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Dreadful no connection to Loch Ness.
23 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A submarine goes down after and attack by something, a rescue mission is sent out. They do not know that the Loch Ness horror is out there. Etc.. Cue, bad CGI.

The fun part of that was there were 2 people on the sub, 2 and it was not a mini sub. Then the woman is using a periscope underwater to look for a monster. Periscopes are looking above the surface.

The rescue mission is sent out 8 people in a large ship. At no time do you see any crew running it, steering it on anything.

It looks like they rented a boat for the weekend filmed all of the scenes. Then spent another couple of days on the CGI. Then in post production they put it altogether.

The movie is boring and makes no sense. Anyone who gives this movie 10 out of 10 probably worked on it.
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Merrick (I) (2017)
Bleak dystopian French SF movie
11 June 2022
After the fall of society. The French are still here! A slight witticism as they are no light-hearted moments in this movie.

A plague has destroyed France and possibly the world. One man walks tall Merrick an ex-boxer. He befriends a teen and they have adventures together. So it is like a father-daughter relationship. It is about them trying to eke out a living in this destroyed world.

It is a foreign language so unless you speak French you will need to read the subtitles.

This is a bleak movie where nothing really good happens to the characters. It is well acted throughout but it can be slightly hard to follow in some of the later scenes, perhaps I was not reading the subtitles fast enough.

Well worth watching this micro-budget movie.
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Division 19 (2017)
11 June 2022
It is a great idea. Watch prisoners 24/7 for a subscription, dehumanizing them. That is what it says it is about. It starts off like it is going to be about that then goes off at a very boring tangent. It is only worth watching if you need something to send you to sleep.
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It stars William Shatner. Amazing
28 January 2022
This is an amazing movie. Probably the best ever, made and yeah it is amazing.

It really is not as bad as they say it is. It really tries hard to be a good movie with a very small budget. It is interesting.

If you like low budget movies it is worth a shot.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
28 December 2021
Such a wasted opportunity. Poor scripts. Unlikeable actors. This make Hawk the Slayer look like a masterpiece. Do not waste your time with it.

It is terrible, it is bad, it is boring, have I made the word limit now IMDB? How many ways can I say it was not worth watching?
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z grade movie
6 December 2021
Only watch this if you like movies made for 100 quid. Nothing happens apart from they scream a lot. The picture of a dog fight in space has nothing to do with this movie. Really they need a picture of 5 people sitting on a dirty couch. Just awful.
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Cue more shouting!
27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So Blondie is back for the final season. I was reading the guardian and they gave away all of the plot.


Blond shouts a lot at statues.

So blondie is back and she is acting like she is waiting to leave. After punishing us with acting skills we have the new series. I had high hopes. The Russy was back! No Flasher Jack and he now had the great actor Joadie Whottaker so work with. Could he get the best from her like he did with David Tennant? No. He is trying his best but it is still l woeful. At least in this series they are trying to take some of the previous episodes monsters and give them new life. Trying and failing but at least it is better than the Chib monsters.

If you like stone aliens this might be worth watching.
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War of the Snore tarans
27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Robert Holmes created these brutal creatures. Brutal, vicious and nasty. They got repeated in Nu Doc Who where they were basically a comedy dancing alien. A sort of mock storm trooper. So what could be expect from weary Chib?

Well although Chib has left the building his legacy of sheer mediocracy carries on. For some reason he has written this season, even though we have Russy back. Flasher Capt Jack has not been seen so at least that is one good thing. So the Russy is back. You would not know it. It is the same as the last forgettable series.

The Sonnies are back. Now they are evil but they get stopped by loud blondie Jodie (also strangely the name of my pals dog). A time travelling canine as Dr Who next? That might be an idea. So Jodie shouts a lot. Her and the overacting oaf who is the Liverpudlian character manage ... well that would give the plot away. Suffice to say Dr Who is about shouting a lot. The familiar story of its bigger on the inside. Everyone is shocked by this.

I am rooting for the Sonnies to be back to the Baddies they were before.

This series is a good remedy for insomnia. All I can say is bring back some good actors, good plots and people who actually like SF. Then it might be passable.
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A lot better than expected.
5 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is a bit too long. Other than that it is of the Casino Royale feel. Good car chases, great effects and a good story. Not without its plot holes and parts where I was scratching my head at how stupid Bond was but it also had some very dark laughs in it.

I see other reviewers hating it but for me, it was one of the better Craig movies. He is not my fave Bond, that is Connery. It was great that there finally was something to watch at the movies after months of waiting. If you like Skyfall/Spectre you will like this movie also.

Though that ending? The lack of any good looking females in it. No good gadgets either. Not really a bond film more of the skyfall style bond. I guess that is it for the series. It is a shame it blew out on a low note.

Casino Royale>Quantum Of Solace.>Spectre>No Time To Die>Skyfall.
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Chaos Walking (2021)
Young Teen SF adventure
2 October 2021
You are young. You have never had a girlfriend. This is the movie for you. Men have their thoughts blasting out of their head and women do not. You first meet a woman and you are young, full of hormones, what is the first thing you think, I have found her!! Report her to the authorities? No chance... hi, hello, I am pleased to meet you. Let us run and hide as you can be my pal.

Mark Kermode destroyed the movie on release. I thought he was being to hard on it then I watched it. Very average.
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Infinite (2021)
Truly feeble
2 October 2021
What do you get, when you cross the Highlander, John Wick and the Matrix? Yep this nonsense. There can be only 1. It is not this movie.

It is a masterclass on how to make an action movie. Jaw dropping stunts effects. It looks amazing, the acting is good but as they are retreading old movies they have a problem. So given what I have said why is this not at least a 6 out of 10.

It is cliched. I plays like Kingsman 2 the bad one. The plot is substandard. Have you seen the first Highlander? Well then you have the plot of this movie. Do he know he is the 1.. etc. It could also be the plot of the Matrix. Who is the one?

Good versus evil and who is gonna save the world? Ghostbusters of course etc.

Well if there is nothing else to watch and you love Mark Walberg do not watch this movie. As you will love him a lot less after watching it.
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This movie is Abyssmal
15 August 2021
So first of all it is dubbed and dubbed badly. Next up nothing happens for half an hour. Apart from a dude finds his long lost love well for a bit. Then we get to the meat of the movie, will have ever sit up and be a man? Yep that is the main plot as far as can work out. Then the power station goes boom! Is he going to become a man, take care of Mother Soviet Union and his family?

By the time it gets down to the movie you will be thinking, who cares? This is the weak sibling of the TV series. It is not as good as the BBC version either.

The effects are pretty good and there are some good scenes of devastation. The two leads are effective but they do not have much to work with.

So if you have watched Cameron's Titanic you will guess the plot. Take Titanic away and put the power station in and you will have basically the same movie. A love story set among the ruins.

It passes the time but could have been so much better.
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Creepshow 3 (2006 Video)
24 June 2021
No point in doing a synopsis of the stories as they were all dreadful. Terrible effects. Acting like they are in a Christmas play in junior school.

There are two good movies in the series. 1 and 2. The George Romero ones. Then there is the tv series, which is excellent. This is the fly in the ointment. Not even worth renting.
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100 million dollar bomb
21 May 2021
Well well well .. Snyder tries his hands at another. Zombie movie. First time around he had George Romero plot to play with. He made a decent stab at it. Introducing fast zombies, zombie babies and the like. Whilst not being as scary as Dawn still a good movie.

A zombie heist movie sounds like a real bad idea but it is a different take. What you get is an epic production on a z grade story. It is a like a Rob Zombie video stretched out to 2 and a half hours. It is not scary. In the end I was rooting for the zombies.

Why is this movie not on at the movies. A lot of them have opened recently. It is because it is trash.
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Death Run (1987)
Armageddon comes to Great Britain.
4 May 2021
Who knows who started the war. Two once great superpowers fought a war over minerals but when the missiles started flying one thing was certain, the only way anyone could survive this was by going underground. Two people are frozen in time. Adam and Eve who will repopulate the earth. They enter into suspended animation only to emerge in a world that has been destroyed by nuclear radiation. Will the couple survive in this post apocalyptic world? Will this new Adam and Eve be part of a new fair society? As the movie progresses we get to see amazing sights that no human has ever seen before. We get to witness the awe and majesty of life lived to it truest potential. With that the story begins.

The two venture forth with their survival equipment. Though this is where the fun begins in that way that only Murphy can dole out. It is after an atom war what would you do? Hey lets go camping? No chance. Where is my mini gun and mega mini nuke mines to ward off intruders? No a tent. With predictable and charming results. The capers these two get involved in.

Murphy put the low into low budget with this movie and it is all the better for it. You have mutants, raiders and insanely evil games hence the title of Death run. Also, you have his usual cast of great actors who chose to stay in England and be film stars (B movie stars) rather than accept the ignominy of vast riches and mansions in Hollywood.

Jokes aside, this is the holy grail of British B movies. I had to search around for years to procure a copy of it. It has already had 2 watches. There is so much black humour in this movie and you can get loads of evil laughs seeing what happens to two innocents in a world populated by monsters.

Also, strangely, this movie is nearly the exact plot of the ID software game Rage.

With a bigger budget this movie would have been a smash. As it is, it is up there with his other movies which a low budget classics.
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Atlantis (II) (1991)
A bona fide Micro budget classic for the ages.
4 May 2021
I admit it, I loved Hawk the Slayer, Ator the Invincible, Ator the fighting Eagle, Sword and Sorceress. Prisoners of the lost Universe. Warlords of Atlantis and At the Earth's core. Wonderful hokum. Shlock of the highest order. Murphy's Atlantis is of a similar fare but done with a small budget. Well compared to most of Mike's movies this looks big budget.

The plot is wonderful. Two people get dragged into Atlantis. The fabled lost city. Their fate is intertwined with the fate of Atlantis. When they get down there they find that the world is ruled by sadists. A queen, a princess, a vicious hench man and bizarrely an alien. As the plot progresses you get to find out about how they all interact. Their stories are fleshed out.

This is a sword and sandals epic made on a small budget. If you think of the two seventies classic movies At the Earth's core and Warlords of Atlantis done cheaply you get the idea. If you go into this movie expecting to see amazing effects Hollywood stars you will come away disappointed. If you want to see a triumph over adversity with a very strong plot but no budget to back it up, this is your movie. It is like 80s Dr Who compared to the revamped series with Chris Eccleson. This movie does feel like it could have Troughton or Pertwee in it helping to save the citizens of Atlantis.

I have found this great director Mike Murphy. He makes low budget classics. Oddly in the reviews there are two reviews from the same person both saying this movie is trash. It is a trash classic. Plus they give the ending away. Very bizarre way to review a movie.
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Nekros (2015)
Nekros not the best place to go on holiday.
4 May 2021
Nekros is the isle of the dead in mythology. This has been forgotten and is now the Greek Island recommended by Nekros travel. The most prestigious holiday destination. Two holiday reps are showing their tourist group around the island. The lady tour guide goes to a party and a person turns up.. dying, he has the plague and the island is cut off for 7 days. Whilst in quarantine they must stay in the island. This is when the killer/demon strikes. The bodies mount up or do they. The rep finds them. Then they disappear is she going insane. If she the killer?

This is another of Mike Murphy's micro budget movies. This time he moves in to slasher/thriller territory. He has more than one plot line running at the one time.

The characters are not as fleshed out as some of his movies with only the lead actress getting a really good role. Though I guess it is because like the Friday the 13th movies they are cannon fodder for the murdered.

The final denouement explaining a lot of what went before and has quite a few surprises in store for the viewer.

This is another micro budget movie. So if you do not like them, you will not like this movie. It is a triumph of the human spirit over adversity. From the characters, the actors and most of all from Michael J Murphy.
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Skare (2007)
A British Motel Hell.
2 May 2021
Movie number 4. I like going through lists of horror movies that I have not seen. I have watched 1000s of horror movies. So I have watched five of Mike Murphy's movies. Death Run, The Return of Alan Strange, Bloodstream and now Skare. As a movie maker Murphy just got better and better. His plots are always a lot of fun in a dark macabre way, The later movies have a lot of black humour in them.

Skare. A chap escapes from a mental asylum. He gets taken in by a kindly older woman. Something is up and there will be ghastly goings on and there are.

It is a very competently made movie. As with Alan Strange this movie feels like his most accomplished work.
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Bloodstream (1985)
Nasty low budget Brit flick
2 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
B grade horror made with a micro budget. Murphy was the British Dholer. He just loved making movies. Never getting the success he craved not the success he deserved.

This is my forth Michael J Murphy movie. Every movie I have seen I just look at it and wish the guy had been given a budget.

So a nasty film distributor has taken the lead characters movie and is selling it around the world for a huge profit whilst the filmmaker gets nothing. Axe comes to mind. This could be Fred Friedel's life set to celluloid. Or Romero with his seminal classic Night of the Living Dead. Taken off him for peanuts and it was a major international success. What would you do.?

This film maker decides to take revenge making his own new horror movie with the previous cast and producer as his victims. It sounds awesome and if he had the budget it would have been a movie we would have seen at the movies. As it is I guess this was straight to video fare.

I love Low budget movies where they are a triumph over adversity and it is just that way with this movie. If you love low budget shlock this is for you.
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Remake of the Shawshank Redemption.
6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As a movie I cannot fault it. It knows how to tug at the heart strings and yes it is well produced. Afterwards I had other ideas.

It is pure gold for American haters. Evil imperialists keep innocent man locked away from his family. Really it is the plot of the Shawshank Redemption stuck in a Guantanamo bay scenario. It is great cinema.

Then the questions come. Why was he trained by terrorists? Answer, he was fighting against the Russians. Why was he getting money transferred to him from Germany ( a reasonable amount of money) to his country? Answer to help a sick relative. You can see both sides in this.

Also the production companies. BBC films. Just like them to use taxpayers money in a critically acclaimed money sink. Stx films, the Chinese company? This is odd. Though they have been involved in a lot of duds it is good to see them involved in a good movie but to what ends? A Chinese company seeing the Americans as evil aggressors? I wonder if they will be making a movie about the torture camps in China of which there are many. Not just one on an Island, hundreds of thousands of their own populous interned and tortured. I had a look and no such expose from Stx films is being produced by them. Which is interesting to note. Most people look at the singular notion of one man or even 800 men in a camp. I look at the wider field of view and have a certain amount of cynicism about why this movie was made.
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Great Black humoured movie.
5 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For years I have been searching to find this movie and yesterday it popped up in my feed for Amazon prime.


In a bizarre piece of fandom the original characters of a fictional 60s tv show meet to talk about old times. To revel in their former glories. Much like conventions for SF shows of the past. The show which should have been made is like Department S meets Time Tunnel meets Journey to the Unknown.

Thoughts. I absolutely loved it. The PC pap with terrible stories that passes for British movies/tv series made me hunger for the 60s or 70s shows. You know that it is all going to go terribly wrong in some way but you do not know how. What is great about this movie, is the sheer venomous hatred the cast seem to have for each other. The way they love getting one over on their fellow cast is just amazing. I thought I was going to do myself an injury I was laughing so much.

After watching it. I went on the hunt for Alan Strange. Unfortunately it is fiction but I want to see that tv series. I loved it.
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Brain Dead (2007)
low brow shlock
27 November 2020
This is now on Amazon Prime. It says 2020 but is really this movie. Zombies attack trailer trash is how it is pitched. It is more like, hey there is a good looking woman. Director cue the nude scene. What about the zombies? Cue the nude scene...

About half way through the movie they are there for a tame take on Evil Dead. Good fun but probably the only thing memorable was the brunette who stripped for her naughty scene in a pond.
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High Score: Boom & Bust (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
flawed Summation
21 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Who is the father of video games? Was it the designer of the Channel F console? Nope. A young chap called Ralph Baer who developed the Magnavox Odyssey was there First. No mention is made of him, even in passing. Interchangeable games? Baer was there first. Channel F did have the first microprocessor in a console and the first ROM cartridge. After it was out Atari signalled its death knell with the VCS. The inventor is Baer and everyone else were innovators. Other than that, good to hear some stuff about Atari (not much though). The first woman to win the national video game championships playing space invaders on? The Channel F? The most innovative console ever? Nope. The Atari VCS. What they did not mention was that Space invaders on the VCS.. was EASY. Space invaders in the arcades was a challenge. Getting it onto the Atari VCS was a challenge but we did not find out who did the conversion. There is other interesting things about it. Pong and super breakout are hardly even acknowledged? Centipede? Lunar Lander? Pacman? Everything was there to put Atari in a bad light. Interesting but flawed is my summation.
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Doctor Who: Orphan 55 (2020)
Season 12, Episode 3
The very Worst Dr who has got better.
14 January 2020
It is official. The worst Dr Who cast have succeeded in getting more atrocious. Yep just when you thought it was safe to go back to beeb cesspit they out do themselves with the worst episode so far.

Also there are no talking penguins in it. Watch it to marvel at how bad Dr Who can be. I am really amazed. I want the robots who only talked via emojis back. They used to be the low point for the series but Churn it out has surpassed even Moffats powers to produce the most pathetic episode ever!! I want the episode when they steal the Drs Brain... they could call it Spocks Brain part 2
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The Tombs (2019)
Good fun Shlock
2 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is a horror trope of the last madman locked up in an asylum when some teenager decide to spend a night in there as their right of passage. Saying boo to Michael Myers house in Halloween is another example.

In this one we get a cast of actors playing a cast of wannabe actors. They have to spend a night a horror museum/attraction. It is the familiar tale we all love of will they live out the night? There is a madman loose in the asylum/attraction bumping off the actors but will they see it all as an in joke or will they survive the night? That is the premise.

It is well acted. The actors themselves seem to be having a great time playing bad actors. The effects are good and it is well shot.

It is let down somewhat by the main antagonist not actually being that scary other than they have an axe.

Well, worth renting from itunes and it is geared towards the youth. The one thing about the team is they could have made this great, if they had followed the movie the game. The other old trope it is all a prank, should have been the final denouement. Though that is my personal preference.
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