
7 Reviews
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24 August 2022
When the newest innovation to the found footage genre is showing TikTok, it's a hard pass for me. I get what they were trying for, but there's too many moments of me waiting to pause and say "WTF is happening ???" for me to even care.
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Surprisingly good
17 August 2022
At barely over 1 hour, this actually told a good story, and had me guessing about the characters the entire way. If you've seen "Creep" and like it, you'll like this as well.
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So bad it's tragically funny.
1 August 2022
Title says it all. I have this playing in the background when I'm busy gaming solely to have some ambient noise. I honestly want to play a drinking game one day watching this were I take a shot every time I aloud say "Dafuq ?!?!?!"
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Could have been more
1 August 2022
I can see what they were trying to get at with a kind of "The Houses October Built" vibe, but it got lost after the 1st encounter 20 minutes in. Funny in some places, but more time and a better idea of where this was going would have made this pretty good.
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RWD (2015)
14 July 2022
Interesting premise for a found footage film, but just misses the mark in the fact I watched this last year, and can only remember a few moments.

Not a total waste of time, because there are a number of flicks I'd put below this one.
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Decent Overall
14 July 2022
Contrary to some of the comments on here, it's not that bad of a film. The beginning pace is kind of dull, but if you can push through to around the halfway mark, it's actually kind of fun.

Note: I'm a huge found footage fan, and usually weigh my critique of said films in which happens more: Option A. Scenes that make me say outloud "W(hat)TF IS THAT ??!!!", or Option B. "W(hy)TF was this even made ?"

This one leans more to Option A.
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Youtube Tutorial
14 July 2022
The title says it all, as that's all this flick is.

30 straight minutes of watching someone apply makeup, 5 minutes of nothing, another 30 minutes of makeup.
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