
4 Reviews
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Disenchanted (2022)
Extremely disappointed !
3 December 2022
This is a cowardly unnecessary movie! The whole story was taken out of a recycle bin and cobbled together with a bad script. It's tiresome to see every movie that comes out these days seem bland: boring, colorless and mind numbing. This movie is no exception, it's a major retcon. The whole Giselle, morgan story made no sense, without knowing how they grew apart, they were suddenly strangers with a boring story around it.

  • The whole move to New York.

  • stepmother/stepdaughter story
-'evil' Giselle ughh why!!

  • Another new baby/family member were all cheap.

  • Morgan 'fell in love immediately with a guy she NEVER met before' yeahh another cliche

Oh yes and the rest Robert, Prince Edward, Nancy were all useless. While Prince Edwards deserved a lot more action and development for his character than the pointless part he got, he's barely even seen and gets snowed under by 'Giselle' who isn't even part of Andalasia anymore, she's left that behind for 15 years as she is no longer important there but Prince Eward is and nothing has been done with that!

And those new characters are just forgettable and boring!

Don't make a part 3, i know it's gonna be worse.
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Bon bini holland 1 2 or 3 it doesn't matter what you watch they al look the same
23 July 2022
I know I shouldn't expect much from a Jandino film, but I can't give the film more than one star. It's just a shame that this has to represent a "quality" film in the Netherlands. But it's 99% "comedy" with 1% bad story with really bad acting. And too much Jandino, so the other actors didn't get a chance to shine in the film too!
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Frozen II (2019)
No Disney classic animation, only a huge disappointment!
4 April 2022
How can a film company with billions fall so low to create something so ridiculous. It's extremely boring and not a movie for kids, teens or people at all, it keeps your attention for less than 5 minutes before you get completely confused. Although this is supposed to be the sequel to the popular Frozen, it's not even related to Frozen at all, my kids and we were completely confused by how sloppy and confusing this animation is. A lot happens, but at the same time it means nothing at all. That makes you easily getting tired of this movie because there is no direction this movie is going to, everyone is just running aimlessly like a chicken with its head cut off. I don't recommend this, save your time, it's the totally unnecessary unwanted 'sequel' of Frozen.
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It's like Disney is begging for a Razzie!
4 April 2022
How could a company produce such a horrible, lame movie. I don't even know how this thing got a 4.1, that's 4.1 Points to high! It's lead by weak writing and forced 'diversity-victim' story! This bad movie will only be liked by soggy types, everybody who gave this trash 1 star is so right! What a mess from Disney. Oh and not forget to mention that the writers named the dogs after 2 big idiots!
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