
31 Reviews
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It's so annoying....
19 June 2024
This movie is plagued by a lot of the same issues most Pokémon movies suffer from: too much exposition, scant plot that's padded with action-scene fluff.... There are worse Pokémon movies than this one, but this one is certainly among the worst. The weakest of the Best Wishes movies, they didn't even try to make a plot that could've been good - dare I say they didn't even try to make a plot! The writing is absolute crap, and the "story" just drags on and on and on. And don't even get me started with how this movie completely butchers Kyurem's lore. They've replaced the "cold shell" backstory with convenient on-demand transformation that's nothing but kids'-movie corn. Really, this movie is PACKED with corny B. S. I just couldn't keep watching after 40 minutes.
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2 June 2024
There's not much to speak of here. A chronic problem with Pokémon movies is that their exposition lasts half of the movie, and so you're basically just watching the characters run around for half an hour before any actual story starts. And oh yeah, then the rising action is crammed into the like 5 minutes where the villains FINALLY start going after the jewel they're hunting, and then suddenly jump to being power-crazy and destroying everything out of sheer stupidity. None of the events in the story are satisfying, they're either temporarily amusing or just plain boring. The characters have no character, either - the villains are literally tropes, and even those tropes are done so shallowly; and Misty and Brock have no importance in this movie at all. Basically, everything was boring. The ending, with what happens to Latios? I did not bat an eye, let alone shed a tear.

To the people who like this movie: why????? There's nothing of value here?????
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It's good, just not a story
27 May 2024
Maybe I kept watching because Gen 5 is my favorite Pokémon generation. Like the Genesect movie, this one is REALLY pretty - gorgeous visuals, gorgeously-animated action scenes, gorgeous cinematic soundtrack. There are so many scenes in this movie that are breathtaking, especially the ones of the castle flying in the sky, and of the dragon's pulse. They also manage to fill the characters with real depth and emotion (which is something that's severely lacking in movies like the Diancie one). As an example, Victini is adorable and a cinnamon roll who must be protected at all costs. As another example, the scenes of Ash regretting that he never got to show Victini the sea are really poignant and really well-done. That's how this movie will make you feel about the characters.

If only so much could be said about the story, which is simply not there. I was held on by the gorgeous visuals, but I didn't see a coherent story whatsoever. The whole thing with the dragon's pulse and the this-which-whatever place you're supposed to put the sword castle, was just too vague and confusing as a plot device. The exposition lasts an entire hour, and when things actually start kicking into high gear, it's forced - Dread made a big mistake because he was ignorant of one not-so-minor detail, but the movie forces him to look like this adamant villain who's okay with hurting Victini, and it's so unconvincing. And they didn't even bother to make the "truth and ideals" thing make sense.

It's another half-baked movie that they had to crank out in a year, but it's got those epic vibes going for it. The Best Wishes films seem actually decent despite their flaws, unlike what a lot of people say. Maybe the Keldeo movie is better than I remembered too...I'm not counting on that though.
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Remove all the 8/9-star ratings, and you get the true rating of this god-awful movie
20 May 2024
This movie is DISGUSTING. It's HORRENDOUS. It is an INSULT to all people suffering with mental illness. Forget about the milquetoast story, which seems to have been written by someone lacking in braincells.

Every chance this movie gets, it downplays psychological disorders into "oh you need to relax" or "you can't live your life in fear", as if severe depression is just some "sadness" that you can just stop by being told some nice quote. From the very start, things like attempted suicide are turned into JOKES. Craig should be seeing a talk therapist over several MONTHS, not being in a psych ward with adults for a single week. The movie translates depression into "I don't make sense haha" instead of an affliction that severely interferes with daily life, cognitive distortions that make seeing the positive almost impossible, a feeling of "everything is too heavy" that won't go away, "I always feel miserable and I don't know why, and I didn't ask for this".

There are real people who are really suffering under these disorders. They're not defined by them like the characters in this god-awful movie are, but it's not as easy as just "getting over it" either. This movie is just loaded with harmful stereotypes, misconceptions, even insulting name-calling like calling people "schizo" and "sociopath". This movie steps on their tragic suffering, and makes it out as something to be laughed at. I am disgusted that this movie even exists.

My teacher played this movie as a "class-relevant entertainer" after we finished AP Psych exams. It was unbearable. I'm gonna ask him if the movie can be changed.
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Stuff's just...happening
14 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Diancie gets literally thrown around by every single character. That's 90% of the movie. And it is EXACTLY how it sounds-like a load of bullcrap.

Looks promising at the start, but there's actually nothing of real substance. The characters are not fleshed-out at all, the movie is just entirely made up of mildly-amusing, overdramatic shenaniganery. Too many villains that I don't care about, all competing for attention. Bullcrap drama that you KNOW is gonna get resolved 2 minutes later. A really illogical build-up to a generic "believe in yourself" lesson. This movie has not left an impression on me whatsoever, which is in sharp contrast to the movie just prior (the Genesect one, a movie that actually had a logical, well-built theme and better pacing).

Now for some miscellaneous spoilery complaints:
  • The first permanent diamond Diancie ever makes is its own Mega Stone, which is the biggest load of bullcrap in this movie.

  • The specific bullcrap drama scene I have in mind is one where Pikachu dies because it got grazed by some "beam of death" move.

  • Xerneas is ANNOYINGLY bad at showing up at any time OTHER than the last minute, especially considering it's apparently supposed to be omnipotent.

  • When Diancie and the Carbink were searching for Xerneas for months, how the hell did they conveniently run into it immediately after the Sacred Diamond gets destroyed??

  • The movie's sudden change from "a chase in a shopping mall" to "spooky legend about death rays" is WAY too jarring.
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29 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I could only watch half of the movie before I couldn't take it anymore and tuned out.

Here's all the cons:
  • Horrible pacing. The point of the movie isn't explained until 1/3rd of the way in. Until then, the characters are just running around with no point. Exposition is thrown around in random places, making it confusing why we didn't hear certain things earlier, when they would've been more important/impactful.

  • Garbage story. There's action scenes, and there's dramatic scenes, but they're all just thrown together into this strange mush of a story that has zero purpose and just makes me more confused by the second. And the apparent premise of the movie doesn't make sense either!!! Why the hell does having some random dream suddenly make May so iNsPiReD that she wants to be Manaphy's mom???? Whu-HUH?!?!?!?!?

  • Awful characters. The villain means nothing to me, he is completely shallow and has to reinforce his nonexistent "villainous terror" with superfluous villainous-sounding dialogue. The other characters have just as little depth. At least they found an interesting way to include Team Rocket, though it doesn't make up for the fact that they have no need to be there.

  • Too much 3D animation. It is EXCESSIVE, and it doesn't even look that good. They do obnoxious things like swapping between hand-drawn Manaphy and 3D Manaphy, and it is SO obvious that it ruins what little effect it had.

This has to be among the most stupid, mindless movies I've ever seen. Please don't watch Pokémon movies, guys....
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A shadow of what it could have been
29 March 2024
I heard reviews praising this movie for its dark plot - but to be honest, it's much shallower than the hype made it out to be. There's a theme it's trying to get across, but instead of delving deeply into it and creating a rich story, it just pads time with drawn-out battle scenes and panning shots.

On top of that, it takes a third of the movie's runtime just to get interesting; and it's full of details that you won't understand if you haven't watched the show, details that end up being irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

The battle sequences and creepy vibes were the only things that held my interest. It ends in a beautiful way, but it's a shallow sort of beauty where it just feels undeservedly melodramatic.

Feels more like a TV movie than a theater movie. If you like Pokémon, that might just hold you over for the 1 hour 30 minutes. Otherwise it'll be a real bore-fest.
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4/10's not good....
9 January 2024
Dear God.... This was a struggle to watch. I don't get why people liked it so much.

The 3D is uncanny, especially with the janky motion capture. The models are primitive, and the lighting is unnatural. Overall, it's just really creepy to look at.

And I would try my best to forgive that, if it weren't for the awful writing. The plot of this season is worse than a rough draft-it jumps between plot points without giving the audience any reason to care about what's going, and all the characters get all excited with their overexaggerated voice acting as if the audience is expected to feel the same way. It's all just...bleurgh.

I just couldn't stop cringing the whole time. It feels like this show should be a kids' show-the story is so empty and so stupid that the "adult" references stick out like a sore thumb. I can't speak for the later seasons, whose animation is leaps and bounds better, but I absolutely have my doubts about whether this story improves at all. It is NOT fun to watch, at all.

The rotten cherry on top is the fact that all the episodes got shoehorned into this movie format that makes them feel even clunkier to watch, with no clear transitions to make the lacking plot any easier to understand. Thank God their later series, like Murder Drones and The Amazing Digital Circus, are MILES better, both in terms of animation and writing/story.
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Murder Drones (2021– )
For fellow discombobulated viewers: I have an explanation
4 January 2024
At the start of every single episode, I always feel like I've missed several invisible episodes in between the one I'm currently watching and the previous one. The sequence of events is completely illogical, and the pacing is so fast (faster than Miraculous, even!) that it feels like the show is just thrusting plot points into my face.

But after watching 5 episodes...I think that's intentional! Let me explain.

I watched the panel for this show in the recording of GlitchX 2023, and what I drew from it is that this show is more experimental than anything else. From my own viewing experience, it seems like the focus is on the mystery, not necessarily on creating a traditional sequence of events. The show seems to have been intentionally designed to force the viewer to wonder "wtf is going on", to forgive the ridiculous storytelling, pause the video frequently, and focus reallly carefully on the details, because every single episode is so crammed to the brim with them that it's "blink and you'll miss it". It was a tad tough to shift perspective, but once I figured out how to watch the show, I actually enjoyed it even more than before! Every single plot point thrown at me, turned out to be a puzzle piece in disguise. But if the show still doesn't make sense or sound like your cup of tea, that's perfectly fair-in that way, it's also a rather niche show.

Another way to put it is: it's art. Not "art" as in "omg it's so great!"-"art" as in it can be anything and everything, and a lot of the time it's what you'd least expect. And I think that's the beauty of it. For sure, this show is MINDBENDING!!! It's a campy sci-fi horror romance comedy drama, all at the same time, and it is surreal!!! And they absolutely did NOT skimp out on the animation quality or the voice acting!!! The story is not great in the traditional sense-but at the same time, this isn't some traditional show. I think it's really great.
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Try to keep up!
1 October 2023
A frenetic, wild ride of a movie! The animation style is super-unique, and there's comedy every single second of this movie's runtime. This movie definitely has glaring issues, though: the story is far too shallow, and is riddled with convenient scenes; the ending seems to contradict the many disjointed messages the actual story was trying to send; and the non-stop lighthearted banter and blink-and-you'll-miss-it action scenes fail to convey any sense of tension or any distinct emotions aside from "haha wild times", with some of the dialogue bordering on obnoxious.

Basically, if you're looking for a really thoughtful movie, this one isn't it. The movie really does not take itself seriously at all, which hurts the meaningfulness of the story. But, on the bright side, it makes for some great self-aware comedy. I know it kept me laughing constantly without fail, so it's absolutely worth watching for that quality.
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No, no, please no, cease, desist, stop, no-
23 September 2023
I listened to two of the songs from this movie, and I found them to be really great! Then I saw the movie, and I wish I could unsee the movie.

This thing is absolute garbage. It started out mildly convincing-just like the songs, it was a colorful, larger-than-life performance. I thought I could tolerate the ridiculousness. But things started going downward VERY fast.

There were so many conveniences in the story, that it felt like the writers just wanted to crank out scenes instead of creating an actual plot. The characters revitalize an affair between two elderly characters, and they both CHEAT IN FRONT OF THEIR SPOUSES, which was EXTREMELY glurge-inducing! Rocky is the most obnoxious character I've ever seen in any media ever, and he's a COMPLETE idiot, he looked like he was high the entire time!!

And I would say that the songs were the movie's saving grace, but ONLY TWO OF THEM WERE GOOD!!! The rest were all just insultingly bad remakes of old, classic movie songs. And on top of that, one of those songs was playing alongside some WAYYY too sensual scenes of the main leads kissing and groping each other.

Some of those classic-song remakes stood in for any actual dialogue; you might be able to guess that the dialogue was absolutely awful as well. Rocky's stilted English was the complete OPPOSITE of funny, and some of the lovey-dovey dialogue was too stupid to qualify as campy.

Basically, this movie was utter garbage. I stopped watching halfway through, because I just couldn't take the absolute mindlessness. I heard this movie got very popular, but I suspect that's either because of the only two actually-good songs, or because of all the old song references they drowned the movie in. Neither of those reasons are good enough to justify wasting about 2 hours of your life watching this junk.
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Ramayan, but cartoonified!
13 August 2023
TL;DR Animation's decent, adaptation is B. S.

After witnessing the travesty that is Adipurush, I kinda went down a rabbit hole and ended up discovering this film. The cross between Japan's anime and India's Ramayan sounded surreal...and then I watched it. Here's my take.

The animation is much higher-quality than I initially expected, though at times it feels more like TV animation than full-fledged movie animation. For the most part, it's a good marriage between the Japanese anime style and the typical Indian portrayals, breathing life into the visuals. I'm not a fan of the cartoonification of the rakshasa, which look like silly humanoid bat things. I also feel that they play around too much with the whole "multiple arms/heads" concept, which is supposed to by symbolic, not an actual physical thing. Though, the anime interpretation of the vaanaras and Shri Hanuman is really good!

The story leaves something to be desired, as well. An entire epic needed to be crammed into 2 hours, so it's understandable that a lot of details had to be left out; but in comparison to the Ramayan show by Ramanand Sagar, the story in this film feels totally watered-down. Every important event only lasts about 30 seconds. It seems like they prioritized action scenes over meaningful dialogue; so the story is reduced to a nice little fairytale, deprived of the spiritual and moral significance of every character's every action. And the scenes near the end of the movie, leading up to Raavan's demise, are entirely altered from the scripture!

Overall, it seems like a fine entertainer for kids. The fusion between a Hindu epic and Japanese anime would almost be a dream come true, if it weren't for the extensive creative liberties and the awkward pacing. It feels less like they wanted to convey the story accurately, and more like they wanted to make something entertaining; it seems like they treated it like ancient Greek or Roman mythology, something that they could just pull any random details from and create any context they wanted, thereby spoiling the wisdom and depth of the original text. But still, it's a work as unique in the world as the original text itself, which certainly counts for something, right?

One thing I would highly recommend, though, is to NOT listen to the god-awful English dub-the English voice acting is so beyond garbage, that it will literally ruin your experience. Definitely look for a Hindi version with subtitles instead!
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Nimona (2023)
It's got great animation, and great messages! But the story is frankly quite awkward
21 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'd been hearing about this movie a lot lately, so I figured I'd check it out. The trailers didn't seem very compelling, and in fact they were VERY poorly representative of the movie. High-energy and precise animation with a unique style, intriguing characters and intelligent story-it's great! And the way Nimona's character is conveyed is quite thought-provoking, though it's very difficult to process because the movie doesn't give the audience enough time to let it simmer.

It's so close to justifying the hype, but it unfortunately doesn't make the bar for me. The first half of the movie is fun, and is what I expected; the second half gives Nimona's backstory, which is nice; but it all feels like a hit-or-a-miss, and it doesn't tie together cleanly.

Why did the characters respond to situations so shallowly? You go and cause property damage and severe injury, and then say "I'm innocent, it's okay"-they make themselves look worse, but that's never addressed, which really dilutes the point the story is trying to make about approaching people with understanding first and not fear. The tragedy that unfolds near the end of the movie is probably supposed to be intense, but I'm still having trouble figuring out why I should care, because Nimona's backstory and struggles aren't explained in-depth enough. "Everybody reacts in fear to something that's different"-I've heard that already, but I don't really get where that's coming from, aside from the repetitive "you're a monster" schtick that literally explains nothing. Boi, you kinda set fire to a village, that's not justifiable! And why would your first response be to make MORE fire?!

In addition, you receive a flurry of details at the beginning and throughout the story that seem important, but most of them quickly lose importance because they're barely touched on. Why do you mention "what's beyond the wall" when you never go outside the wall or even talk about the wall for like 95% of the film? And why does Nimona suddenly jump into "question the institute"? I think it's justifiable that you would only be doubtful of the Director and not everything, based on what we're given! That part is delivered VERY poorly!

As I'm writing this review, I'm realizing that the issue is that the movie cobbles together a lot of messages, but doesn't try to be coherent about any of it, which makes the message difficult to discern. I've heard that the movie is very different from the comic it's based on, so hopefully the original comic's story is more thorough about these things.

This movie is more than just something that's nice to look at, but it's not quite a "great movie". It certainly deserves credit for the originality, though. It doesn't live up to the hype all the way, but it's still a good movie nonetheless.
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Objectively better than Ash Ketchum's story
30 June 2023
This show has a lot of things going for it. The biggest one is that it's actually based around a storyline and sets up a lot of intriguing mysteries, which is better than the constant filler viewers had to contend with in the original anime.

The start of the show was a bit shaky for me. The two-episode premiere felt quite dry, and the introduction of the show's conflict was too jarring. However, the show gradually picks up the pace, and in the meantime makes up for it with a concrete story that's worth following. The ideas for each episode are creative and exciting, the villains are actually calculating and threatening instead of being bumbling fools, and the characters' actions are thoughtful and intelligent. Whoever's writing this show, props to you, because this is an impressive take on the Pokémon franchise!

Kids will definitely enjoy this, it's got a cool adventure-y vibe! If you're a teen or adult checking the anime out again, it'll naturally feel like a kids' show, but the quality story and aforementioned adventure-y vibe might just keep you sticking around. Maybe I'm biased since I'm a fan of Pokémon myself (the games, not the anime), but it really is a refreshing, interesting change.
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Y'see, THIS is what you call a good movie!
12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've heard a lot about how this movie was really good, better than it should be, so I was riding the hype train into this flick. And MY GOD, this movie goes BEYOND just delivering!!!

The plot and characters are so INTERESTING!!! There's TONS of characters, and they aren't particularly deep, which reduces that "endearing" quality I usually expect from story characters. But I don't think they need to be endearing in that way, because they're perfect as figures to represent progression through the story, if that makes sense! The story isn't especially complicated or deep either, but again, it doesn't need to be, because it's INCREDIBLY clever and ties everything together so nice and tightly. It seems like the writers of this story struck a mysterious balance that I've never seen before.... And they also don't dumb down the dialogue and stupidify the characters to create drama, which I was squealing with joy internally over. This is a story with INTELLIGENCE!!!

The animation is ASTOUNDINGLY artful as well! The transformation of entire sets before our eyes, the timing and choreography, and the heavily detail-oriented work...jaw-dropping! They switch styles at times to a reduced-frame animation for fight scenes, which was quite obvious and felt jarring - that's my only qualm though, and it's remarkably minor.

The scene that stood out to me the most was actually right in the middle of the movie. After Puss has run far, far away from the wolf of Death, he lays down beneath a tree...and has an actual, realistic panic attack. I've experienced panic attacks a few times before, from school-related burnout: it's caused by extreme stress, and it feels like a heart attack but you thankfully don't die. It's not some bullcrap where "oh, I'm getting dizzy, and sweaty, and everything is blurry, and oh I'm so scared", the way they portray panic attacks in Andi Mack, for example. I LOVED this scene, SO DAMN MUCH - they even made Puss's heart rate subtly fluctuate as it was happening, and Puss's subtle expressions of discomfort, and the way it slowly and erratically calmed down when the dog came to sit with him - to all the people who crafted this scene, I FREAKING LOVE YOU!!!

While watching, a thought came to mind: "Man, they've come so far from the janky, insipid bullcrap that was Over the Hedge...." There's no comparison, really! Forget about comparison - this movie is in a league of it's own!!! In a sea of uninspired, half-assed movies, this is a film that was made with heart, and you will be able to feel that heart straight through the screen. This is gonna have a high place on my all-time favorite movies list for YEARS to come!
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I call B.S., this movie should not be rated this high
26 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is quite a tropey, scattered, dull mess of a movie. It looks engaging at the start with the interesting music and cinematography, but once Benedict Cumberbatch started awkwardly babbling like the painfully cliché "anti-social genius," my hopes for this movie were swiftly turned off.

After that, I had no clue what the story was doing. We get more stereotypical "awkward genius" bullcrap, we get the generic higher-in-command who has no faith in Turing, an "if you're gonna fire him, then you fire all of us" scene (*retches*), among other horrifically cringey scenes; plus awful quotes to boot, like one that suggests that violence feels good. Why?!?!? The screenplay overall is terribly awkward.

And did any of the events in this movie actually happen the way they were portrayed?? I've recently read a book about U. S. codebreakers during WWII; and though of course the place and people involved are different, I'd figure the depiction of what people did in cryptanalysis would be similar regardless of place. The movie portrayal didn't even go over ANY of the cryptanalysis stuff in-depth, which is a disappointment. It seemed like the only intention was to make the subject look *cool* and *appealing*, which ironically makes the movie look even more silly, especially since all the stuffing that makes the subject interesting has been ripped out.

Why this movie has 8/10 stars on IMDB and a 90% RottenTomatoes rating, I do not understand. This movie is stupid.
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Story's slow to pick up, but it's quite an engaging watch!
21 May 2023
At the start of the movie, the initial setting and characters kind of felt thrown at us, and so it was difficult to get adjusted into the story (though the backstories weren't difficult to understand). There's quite a lot of tropes throughout, which makes the story feel kind of predictable and not something I cared about. The story is quite flat as well.

The action is definitely where it's at though. Action sequences are fast-paced and exciting, while not being difficult to follow. The CGI is super cool as well. It makes up for the less-engaging story, though only somewhat.

Something interesting is that, though the movie felt dull like it was dragging on at the start, it slowly became more interesting by the ending section with the plan to get into the castle.

As for being a Dungeons & Dragons movie, to be honest I didn't really see how this was so different from any other fantasy movie. I was expecting to see D&D players, or references to things like "rolling for perception" that would make it stand out and emphasize the "D&D" aspect.
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Shehzada (2023)
15 April 2023
This movie seemed interesting at the start, but when the nurse tumbled off a railing, the ridiculousness kicked in immediately. The comedy is amusing, I guess, but too often it's quite tacky as well. And oh, boy, things in this movie get so much worse...

The characters are way too strange! Unfitting songs pop in out of nowhere, with zero context! Everyone's addicted to speaking English! Overt, tasteless product placement! Why the hell were the main male and female leads smoking?! Did the people making this film think it looked cool?! Goodbye to their lungs!!

And to top it off, this isn't even an original film. Dang.
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Chupa (2023)
I don't know what to make of this movie.
10 April 2023
It felt like the story loosely held my attention, feeling mildly interesting and also mildly boring at the same time. Things started going downhill for me halfway through the movie.

From the start, I could tell the movie was pulling out all the tropes-really, this movie is trope after trope after trope! The main characters are Mexican, so it's a variation from your average fare for this type of movie. But even the portrayal of Mexico is marred by mostly featuring stereotypical things, like the main character's father and uncle being luchadors ("oH hEy iT's tHe mExIcAn wReStLeRs"), and eating crickets and brains.

I was hoping there would at least be an okay plot, but it felt quite dry and flat by being too obvious. Only a rare few moments were a little clever, but they didn't get even a chuckle out of me. The latter half of the movie, where some action happens ig, just spiralled into stupidity with all the luchador-fighting stuff. The emotional scenes were quite cringey, and were too drawn-out. I could hardly care about the titular chupacabra.

I stopped watching 2/3rds of the way through.
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1 April 2023
They took a milquetoast plot and dragged it out on and on, is what it felt like. Astonishingly janky animation and ugly designs (what is it with R. J.'s unibrow??); corny, clichéd, and convenient character development; and who the hell is the guy singing the ear-piercing songs that nobody asked for??

I had watched Open Season a week or few ago, and I couldn't help compare this movie to that. Same theme of having animals as the main characters, and both movies are 2006 kids'-movie material; but Open Season's a bit less of a drag, and has higher-quality animation and writing. Thankfully DreamWorks is making much better stuff nowadays.
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This show is such a drag
12 March 2023
With every character being an exaggerated stereotype, and every episode trying to heavy-handedly cram some multiple messages down our throats, this show is an utter drag.

We only got through the first 2 episodes. The first episode was alright, because it had a bit more of a clear-cut story. Episode 2 just didn't make any sense at all. And in both, the comedy was extraordinarily flat, with poor delivery and writing that makes it seem more like the hip young people are disrespecting and berating the out-of-touch old geezers.

And what kind of "happy family" is this, that fights and insults each other so much over such little things? The title suggests the show is supposed to be relatable, but their "antics" are so out-of-the-ordinary that this has to be the most dysfunctional, bizarre TV family I've ever seen.

This ain't a happy family, to put it shortly. Really, it's rather disappointing.
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The writers have gone insane (Reviews of both seasons!)
25 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
________________________________________ My review after Season 1:

This show is something that you can tell the kids will enjoy. The premise seems a bit awkward, but midway through Season 1 things get thrilling! The 3D animation is ASTOUNDING, but the dialogue and voice acting is a bit overdone, and feels poorly executed and corny. I doubt younger kids would have the same gripes, of course.

This show also has a surprising amount of violence, considering that it's a kids' show. It features gambling, use of weapons like guns, threats of shooting people, electrocution, etc., and it shows up so often that I'm astonished this is rated TV-Y7. At the same time, it also delves into a lot of heavy topics-so far, the most prominent one was in Episodes 5 and 6, which depict animal exploitation and trafficking!

Basically, the story's quite good, but the material can be a lot. It's still likely to be a thrilling and exciting watch for kids.

________________________________________ My review after S2E5:

Wh- guh- huH?!?!!!?!? *blacks out*

The first two episodes of the season gave me the impression that it was gonna be a repeat of Season 1's formula. And then stuff hit the fan, oH mY GoD---!

Just like last season, the dialogue is cringe, the voice acting is embarrassing, the pacing and writing quality are inconsistent, and the animation's not top-tier. We see some familiar characters from last season, and we get to see more underage gambling and outright violence than should be allowed in a kids' show. (Actually, we even get to see the kids' mom being DRUNK!)

What's different though, is what variety of madness the story writers put in this time. They must have gotten REALLY giddy after the show got greenlighted for a second season, because they just went ALL out.

Stuff gets....interesting, after Episode 3 starts! To list off all the ridiculous things one might witness in this show: they thinly veil an offensive sexual comment using an alien language; there's a torture dungeon where a blob man gets literally stabbed with knives; there's an entire planet that's just ancient Africa with magic rocks; we get to see the titular bounty hunter in a skimpy outfit, forced to excessively shake his rear end to the camera (whose great idea was it to put that in a kids' show??? They did it too many times, ugh!!!); I think the most memorable thing is that there's a slimefaced Elvis tiger with abrasive hair who's introduced by an entourage of sexy dancer cheetahs.

...Yeah, I think I've said enough to make the point that the story writers have just lost all their screws this season. The people who designed the characters definitely got to...flex their creativity, as well. And honestly, I think that's probably the only reason I'm still sticking to finishing this season-I'm only here to see what madness unfolds next.

The story's going in all different directions and keeps getting dragged out episode after episode, which is irritating. There's three entire plots happening at the same time, which probably explains the longer runtime of each episode; but it also makes it harder to follow along with what's going on. And I imagine that any of the sequences that aren't about Lisa and Sean are going to fly straight over younger viewers' heads, and they're probably going to be bored and confused by all the scenes of just the adults.

But despite that, and after the boring first two episodes, this show's quite a sight to see, and I think it's worth the watch just for that! Season 1 had literal slavery, and I thought that was wild for a kids' show. I have been proven wrong. Just the first half of this season has, like, 10 times the wildness (see above)!!! And the inclusion of an entire planet that's literally just Africa absolutely threw me off, but it's such a new idea in TV shows that I can't help but applaud it! This show is bringing new exposure to types of people and ways of thinking that have never graced TV screens in this way before, and I'm here for it!

So, overall, is this show good? Not really to be honest, if we're talking in objective terms. But you should still watch it, because sometimes good entertainment is just outright madness.

________________________________________ My new review after finishing Season 2:

Something I noticed about many of the reviews for this series is that a lot of people find the kids to be really annoying. That's a very, VERY fair point, because OH GOD they have no sense of self-preservation; and all the adults in the series really do not try hard enough to keep them safe! I blame the lack of self-preservation on the flat, disjointed storytelling.

The show's still all over the place. A lot of the conflicts were addressed more smoothly than I expected, and there were things like awkward father-and-son-in-law conversations in the thick of fighting that just felt tacked on and completely didn't land. There's a fight scene between Terry and the creepy Elvis tiger that was just flat-out boring, and the dialogue leading up to that scene was just the most insipid I've ever heard.

The ending was a painful watch, too. There are WAYYY too many beheadings, though at least they were of robots; and there was SO MUCH mass murder, accented by explosion graphics so cheap that I could TELL how cheap they were. The ending shows some similarity with Season 1 as well, in that the villain was the CEO of the evil space corporation, and she was a lizard person, and she's defeated via a brutal murder. She gets SLICED IN TWO, for heck's sake, and the audience has to watch her severed torso slide off!!! This sort of stuff should NOT be in a kids' show, kids would be TERRIFIED of this!!!

I do not want to watch Season 3. I can't believe they even alluded to a Season 3 in the first place. I'm reducing my review from a 7-star to a 6-star.
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Flushed Away (2006)
Solid story, madcap plot, meta comedy galore-s'good!
5 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm astonished by how low this is rated on IMDb. Of course it's not a world-changing film, but it's such a good film!!

Unlike the family movies coming out nowadays, this one has a solid plot. Things move very fast from the get-go, and the frenetic, thrilling CGI action belies a well-crafted story. Some of the characters are a bit tropey-Roddy's character sometimes feels slightly like Jim Carrey playing a pretentious jerk except mouse, and Rita's got the enormous family-but these tropes are so scarce and trivial that they never hamper the enjoyment of the film, because this is still unlike anything you've every seen before!

The comedy is also totally wild. Singing slugs, mice leaping across tables, and tons of absurd and clever slapstick. And while those are playing out, there's plenty of meta-jokes and subtle comedy for the adults that kids likely wouldn't notice, especially references to other media, and cultural references ("England is winning" *snickers*).

This isn't a film that tries to heavy-handedly deliver some sort of big lesson either-and that's what makes it much better than a lot of movies categorized as "kids' movies". The story engages, themes are woven in, and nothing is stated overtly, and that's all the film needs.

Essentially, it's a great, quality film-this should become a classic!
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It's all about the laughs-this movie is a choking hazard! 🤣
4 February 2023
The exposition is awful, dragging on with cringey dialogue that kinds of just slaps the premise onto us. Things really get started, though, when Gru and the Minions appear-it's a slow start, but the movie quickly turns into an absolute riot!

That's really what you're in for when you watch this movie. It's really a no-thoughts-head-empty type movie; as opposed to the other four films in the quintet, this one has scarcely a trace of the story, and a lot of tropey premises at the beginning and end, as well as disappointing dialogue scattered throughout.

The Minions are the stars of the show, and not a second of their screentime is spared without a moment that will leave you screaming, sprawling all over the couch, and stretching your cheeks so hard they hurt! The slapstick is fast-paced, absolutely absurd, and just as clever and original!

So essentially, if you're looking for a story like the other four movies, you might be disappointed. But the comedy is something you won't regret-you're in for a treat!
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Y'all who think this is a kids show are sorely mistaken
14 January 2023
Let's clear that up first: Elation has probably the sexiest scenes to ever be 3D animated, and Prime Queen is practically devoted to displaying how many times Ladybug and Cat Noir have coincidentally tumbled into sex poses and flat-out ships them. If y'all still think this is a kid's show, I'll kindly show you the exit 😃

Now that that's settled! This show has to be the most revolutionary show I've ever seen. I once read a Reddit comment comparing it to Avatar: The Last Airbender, and that would be an apt comparison. It's 3D animated, but don't be fooled by the appearance-the creators of this show took the original anime concept, translated it into impressively high-quality 3D animation, and created a style that's full of expressiveness and character.

The course of the show follows a villain-an-episode format most of the time, though Season 5 breaks boundaries in that sense, and the action flies by at breakneck pace. But it also comes jam-packed with story, subtlety of character, and it's astoundingly clever, with very perceptive characters. The pacing of the story is horribly cumbersome in Season 1, but it just gets better and better as the seasons go by. The best way I can say it is that I can see 12-year-olds watching this, upper-middle and high schoolers for sure, and 8-year-olds hardly; or, the tone and themes are less like Sofia the First and more like DuckTales (the reprise).

And it uses its amazing premise to talk about emotions and emotional awareness in a way I've never seen in a show before! Especially Season 5, which is the culmination of the entire show so far, features manipulative behavior, parental neglect and abuse, obsession, perfectionism, controlling, characters struggling with their feelings and their relationships with each other. (You expect an 8-year-old to understand any of this?!) Secrets are revealed, drama unfolds!

Miraculous also has a nerdy/pop culture side-in one episode Marinette's parents become beta testers, the nooks and crannies of the show are chock-full of references to things like the original 2D anime, and discussions of those newfangled Internet things don't feel disgustingly corny and generic. It even discusses issues that are prevalent right now, like burnout and overwork with Marinette, and misinformation on social media in a Season 5 episode.

There's likely SOOOOO much more I could praise about this show, and it's just all so delightful and refreshing! It's a show unlike any other, bringing incredibly creative ideas to the table in a time in a high-quality package when most content of its kind has become stale or generic. You could say it's truly miraculous! 🐞
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