
1 Review
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Colleen Moore at her most charming.
16 December 2001
Colleen Moore was one of the really great comediennes of the silent era. Orchids and Ermine shows her off at her very best. Her puzzlement at the appearance of Mickey Rooney is worth the movie by itself. And when she rejects the fresh overtures of Jack Mulhall and leaves with her dignity intact, it is not difficult to see why he would chase her through New York City in a driving rain, board a double-decker bus, pay the bus driver to catch up with her bus, and then leap from the top of his bus to hers in order to explain himself. What male would not be smitten? When true love triumphs in the end it hardly seems contrived. Surely no male, rich or poor, would ever consider life worth living without Colleen Moore.
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