
119 Reviews
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Nope (2022)
22 July 2022
Jordan Peele is a director I have a lot of respect for in terms of what he has done for the horror community. Both of his directorial efforts have ranged from really good to brilliant. However with this film, I feel as though his image of the film was an idea that bit off more than he can chew. Although the visuals of the film were brilliant and immersive for the audience, the story that accompanied it was tossed to the side in favor of metaphors of social themes. The abundance of the incorporation of themes made the film feel bloated and confusing when it reaches its conclusion. There are genuinely frightening moments in this film that are a perfect demonstration of visual subtlety. However, much of these scares lack a connective through line that make the film feel cohesive. There are interesting elements of the film that are introduced, but ultimately lacking any meaning towards the end. Although the characters are enjoyable and charismatic, the script never allows them to give the actors a chance to demonstrate their main attributes as actors when compared to other Peele projects. When the film eventually ends, I was left with a feeling of emptiness, knowing that a director as good as Jordan Peele has somewhat fell into the category of pretentiousness. Despite demonstrating brilliant aspects of a horror and visual director in this film, the end product is a clash of themes that have no connection in the long run and barely cohesive story that ultimately leave a mixed and confused feeling towards the audience.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
Ms. Marvel
13 July 2022
Have on the overall Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, after watching this show I was pleasantly surprised with how much of an attachment I was slowly getting to each of the characters and their stories. Kamala Khan is a loveable character whose development throughout the show was brilliantly executed. This is only furthered by the actress playing her, Iman Vellani, who in her very first performance was able to charm and greatly portray this beloved comic book character. Kamala's family and friends are equally adorable and provide the show with a dose of heart in times it needed it. The show's exploration of finding oneself through the origin of one's culture was an insightful look into the Pakistani culture of which I knew very little. It brings diversity to the Marvel Universe in a natural way and never feels as though it were to be shoved down the audience's throats. The art style of the show was also a delight to see, delving into the mind of the lead character in a visually appealing way. However, one of the show's biggest flaws was the pace at which it commenced. Throughout the show, there were moments that feel as though they may be dragging longer than they needed to. In a way though, this was somewhat justified by an ending that ties everything together in an exciting way, making me excited for the future of this character as opposed to the minor lack of interest I had entering into it. Overall, this show was a delightful entry into the Marvel Universe, with brilliant characters, a cosmic art style, and an insightful look into the Pakastani culture that made for a fun and heartwarming show anyone must see.
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Thor: Love and Thunder
8 July 2022
Thor is one of my favorite characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Although not all his films were perfect, the direction that has been decided to take with his character has been an emotional and awesome reinvention of what used to be a character that lacked an interesting personality. This film builds upon the events of the previous films that Thor has appeared in and develops a character study of a man who has lost everything and is now in the midst of an identity crisis. This is brilliantly illustrated through the black comedy approach brought upon by director Taika Waititi who is able to balance the sillier aspects of the story as well as the dramatic undertones that breathes life into this film. The visuals are stunning, injecting the world of the Marvel Universe with color and life that is the equivalent of candy for the eyes. The performances are amazing with Chris Hemsworth owning his role as Thor by injecting an admirable balance of comedy and tragedy. Natalie Portman's return as Jane Foster was perfectly handled with her character arc being an emotional beat and justification for the previous films that she appeared in. However, Christian Bale as the antagonist, Gorr the God Butcher, was undeniably one of the film's greatest strengths. His performance was an artistic approach never fully explored in the MCU, delving into an emotional and sinister angle that makes him easily the best villain Marvel has produced. Although some may argue that the film is too silly for its own good, the comedy is brilliantly balanced with drama that will leave the audience in amazement at what it was able to accomplish throughout. The implications of what can happen next in the story of Thor left me in anticipation of what can come next for this hero, and I cannot wait to be there to see it throughout.
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Jurassic World Dominion
27 June 2022
After a slew of underwhelming sequels, the Jurassic Park franchise "finally" concludes with a film that somewhat fails to stick the landing. Being a longtime fan of the franchise as a whole, one of the most enjoyable aspects of this film was the unison of old and new characters. The portrayals of the characters were charismatic, and the eventual dynamic between these actors will undoubtedly bring a smile to any viewer's face. The visuals are also well done, with a notable combination of practical and computer effects. However, with all the flashy callbacks to previous films, visuals, and characters, the plot is what truly butchers the overall experience. Damage control from the sins of the previous film was at full capacity, desperately trying to justify the idiotic choices and twists that made the previous so infuriating. The plot is convoluted, trying too hard to give each of its large cast a piece of screen time and untimely forgetting to incorporate the true stars of the film, the dinosaurs. The film constantly focuses on useless subplots that bore and confuse rather than entertain. The villain of the film feels forced and contrived, copying and pasting from previous films and making no logical sense in the development of the overall series of films. The premise the film advertises is barely touched upon and deprives the audience of the most interesting aspect of the film. The logic is comparable to that of a Saturday morning cartoon, begging the audience to suspend disbelief for the stupidity that occurs. Overall, despite the aspects of the film that were done admirably, the baggage that came along in order to make it possible was eye-rolling and a definitive reason as to why this franchise should be laid to rest.
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Elvis (2022)
27 June 2022
Musical biopics are always a subject of rare success in Hollywood. All seem to follow the same formula, telling the story of a popular singer from childhood to death and this film sadly continues that exhausting trend. Although the authentic and lively performance from Austin Butler was breathtaking, the overall redundancy of the story is what truly plagues the film in the long run. Despite the colorful and hypnotic cinematography, the film suffers from boring the audience with an otherwise interesting concept of Elvis Presley's life. In short, this film shows so much without really exploring anything in detail. Each plot point feels as though it is a part of a larger checklist for what needs to be covered that doesn't highlight the significance of the events taking place. The film does nothing new with its overall story aside from distracting visuals to hide the fact that the movie is just another addition to the musical biopics that came before it. There were many aspects of the film that could have been rewritten to have a truly artistic approach to the subject matter and how the story was told, but instead tries to cover every base of a person's life that could have been given more justice in a television show. The pace of the film is slow, making the two-hour and thirty-nine-minute runtime feel comparable to four hours. Overall, despite having a brilliant performance from its main star and striking visuals, the generic execution of the film makes for an experience that constantly bores rather than genuinely interesting.
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Lightyear (2022)
24 June 2022
Presenting an interesting premise and a slew of emotional trailers, the end result of this film was sadly mixed. On one hand, the animation was spectacular, providing detail and brilliant moments that can only be experienced on the biggest screen possible. On the other hand, the story was all over the place, moving at a high velocity and never allowing the characters to have moments of emotional payoff. Although there are characters that are entertaining and have genuinely good character moments, others feel as though they were tacked on in order to provide useless comedic relief who ultimately have no impact on the protagonist or the overall story. One of the biggest flaws of the film comes in the form of the villain, whose twist makes no logical sense and provides further confusion to an otherwise over-bloated plot. In the end, the idea of the film was brilliantly original that had the ability to create and visually imagine a cohesive space epic, but sadly falters in being a generic, convoluted and rushed story with no emotional payoff.
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The Black Phone
24 June 2022
Being one of my most anticipated movies of the year, the anticipation for watching this film was high. Thankfully, my expectations were contently met through the intense, dramatic and heart pounding experience I had just witnessed. The film presents a heartfelt story of a boy growing up in the 70's before getting into the meat of the overall story. It attaches the audience to the protagonist, emotionally investing them into wanting to see him overcome his horrific obstacles. The ensemble characters were also brilliantly portrayed, giving the audience sympathetic performances that will invoke an inevitable emotional reaction. The story feels original giving horror fans a refreshing breath of fresh air from the constant reboots and sequels. However, beyond anything else, Ethan Hawke owns this film from the moment he appears on screen. His frightening portrayal of this ambiguous psychopath makes for a performance that will make any audience member freeze in anticipation. A lot of the violence of the character is subtlety implied, making the horrific implications of what may be going on behind the scenes all the more chilling. Overall this film was a genuine thrill ride from beginning to end. Providing a fresh and original story as well as iconic performances and a scare for anyone who dares to watch this film.
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Multiple Maniacs
18 May 2022
This film is the definition of bizarre. Despite the simple plot this film presents, the situations that occur within it are unthinkably unnerving. Easily the shining light that carries this film throughout is the bombastic performance of Divine. Her manic energy, comedic timing and dedication to the character make the film somewhat watchable despite the unwatchable nature of what it is portraying. Aside from the films gleaming positive, the rest of what happens in the film is absolutely disgusting to watch. Although it was obviously the intent to craft a film that will disturb anyone who watches it, the overall narrative falters because of how much it constantly deviates from the story. The filmmaking is visibly cheap with much the camera work feeling as though it was shot on a video camera from Walmart. The social commentary is eye-rollingly obvious lacking any subtlety in its execution. The story itself is not entirely engaging and is only remotely watchable due to the divine presence of Divine's performance. Overall, the experience of the film was exactly what the filmmakers intended, exploitative, violent and defiant. Yet the story that is being told constantly falters to the many negative aspects of the filmmaking and constant deviations.
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Anger Management
9 May 2022
A mediocre Adam Sandler comedy mixed with a vibrant performance from Jack Nicholson makes for an experience that is bland yet somewhat entertaining. The film has the usual characteristics of a stereotypical Sandler project, including his awkward and immature comedy, him working in an office job, and a woman he's dating who is obviously out of his league. On top of that the story is predictable and forgettable. This blandness that is usually the cause of a lazy movie is preserved through the inclusion of Jack Nicholson and his lively performance. Everything from his line delivery to his infectious smile and craziness makes the movie somewhat delightful throughout. The unexpected cameos also add to the enjoyment of the film as well. Aside from that though, the film is eye-rolling, unfunny, and immature playing to the lowest attributes of Sandler's comedy only saved by an award winning actor who's charisma makes the experience fun but mediocre.
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9 May 2022
With a promise of being a faithful adaptation of the original book and directed by beyond competent director, it was a shame of how much of a misstep this turned out to be. Although the film has an amazing cast of award winning actors, their performances ultimately range from mellow dramatic to over the top and zany. Despite the parallels to the original source material, the execution of the overall story is boring and dull. It was ironic the fact that this film has such a long runtime, but rushes important plot points and relationships, making the film suffer in the process. The scenery and authenticity can be respected, the editing and special effects are mediocre at best. The design of the monster is bland and lacks an identity to the interpretations that have come before it. Overall this film was mediocre watch from beginning to end. Despite how much care can be seen in the film, the execution of certain concepts fail to stick the landing.
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Phantom Thread
9 May 2022
Despite how much of a fan I am of Paul Thomas Anderson's work, this directorial effort proved to be an overall mixed experience. On a technical level, this film is beautifully crafted. The softness of cinematography and the colors utilized are brilliantly conjoined to the subject matter of the film. Daniel Day Lewis' supposed final performance is masterful. The commitment and minor details that were implemented make for a performance that highlights his greatest attributes as an actor. The score is from Jonny Greenwood compliments the positive aspects of the film by providing a pleasant and tension filled tune that will grace any ear. However on the other side of things, this film is undeniably boring. The subject matter, while beautiful in the craftsmanship, is not an entirely engaging one, with a romance that is not attachable and an ending that is fairly predictable. The overall project, while having many brilliant aspects to the structure of the product, ultimately is met with negative aspects that make for an experience that is mixed throughout.
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The Simpsons Movie
9 May 2022
This movie, although not perfect, has always been a special one to me because of the amount I've seen it as a child. From beginning to end, this film brings an infectious joy to any viewer. The beloved characters return in a film that portrays them in all their hilarity as well as an emotional angle that allows the audience to connect with them as much as they did in the show. The animation is a brilliant combination of the show's original style and a higher budget. The film's fast pace allows a rewatch ability factor with jokes that consistently land throughout. The film isn't without its flaws though, with many plot elements being forgotten for the overall story at hand. The villain is also underdeveloped with lackluster motivations despite the inside joke of who voices him. The fast pace of the film also undermines some of the emotional moments in favor of jokes. However despite these flaws, this film is undeniably enjoyable, bringing televisions most beloved family to life in a timeless cinematic venture.
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Boogie Nights (1997)
Boogie Nights
9 May 2022
Despite being one of Paul Thomas Anderson's first directorial efforts, this film still holds up to this day. The film is beautifully illustrated by the grooviness of the '70s with a classic song constantly playing in the background or unique camera movements to immerse the audience into the drug-infused trip the characters go through. The film has a premise that feels original and emotional, tacking the adult pocket of cinema when it was at its peak of popularity, transitioning to the aftermath of its slow decline. This is brilliantly inhabited by characters that are written with such emotion and humanity, accompanied by performances that breathe life into the characters, giving them genuine character and personality. The directing in the film is also noteworthy, bringing an earlier version of Anderson's style to the masterful filmmaking that will come later in his career. However, despite the many positives this film has, it is not entirely perfect. The film at times feels a little all over the place, focusing on characters that don't really have a purpose to the overall story. The film also goes on a little longer than it ultimately should. Although it may have minor flaws, Boogie Nights is a groovy experience filled with a brilliant character study, an amazing story, and immaculate directing that will shock and awe the audience with every viewing.
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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
6 May 2022
Marvel delves deep into its multiverse and ultimately succeeds in spades. This film was an exciting thrill ride throughout, utilizing the standard Marvel formula and combining it with the artistic visual style of director Sam Raimi. This film was visually unlike any Marvel film, using a plethora of camera angles, transitions, and movements that will constantly bend the mind of the viewer. Although the visuals are brilliant, the film also focuses on the emotional aspect of the characters, providing heartfelt and breaking moments that are satisfying for fans of the characters. This is perfectly accompanied by masterclass performances from each actor, giving life, relatability, and heart into each line delivered or facial expression given. The cameos that occur, despite their briefness, are effective in their presentation and will undoubtedly excite. The film, however, feels a little rushed in the beginning, establishing everything the audience needs to know in a quick manner. The film also does not have as much of an emotional attachment or impact to the previous multiverse adventure in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Despite this though, the overall product delivered is an amazing experience at the cinemas and a breath of fresh air for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Whiplash (2014)
4 May 2022
This film was an immensely intense experience throughout. From beginning to end, the viewer will be under pressure of a combination of anxiety and suspense that make for an almost completely perfect movie. The attention to detail from director Damian Chazelle, demonstrates his specifically unique filmmaking that tells an amazing story without as much as saying a word. The performances are beyond incredible with J. K. Simmons being a clear standout. The complexity of his character is beautifully matched with the flair of a performance he gives, making it a passionately human portrayal. The editing immerses the audiences into the stress and tension of the setting making each note of an instrument played have the equivalence of a rapid heartbeat. The story invokes the feeling of originality, exploring the ideas of obsession and what that can do to a person. Although for the majority of the film much of it is executed in an artistic and brilliant manner, the romance between the protagonist and the love interest fell flat in its depiction. The drama between them was not fully explored, leading to a break-up that lacks an emotional response from its audience. Besides that, the artistic exploration of the film's themes, the performances that illustrate it and the structure of the overall project, ultimately will leave a high emotional feeling of tension and stress for any audience member.
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Moon Knight (2022)
Moon Knight
4 May 2022
For the most part, Marvel's venture into television shows have ranged between being magnificent to mediocre. For this show, it left me with mixed emotions. The exploration into the psychology of the main character was brilliant, allowing the experience of the show to feel personal in its execution. It granted an artistic edge to the show as well, delving into visual depictions that doesn't have the feeling of standard Marvel projects. This is all brilliantly accompanied by a powerhouse performance from Oscar Isaac who demonstrates his wide range of acting talent, having to play two completely different characters and succeeding in spades. The mythology of the show was presented in an interesting way and opens the doors to unexplored ranges of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The mystery of the show was another aspect that visually amazing, constantly questioning the audience of what they have seen was actually real or imagined by the protagonist. Ethan Hawke is menacing as the antagonist, providing a villain whose motivations are reasonable and haunting simultaneously. However, with how much the show succeeds in conveying its story and exploration of its main character, the ending is what truly plagues the outlook of the show. There was much anticipation for how the story would conclude with how much was established and illuded to throughout the show. However, when the episode finally came, I was overwhelmed with how much was being thrown at the screen, lacking any of the complexity or artistry previously explored in earlier episodes. What was alluded to throughout the show happens but is done quickly without properly executing them. When the episode finally abruptly ended, it left me wanting more explanations and a clearer illustration of what had previously occurred or how this will tie in with the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Overall, despite the disappointment of the final episode, what had come before it was a brilliant exploration of themes Marvel has never ventured into. That mixed with brilliant performances and an amazing visual style, this show is definitely worth the attention of any Marvel fan.
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Monster (2003)
29 April 2022
A biopic concerning one of the most notorious serial killers in American history proves to be a horrifying and emotional portrait of the life of Aileen Wuornos. Easily one of the most notable positives to give the film is the brilliant performance of Charlize Theron in the lead role. Her performance as Wuornos is captivating, allowing the audience to be stunned by her horrific actions portrayed, yet simultaneously making the character emotionally sympathetic. It allowed the portrayal of the serial killer to not feel one-sided and illustrated her as a human who had sadly gone down the wrong path, in constant search of a purpose and love. The combination of a realistic look to the film accompanied by a score that is uncomfortable to listen to gives the experience a constant eerie feeling, never allowing the audience to breathe with the amount of suspense injected into each scene. One negative the film falters through is Theron's co-star Christina Ricci's performance. The character she portrays doesn't have the amount of emotional weight Theron had provided up until this point. She portrayed the character with a monotone attitude that took away from the emotional moments her character should have contributed to compliment the leads. However, this is almost completely overshadowed by the disturbing and powerful execution of the rest of the story. This is brilliantly accompanied by an iconic performance by Charlize Theron that make the overall film worth the attention of any viewer.
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The Survivor (2021)
The Survivor
28 April 2022
With an intriguing true story and a notable team behind the camera, it was disappointing at the average execution throughout. Starting off, Ben Foster as the title character is brilliant in his portrayal. He brought a brutally raw and emotional depiction of a survivor of Auschwitz as well as the side effects of what those events could do to a person. The scenes that took place in the past were horrifying in their depiction. The cinematography and camera work allowed the feelings of each character to be present throughout. It was also enlightening to aspects of the Holocaust that haven't been fully explored in a film. However, where the film brilliantly succeeds in some areas, it sadly fails in others. The film feels as though it was split into two parts, having an intriguing first half, while the duration of the movie after feels unneeded. It made what could have been a great film, drawn out longer than it needs to be, making it at times boring to watch. There are also technical elements of the film that could have easily been fixed to make the film have more of an artistic edge. While there are minor spurts within the narrative, the majority of the film has a bland feel to it. Overall, where the film has plenty of brilliant aspects, it ultimately falters in an overly long runtime and bland execution, making for an experience that sadly has more ambition than it can offer.
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The Princess and the Frog
27 April 2022
Disney's final hand-drawn animated film proves to be a wondrously mixed experience. To begin, the characters are exceptionably loveable, making the time spent with them infectiously happy throughout the duration of the film. In addition, each character is given complexities that give the film themes of self-acceptance and the enjoyment of life. The animation is also brilliant, illustrating the characters and settings with a burst of vibrant colors that breathe life and energy into the film's overall execution. It ultimately makes for a joyously bittersweet ending to Disney's hand-drawn era. The songs in the film are enjoyable, providing catchy lyrics that will make any viewer tap their toes. However, where the film succeeds in some areas, it also has negative aspects as well. The story feels derivative of other films and predictable, making each moment pinpointable of what will happen next. The film also consists of moments that are needless for the overall plot. Moments will occur, lacking any purpose to the characters and their journeys, ceasing to be mentioned again. It takes away the focus of what the film tries to say as well as the direction of the story. However, where the film may fail in certain aspects, it truly makes up for in a beautiful demonstration of hand-drawn animation as well as joyful music and characters that will bring a smile to any viewer's face.
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Memento (2000)
27 April 2022
One of Christopher Nolan's earlier works is a film that manages to amaze to this day. From the moment this film starts, the attention of the viewer will be grabbed through the imaginative storytelling of the director. Having the film take place backward is a brilliant technique that allows the viewer to become engaged in the mental illness of the main character. Predictability is constantly being subverted making each moment of the film feel surprising for each turn that is introduced to the plot. The main character is portrayed brilliantly by Guy Pearce who adds an emotional weight to the role, through the ever-present confusion his character goes through. It makes his journey invoke feelings of sympathy that make the audience desperately want his story to have a happy ending. In the average film, exposition may be used in an eye-rolling and unnecessary way. However, this film's use of exposition is completely justifiable to further illustrate the short-term memory of the protagonist. One aspect of the film that proved to be a minor negative was the lack of Nolan's visual stylized storytelling. It makes the film overall feel bland through its use of colors. Despite this though, this film is a brilliant thrill ride of a character study that, through its imaginative storytelling, attachable characters, and its originality, will have any viewer on the edge of their seat throughout.
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A Trip to the Moon
24 April 2022
Despite the age of this film, the brilliance it is able to accomplish is a testament to the creativity cinema has to offer. The wonder and imagination that is implemented into the story brings color to a story originally told in black and white. Although the effects presented in this film are tamed to the technology utilized to bring modern cinema, the amount of effort that was taken to bring the world to life can be admired upon in today's standards. The story is bombastically original, having quirky moments of absurdity while also delivering upon subliminally intriguing environmental messages. Due to the lack of dialogue, most of what happens can be interpreted in different ways making for a film that can easily be rewatchable. However this can be troublesome in areas due to how events perspire without any definitive explanation as to why or how it happens. Despite this though, being one of the earliest in existence, this film is able to amaze still to this day through its wondrous and imaginative storytelling most modern films still struggle to.
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Inside Llewyn Davis
23 April 2022
The Coen Brothers deliver upon a personal, soulful drama they have never explored cinematically, resulting in a brilliant film. Oscar Isaac gives one of his best performances, playing a role that allow him to show his best features as an actor through facial expressions that tell a story on its own. The character he portrays, while intentionally unlikeable, has a charm and relatability factor to him that makes the journey feel personal. The beautiful cinematography is depressive, allowing the viewer to further become immersed in the emotions of the main character. The music in the film is soulful, adding to the enjoyment and sadness of the journey this film embarks upon. The introspective look into the life of a failed folk musician, creates an emotional story that explores the ideas of depression, loneliness, and the pursuit of ambitions. The experience of this films invokes the feeling of listening to a folk song and the messages that come from it. The love letter to folk music the Coen's have crafted is unlike anything they've done before due to how personal the film feels in its beautifully artistic execution.
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The Northman (2022)
The Northman
22 April 2022
Robert Eggers' most ambitious project to date proves to be a brutal, raw, and emotional time at the theater. The film is beautifully illustrated through a combination of authentic landscapes and imaginative mosaics of fiction that feel original and undone before by cinema. The violence in the film is blood pumping, keeping the viewer on the edge of their seats for the animalistic tendencies of the characters. The cast provides brilliant performances to their roles, adopting the Nordic language of the Viking of old while delivering upon physicality that tells a story on its own. This is no more present than through the main star of the film, Alexander Skarsgård, whole delivers an emotionally subtle performance through the anger and violence his character depicts on screen. His commitment to the role demonstrates the amount of care and passion that was implemented into this project. The film also feels refreshing through its look into the perspectives of each of its characters, creating a world where heroes and villains are one and the same. Eggers' delivers a creative look into the age of the Viking, exploring mythology that feels insane, yet compelling all the same. The film is a beauty to behold, providing an introspective character study while delivering upon imaginative visuals, and a violent brutality providing a cinematic experience that will rock the mind and soul of the viewer.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
The Lighthouse
22 April 2022
This film was one of the most imaginative and investing times I had watching a movie. From the moment this film begins, viewers are treated with beautiful cinematography that encapsulates the era it takes place as well as the horror that will follow. It provides beautiful shots of the scenery that act as candy for the eyes. The use of the 1.19: 1 aspect ratio creates a confined feeling for the movie, engulfing the audience into the claustrophobia the characters will endure. The characters are written brilliantly, performed by two of the best actors working today. Whether it be through the emotional delivery of their lines, the physicality of their performances, or simply the attention to detail of how they speak, both Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe deliver one of their best portrayals. Although the premise may be simple on paper, Eggers' immaculate imaginations for his narratives are present throughout the duration of the film, portraying a horrific sea chanty of pure cinema only his direction can bring life to. The meanings and symbolism of the film are fascinatingly multi-interpretable, creating an artistic experience that cannot only be watched once. Throughout the experience of this movie, the film grabs the viewer's attention through its visually hypnotic attention to the characters and the elusive plot they endure. Although the film may not be for everyone, the cinematic experience that is delivered by every aspect of this film is worth the attention of any moviegoer.
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Little Miss Sunshine
21 April 2022
This is honestly one of those movies that never ceases to put a smile on its viewer's face. The story is amazing providing a relatable family that despite their differences and contrasting personalities, are able to come together when the time comes. This is supported by a cast of amazing performers with each being a standout, providing heartfelt and emotionally resident portrayals that will stick to the bones of the viewer. The thematic elements of self-image and self-worth feel timeless due to their everlasting meaning in society and the way people view themselves and others. The score also adds to the beating heart of this film, adding an additional tear to roll down the face of the audience. The film can be funny at times as well, despite the dark elements that are being presented, providing a tone that flows with consistency. It all leads to an ending that is shocking, yet human all the same. Making for a poignant message on dysfunctional families and their relationships with each other. This film was an overall joy to watch, providing messages and moments that feel raw and true while also presenting natural moments of inspiration and heartfelt residency ultimately leading to an ending of infectious emotion for anyone who watches it.
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