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Stop changing the characters
15 September 2023
Agatha Christie wrote beautiful, complete characters, there is no need to recraft them. Salome Otterbourne is just one example of how poorly the character has been redeveloped, and contributed to the poor retelling of this story. I dread to think how they'll butcher the next story. While the scenery is lush and the acting solid, it doesn't need to take core elements out that allow for the flow of the story, something that I feel this version does. The loss of Ferguson is sad, as even now his role would have been relevant as anti-establishment. Make the cast as colourblind as you want, as gender fluid as you need, but leave the core of the characters alone.
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Please stop doing this
27 June 2022
This was a tedious episode, the acting was fine but the storyline is tired, every Trek iteration has this 'fantasy' episode, and it's tiring, that's 40mins of my life I'm not getting back.
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The Originals: Exquisite Corpse (2015)
Season 2, Episode 17
Jumping the shark
30 August 2021
This is just becoming convoluted and tiresome, too many characters, switching bodies, and I miss Claire Holt.
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Hawaii Five-0: Lanakila (Victory) (2010)
Season 1, Episode 4
Order of airing issues, but great none the less
14 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
While there seems to be some confusion over the airing dates of the episodes - Lanakila actually aired as episode #4 - it was a great episode. Balthazar Getty straight off Brothers & Sisters duty stars an escaped convict who wants to get even, while Taryn Manning arrives as the sister to McGarrett. There seems to be a natural chemistry evolving between O'Laughlin and Caan, which makes them ideal foils for one another, while I still have a hard time relating to Kelly and his cousin (name to complicated to remember - I'll just say Boomer from Battlestar). The scenery as usual is stunning and the action sequences are good and they seem to be spending money on the special effects - my only complaint was the complete waste of D.L. Hughley, he should have been saved to be the criminal in another episode - his part was far too small. Am loving this reboot and hope that it keeps going.
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Marple: The Pale Horse (2010)
Season 5, Episode 1
Take it for what it is
24 September 2010
The Pale Horse has some fine actors and performances, albeit a few chosen for popularity rather than their acting prowess. The production value is without fault and Julia McKenzie delivers another strong turn as Miss Marple.

As another long-term fan of Agatha Christie - I was introduced at a young age by my mother, and as someone with a reading difficulty, having me watch the televised version first helped me develop my reading skills - I get upset when people attack these versions of the stories, just because there are changes to suit the storyline. It's like criticizing art that has come from a school of a great painter. While some elements of the stories haven't been handled with the greatest of care, these new updated versions are bringing the world of Jane Marple to a younger audience. I like to take each tele movie as a story on its own - I can see the distinct differences, but can appreciate why sometimes it is necessary to adapt the stories to meet the needs of modern set of viewers, whose attention span and ability to read between the lines might not be as astute. I personally have watched Margaret Rutherford, Helen Hayes, Joan Hickson, Angela Lansbury, Geraldine McEwan and Julia McKenzie all play the role, and for my generation I prefer Joan Hickson onwards. Watching Margaret Rutherford as Marple puts me to sleep as those productions are slow and plodding. For the purist out there, these stories were not aimed at you, but rather at a cross sectional transcontinental audience. Considering the many levels they have to appeal to, I think they do very well.

If Ms. Christie's books are to appeal to the next generation, the stories will have to adapt slightly to appeal to them.
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A good bridge to the end
8 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have just got back from a midnight showing, and I am all the richer for having seen the next installment in the Twilight franchise. The story flowed seamlessly from the last, despite the change in director, and the characters are maturing well in their roles, in that they seem more natural as these characters. Before I went, I sat and watched Twilight and New Moon, so that I could refresh my memory, it worked and I feel like I have spent the evening immersed in their world. Being given a little more back story to some of the characters such as Jasper and Rosalee, really helps you empathise with them - it helps you understand why they are the way they are. While I feel slightly robbed by the fact that the last book is being split in to two movies (more as a money making exercise, I'm sure), I can't wait for the next installment. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart perfectly embody that awkwardness of teen romance, and all the supporting cast are amazing, particularly some of the new introductions, and it's a shame not all of them will return in the next part. There is action for the guys, romance for the girls and little bit of everything for those who just want to watch a good movie.
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Huge (2010)
Sweet and endearing, a little something for everyone
1 July 2010
I wasn't sure what to expect when I sat down to watch this - a fictional drama based around kids at a fat camp - if the rest of the episodes are anything like this one, I hope this series will have a long happy run. The characters are all genuine, the story was interesting without being too delicate around the subject of weight, particularly the more insidious side of weight loss, and it portrayed us 'fatties' in a realistic light. While I would always encourage a healthy lifestyle and wouldn't necessarily celebrate obesity, this series will hopefully provide a bunch of positive role models for youngsters who are challenged by their weight. Hayley Hasselhoff and Nikki Blonsky are like a breathe of fresh air. Thoroughly enjoyed it and will be tuning in each week.
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Caprica (2009–2010)
Fraking amazing
29 September 2009
I loved it, having been a fan of the original series, I have always wondered what the back story would be - it didn't fail to delight me. I also love the fact that apart from Eric Stoltz I didn't recognise one person - this is refreshing, much like BSG. It has introduced me to a whole wealth of new talent - can't wait for the series to start airing. Well done to Ronald D. Moore and team - excellent job. The special effects, dialogue and acting were all spot on, and I felt emotionally tied up in the storyline. I know there are purists out there that will probably disagree with my assessment, but I felt that Caprica was far superior to most of the Sci-Fi stuff produced in the last decade.
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Grey's Anatomy: These Ties That Bind (2008)
Season 5, Episode 8
Why can't writers leave the sharks alone - enough of the sharks
8 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, Grey's has finally 'jumped the shark' - the idea of Denny and Izzie is preposterous - this is just the most stupid storyline. I know they wanted to get rid of Hahn because of small minded viewers, who's myopia really has no place in determining what the rest of us can enjoy. I was happy that Izzie and Alex seemed to finally find their groove. I also wish they would stop trying to amp up Lexie Grey - Chyler Leigh, is a wonderful actress, but she is not believable at the moment, she's gone from being a sweet girl who gave me hope, to being an absolute rebel - she can't pull it off. And please don't get me started on Melissa George - I couldn't stand her in Alias, and now she's even more irritating - she shouldn't play bad characters - another one who's unbelievable, it's a shame cause normally she's a good actress.
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Sense & Sensibility: Episode #1.2 (2008)
Season 1, Episode 2
What a beautiful adaptation - Andrew Davies wins again
29 December 2008
Andrew Davies clearly has a talent for reaching in to the past and plucking the best of it for modern day viewing. Having adapted so many of histories great novels, and being responsible for the earlier version of Pride and Prejudice, its easy to see why Mr. Davies is called on time and again to bring the magic of yesteryear to the big or little screen. Dominic Cooper was fantastic as Willoughby, the rogue you love to hate, while Dan Stevens could break hearts better than Hugh Grant - I dare say. The scenery was breathtaking, and the use of stately homes perfect - all round excellent cast, acting out a much loved story. Thank you BBC, another feather in your cap.
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Marple: Miss Marple: Nemesis (2007)
Season 3, Episode 4
Where's Caribbean Mystery
28 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
While I have enjoyed these remakes, I wanted to raise one small point - why wasn't A Caribbean Mystery ever made - this sets up the relationship with Jason Rapheal, a more importantly the reason for naming Jane Marple Nemesis.

When it comes the the Verity Hunt story, I have to say, I prefer the BBC version, as the three sisters concept felt much better than the whole, nazi German and convent concept - but each to their own.

On the whole the story is quite solid, and I love Richard E. Grant as bon vivant Raymond West - so much more entertaining than the dour version from the Beeb. Ronni Ancona, beautiful, talented and a sorely underused actress. It's also nice to see Will Mellor turning his hand to more serious drama - he strikes me as an all rounder.

The cast works well together, Ruth Wilson, Dan Stevens, Laura Kelly and Lee Ingleby round out the relatively new talent from the British stable.

6 out of 10 - if only because I would love to see A Caribbean Mystery.
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Marple: Sleeping Murder (2006)
Season 2, Episode 1
The BBC did a fine job, check production credits before accusing please
27 December 2008
First off, these were produced by Granada, not the BBC; therefore accusing them of making a mess is very unfair. Why can't people just accept that these stories have been adapted for a more modern audience; unfortunately the youth of today needs something a little 'dumbed-down'. Just enjoy them for the stories they are - there are some superb acting turns, and a bunch of new talent is being showcased - it's not as if this is factual and the truth is being changed to suit. Thank the lord they don't use American actors, and are taking the current cream of the British crop. Geraldine McEwan brings a rather sweeter disposition to Jane Marple than Hickson and Co., something I find easier to believe.
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