
7 Reviews
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Movie with single purpose - Indoctrination
10 February 2019
I usually don't review movies but this time i couldn't go over the heavy symbolism and especially chemtrail indoctrination. Having plane spraying chemicals so naively into one of the scenes was something that really pissed me over.

The movie it self is ok i guess the acting is good,the plot is a bit weak but you can get over it. Also it really bothers me when they make movies without explaining big part of the plot, this is one of those movies.
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Uncaged (2016)
Dozen of irritating WTF moments
4 February 2016
OK, i was so irritated of this movie so I had to write short review. So, first it does not look like a B-category movie on first sight. It has some nice story for beginning, the camera is good and all in all the flow of the movie starts kind of a promising.

So, as the story just go into it, and then all of a sudden you got totally unconnected story point, then it happens again and again and again..until you lost track of what's going on here. On top of that add dozen of awkward moments that come out of nothing. Totally unexplained moments which just pop in and story progress into some irrelevant direction. The cherry on the top is the awful acting (with 1 honest exception from the guy with the glasses).

So simply put in: The movie looks like bunch different of clips with the same people just stitched together. I'm just giving 2/10 because of the good camera. Waste of time, or you can watch it like a comedy.
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Nothing to do here
2 October 2013
I see so many good reviews here about this movie and I could not disagree more. So Probably for all who wrote a positive review on IMDb, never even touch the book, I wont even mention reading it.

So first of all..this movie maybe looks good, OK, the director tried to make something, but, there are to inevitably important facts about the movie:

1. Movie is not completed. Yes, the movie is only a small part of the whole book and it begins as the book does, but as it goes, it loses its total meaning and of course it loses the grip with the book at all.

2. As a movie, it has its own moments exactly as in the book...but that is maybe 5% of everything you can read in the book. What is more important, someone of you will say "hey its just a movie, it can not contain the whole book", well that's the problem, every row of the book is so logically good, funny, hilarious and satirical.

So, this movie is bad just because it does not presents the book in its true lights. I strongly suggest to anyone who wants to watch the move, you'll have 10000 times more fun reading and laughing at everything written inside the book.
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V/H/S (2012)
Worth a watch definitely
21 October 2012
OK so i've seen so many horrors, and a horror can not even scare me anymore...BUT...some things in this movie did that!

I'll be short and give you exact motive to watch this movie. OK, I've read many reviews which spit on this title, and just because of that I want to give a shot and explain why you should watch this movie.

As it's described into the "storyline", this movies is created by group of few different stories, every story is different and for its own. So, what really amazed and scared me in this movie was exactly the first story. It a perfect combination for horror and it was really really scary. I haven't seen so scary moments in a movie for years. Other stories weren't so scary for me but anyway I watch the whole movie.

I really recommend this movie to everyone who want good horror, and definitely, at least give a shot for the first 30 minutes of the movie (and the first story/tape)

8/10 for the whole movie, just because the first part was amazing
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The Guard (2011)
Waste of time
1 January 2012
This was absolutely most boring movie i've ever watched. It is not a comedy, nor crime, nor a thriller, as is it described into the "genre". It is a boring drama, absolutely waste of time. So i gave myself time to watch and to see how the events are going to unfold, but as long as i watched it just become bigger and bigger disappointment. Maybe this movie could be observed as a comedy in Britain but certainly it wont give that impression for the wide public. It's a total mess of many events with absolutely no connection between them, and without any point at the end. As far as I'm concern, this is a classic drama and probably everyone who prefers that genre would like this movie, but certainly it have not any thrill in it.

Very disappointing for a title with total score of "7.6"
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Undying (2001 Video Game)
Unique Experience
8 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am writing this review 10 years after i played the game. 10 years after such a strong experience, this games is jewel among horror games.

Truly I can say that this is one of the best Clive Barker horrors ever written / translated into a game.

This game has very strong storyline. From the start to the end it is full of surprises and horror moments. The only horror game (even among all movies) that have made me to look behind me while I was playing.

Many mysterious places and dimensions, many different enemies...exactly as in a Clive Barker's world, but much more stronger than a movie just because YOU are the main actor and believe me, there isn't horror movie that could come near that feeling that this game could.

Sadly after 10 years, there isn't some sequel or remake to this game. Maybe a movie adaptation (as it was the game exactly..)..but then i wander, would it be worth to make a movie and will it be better than the original game....?
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Insidious (I) (2010)
Very best horror movie so far!
4 May 2011
WOW What a great movie. I am horror fan, i have seen so many movies in my life. Every movie i watched by now wasn't even close to this one.

This is masterpiece of horror movie, it has all the elements that one movie need to have. Just perfect.

The best thing is that from start you gonna think that its something similar to any other horror movie, but as the story goes, more and more you realize that it is so great.

It keeps you attention to the end, its not boring at all, not for a minute.

Simply, this one you must watch, especially if you are horror movie fan!
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