
2 Reviews
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Possibly the worst movie I have ever sat through!
28 February 2024
I'm a fan of b-movies and campy trash... I thought this might be "so bad it was good" Unfortunately it was pointless and boring. Dreadful acting, pathetic script and a ridiculous story. I'm quite sure I could have done better myself writing, acting or directing. Unoriginal, unimaginative and uninspiring. How and why do Amazon have this on as three and a half stars out of five? In fact why are they bothering to show it at all? Schoolchildren could make a better movie. Truly wish I had spent 91 minutes doing anything else. Do yourself a favour and watch something else, or read a book, or watch paint dry!

Anything would be better than this!
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RIDICULOUS (and not in a good way)
7 January 2024
Gave myself a headache with all the extreme eye-rolling I had to do. Absolutely terrible... I haven't seen anything this bad since Anti-Life with Bruce Willis. Shameful film making, really. Completely pointless... such blatant copying of other much better movies, dreadful acting, pathetic script, full of tired out clichés. You don't warm to any of the characters and as they die in the various extreme but unoriginal ways, it is really impossible to care one way or the other. I found myself yawning mid torturous death in one instance. Truly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It should carry a warning!
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