
24 Reviews
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BoJack Horseman (2014–2020)
BoJack Horseman Review!
28 June 2024

BoJack Horseman is definitely in my Top 5 Best Television Series of all time, it might've been slow at first but each Season it gets better and better. The Series is about a Horse named BoJack Horseman, and he used to be an actor in a very successful TV Show. In this Series we see BoJack's life after the events of his TV Show, and we get to see how horrible of a person he truly is. Overall BoJack Horseman is Masterpiece, and it's definitely one of the greatest Television Series out there!

🏆77% (SEASON 1): 4/5

🏆80% (SEASON 2): 4/5

🏆86% (SEASON 3): 4.5/5

🏆89% (SEASON 4): 4.5/5

🏆95% (SEASON 5): 5/5

🏆100% (SEASON 6): 5/5.
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BoJack Horseman: The View from Halfway Down (2020)
Season 6, Episode 15
BoJack Horseman Season 6 Episode 15 Review!
28 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode was genuinely terrifying, to be honest it's hard for me to make a Review of it right now since I'm just kinda speechless, but I'll try my Best to make one anyway. The Episode begins with BoJack at this party with a bunch of people from his past that are currently dead, all of them are here besides his father. Before they all sit down to eat a bird finds its way into the house, but BoJack was able to get it out. Once they all sat down to eat you'll realize that everything each person is eating is the last thing they had before they died, and on BoJack's plate he had pills which was the last thing we saw him consume in the previous Episode, and BoJack also has a bottle of water that he instantly spit out since it for some reason tasted like chlorine. While they're eating this black ooze keeps leaking from the ceiling and falling right on top of BoJack's head, so he gets a bucket to deal with the leak. Then it's said that BoJack's father has arrived, but when he comes in he actually looks like Secretariat, which makes sense since BoJack used to watch tv more than anything as a kid. After they all finish eating they do play a show, the first person up was Sarah Lynn and after she played her song she instantly falls through a door that leads to a black dark abyss. BoJack freaks out and asks Herb if she's okay, but Herb ignores him. After all of this Secretariat or his father asks him to go out for a smoke, while they're outside BoJack's father says that even though he never showed it he truly cared for both him and his mother. Then BoJack says at least you get to tell me all of this before I wake up, but then his father says you don't get it, then he tosses his cigarette off the edge and see it fall into a pool where we see BoJack's lifeless body. BoJack starts getting confused since he doesn't remember going into the pool since he called Diane, while he's wondering what happened the show continues and this time it's Secretariat's turn. Secretariat reads this poem called The View from Halfway Down and each time he gets deeper into the poem the closer the door to the black dark abyss gets, and eventually once the door reaches him he starts to freak out and regret his decision, this shows us how Secretariat felt when he committed suicide by drowning himself. Next it was Beatrice's turn, she does a ballerina dance, and it ends with her saying now the easy part, which means that the easiest part of life is death. Now we finally get to the final part of the show, it's BoJack's turn. Once he gets up to the stage BoJack asks Herb if death is terrifying, Herb answers "No, I don't think so, it's the way it is, you know? Everything must come to an end, the drip finally stops." Then BoJack says " See you on the other side." But then Herb answers "Oh BoJack, no, there is no other side, this is it." Then Herb gets consumed by the black ooze that was on the ceiling earlier. BoJack instantly makes a run for it trying to escape the ooze, but while running he finds the bird back in the house again. Both him and the birds run into the kitchen, but before the bird makes it out the window it gets consumed by the ooze and dies. After all of this BoJack takes the phone in the kitchen and asks if Diane is there, but once he takes the phone he realizes that she never even answered his call, which is why he drowned in his own pool, he was killing himself. Once BoJack realizes all of this he walks outside and asks the fake Diane on the phone to stay on the call and wait for death to reach him, and the last thing he says before death is how was your day, then the screen goes black and rolls to credits with a loud beep to indicate he's dead. That's the Episode, and my extremely long Review. Overall this Episode is an absolute masterpiece from start to finish, and this is easily for me a Top 4 Best Episode of all Television!
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BoJack Horseman: Free Churro (2018)
Season 5, Episode 6
BoJack Horseman Season 5 Episode 6 Review!
26 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The whole entire Episode is just BoJack talking at an alter, which would make you think the Episode would be kinda slow but it's actually the opposite. Everything that BoJack feels you feel, and seeing him get a free Churro because of his Mother's death and knowing that him receiving that free Churro from this random stranger was nicer than anything his Mother has ever done for him is just heartbreaking. Now that both his parents are dead he's next, and he's alone, him and his parents were drowning but at least they were drowning together, but now BoJack is just drowning all alone by himself until he isn't...
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BoJack Horseman: Time's Arrow (2017)
Season 4, Episode 11
BoJack Horseman Season 4 Episode 11 Review!
26 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the most unsettling and traumatizing Episodes of Television I've ever seen, and somehow this Episode was able to take a character you used to dislike and make you feel bad for them, literally everything that Beatrice has been through is horrific. She lost her brother and her mother, her father is a horrible abusive person, and after all of that she ends up in a abusive relationship with her husband, and all of this leads to her being a bad mother. Everything makes sense now, and also the plot twist of Hollyhock actually being the daughter of not BoJack but his own father was definitely unexpected!
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Attack On Titan The Final Chapters: Special 1 Review!
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Attack On Titan The Final Chapters: Special 1 is absolutely incredible, this Episode perfectly sets up the Finale and also gives us a lot of hype for the Finale. The Episode begins with the Scouts having the flying boat and are getting ready to use it to get to Eren, but then right out of nowhere Floch shows up and shoots at the flying boat and damages it. Mikasa takes care of Floch but the flying boat is in bad shape so it needs some fixing before they can go, but they don't have enough time due to some of the Rumbling finally arriving at there location. So then Hange decides to go and fight off the Rumbling to give the others more time to fix the flying boat, and before she leaves them she makes Armin the new Commander of the Scouts. After a little while of Hange fighting off the Rumbling the others finally fix the flying boat and start heading off as they watch Hange burn to death due to the Rumbling, then once the Scouts are finally up in the air they start to make a plan on how to stop Eren and the Rumbling. Eventually the Scouts finally reach the Rumbling and Eren to finally end this blood bath, and that is where the Episode ends. There is way more things that happened in this Episode that I haven't mentioned but I don't want to make my Review that long, but overall this Episode is absolutely incredible and this Series is one of the best of all time!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Owari (2017)
Season 4, Episode 26
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 4 Episode 26 Review!
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode is a Perfect Finale to an amazing Series, and is also in my opinion the Best Episode of the Series. The Episode begins with Splinter's funeral, the funeral takes place at April's farm house. After the funeral Leo gets a message from Splinter's spirit, the message was they have to kill Shredder before he causes more harm. So Leo and his brothers head to where Kari is currently at and asks her where Shredder is currently hiding out at, she tells them and the Turtles start getting ready to have their final battle against the monster himself. Once the Turtles arrive they have a battle against everything single one of Shredders's henchmen, the only one not there is Razhar since he died in the previous Episode. After the Turtles finish their battle against all the henchmen they see Shredder on the roof and head over to him to begin their final battle. Donnie has a plan, he brought some retro-mutagen to use on Shredder so they can try to make him human again, once the Turtles getting Splinter in a good spot Donnie throws the retro-mutagen at him but sadly it does nothing. After that Donnie gets thrown off the building but is saved by April who is currently at the bottom, Donnie asks April to get him back up there but sadly she can't due to the amount of flames. Then after Donnie gets thrown off, Mikey gets thrown off next. After that Raph started to get very pissed and starts beating the living hell out pf Shredder, but his battle with Shredder still ends with him being thrown off as well. The only one left who could kill Shredder now is Leo, during the battle Leo starts bad mouthing Shredder and yelling at him saying how could he murder his own brother. Eventually Shredder get an edge over Leo and picks him up and he was about to finish him off, but before he went for the kill Leo says "You're a monster, a demon, is that your Destiny?!" then once Shredder heard what Leo said he paused, and while he was distracted Leo tried to go for the kill but sadly he wasn't able to stab him in time, and then Shredder tosses him to the ground. Seconds before Leo is about to get stabbed Leo sees Splinter's spirit again, he says "Leonardo, fear nothing" then Leo got up and started throwing multiple punches and kicks at Shredder, then he jumps back to pick up his Sword, and then Leo takes his final blow on Shredder that ends with him victorious. After the battle the Turtles stare above the hill Leo is standing on and sees him holding Shredder's lifeless head, then Leo says "The Shredder is Finished!" and that's the Finale. This Episode is absolutely perfect, and I'm really satisfied with how this amazing Series ended!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Requiem (2017)
Season 4, Episode 25
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 4 Episode 25 Review!
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far the most brutal and emotional Episode of the whole entire Series. The Episode begins with the Turtles getting a call to meet up with Kari and the others, which seems normal but Splinter was acting somewhat strange around Leo. He told Leo that when he's gone he needs him to take care of his brothers, and also he volunteered to come with the Turtles to Kari's location, which raised Leo's suspicions. When they got there the place was on fire so they ran in and were able to get Kari out, Shredder is back but this time he is out for blood. Splinter sees foot tracks and tells them all to split up. Leo, Mikey, and Donnie follow the right tracks while Splinter, Raph, and April follow the left tracks. Leo says to Splinter that splitting up is a bad idea and it's obviously a trap, but Splinter tells him to go anyway. Eventually everyone arrives at the locations they were heading to, Leo's team end up finding Bebop and Rocksteady at the exact location they fought them for the first time, and Splinter's team end up finding Shredder at the exact location they fought them for the first time. After a long fight with Bebop and Rocksteady Leo's team sees Bebop and Rocksteady taunting them while running away, then Leo realizes that he was right, this was an obvious trap. So Leo's team starts heading over to Splinter's team. The battle of Splinter and Shredder starts reaching it's final climax with Splinter outsmarting Shredder and trips him over the edge of the building, after all of this Leo's team arrives and Leo runs out of the vehicle and stares up at the building Splinter is on, then he starts screaming in fear. Splinter then looks behind himself and the very second he looks he gets stabbed right through his stomach, after that Shredder throws his body off the building. April starts getting extremely pissed over this so she uses her abilities to push Shredder off the building as well, once Shredder reaches the ground he falls in a garbage truck that Casey sets up. Once the rest of the team get off the building they all start mourning there dead father walking away while holding his corpse. Seconds later once they leave Shredder breaks out of the garbage truck still alive, and that's the Episode. The Episode is absolutely heartbreaking from start to finish, Splinter knew what was going to happen but yet he went along with it anyway, even when Leo tried to stop him. This is definitely one of the Best Episodes of the Series!
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Better Call Saul Review!
25 April 2024

Better Call Saul is as amazing as Breaking Bad, which is a very hard task for almost any Show to succeed in. When I first heard that there was a Show for Saul Goodman I instantly thought it would've been nothing more than a cash grab, but it seems like I was completely wrong. Better Call Saul is truly a Masterpiece, and the Final Season of Better Call Saul is as amazing as Breaking Bad's Final Season. This Show made me like both Saul and Mike way more than how I originally liked them at the end of Breaking Bad, also it was really nice to see more Gus again. Then we have the main antagonist Lalo which he is absolutely terrifying, every scene he is in you fear for the lives of anyone around him. Overall Better Call Saul is truly as amazing as Breaking Bad, and will go down as one of the Television Series of all time!

🏆80% (SEASON 1): 4/5

🏆80% (SEASON 2): 4/5

🏆93% (SEASON 3): 5/5

🏆90% (SEASON 4): 4.5/5

🏆100% (SEASON 5): 5/5

🏆100% (SEASON 6): 5/5.
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Dune: Part Two Review!
4 March 2024
Dune: Part Two is absolutely brilliant, it's better than Part One in pretty much every way possible. Dune: Part One was just a setup, while Dune: Part Two truly is the real deal. Dune: Part Two is about Paul trying to gain the trust of the Fremen, at the beginning of the Movie there were many that believed Paul was the Messiah, but there were also many that didn't believe it. Anyway the final act of the Movie is by far the Best part, it includes a lot of action and breathtaking visuals. The acting was also incredible, the acting of the first Movie was already pretty great but the acting in this one is even better. I also loved Paul's character development in this one, seeing him go from being just the Duke's Son to becoming an all knowing hero who can see the future was incredible to watch. Overall Dune: Part Two truly is amazing, and it's definitely the Best Movie of 2024 so far!
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Breaking Bad: Ozymandias (2013)
Season 5, Episode 14
Breaking Bad Season 5 Episode 14 Review!
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode is not only the Best Episode of Breaking Bad, but this is also the Best Episode of all Television. The Episode begins with Hank's partner dead and Hank getting shot by Jack's crew, then Jack was about to finish Hank off until Walt yelled no. Once Walt got out of the vehicle he begged for Hank to be kept alive and in return he will give him 80 Million Dollars, Jack agreed with this until Hank declines this offer. Then Jack shoots Hank in the head, Walt just stares at Hank's corpse and falls to the ground crying. Then Jack tells Walt that he will let him keep one barrel of his money and let him drive away and forget this ever happened, then seconds later Walt sees Jesse hiding beneath a vehicle. Jack's crew forces Jesse out and then Todd says he thinks they should keep Jesse alive for now, Jack agrees with this but seconds before they took Jesse away with them Walt finally tells Jesse that he was the one who killed Jane. A little while later Walt returns home and wait for his family to get there, once his family got to the house he told them to pack there things so they can live a new life, but instead of packing they kept asking where is Hank?. Then after all the asking Skylar starts to think that Walt killed him, Walt screams no and says he tried to save them, but none of his family seems to believe him. While Walt was still begging for them to pack their things Skylar takes a knife and stabs Walt's hand, then they both started fighting. Walt trying to take the knife from Skyler's hand so this fight can end while Skyler was trying to stab him, then once finally got the knife from Skyler's hand Walter Jr. Sides with Skyler and calls the police on his own father. Walt just stares at his son in shock and fear, and then runs away while taking Holly with him. Once the cops arrive to the house Walt calls Skyler and makes up many horrible lies so he could make Skyler look like a innocent victim, and of course the reason he did this was to make sure she doesn't get arrested for helping him with many crimes he has done. Moments later while Walt was changing Holly's diaper she started crying for her mom, and that's when Walt decides to return Holly to Skyler by leaving her in a fire truck with a piece of paper that has the address of the house on it. A little while later Walt gets into a red van, and chooses to go live a new life. Anyway that's my summary of what happened in this Episode, overall this Episode is an absolute Masterpiece and is definitely for sure the Best Episode of all Television!
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Breaking Bad Review!
24 February 2024

Breaking Bad is an absolute masterpiece, each Season is better than the last. This Series includes in my opinion the Best Episode of all Television, and the greatest Season of all Television. Breaking Bad is about a chemistry teacher named Walt, this chemistry teacher later finds out he has lung cancer and he will likely die sometime soon. So to make sure his family has enough money for when his time comes he becomes a methamphetamine manufacturer, and he teams up with an old student of his that goes by the name Jesse. With things already being risky enough, Walt has to deal with his brother-in-law who is apparently a DEA Agent that goes by the name Hank. Overall this Series is an absolute Masterpiece, and it ends in the Best way possible!

🏆90% (SEASON 1): 4.5/5

🏆89% (SEASON 2): 4.5/5

🏆92% (SEASON 3): 5/5

🏆100% (SEASON 4): 5/5

🏆100% (SEASON 5): 5/5.
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Gravity Falls (2012–2016)
My Gravity Falls Review!
7 January 2024

Gravity Falls is an absolutely amazing and brilliant Show with not only some of the most likable characters possible, but also one of the greatest antagonists out there on television. The Series is so weird and mysterious, there are so many questions and mysteries in this Show, and even when the Series ended not every single question has been answered, but honestly that doesn't even matter. The point of the Show was always to be mysterious and it succeeds at that, also the Season 2 Finale of the Series was amazing, honestly it might be in my Top 5 Best Season Finales of all time. Overall this Show is amazing, and I definitely recommend it!

🏆88% (SEASON 1): 4.5/5

🏆100% (SEASON 2): 5/5.
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Jujutsu Kaisen (2020– )
My Jujutsu Kaisen Review!
7 January 2024

Jujutsu Kaisen is an absolutely thrilling Show with some of the Best Action sequences I've ever seen in animation, plus some really cool and badass characters. Season 1 is amazing but Season 2 is even better, and the Series is overall incredibly entertaining. The main protagonist is this teenager named Yuji Itadori, basically the reason he wanted to become a jujutsu sorcerer was to help others, which was his grandfather's last wish before death. Even though Yuji Itadori wanted to become a jujutsu sorcerer, it was also kinda forced on to him as well, since he ate one of Ryomen Sukuna's fingers. Overall this Show is absolutely brilliant and I definitely recommend it, just Like Attack On Titan I believe this is another Anime Series I could see non Anime Fans watching!

🏆86% (SEASON 1): 4.5/5

🏆94% (SEASON 2): 5/5.
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Attack on Titan: Hero (2019)
Season 3, Episode 17
Attack On Titan Season 3 Episode 17 Review!
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Since Attack On Titan is finally over can we all agree that this is the Best Episode of the whole entire Series, and it's at least in the Top 2 Best Episodes of all Television. This Episode is action packed, beautiful, and incredibly sad all at the same time. We got probably the Best action scene of the whole entire Series in this Episode which is the beautifully animated battle between Levi and Zeke, and then we get Armin's amazing and brutal sacrifice. This Episode also proves that both Armin and Erwin are the Best characters in the Series when it comes to both plans and leadership, which the rest of this leads into the next Episode in the most brilliant and emotional way possible. Overall no matter what anyone says I'll still look at this Episode and call it a Top 2 Best Episode of all Television, this Episode truly is a Masterpiece!
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
My Attack On Titan Review!
19 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers

Attack On Titan is a brilliant Masterpiece with some of the best payoffs a show has to offer, it's smart, well written, compelling, and exciting. The Series is about these creatures that eat humans, these creatures are called Titans, also these Titans basically just look like big giant naked human beings. Anyway the main protagonist of the Series is Eren Yeager, when Eren was just a kid he watched his mother eaten alive by a Titan, throughout the Series Eren's main goal is to slaughter all the Titans to avenge his mother, but in the process his revenge goes down a darker path than most would expect. Overall Attack On Titan is probably the Best Series I've ever watched in my whole entire life, it's absolutely amazing and I definitely recommend watching this Masterpiece!

🏆89% (SEASON 1): 4.5/5

🏆90% (SEASON 2): 4.5/5

🏆96% (SEASON 3 PART 1): 5/5

🏆100% (SEASON 3 PART 2): 5/5

🏆100% (SEASON 4 PART 1): 5/5

🏆100% (SEASON 4 PART 2): 5/5

🏆100% (SEASON 4 PART 3): 5/5.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
My Rick and Morty Review!
19 December 2023

Rick and Morty is a pretty good show, once in a while there are some pretty bad episodes, but there is definitely way more good than bad. The Show is hilarious, the story and plot is consistent, and Evil Morty is a really compelling Antagonist. Evil Morty is definitely for sure my favorite character of the Series, he's cool, badass, and pretty menacing. Also Rick and Morty is definitely one of the best duos I've ever seen in a Show, Rick is this genius scientist that likes to believe he is some God like figure and Morty is just your normal 14 year old teenager that originally just wanted to live a normal life going to school, but as the Show progresses Morty starts enjoying his adventures with Rick and starts becoming both Smarter and Stronger in the process. Overall Rick and Morty is a great Series!

🏆90% (SEASON 1): 4.5/5

🏆94% (SEASON 2): 5/5

🏆93% (SEASON 3): 5/5

🏆87% (SEASON 4): 4.5/5

🏆79% (SEASON 5): 4/5

🏆80% (SEASON 6): 4/5

🏆80% (SEASON 7): 4/5.
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Rick and Morty: Fear No Mort (2023)
Season 7, Episode 10
Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 10 Review!
18 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The final Episode of Season 7 for Rick and Morty is absolutely brilliant, I'll be going into spoilers so here is your spoiler warning. Rick and Morty were on this planet to try to get scared for the thrill of it but both of them weren't scared at all, but then they meet this mysterious and suspicious man that said he knows a really scary place to go that is on Earth, so both Rick and Morty agreed to bring him along to check out what he is talking about. Once they got there it turned out the place was just a Denny's, but once they went inside the waiter said that the hole is in the restrooms. Rick and Morty went over to the hole and then they found this tape, the tape said that anyone who entered this hole will conquer there greatest fear, so Morty jumped into the hole and then so did Rick, they both escaped the hole and went back to their house and then right out of nowhere while they were watching TV with the rest of their family a portal appears and a younger Rick falls out the portal with Diane and the younger Rick get incinerated right out of nowhere, the whole entire family kept asking Rick what is going on while both Rick and Morty stared at Diane in fear, they both realized that they're still in the hole. Anyway that's what happens at the beginning of the Episode, Overall I give this Episode a 5/5. I also overall give Rick and Morty Season 7 a 4.5/5, I think this is another great Season of this Series and I'm definitely excited for Season 8 next year!
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Rick and Morty: Unmortricken (2023)
Season 7, Episode 5
Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 5 Review!
13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What did I just watch, this Episode might possibly be in my Top 8 Best Episodes of the whole entire Series. It's pretty much near impossible for me to make this Review without Spoilers, so this is my Spoiler Warning. The Episode begins with Evil Morty chilling in this really nice space mansion, but then he got a alert that there was a issue going on with the Central Finite Curve, so he went to check out the issue, and apparently the issue was that Rick was opening portals to a lot of different universes to capture Rick Prime. Evil Morty portals over to both Rick and Morty to try to fix the issue, but then one of the Rick Primes that were captured were apparently a trap and took Rick, Morty, and Evil Morty to this location where a bunch of Rick's have to fight to the death. That is just the beginning of the Episode and that's all I'm going to bring up in this Review, I haven't barely said that much actually, which proves how much things happen in this one Episode. Overall this Episode is absolutely incredible, I'm definitely super hyped to see next week's Episode!
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The Marvels (2023)
The Marvels Review!
11 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Prepared to the other Marvel Movies that released this year The Marvels was the one I was the least excited for, but the main question here is was it the worst Marvel Movie of this year. In my opinion no it wasn't, but even if it wasn't the worst Marvel Movie of the year that still isn't a big compliment. The biggest compliment I can give this Movie is I definitely prefer it over the first Captain Marvel Movie, but honestly the first Captain Marvel movie is already very bad itself, anyway let's continue talking about The Marvels. The three main characters Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, and Kamala Khan are currently switching with each others spots each time they use there powers at the same time, and while they deal with this issue the main villain Dar-Benn tries to get revenge on Carol Danvers because of something that happened in their past. The plot of The Marvels is extremely simple and also pretty generic, it's like saying the heroes are trying to stop the bad guy because he or she is doing bad guy stuff. Also the Movie leaves a lot of unanswered questions, and a lot of unnecessary scenes. This Movie is already the shortest MCU Movie out there, but yet the Movie could've been 30 Minutes shorter and barely nothing would've changed. I do have two positive things to say though, Iman Vellani is the perfect actress for Kamala Khan, and also Goose is cute as hell. Overall The Marvels is a big generic mess, it might be better than the worst Marvel Movie this year which was Quantumania, and it might be better than the first Captain Marvel Movie, but it's still kinda bad even though it does have its moments!
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Loki: Glorious Purpose (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
Loki Season 2 Episode 6 Review!
10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm absolutely mind blown over how amazing this Finale was, this Episode is for sure the Best of the whole entire Series. The episode begins with Loki trying to fix the Temporal Loom, but every single time he tries to fix the Temporal Loom it still fails, so centuries later Loki is still Time Slipping over and over again to try to fix it and finally it actually works. Though once he finally did, something was off, the Temporal Loom was still failing due to there being an infinite amount of Time Branches. Loki finally realized if he wants to save everyone he has to go even further back in time, so he goes back to the moment where him and Sylvie were fighting over He Who Remains, then Loki chooses to try to talk Sylvie but she never listened, and each time Loki tries to talk to her she says the he has to kill her if he wants to save He Who Remains. After the long loop of fighting Sylvie, Loki has a talk with He Who Remains, while talking with him Loki got the idea to destroy Temporal Loom himself, and that's what he does. Loki destroys the Temporal Loom, all the Time Branches start to die off, then that's when Loki sacrifices himself, in order for Loki to save all of the Time Branches he has to keep a hold of them in his hands for all time, and that's where the Series ends. Loki sacrifices his free to give free will to everyone else, Loki learns that his Glorious Purpose was to hold the Time Branches in the palm of his hand For All Time. Always. After Season 2 I believe that most of us can agree that Loki is by far the Best MCU Disney+ Series, overall I'm very satisfied with how this amazing Series ended!
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Attack On Titan The Final Chapters: Special 2 Review!
5 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Attack On Titan The Final Chapters: Special 2 is one of the best Finales I've ever seen, this Episode is pretty much perfect and gives a very good ending to this Series. The ending is definitely a sad one, but it's still such a good ending. The Episode starts off where the last one left off, the Scouts finally arrived to stop the Rumbling. They have a big battle with Eren and after having a long battle with him Zeke appears right in front of Levi, so then Levi kills Zeke and finally avenges Erwin. Once Levi killed Zeke the battle with Eren continued and everyone finally realized that the only way to stop the Rumbling was to kill Eren, so that's what they do. Mikasa finds Eren inside the mouth of the Attack Titan and chops his head clean off. The Series ends with Mikasa at Eren's grave mourning for him, there is way more things that happen in this Episode that I haven't mention but I don't want to make my Review that long. Overall this was an absolutely amazing Finale, and this Series will definitely go down in history as one of the best Series of all time!
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Five Nights at Freddy's (2014 Video Game)
Five Nights at Freddy's Review!
31 October 2023
Five Nights at Freddy's has always been my favorite horror franchise, and it still is to this day. Also still to this day the first game is the best one, both the atmosphere and animatronics look amazing. The gameplay is still really good and at the time the game first came out the gameplay was completely unique, the game is also really creepy and can definitely give you a scare. All the 5 animatronics have the differences as well. Freddy is usually not active that much until you get to Night 4 but Freddy is definitely one of the most menacing of the rest, Foxy is absolutely creepy as hell and can definitely make you jump once you see him sprinting straight to you, then both Bonnie and Chica feel pretty similar to each other with the only difference in there AI is Bonnie comes to the left door while Chica goes to the right door, and then Golden Freddy is the most scariest of the 5 but he is also the least active though if he does appear you can't do anything to stop him from killing you. Then the final part of the game that is absolutely amazing is the lore, it's about 5 children being murdered by a man and then being stuffed up into the 5 animatronics which is the reason why they seem smart and is also why the animatronics make this weird moaning sound throughout the game. Overall this is an amazing classic horror game, and Five Nights at Freddy's will probably always remain as my Favorite Horror Franchise of all time!
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Five Nights at Freddy's Review!
26 October 2023
As a fan of the franchise I can confirm that this movie is absolutely fantastic, I'm pretty critical when it comes to movies but yet I still absolutely loved the movie. I do have some small complaints though, one of the complaints I have is I hoped to see more of William Afton in the movie but besides that I'm very happy with what we received from this movie. I actually understand why critics rated this movie low, and that reason is that they aren't fans of the franchise. If you have always been a fan of this franchise then you will likely love this movie, overall I'm super excited to see the second movie when it releases!
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My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) Review!
23 August 2023

I love everything about this show it was my childhood, and to this day I still think it's one of the best shows I have ever seen. The Finale of every Season is absolutely beautiful, especially the Season 4 Finale, and Leonardo is by far my favorite character, Season 5 might not be as good as the other 4 Seasons when it comes to the plot since it's just tales but it's still great. Also both the Splinter and Shredder of this series are so cool and badass, and the action of this show is absolutely phenomenal. Overall this Series is amazing and it will always be my favorite Series from my childhood!

🏆90% (SEASON 1): 4.5/5

🏆91% (SEASON 2): 5/5

🏆90% (SEASON 3): 4.5/5

🏆81% (SEASON 4 PART 1): 4.5/5

🏆98% (SEASON 4 PART 2): 5/5

🏆87% (SEASON 5): 4.5/5.
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