and guilt and greed and basically everything in-between. Every single line in the show is great, everything Roman shows is a non stop laugh and this is the funniest show ever made, a comedy wrapped up in a drama done to perfection, don't judge it off of the first few episodes as it had a bit of a rough start but it's an absolute treasure to watch every minute from the start of episode 6. The show just finished but it will stick with us forever.
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Barry: wow (2023)
Season 4, Episode 8
5 years in 30 minutes
29 May 2023
I have been watching this show ever since the first episode aired way back when I was fifteen and I have not missed a moment, it's crazy that it's over but what's even more nuts is how great the whole ending of the series was. I did not anticipate this at all, like at all- at all. That one shot in Genes house( you know the one I'm referring to where it seems out,) Straight up out of a Andrei Tarkovsky film. To think that the finale of this show and the finale of this aired back to back with only a three minute ad break to separate them is absolutely nuts, HBO is where it's at and it would be any screenwriters privilege to work for such a rarefied company.
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Succession: With Open Eyes (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
Best ep of all time
29 May 2023
What we have just witnessed was the greatest episode of TV history, the end of one of the finest pieces of art ever produced. Give Kieran Culkin the best leading actor in a drama series emma or we will riot! He's came a long way from being the annoying little brother of Macaulay Culkin and has committed himself to one of the finest performances in the history of acting, the whole show has been a masterclass on writing, cinematography, symbolism and acting. We actually stood up during one scene of the episode because we couldn't stay seated, it had my heart racing and my hands shaking HBO out did themselves.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver's I.Q. (1960)
Season 4, Episode 9
Started it for me
26 May 2023
I'd seen a couple of clips from those episode on YouTube and it is what made me want to watch the show initially. Now that I'm up to the episode and I really enjoyed it, I mentioned in my past reviews that I never grew up with the show nor had I heard of it until seeing that come up in my recommended when I'd gotten into I love Lucy. It's crazy to think that before I'd never seen a sitcom older than Fawlty Towers but now I've seen quite a few with my favourite being all in the family. I wish to continue along this sitcom path and ultimately enjoy as many of the classics as I can find unfortunately it's more limited here in England.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver's House Guest (1960)
Season 4, Episode 2
25 May 2023
This was the first episode in TV to deal with divorce and they do it in such a genuine way, Beaver thinks it's cool that his friend Chopper gets sets of presents from his parents and step presents but as the episode progresses we see that Choppers home life is abusive with his parents both using him to hurt each other, it was a shocking episode at the time that has aged beautifully.

In 1960 divorce was a taboo subject Beaver at age 11 had never had of it and Wally who is 15 has only heard of it in movies, while this may seem unrealistic to us nowadays it was actually quite common back then.

No show would touch on the subject but like all taboo subjects that no show would touch on a sitcom had to do it first, the episode gets a lot more serious toward the end and Beaver realises that it's better to have two parents that don't have much money but love each other than two that hate each other but give you lots of presents and think that their kid is a burden, this was by my count the only episode so far to have a scene that didn't use the laugh track.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver Finds a Wallet (1960)
Season 3, Episode 30
Harsh reality
25 May 2023
A fantastic episode on the complex reality of what was then America and the morally complex interlocking shift in human nature. Not everyone is as ethically grand as the Beaver is. Great lessons here by Ward and June especially with Ward buying a gift and pretending it's from the lady something that cost him 16 dollars and 89 cents "A small price to pay if it restores his faith in humanity." This is the final episode of the season that I can watch in the UK as unfortunately not every episode is avaliable here but gee Wally if this weren't the best season of the 3 so far and we've officially crossed the half way threshold.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver and Andy (1960)
Season 3, Episode 20
Beaver and the Alcoholic
24 May 2023
"Beaver I've been hurting people my whole life-- a fella can't hurt the ones who don't care only the ones who love him -- an empty life and an empty bottle go together." Definitely a more emotional and harder to watch episode especially the part where Alcoholic Andy comes into the house and asks Beaver for whisky, Beaver not knowing that he is an Alcoholic gives him it, this is one of those special serious episodes, you know the one every sitcom has one, Edith's birthday all in the family, the black eye I love lucy, the racial search episode in B99 etc etc.

The point is that it's a brilliantly written episode.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver the Magician (1959)
Season 3, Episode 12
23 May 2023
This is the funniest and on my opinion the absolute best episode so far out of the ones I've seen, it shows how a kids imagination can be prone to believe all sorts of whimsical nonsense.

It also shows Theodore the beaver in a more mature sense more toward the end, with Benjy. As always it was a wholesome episode with an obvious moral at the end, traditional family values and all that but it really does stand out among the other eps I've seen.

If I was to recommend one episode of the show it would absolutely be this one or the one where Wally shaves, I also realise that this is somewhat of a hot take. Maybe it's generational I never grew up with the show.
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Star Trek: The City on the Edge of Forever (1967)
Season 1, Episode 28
Surpassed limits
21 May 2023
Unlike most of the original series thos episode has aged extraordinary well, it's acting and writing is milestones ahead of the majority of the season and of course my favourite Mr Spock played by the fantastically understated these days Leonard Nimoy carries the crew by logic "but what of Lazarius." Like much of the initial season this episode deals in heavy psychological means but it does it better than the rest of the season and offers alternative universes as a stand-in for losing your mind. Shatners best performance is here and its easy to see why this is the highest rated ep of the whole OG series.
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Ben 10: Tough Luck (2006)
Season 2, Episode 9
Childhood favourite
25 February 2023
This is sprinkled with nostalgia for me; as a child I would watch this episode over and over again whenever I thought of Ben 10 as an adult I'd always think of the opening scene of this episode along with a few other scenes across the series one of which I'm still looking forward to seeing. This episode brings back the Lucky Girl storyline and it couldn't be greater I honestly think that this episode is seriously underrated it has a lot of great quotes and phrases that I'd only heard the first time because of the cartoon like in Kevin 11's ep when I first heard tell me about it this was the first time I heard "What you see is what you get." and other greatness spread throughout the episodes runtime it was a favourite as a child and it's one of my favourites still rewatching this one brought me so much joy.
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Ben 10: Ultimate Weapon (2006)
Season 2, Episode 8
25 February 2023
(grabs Ben, who's holding the Mask of Apuk, just in time to prevent Ben from falling to his death) Grandpa Max: Whoa, that was close. Almost lost the mask.

This was an episode in which we see a darker side of Grandpa Max here he is dead serious and doesn't have time to mess around.

The majority of the episode takes place in an ancient Mayan Temple something which was extraordinary exciting and a nice change of scenery. It's a timed race to find the sword an ancient sword guarded by a Mayan God of Death honestly an tremendously exciting action packed episode that didn't waste a single minute.
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Ben 10: Camp Fear (2006)
Season 2, Episode 7
25 February 2023
This episode introduced Wildvine one of the best aliens post original ten in my opinion and to be honest this episode was way better than I remember it being in my childhood I remember always not liking this episode as much but it's actually got a pretty intelligent and well put together narrative structure and some relationship depth and character building, Ben is actually getting smarter now he's figuring things out by himself and learning without Maxes guidance all the way which is nice to see he always turns to Max for advice but it's great to see him become that little more independent as the series progresses.
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Ben 10: The Galactic Enforcers (2006)
Season 2, Episode 6
Mass effect
24 February 2023
This episode felt like the game Mass effect before Mass effect was even released but I got to say something felt lacking for me in this episode maybe it's the classic Tennyson charm or maybe it's due to this being primarily subpar filler I don't know I will say however that the galactic enforcers were formidable Pentagonist however the wholesomeness certainly rubbed off on me it was a sweet ending however the middle did drag a bit also the part were that guys face shriveled up was actually visually disturbing but not too enticing for me the episode lacked the depth that the series is known for.
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Ben 10: Grudge Match (2006)
Season 2, Episode 5
24 February 2023
Slix Thigma: These eyes see everything on this ship, and these hands control everything on this ship, and I've decided that your... RELATIONSHIP... will make you an entertaining team in the arena.

Four Arms: Team?

Kevin 11: Ow! I'm not goin' around tied to this loser!

Four Arms: You took the words right outta my mouth, freakazoid!

Slix Thigma: Your fates are now linked. If one of you should happen to expire, the shackles will ensure the other does as well.

This was an pure action packed episode every scene involved some sort of fight, it was smart and unique continuing the streak of greatness, kid me really had good taste in TV.
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Ben 10: Gwen 10 (2006)
Season 2, Episode 4
Parrell worlds
23 February 2023
Ben wakes up in an alternate timeline where he is not in possession of the omnitrix it also runs along side the plot of the pilot revisiting the start but instead Vilgax does not take damage during the shootout and as such comes straight to earth for the omnitrix and who is in possession of the watch? Gwen. This is intriguing mainly due to the fact that Ben retains all prior memories and yet is stuck in this timeline this episode is also the episode that encouraged me to begin writing as a kid I remember it so well now I completely forgot I was eight years old and I wanted to write my own Ben 10 episode now I'm a screenwriter and for that reason this episode is the most important episode of my childhood.
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Ben 10: Framed (2006)
Season 2, Episode 3
23 February 2023
This ep introduces Lt. Steel who heads the S. A. C. T or Special Alien Containment Team.

It's one of the strongest episodes so far in the series beat out only by the season 1 finale it has the return of Kevin 11 and has one of the most enjoyable fight scenes of the whole series on San Francisco's Golden gate bridge . An action filled roller-coaster of mega portions while also packing some emotion in between it's scenes and empathy for Kevin as we get slight justification as to why he's a villain something which can be rare for kids shows to do in my limited experience so I was quite thrilled to see that.
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Ben 10: The Big Tick (2006)
Season 2, Episode 2
23 February 2023
"Make that a Cannonbolt." This episode introduces Fred Tatasciore as Cannonbolt the weakest of the aliens in my opinion but definitely a fun one this brings us back to what made Ben 10 good after a less than stellar launch for the season it's good to see the show hop back on form I always have high expectations when it comes to this show now. It's something from my childhood that I'll never fully forget even if I forgot most of it and I'm glad that this rewatch is going way better than I initially planned this was filler but it was strong filler done right very entertaining if but its skippable.
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Ben 10: Truth (2006)
Season 2, Episode 1
Max backstory
23 February 2023
The only interesting part of this episode was that it explored Maxes backstory as a plumber and done it effectively with flashback unfortunately the present day stuff was lacking and mostly uninteresting to me but that's just me Phil was an interesting character but really just served as a counterpart to Max and his character didn't offer any depth or interest of his own. Gwen was pretty annoying at the start of this episode and Ben was near the end they came across as less childish and simply more bratty which irritated me quite a lot. This was a weak start to season 2 sadly but I know it will soon get better.
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Ben 10: Secrets (2006)
Season 1, Episode 13
Peak animation
23 February 2023
This is genuinely so great Vilgax and Ben meet and the fight is so tense so choreographed edge of your seat action packed thrill ride loved every minute of this episode it flew by and seeing Grandpa Max reveal himself and his known Vilgax was exciting the whole mount rushmore thing the fight on the spaceship it was all absolute insanity and the type of thing that could only be done in a kids cartoon so for that reason it's an amazing finale sound mixing yet again some of the best I've ever heard the music the tension the art direction everything here was handled with such amazing care that I can't imagine anything here being changed or different.
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Ben 10: Side Effects (2006)
Season 1, Episode 12
Freeze blast
23 February 2023
"I guess for some aliens getting a cold isn't just an expression." An engaging enjoyable episode exploring what the flu does to the other aliens it's an absolutely hilarious, gross and amusing it also explores the lore even more going deep into how illness effects the other alien races for that reason alone this episode was entertaining but of course because it's Ben 10 it doesn't stop there it goes even deeper and crazier with a Bug filled creature that makes me itchy as all hell attacking China town and attempting to protest (I use protest generously) the demolishing of his home. Heatblast becoming Freeze blast was the most memorable part and something I actually still remember more than a decade later.
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Ben 10: A Small Problem (2006)
Season 1, Episode 11
The short end
22 February 2023
Ben is stuck as gray matter and the omnitrix is damaged badly it becomes out of control something that will severely impact the upcoming episodes I'm excited to rewatch and see how they deal with Grandpa Maxes side of things he can't hold in his know about the aliens secret for much longer he let some information slip to Gwen this episode and shockingly this episode introduced the organisation an group that I'd completely forgotten about. WIth only two episodes to the season finale and the show down I look forward to seeing it all play out and I have high hopes for Ben and Vilgax meeting in person.
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Ben 10: Lucky Girl (2006)
Season 1, Episode 10
22 February 2023
An extremely trilling episode exploring more of Gwen's character genuinely fun and pleasurable also introduces the charms which further expands the shows lore it's crazy how detailed and in depth this show can get and it makes me respect the writing a whole lot more this isn't some cheap kids show it's a show that kids can watch that is creative and captivates it's ideas in the imagination of yourself I continue to be shocked at how well it ages with you I'm 20 and loved this when I was 6 I'll most likely continue to watch it for the rest of my life the laughing is contagious the joy infectious.
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Ben 10: Last Laugh (2006)
Season 1, Episode 9
Crowning around
22 February 2023
"Everyone's got there own crazy fear Ben."

This episode deals with fear and the paranormal, facing fears and dangers it actually others great insight into the human mind and fear itself for Ben it's clowns for Max it was heights. A strong episode continuing a streak of great episodes surprisingly this one also in its own way explores what happens when your happiness is stolen it's a pure exploration of depression and anxiety, while the circus stuff was interesting the best part of this whole thing wasn't the fighting but the exploration of suffering in a beautiful way it's amazing how clever the writing is here we got flashy colours etc to distract the kids and for us adults it explores deeper meanings. "Oh Great now you're afraid of your own reflection."
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