
23 Reviews
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HP Lovecraft at it's finest (so far)
8 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have read just about anything HP Lovecraft and seen all the adaptations of his works. Yes, ALL!

It's my honest review of Mr HP's works here. Mr. Cage's performances lately has been less than stellar but here he put in the best of what he can deliver. In fact, all performances of all of the characters are high quality. To me, this is the best rendition of one of HP Lovecrafts most impressionable short stories so far.

For me, the overall sadness of what the family has to go through is just hartbreaking. The emotional carry in this movie is just heart wrenching. Especially the downfall of the familys life overall.

The epitome of emotions is best portrayed in the "fusing" of mom and daughter halfway through the story. It's just so sad that words are almost not enough to describe it. Quite like Mr HP do in most of his stories.

There is just so much heartache here that I don't know how to descrbe it.

Following the original story we see that the Characer of Ward Phillips maintains his composure hrough these events. And there's where the story ends.
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Sisu (2022)
I liked it.
21 May 2023
This was a pleasant surprise to say the least. Was it perfect? Certainly not. Was it unrealistic? Hell yeah! Was it good? "A resounding YES!"

It's not very often we here in the Nords get some well made Nord-created popcorn movies. This was certainly one of them with some historic themes sprinkled over it. Not exactly historically correct but what-sa-hey-

As a fellow member of the nordic countries I had a slight bias. I mean, Sisu, the word in itself captures the heart of all nordic countries in some way. Certainly the Finnish, considering their involvement in WW2 eastern front.

In this movie, Sisu is at the heart of things. This man. Jorma Tommila as Aatami Korpi/"The immortal" was an excellent cast I M O. He played the role to perfection. Rugged, stoic, badass, yep, THE MAN.

The women in this movie was portrayed as good as ever. The first persons to be inflicted of evil in war was the last ones to get the laugh. The revenge sequence in the end of the movie just sat so well.

The unrealisticness of the movie, for me, takes away some points, nevertheless, the movie is a great action flick. If you like gritty, in-your-face brutal action, this is the movie for you.

The cinematography is excellent with some beautiful vistas of the Finnish landscape. The CGI is hit and miss but mostly positive.

The dialog is sparse but the it's really not needed. What is said is what is needed to be said.

Overall, a great addition to the nordic collection of action films and asolid one at that with some Finnish history weaved into it.


This was a pleasant surprise to say the least. Was it perfect? Certainly not. Was it unrealistic? Hell yeah! Was it good? "A resounding YES!"

It's not very often we here in the Nords get some well made Nord-created popcorn movies. This was certainly one of them with some historic themes sprinkled over it. Not exactly historically correct but what-sa-hey-

As a fellow member of the nordic countries I had a slight bias. I mean, Sisu, the word in itself captures the heart of all nordic countries in some way. Certainly the Finnish, considering their involvement in WW2 eastern front.

In this movie, Sisu is at the heart of things. This man. Jorma Tommila as Aatami Korpi/"The immortal" was an excellent cast I M O. He played the role to perfection. Rugged, stoic, badass, yep, THE MAN.

600-1000 character review? Shape up IMDB/Amazon. You're becoming pathetic.
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Think twice before watching.
7 May 2022
I've had several friends over at my place at different times wanting to see "the worst movie in my collection", knowing that I am a buff of horror movies.

I've always replied, "Are you sure?".

None of my friends have sat through this movie. The longest run I've had with any of them is about halfway through.

It's a well made movie in many aspects. This is actually one of the first 'found footage' movies out there, and it's one hell of a start. The music is fitting and at times creepy. The camera work is that of the exploring team filming their way to meet actual cannibals. In between are interspersed sections of the people watching the found material.

I have seen it twice and I certainly don't want to wear a badge of honor by saying that. Last time I watched it was 20 years ago, as of this writing, and I'll probably never watch it again.

There is another movie that I have watched only ONCE that I'll never watch again that can compare to this and that's 'Martyrs' by Pascal Laugier. That one I thought was even worse. So, you know what kind of league of movie I'm talking about.

When you get called up by the Italian legal system to explain what happened in the movie, as Ruggero Deodato was, to explain that noone got killed, well, that says a lot. Many people at the time thought this was a snuff movie, a movie where people actually got killed on camera. Nobody got killed and Ruggero was let go in the end.

The animal killings in the movie are, however, real. It was not done for the movie itself but filmed when it happened because that is what happens when you prepare animals for food. The film crew took advantage of that while filming in the jungle. So if you have any soft spot at all for animals you should most likely NOT watch this movie as those scenes are pretty gruesome.

The movie is very well done but it creeps under your skin and you can NEVER have it unwatched.

As I mentioned, think twice before watching.
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Spiderman athis best?
13 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Considering the struggles that many, MANY, movies has faced in the last years due to rising politicitation this is the mostly odd exception.

We get spiderman, Dr Strange (who I have the most hopes up for) so what could go wrong?

Not much really. We get an action movie without the SJW and intersectional politics blended in (mostly). The three cooperating Spidermen make it for a great outing.

Just enjoy this gem for what it is. I will be surprised if you get something as clean as this in years to come. And when I say clean, I mean clean of politics and other ism's.
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Clue (1985)
So much fun; in it's own sphere
18 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin?

I apparently missed out on this gem for many, many years. I may have seen it in my early teens (1980's) somewhere on some channel at some point and forgot about it but I really discovered it in 2015.

It has two of my favourite actors in it, Tim Curry and Christopher Lloyd. I can't think of two more apt actors to play the parts they have in this movie, especially Tim Curry. This type of character is right up his alley. With that said, the rest of the main cast does an excellent job with theirs.

This is based off the well known Clue board game. I played it A LOT on every break when going through early school (1980-85). I think this is as good as you can adapt this game to a movie and with a stellar cast to boot.

The humour is quirky, zany, slapsticky and at points somewhat Python-esque. Lines delivered with serious cheekyness and physical excercises to go with some of them. You don't really find out who's actually the murderer but you have such a good time in between that it really doesn't matter. I find the travel to the conclusion to be the fun part.

The set is on spot with what you could expect from a whodunnit. Set in the 1950's in a big old mansion with all the contemporary do's and dont's of that era. Camerawork is surprisingly efficient and as said, the acting is everything you could wish for with humour aplenty. Everything is delivered with energy and I find it quite satisfying. Sure, the script is thin but if you like this kind of mix of setting, humour and delivery you are in for a good time. I can in a way understand that some people won't like it.

So what are you waiting for? Check it out, I can highly recommend it.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Interesting 1st season
3 September 2020
Ok, since the Westworld season 1 is the GoTo Season to write about I will begin here. The following seasons are not good and then they work in some of the NPC talking points to some degree. On top of that they are increasingly un-consistent and contain too much redundant storytelling. As many others I just recommend that you watch the first season, that is THE important season and a damn good one too.

Seasons has so far declined in seasonal order, 1 - top notch, 2 - ok, 3 - Meh. The technical quality is still high but it's the storytelling that grows increasingly weak.

All aspects of season one are near perfect. Story, acting, set design, filmography e t c and I can't help but love Anthony Hopkins and Thandie Newtons efforts that extra bit.

I watched the original Westworld (and Futureworld) in the 80's and they have impoertant things to tell us now in the 2020's. Season 1, especially combined with the original movie delves into exploring what the differences really are between synthetic and real, if there are any at all at a certain point.

While we are in the very early stages of AI at the moment we don't really know the impact when we are to create the perfect simulacra (physical) copies of human beings.

This is an interesting indulgence of what we probably have to accept as a natural evolution of our technology in the immininet future. It is a question of when rather than if. "Human" beings that act and interact with flesh and bone humans to replace and/or complement our physical beings.

Why am i here? What is my purpose? What is free will? The same goes for the artificially created lifeforms, I find it very interesting and important questions as we race into the future. Those are important questions that we should not cast aside as we progress technologically.

Season 1 of this series is an important retrospect into what we define as human; Are we the epitome of humanity or are the creations we cerate THE future of humanty? When you can make no difference between artificial and biological, whos's to say that we are the natural progression?

Fascinating and interesting questions indeed. My 9 stars are for the 1st season.
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The Room (2019)
Clever film but it has its problems
12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movies synopsis intrigued me because I like these kind of films, the mysterious McGuffin driven types. In this we have the room that can make your wishes come true without, it seems, any penalty. There is only the basic rules in which the things you wish for can exist. Unfortunately the writers messed up and why the movie is incoherent in my eyes. They didn't follow the rules they created.

The only price you have to pay is because of the stupidity and/or decisions in how you handle the things you create. Of course, the couple in this movie screw up because of said actions. Herein lies the problem of the film. A lot of the misery, if not all, could have been avoided if the couple were a tad smarter but for the existence of the movie they're not. Reason? Well, they could just have wished most of the problems away. Mostly because of this I won't give it higher than 6 stars.

The performances overall are good but I kept finding myself annoyed by Olgas character. Good performance but annoying. Not her fault, I blame it on the script. There we're of course also some stupid decisions, as mentioned, but that also comes down to the script.

Everything else from a technical and artistic standpoint is done very well and this mythos could easily be expanded with at least one, maybe two more movies. I especially liked the artistic depiction of the machine that powers the room and house.

For myself I would love to see a prequel film about how the house/machine came to be. If done with capable hands it could be a brilliant movie. I'm sure the creator(s) of the house/machine also screwed up, maybe in some other Frankensteinish way like the couple in this movie did, or something else entirely.

Overall a good movie with some interesting twists and turns and of course a twist ending that I also have to question considering the rules for the rooms creations.
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The Mist (2017)
Just say NO
22 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen The Mist from 2007 and compare it I can honestly say that I'm not surprised at all that this series got cancelled. I'm surprised thy were even allowed to make 10 episodes, it's that bad.

There is of course the mist itself which should be the driving force but instead they create subplots with stupid drama intrigues that just pads out evey episod. Add to this that every episode is peppered with all the "progressive" tropes that plague so many movies and series since 2014-ish. It is very cringe inducing on so many levels and unnecessary actions and dialogue that stem from said tropes just to be "progressive". This series could just be another Dallas or Falcon Crest but worse in many aspects. Take the group in the church, completely unimportant, uninteresting and redundant. The group in the mall is where the interesting stuff goes on or rather should be going on. There were good moments but very far between them.

The last and most important thing is the mist itslef, which I said should be the main "character" in this series. Instead of staying true to the mist from Kings book they have made it into some sort of soul sucking, mind altering hallucinogenic fog and NO monsters which make the book and move so great. Well the black fog (sort of) monster from 'Lost' makes a dumb cameo but...meh. The mystery and terror of what lingers in the mist and the multitudes of creatures with their own unique characteristics. Instead you get some shots here and there of ordinary household insects and thats it. I guess they figured that they had to please some fans of the monsters in some way by giving them a nod in this small stupid way.

The acting is overall good but that's about all I can point to as good and that's why I give it 2 stars instead of 1.

I honestly looked forward to seeing this series but was sorely dissappointed. The few and far between interesting scenes does not make up for everything bad. Stick to the movie from 2007 and pretend this series was never made.
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This is splatter!
6 January 2020
Well, what to say about this?

To give this a review I first have to set the frame for the review. You can't compare this to "ordinary" movies. This is a splatter-comedy spoof-sorta-thing which gives plenty of nods to others before it and it's very low budget of course. I do appreciate what they did with their budget though, especially the SFX-team.

If you like Braindead, Street Trash, Bad Taste, Death Warmed Up, Troma films and.... well you see where I'm going with this, you probably should check this out.

The main keeping of this film is the effects themselves. It contains everything you could wish for. Mildew turning people to zombies (kind of), exploding body parts, colourful ooze, melting skin, gushing blood and whatnot. There is really no consistency in what the aforementioned mildew can do.

The dialog is just all over the place with the colonel delivering some relly cliché lines from start to finish. Acting is so so and the actions of the characters, considering what happens in the lab, are just completely out the window.

You really have to take this film for what it is. It's a splatter roller coaster comedy.

I give it a 4 because at least it was entertaining in it's own hilarious way.
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Underrated Stephen King translation
22 December 2019
I have seen just about all Stephen King adapted movies out there, including miniseries and whatnot and I have to say that this is one of the better efforts. No big budget but they have squeezed the most out of it. I love the set designs and most of the acting is right on spot.

Best of all is Stephen Macht as Warwick. He portrays the most unlikable and pushy manager you can think of with bravado. A true a-hole! All the rest does a very good job and Brad Douriff as the rat exterminator.....well, this is his signum sweaty half insane character that he does so well.

The SFX is of varying degree from so so to good, never exeptional but so what? The films atmosphere is spot on if you have read the short story of which this film is based on.

I like it very much but I can't give this higher than a 7 all things considered. It is a solid horror thriller with very good performances all around that stays mostly true to the source material. Enjoy!
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Z Nation (2014–2018)
Impressive (but cheesy) for an Asylum product
8 September 2019
I started watching this while on vacation i Thailand. I usually have SyFy on when it's available and I'm in my room. One night I watched this show and after a while I actually began to like it.

As it is an Asylum production I never have high expectations. But this is actually a good show, of course it's cheesy and campy, but hilarious. The characters are quirky and have distinct personality, sometimes played over the top. My favourite is Doc, hands down.

I enjoyed the ride the first four seasons. Episodes were a little up and down but overall I liked it and the story arches in later episodes worked ok. BUT! Then came season 5. This is when it went stright down into the toilet, because of, hrrm, the popular agenda nowadays. Sure there were a few good moments but most of it was just horrible.

So, save yourself some suffering and just watch the four first seasons.
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The Lost Room (2006)
Best mini series I've ever seen.
15 July 2009
I saw the trailer for this TV-mini on some obscure satellite channel and thought, hey that's a cool looking movie. I'm a huge sci-fi fan so naturally I had to see this. To my surprise it wasn't a feature film but a TV-mini series. That sort of put my high hopes into lower gear since quite a few sci-fi mini's has been either low budget looking or plain simply bad.

Well, I started to watch and I was slowly but surely sucked in and saw the entire set from start to finish. Yep 4½ hours non-stop watching. I just couldn't stop.

The story is so cleverly written that I was (and am) simply amazed. I have seen it four times now and every time I see something new or find new answers that I didn't see before. To come up with this kind of story and use it so well must come from some tremendously inventive minds. Everyday items with some special power that came to be because....well you just have to see for yourself.

The cast performance is top notch. I especially like the performance of Kevin Pollack as Karl Kreuzfeld, Dennis Christopher as Ruber and the absolutely superb, paranoid but believable performance of Ewen Bremmer as Harold Stritzke. Character development is good and even the shorter guest episode appearances like Ewen Bremmers are handled very well.

The effects and production design fits the story very well and are nicely executed. Add to this a well written score and you have a winner. I'm really, really glad they made this into a mini series and not a feature film because the running time is needed. It doesn't feel like it's dragging or boring anywhere but rather every minute is used wisely. It starts slowly and builds and adds to itself in an even pace.

Had they made this into a feature film I'm afraid it would probably have been destroyed by too much effects or too much action. Or even worse, the story been dumbed down to please audiences.

If you like clever sci-fi drama with nice twists and turns and a creative original story you absolutely have to see this. It beats soo many big budget movies at so many levels.

Really great stuff!
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Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
Soo depressing and sad but oh so well done.
14 April 2009
I have never seen the original BSG so I can't make any comparison, however I think the original must be much lighter than this installment.

This is a very emotional driven series. It's so sad, heart-aching, depressing, hopeless. You better be in a good mood when you start to watch it because it contains so much torment that if in the wrong mood you would probably shoot yourself. OK, I'm exaggerating a little bit here but IT IS a very ominous and sad affair with very few happy moments. This is why I give it only 9 out of 10 stars. It's just too dark and also I'm not a big fan of shaky camera action which this series contains a lot.

Now it sounds like I'm hammering the series totally but it really is a great show nevertheless. The production value is extremely high, the acting is top notch, the effects are superb(it easily beats many feature movies) and the plot altogether quite complicated. Not to mention extremely well written.

It's quite different from many other sci-fi series. If you expect something like Star Trek or the likes you better think again. This is probably as realistic as a sci-fi setting can be. Also a positive thing is that each episode is building on the previous so you really should watch it continuous. Yes there's a short recap in the beginning of the last episode in very new episode but you'll miss out on many good moments if you rely on them. Hence this series don't have the famous reset-button effect where every new episode acts like the episode before never happened. This is like a long continuous story, sort of chapters in a book.

Give it a try. It'll suck you in and you probably can't stop watching until the last episode. It's THAT good.

The overall best series i've ever seen. Hands down!
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Voices (1979)
A love story striking gold!!
30 November 2007
So here I'm writing a review on yet another film in a category I rarely watch, drama. Not only that, it's a love drama, and I must say that I hardly think it can get any better than this. Since i'm a sucker for the grittiness of the 70's (aah, sweet childhood memories), the time which this plays out, just makes it even better.

Amy Irving is just terrific as the deaf teacher. This is by far the best role I've seen her in. I really liked her in "Carrie" and "Alias" but her performance here is pure gold. Michael Ontkean is also great as the struggling musician, earning his living at the family laundry to pursue his career. There is a clear contrast between him, being street smart, living in the rougher part of town sharing his apartment with his family and her, cared for, living in a nice apartment in the finer parts. Love don't care about the circumstances, it just happens.

We get to follow these two personalities from the first time their paths cross and to the finale(i won't tell you how it ends). Spliced in between are his family issues and his problems to making it work out with her. We get to see her struggle with an over protective mother and feeling the hardship of making a relationship work with a non handicapped boyfriend.

The story is really sweet and innocent. If you don't get touched by this movie some way it would really surprise me. Add to this some of the most memorable and beautiful songs found in a movie, hands down. 'On A Stage', 'The Children's Song', 'Rosemarie's Theme' and 'I Will Always Wait For You' are songs that will stick with me forever. Too bad the soundtrack is not yet available on CD.

If you like a really good love story you should absolutely check this one out. Seeing the few reviews here, it must be one of the most overlooked movies out there.

Now why isn't this gem transferred to DVD or BluRay?
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So so
29 November 2007
OK, just finished this third RE and unfortunately(like the second one) it doesn't come close to the heights of the first. It totally lacks the suspense, eeriness and claustrophobia that made the first one stand out. Yes sure, we get a few jump scenes but that doesn't redeem this movie. What we get is a kind of blend between "Dawn of the dead(the remake)", Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" and a little "Mad Max" thrown in for good measure.

If we for one moment forget that the first RE exists this stands on it's own as an OK action movie. Not great, not bad but OK. The production value, effects and the little acting there is are good so thankfully it doesn't come across as a b-movie.

For me Milla is the main reason it survives from being really bad. She goes about her business as before with new powers á la invisible girl from Fantastic Four. Apparently she had that in the second installment too but it was a while since i saw that one so i don't remember exactly what she did with her powers in that one. The rest of the characters actually don't make any impact more than support as a vehicle to support a second storyline filling out film time. We get a few extra explosions, neck bitings and shootouts thanks to them.

To the film moguls : Please stop with more RE sequels, i think you have made enough damage as it is to this franchise.
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Surprise surprise
29 November 2007
Well, the drama category is not really my cup of tea but i got stuck when this came on the other night and am now glad that i got stuck.

It's actually not A love story but more like love stories. We have the lesbian couple, the lesbian book store owner who is loved in secret by the transvestite, the main characters brother who meets a bi-sexual girl and more....

It deals with many of the issues people have with sexual multitude, even amongst the lines of people who are not straight. We get to see how these people experience both joy and anger, frustration and satisfaction.

This is a real little gem and everybody should see it. It has a very playful atmosphere and even the sex scenes has that same playfulness to them. It doesn't feel forced or dirty but more like you go with the flow and follow a natural beautiful progress of the relationships. I especially like Karyn Dwyer's effort, natural talent at it's best. It works on many levels and is really clever and well made.

Why not give it a try?
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Resident Evil (2002)
29 November 2007
As a big fan of splatter and horror films i was gladly surprised when i watched this. I haven't played the game so i had no idea what to expect and had nothing to compare with. I really feel that this pays homage to the old zombie films at least to an extent. The zombies here are a little bit faster though.

It begins with a nice back story and then builds slowly in pace to a climactic frenzy. The effects are top notch, solid directing, a really imaginative and eerie production design and great acting.

Yes, i may be a little biased but i really like Milla Jovovich. I think this is the kind of role that fits her best, strong kick ass attitude with an odd personality wrapped in a seemingly fragile shell. Her performance here reminds me a bit of the character she played in "The fifth element" and also the character in the later "Ultraviolet" The other actors did a good job as well so she's not the only one to get credit although the movie revolves around her character. The child AI is a very nice and creepy addition to the atmosphere.

The RE theme could have ended up as a nice trilogy but the sequel unfortunately lacks nearly everything(except Milla) that this film delivers. Not that RE2 is a complete mess but nowhere near this. I haven't seen the third installment yet but even if that one holds true in quality to this one number two becomes the odd one out.

If you like zombie and action films you'll certainly like this one.
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BloodRayne (2005)
Bad but not a catastrophe
27 November 2007
My god, famous people seem to be lining up and Mr Boll gets another 25 Million dollars to have a happy time spending. This movie could have been very good but in the hands of Uwe things go very awry.

I got to admit that i'm a little bit of a sucker for vampire movies and so i found that i probably liked this movie more than i should. It's also nice to see Olaf Ittenbach doing some makeup effects. The bloodletting and gore is pretty OK, most of the rest is not. The movie itself moves at a too slow pace and i can swear that i see some glimpse of hopelessness in the eyes of the actors/actresses. I wonder what thoughts went on in Kristanna Loken's head during the making of this film. Oh well, she looks nice as always and does a fairly good job hacking away at her enemies.

This is the best movie Mr Boll has directed so far and i actually thought he was learning, very slow mind you. Apparently i was very wrong because he made a sequel to this which put him right back in crap-movie-land again.

My tip as before, when you don't know what to watch, why not pop a Mr Boll film into the DVD player. You may laugh hysterically or you may cry, you may even do both. At the very least you WILL have a reaction.
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Oh well.....
27 November 2007
I just had to see if Mr Boll could redeem himself from his previous disaster(House of the dead). Apparently he has, could be that he had more money to spend on assistants to help him straighten things out due to the higher budget. We will never know. What we probably will never know either is how he managed to get another 20 Million to make this movie when his previous outing were nothing short of a disaster. Yet another thing we also will never know is how he got these famous actors(C Slater, T Reid and S Dorff) involved in this one. My guess is easy money. Most of the budget probably went to bribe them into this thing.

Clearly Mr Boll has near to non existent talent for film-making but probably has tons of fun at his moviola when doing his "directing". The only thing that probably hold his films together are the army of people working in all departments trying their absolutely best to make the best out of the situation they're in. This movie delivers nothing new story wise and it fails to deliver in pretty much all aspects. It's a no-brainer sci-fi action, no more no less. My memory of the game Alone in the dark was that it was set in a haunted house but maybe this is based on some other game. Sure it's an improvement from "House of the dead" but not in a long shot a good movie. When you have seen everything on this planet you could pick this up, maybe.

How do you do it Mr Boll???? How?
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Zombie Town (2007 Video)
Well worth a watch.....
27 November 2007
I just saw this one last night and prepared me for the worst before crankin' on the 'ol DVD-player. Actually this is not bad, not bad at all in fact. Yes it surely belong in the low budget layer but despite a few shortcomings in different areas it comes out on top.

So let's see...the quality of the image is clearly camcorder like(but could be far worse), a little stiff acting here and there, a few plot holes and various other small things work against it but fortunately doesn't manage to drag it down to the bottom. It appears that the actors and production crew has really tried to do their best despite lack of experience in certain areas. It feels very sincere, me thinks.

This movie is clearly inspired by a few other "classics" like "Night of the creeps"(The leeches), George Romero's Zombie movies(namely Tom Savini's elastic flesh ripping) but i would really say that overall this movie reminds me more of the style of "28 Days later" than some of the old Zombie classics.

All in all we get a nice package with lots of pretty well executed gore, some nudity, a love story, some stupid and/or illogical decisions by our heroes and a few funny moments; both intentional and unintentional(How about the sheriffs toilet visit, great!).

So if you're going to watch this little movie don't expect award winning material here, just take it for what it is and you'll have a good time.

I can tell you this, these guys and gals has made a far superior movie than our notorious friend Uwe boll did when doing "House of the dead" and this team made it with far less a budget than Mr Boll. Clearly you have to have talent to make a movie not just money.

I tip my hat for the team behind "Zombie town" for making a good solid "Zombie" film which should please most other fans of this genre. I hope to see more from them.
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Oh man....this is bad...
19 April 2006
I'm a big fan of splatter/horror films. Preferably from the 70's and early 80's. Films today just can't match the raw and gritty feeling of these early movies. I mean, not that they are award materials but anyone who is a fan of this genre knows what i'm talking about(i think). So, I have watched many a bad film and when i saw this film i was simply amazed. Mr Boll(BTW his last name directly translated in Swedish mean "ball", you know the round things that are used in almost every sport.) apparently had a fairly large budget and a somewhat skilled effects team(totally misused though). How in the h*ll did he manage to make such a crap movie? I simply don't know. What i do know is that he greatly surpasses ANY really bad splatter/horror movie from the past on the crap-o-meter. The acting is simply horrendous(where's the cue card anyone?), the effects are OK but as i said earlier totally misused and the only reason this movie didn't get one star from me. The script must have been assembled during some wild sex, drugs and play station evening. Please round up every copy of this movie and recycle them to make a re-release of "Plan nine from outer space".

Stay WELL clear of this junk!
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Death Ship (1980)
A little horror gem from the 80's.
29 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Sure it's a low budget horror b-movie but what it lacks in budget and script it makes up for in very uncanny and eerie atmosphere. That is probably why late 70's and early 80's horror/splatter movies still stands today. The atmosphere in the movies of that time era simply can't be reproduced today. I don't know if it was the film in the cameras or some other technical aspect but todays films are just too clean and polished.

Anyway, the story is rather simple : People get shipwrecked, gets on board this nasty haunted ship. The haunted ship knocks people off one by one. Yep, simple as salt BUT as i said with a simple story like that you have to compensate and here is where the atmosphere comes in. A record player coming to live twice by itself and the sound crawling through the steel corridors of the boat really crept under my skin. A woman 'transformed' by eating some(very) out of date candy and scaring the hell out of her companions. And the blood in the shower scene where the poor girl gets totally frenzied and so on....

My recommendation : See it for yourself(preferably alone at night with the lights turned off) but get your brain down on low gear and enjoy!
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This is my short contribution......
30 December 2001
have read the books and although the film did some unexpected turns(wich were not in the book or were different) it satisfied me.

This is one hell of a monster film(old zappa frase, wich means just what it says)!!

It has to be seen in a theatre!! If you haven't seen it i ORDER you to do so. =)

The only thing i(and everyone else who has seen it)has to endure is a one year wait until the next episode. Sigh!
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