
14 Reviews
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Unbelievable Untruths
26 February 2023
I'm giving it 3, because the first 15 minutes were interesting. Then, it just fell apart. Not much to add to most of the other reviewers who nailed the absurdity of the Trump hatred being passed off as informative filmmaking. I will note that these people are so stupid, they can't even title the thing right. The "Shadow Government"? This whole show is about the presidency of the United States. If there is a shadow government, this show doesn't address it. The closest it comes would be to laud the wonderful, patriotic, unelected bureaucrats who agreed they would not follow the orders of the President. This is presented as admirable, while expressing outrage at how president Trump is "destroying the Constitution".
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Radioactive (2019)
29 August 2020
The first half hour or so is a pretty good historical drama. Then, it takes a hard LEFT turn, devolves onto a series of slow, disconnected and incongruous scenes. Like in one of the fast-forwards, a billboard advertises "See the bomb, 50c." Yeah, we sold tickets to our nuclear tests. Evil Americans. Occasionally, as during her Nobel speech, the soundtrack is some electro-synth stuff right out of the 80s. Lastly, for some reason, almost every scene has some blazing white light source. This affectation adds nothing.
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Colewell (2019)
What? Where? How?
4 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I hate this movie so much. Because I wanted to like it. As tired as anybody of CGI and explosions, this looked like a pleasant diversion. I think it's great when someone can go to an older actor like Karen Allen and say, "How'd you like to make a movie where you can really ACT, with no green screen in site?". And she's really good. The telling of the story stinks. Is the post office in her house? We see her kitchen, her bedroom, the layout of her house, with never any kind of establishing shot of how the heck the post office fits in. She is out on a farm, not on main street, so how is this a gathering place for the small town? Do people drive there? We never see cars or a parking area. And it's a real stretch to believe that the locals hang around there. In small towns, people actually hang out at the cafe. Tables, chairs, coffee and a TV or radio for background. Next, who is the girl? You think maybe her daughter, but then they tell you she's not. But, she comes without knocking and goes without explanation. She's apparently homeless, but makes a phone call and suddenly has a nice cabin by the river where she can pull a Thoreau and sit around and contemplate. Maybe she's not even real, some allegory for a young Nora. But, she's physically in the movie, so, no. Also, the whole Postal Service as Villain angle is forced, with some spectacularly bad acting in the town hall scene. How bad would you feel if you hit 65 and your employer said, "We're eliminating your job, but you'll get $2500 a month for the rest of your life."? Finally, at the last scene, somebody makes coffee for the 25th time in this movie, and we look at an empty kitchen for 30 seconds or so. How about an overhead shot of Nora walking out to feed her animals that pulls back as the music swells and life goes on? Nope. We get something reminiscent of Jack Webb without narration. Sad and bad.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
One and Done for me.
23 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the first episode, I almost just plowed ahead into number 2, but stopped for meal prep. That was enough to contemplate a bit what I had just seen, and to make the decision to not proceed. The cartoonish portrayal of the Nazis is like the villains on the 1960s Batman. The first scene has multiple murders that are so melodramatic I thought it was going to be a dream sequence. But,no. And the aftermath of murdering half a dozen people-some important political figures-in an easily seen back yard where you sit with the bodies for half a day? Nuttin'. And, yes, let us dramatically whisper the name of Adolf Hitler while tears of emotion roll down our cheeks. Knowing the political bent of Hollywood, it seems likely that they will soon spin their usual tale that the world's full of Nazis, and they're all white Christian conservatives. Finally, it's no secret that we all look better naked when we're younger. Didn't need to see the unattractive 70 year old woman prancing around in the buff.
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Show is almost out of steam
9 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Generally, for me, no Elliot, no watch. A rule that is strongly reinforced by this piece of dreck. The "Olivia has a kid" subplot is boring. As noted in trivia, the main plot had been used in an earlier episode. There is no way the NYPD would release the found girl to the family without DNA or other further investigation. Especially implausible considering they find her real identity in about 10 minutes. And, when the body is dug up, Carisi picks her up and somberly walks down the hill. C'mon, that place would have been taped off and swarmed by crime scene and coroner personnel. Stick a fork in this show.
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Decent Reality Cop Stuff
31 August 2019
Actually as far as watchability, I'd give this a couple more stars. However, overall it's not particularly slick, flashy or unique. None of which is bad. Kind of like watching a condensed "Live PD". It's interesting and sometimes amazing what people think they're going to get across an international border. Drugs, sure, but food? Even meat. Sometimes including bugs. With editing and no commercials the Netflix versions go by in a breezy 23 minutes or so. As a U.S citizen, I'm intrigued by the effort that goes into keeping this border secure, when down south it's such a mess.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Star Blech
26 July 2019
The best thing about this show is the title slide on the Netflix menu. And, it had 5 stars on there. I made it to 34 minutes before I logged on here to see if I was missing something. At 43 minutes I couldn't even stand to have it on as I read reviews. I can't add much to the disdain cast by others, but it's really fun to pile on in the case of dreck like this. The colors are pretty, and the sets and FX ok, so it probably should get about 4 stars, but the rest is so gosh-awful I took it down to 2. Netflix also adds some f-bombs and other profanity, because, um, that's what they do. So cutting edge.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
After season 2, it's done.
13 June 2019
I thought Breaking Bad was the best TV ever. About halfway through watching it, I realized something: this was one of the most adult, gritty series ever. But, as it aired on AMC, there wasn't a single f-bomb. Did that detract from the quality of the show? Nope. With DS, the new language policy doesn't really bother me, but it's unnecessary and lazy writing. What's really bad is the storylines. Other reviewers are correct when they mention the political slant. There is not a single issue where there is the slightest consideration given to a non ultra-liberal viewpoint. I made it to episode 4 of the third season, and now I'm done. Season 1: 8. Season 2: 6. Season 3: 1.
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Watchable--but Terrible
5 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The premise: Four tough guys go out, get drunk and rowdy, which leads to a fight, murder and cover-up. Good start for a crime mystery. As the movie goes on, we find out why the above occurred: The guys were in the army; soldiers are psychopathic torturers, drug addicts and child killers; this occurs because war is immoral, the military is immoral, and the United States of America is a horrible place.

Tommy Lee is watchable, as always. Charlize is aging beautifully, and does a good cop turn in a low-glam, girl next door persona. Susan Sarandon is effective in a small role (I should have known when I saw her that this was going to be a hate America film). And, I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing Frances Fisher's boobs, but, gotta give her points (so to speak) for giving it a shot.

Otherwise, nothing to see here, move along folks. One incident summarizes the disrespect and cluelessness of the filmmakers: (spoiler) Near the end, Tommy Lee, a veteran with two dead veteran sons, hoists a U.S. flag that had been in battle, upside down. NO veteran anywhere, anytime would commit that act. Sickening.
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Password (1961–1975)
Remember the record?
20 November 2008
Alan Ludden was truly a class act. One of a very few of the great game show hosts like Bill Cullen and Tom Kennedy. Password was a show that required the contestants to at least have a vocabulary--something that's sadly missing in today's game show world.

I remember the last episode of Mr. Ludden's tenure--they drank champagne on air.

Can anybody help me on this?: I was very young, but I seem to remember one of those 5 word bonus rounds they played with George Peppard--8 seconds! Am I right? Was this the record? Can't find any internet or you tube references. Anyone? Bueller?
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It's Piracy that I had to pay to see this
25 May 2007
What a mess. It's as if Verbinski and company shot a bunch of film, cut it into strips, and spliced it back together randomly. Here a scene, there a scene, everywhere a scene-scene. And where's Johnny Depp? He shows up at what would be the halfway point of a normal movie. But don't worry, fans--in this behemoth he still has about 2 hours of screen time to go. The photography and effects are nice to look at, as is Keira Knightley, but it all becomes tedious. Much of the dialogue is lost in the cacophony of sound effects, or unintelligible because somebody was using their best "arrgh, Matey" pirate accent. Parents, be warned that the body count is exceptionally high--what a surprise from the usually sedate Mr. Bruckheimer. I took a trio of 13 year old girls to see this, and--even with Orlando Bloom--it couldn't hold their interest.

Of course, it will be a hit.
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Mars Needs a Plot
24 February 2006
I don't mean "bad" in the way of other 60's scholkfest flicks that were a fun diversion--and spawned many stars. This thing is just BAD. I sat down with my kids and said "This is one of those low-budget sci-fi things that were popular when I was a kid". Very soon, I realized I had steered them wrong, and may have put them off the genre for life.

You have to admit that it has a great title, but it's a promise that's totally unfulfilled. No spaceships, no aliens, no shootouts with ray guns or even earthly firearms.

The clichéd shot of a door mysteriously closing behind a character in the entryway of the house is the height of the suspense in this flick. So, what does it have? Well--long stretches of second unit footage, little dialog, and effects that make Ed Wood look like George Lucas. Don't even waste 70 minutes of your life on this stinker.
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Jersey Girl (2004)
Borderline unwatchable
4 September 2005
The only reason I could think of to give this thing ANY stars was was in COLOR?

Affleck's character starts the movie as a jerk that neglects his wife, and moves on to being a jerk that neglects his daughter, and treats his business contacts with contempt. This movie goes for the cheap emotional reaction, without giving us a reason to care about this guy, or, in fact, most of the people around him. When a death occurs about 10 minutes into the movie, we are subjected to a full-blown, typical funeral scene when we've barely been introduced to the character. Then, we have to watch Ben go through an emotional anguish scene that goes on and on and on. And he can't even muster a real tear. The best proof yet on screen that this guy has the acting talent of wood. He makes Shatner look like Olivier.

Taste-wise, even those who are not devout observers of the Third Commandment may squirm at the number of "GD"s and "JC"s that these characters pepper their speech with. You'll hear these words about as often as "if, and & the". And when Ben and Liv Tyler start talking about his "masturbating to porn movies three or four times a week"--well, isn't that a charming way to start off a romantic relationship?

Way beyond PG-13 territory. And, anyone old enough to actually watch this dreck no doubt has better things to do with their time.
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Atypical love triangle
14 August 2005
A huge kick to hear the music of the 80s--all Giorgio Moroder electro-thump, with the likes of Boy George and Jeff Lynne, as well as classical bits, woven into this fun, occasionally darkly funny film.

Although some may criticize the primitive computer effects, it's eerie to think of how prescient this movie was, having been made at the very dawn of the personal computer age. A computer that responds to voice commands; talks back to you; monitors the goings-on around your home? Imagine! Of course, the magic of a champagne bath may have had something to do with it. Don't try this at home.

Lenny Von Dohlen and Bud Cort deliver fine performances, and the still-lovely Virginia Madsen will make your knees weak with her fresh beauty here.

I just procured a DVD, and enjoyed it as much as I had remembered doing two decades ago. But, note that it's not available in a U. S. version. However, Asian and European imports can be found online.

****Update: November 2023****

Long ago, I watched this with my 12 year old daughter, and she loved it. It became "Our Movie". 17 years later, she chose "Living in Electric Dreams" as our daddy-daughter dance at her wedding.
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