
13 Reviews
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Titans: Lex Luthor (2022)
Season 4, Episode 1
The best DC series is back, baby !!!
21 November 2022
I am a DC fan since i was a kid and i used to watch Batman The Animated Series, because i was hypnotised by the gothic designs and by the psychedelic vibe of the show and i think this series it is the only one which has something from that old vibe and this episode brings back some old memories and the music remains one of the greatest of this small screen era. The only thing i don't like in this episode is Nightwing's new 80's era goofy haircut, but in tbe rest, everything is alright, the girls are more beautiful than ever and the action remains very entretaining. I do hope although to see their Superman in this season, who seems to be the most omnipotent Superman ever existed.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks: Second Contact (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Better than Discovery
21 November 2022
Well, i like this episode although i would like it more the see Mariner being naked and sucked by a baby alien instead of Boimler. The action is ok, the sense of humour is great, the ships look weird, but i think it is ok, the characters are great, even if i hate the haircut of Tendy and i would have been thrilled to see the new Trill as being part of the main cast and i think Boimler is a very creepy guy. Sincerely, i don' understand whi they changed the greatest Star Trek uniform which is the ones from Star Trek First Contact and the new ones are waaay too similar with the uniforms wearing the pre-First Contact.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
This is a very low testosterone funny trek. lol
21 November 2022
I can tell you just by watching the first episode, this is the artwork of a guy with low testosterone, sedentary,maybe a little bald, probably androgine, or maybe even more, sexualy inactive, but with a lot of sense of humour because this show is as funny as it gets, something with Married with children type of humour. Probably this sounds as an insulte, but it is not, almost al the fans, including me, are or even small, fat, bald, gay, weird or things like that and this show succeeds to touch their 'black boxes' quite efficiently. As a straight guy, i wouldn't mind to see more naked girls instead of naked guys, but that it's allright, the lbgt fans deserve their part of happyness too, they were censored for waay too many time.
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Andor: Daughter of Ferrix (2022)
Season 1, Episode 11
Star Wars : An Epic Story
17 November 2022
-Did you ever ask yourself how a story would look if the thoughts and words could be replaced by a spectacular image, or a landscape or even by a short video of a moment stopped in time ?!?...if you want to know, this episode is the response. This episode has e ertything,a very good space battle, a good story, good visual landscapes and what is more important, good acting. I know many older fans (but not the oldest ones) say this show is not Star Wars, but so what ?!?..a real Star Wars show should have the Jedi order and Sith lords,light swords and space battles,fight droids, not mandalorians or something else, just like Kotor Games (but without that weird cowboy guy, lol) and they should be placed even in a post sequels era, but if you are counting on things like this, not even Madalorian or The Book of Boba Fett are not real Star Wars series, but IMHO, developing the Star Wars universe is not a bad thing at all and tbe proof are the ratings and reviews of The Mandalorian and Andor tv series. Anyway,to return to this episode's review, it reminds me in a very strange way about a movie with Johnny Deep, The Ninth gate (even if the type of the story is very different) ,it has the same kind of ending, when everthing is fading into this timeless light,and nothing seems to count on the universal scale.
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Andor: One Way Out (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
This is so deep
10 November 2022
I remeber when i saw Rogue One, i thought it was pretty good, excepting the weird monologues about the force and i would liked to see a battle droid like Roger instead of K2SO as an homage to prequel trilogy and i can say, even this series is a prequel to that movie, it has its own style and with this episode this series can be considered a masterpiece and i cannot believe how important a human life can be in this series which is a spinoff to a trilogy where one of the bad guys, who is guilty by xenocide and by the destruction of an entire populated planet, ends up by living as an immortal in the force as being a good guy and if you remember that you will realise why the sacrifice of some innocent people and living with a guilty conscience it is a small price to pay, although. The acting and the dialogue from this episode is superb and i was thrilled to see those three suns at the end. This is the only tv series, excepting the season 1 of Titans, which makes me to watch it until the finale of the end credits, because of the superb musical score. This episode is clearly influenced by The Island, which is not a bad thing, but the dialogue from this episode it is so powerful and original, it just makes you to remain speechless for a looong time.

-I am absolutely speechless !!!
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Andor: Nobody's Listening! (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
This is the DS-9 version of Star Wars
2 November 2022
Well there are indeed not too much things happening in this episode and this looks like Battlestar Gallactica more than Star Wars because it is so dark and serious and aliens... well, you'll see it yourself, but this will make you to reflect of many deep things and i really don't think we will see this series becoming something like the first Doom movie or becoming something more fast paced or more funny and because of that, i will not be surprised if KS2O will not appear as a main character in the next season. However i still think they should use more classic Star Wars aliens and i still don't know how this story will fit in a tv show with only 20 episodes because it is clearly this story was meant for a tv show lasting at least 4 or 5 or even more seasons with 22 episodes on a season.
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Andor: Narkina 5 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Wo(o)-ke(e) Wars
28 October 2022
I like this series very much although i wouldn't mind to see more familiar aliens, robots or even a planet with 2 moons or with two suns or rings or even a battle droids like Roger or even a C3PO or R2D2 droid like robots or even Vaderr or Palpatine with their light swords or someone with yellow eyes just for a more Star Wars feeling because Star Wars is not about a special character or two is more about an entire universe. Anyway, can somebody remind me when we had a happy straight love story in the Star Wars universe.. ?!?...because we never had one but it doesn't matter, we already have a twisted one. It is so sad to see nobody wants to bring a normal love story in Star Wars saga which doesn't have a sad ending or some other weird stuff or some kinky protagonists. You know, even us, the straight persons, have the need for normal love in our lives and in our stories.
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Andor: The Eye (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
This episode has the best (Star Wars) visual fx. ever
12 October 2022
The most unique point of view from the entire franchise makes this tv show to be the best tv series from this year. I know SW influencers like Den of Bearbs or Smurf Wars Theory despise this show and think they have some kind of right because they are knowing everything about SW universe and for them everything resumes to lasers and stormtroopers, but they forget many of the fans who like both Star Wars and Star Trek, the ones they hate the most, are here even from the first trilogy and they are the fans of this series too. The creators succed to make the viewers to like even the villans, if you can call them villains, because they are just persons from the other side, you actually feel sorry for them if you see them bleeding,everything is treated with such a maturity which could make even the Star Trek movies to look like some childish productions. Probably this is the greatest SW tv episode ever and the music score is one of the greatest, too.
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Twin Dragons (1992)
The golden era of karate movies
7 October 2022
Well probably back in 90's this movie was an average action movie, but now in 2022 there aren't so many movies as enjoyable as this one a d bieve me, Jackie Chan movies are like the wine, they are getting better and better which each year going by. Nowadays, the CGI replaced basically every stunt scene and any fun scene must have a dirty joke or a lbgt one and must be shocking even in the most pretigious movies. If you like to see something nice and full of REALISTIC action you shouldn't miss this movie which, by the way, is not even the best of Jackie Chan's movies. This movie is far more pleasant than almost any blockbuster from the present and i highly recommend it to everybody.
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Andor: The Axe Forgets (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
I like this series more and more
6 October 2022
This is the first tv series in the whole history which cannot be reviewed on the social media, because in this episode, for example, the whole story is just made from conversations between the characters and about cool landscapes, but what is even weird is the fact the fans of this show and even the critics seem to enjoy this thing while the others seem to be really bored, but this is not the kind of story which will make you to fall at sleep, like Dune or like the first season of The Expanse (i do hope nobody will get mad about my honest thoughts) , it is in fact a very cool kind of slow paced story with very realistic characters and you can tell everything is very carefully introduced, even the last sound of music or even the smallest emotion of the smallest character. If you like Dune or Equilibrium and even Matrix you will like this episode for sure.
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Andor: That Would Be Me (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
This is an unique vision of SW universe
22 September 2022
Well, the episode is indeed slow paced, but it is the kind of episode i will be watching over and over again as the times goes by, it gives you an unique way to look at the whole SW saga, something visceral and it is leaving you with the ideea this was a passion project and not something made just for money, the ambiance of the episode just hooks you instantly and the music hypnotises you and you can feel something big will happen soon, it reminds me very much about an unknown tv series from more than 20 years ago named Charlie Jade. The story has many ramifications and even the smallest charracters have their own imoortance in the show. Probably the ones who will not like this will be the fans who want something with an unbeatable main character and with more action, something like an Equilibrium movie set in the SW universe, but if you are a real hardcore sci-fi fan you will love this.
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Andor (2022– )
This is sci fi for adults
21 September 2022
Finally the producers made a tv series even better, even more mature and more realistic than a tv series like Star Trek Strange New Worlds and good enough to compete with The Expanse, it is dark, the landscapes are extraordinary, the acting is great, the music is absolutely superb, the costumes are so good and it asolutely became my favorite all times tv series and without no doubt this is the best sci fi series since Almost Human,even the humour is so good and the action is more tempered and the viewer has enough time to digest the story,it looks more like a Blade Runner, Dune or a Star Trek DS-9 story or like those great fan made short movies from Dust, if you like a hard Sci-fi story you should not miss this gorgeous tv series.
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- This is the best SW animation ever !!!
4 September 2022
I never could stand the computer generated SW series because i grew up in an era when Disney animation (with the hair of the characters moving in the wind) and the Japanese anime where very apreciated and nobody liked the computer generated animation like the SW tv cartoons or that new ( from late ninetees or the early 2000's, i think) Punk Spiderman tv series and i hated that nobody respected the characters proportions in animation (Vader was always stretched, even if David Prowse was so huge because he was a strong bodybuilder, tall, with huge shoulders) and it never felt like SW for me, but this is something i always wanted to see from the start because it feels like something from SW universe. For an OT fan like me THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO SEE IN A STAR WARS ANIMATED TV SHOW.
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