
5 Reviews
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A fantastic end to a story!
12 December 2022
If you want to watch this film, just search up Darkfilmz Productions on YouTube. As all my other reviews I will try not to spoil anything at all.

I will say my biggest complaint is that there are a LOT of back and forth close ups of peoples faces, like an excessive amount. The first few were funny, however it quickly became overused. In addition, when it did do a back and forth, it went on for too long. However, that is pretty much the biggest complaint I have besides minor things that aren't even worth mentioning as they aren't all that bad.

It is rare for a sequel to surpass its predecessor, but its even more rare for the third movie to be better than both. Though this movie goes completely off the rails and makes up its own lore ignoring pretty much all of the base material (being the cannon FNaF lore) this movie actually works really well for me. I enjoy the bit of comedy that was thrown in, and it wasn't overused, nor used at the wrong times, it movie was serious when it needed to be.

The voice acting has come a long way since the first film you made, and the audio track you used was spectacular, from the background music, to the audio effects, everything was just wonderful.

The CGI that you used was either very rare and hard to distinguish, or so good I couldn't even tell CGI was being used, which once again is a huge improvement since the first, and even second film. I couldn't tell for sure but I think I even saw some pretty advanced redstone at work here and there, and if so it was a brilliant use of in-game resources.

Of course, most films have a twist, and unfortunately the twist in most films are easy to predict way before they are revealed. However, when the twist was revealed, it was actually surprising and unexpected, which impressed me! Not to mention the jump scares were not all that bad.

I would definitely recommend this film, of course you'd have to watch the first 2 films before doing so, and while it might be a few hours, I think the overall payoff is pretty worth the investment, even if you just have it running in the background while you play games or something. Its clear that a lot of love went into all these films and honestly I am glad I stumbled upon them by accident.
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A Peculiar Short Film
23 August 2022
This film is a bit... well peculiar. The story is not bad however due to the short runtime and other factors, it's not as good as could be. If you wanna watch the film, just search up DarkFilmz Productions on YouTube.

So the voice acting was really good in some places, yet pretty bad in others. Sometimes I couldn't make out what the people were trying to say.

The audio track was actually pretty nice, it fit the film well and helped add the energy that the scene needed.

The CGI was OK. It was very noticeable and a bit awkward, but it helped bring the horror, which is absolutely necessary when it's Five Nights at Freddy's related.

The film felt a bit rushed here and there which made certain things not make a lot of sense or blend into obscurity, but for how short the runtime is that's to be expected, and in all honesty it didn't take too much away from the film overall.

I think this movie is alright, a good film to watch if you like FNaF and just need something new to watch.
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A Phenomenal Short Film
23 August 2022
Wow, just wow. This film may be shorter than any of the Trilogy movies, but by God I think this is definitely the best. If you want to actually watch the movie, it is available on YouTube, just look up DarkFilmz Productions and you should find not only this film, but many more.

Where do I start, the voice acting was great, the actors brought more emotion to this film than any of the others I've seen. The CGI, I honestly don't even know if there was any, but the special effects where just amazing, especially the gore. The sound and audio, just perfect. And the twist? Oh lords was it a brilliant one.

This film has pretty much nothing to do with the true FNaF lore but I'd say this is up there with some of the best fan-made FNaF content there is. This movie left my mouth agape and my eyes wide. I would without a doubt recommend this to any FNaF or Minecraft fan.
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A Slight Step-Up From It's Predecessor.
23 August 2022
Just like it's predecessor, this movie isn't bad, but it also isn't really great. That being said, its something that you can watch if you like Five Nights at Freddy's and still enjoy well enough. Just like the first one however, this film is a bit difficult to find, so if you want to watch it just search up DarkFilmz Productions on YouTube.

This film is a bit longer than the first film, almost 30 minutes longer, and a lot of it feels like unnecessary filler, though I can see it being for world and character building, I think those are unnecessary when its a fan-film based on a huge franchise with extremely in-depth lore and a crap-ton of games. In addition the story veers a slight bit off-path from the cannon lore of FNaF and focus's more on the fan-made characters than the story of FNaF. However, for the most part it holds true with only a major change or 2. Which is fine, after all it is fan-made.

The voice actors were a HUGE step-up from those in the first film, though there were still a few parts that were toned down, but that s pretty common when you're trying to make a film from home. You cant really go screaming full force for seemingly no reason.

The CGI seemed a bit better in this film, though still a bit out of place, and they seemed to incorporate a lot of in-game features (such as emotes) to try and liven up the film a bit, which worked well in my opinion.

I went into the film expecting it to be a prequel (such as FNaF 2 is to FNaF 1) but by the end of the film I honestly couldn't tell. However this played well in their favor because when they threw a twist at me, I was actually caught of guard and surprised. That being said, even if it is a prequel, there are a few things that don't add up, though I might have just missed a few details.

They still used quite a few audio-tracks from some of the old, original FNaF fan videos, but some of the music they had was either something completely new of their own creation, or just something I haven't heard before. Either way, it was phenomenal!

This movie definitely feels and looks better as a film than the first, and even though it kind of dipped away from the true lore of FNaF I find this movie a pretty decent watch all things considered. Once again, it's clear the creators put a lot of time and effort into this, even if it feels a bit rushed here and there. They care about what they are making, and I respect that.
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I've seen better, but I've also seen worse.
22 August 2022
Ok, so it's not the greatest thing ever. First of all it was surprisingly difficult to actually find, so if you want to watch the movie, you'll just have to search up DarkFilmz Productions on YouTube. I'm not going to spoil anything major, just go over some overall details.

The voice acting is OK, some are better than others. My biggest problem is that a lot of the voice actors don't have the best vocal clarity, and I can't understand what they are trying to say sometimes.

The overall structure of the movie is pretty alright, it stays true to the original concept and lore of Five Nights at Freddy's, and if anything its a bit bland in terms of the execution.

There is some nostalgia involved, as there are a lot of things such as audio clips used from some of the first fan-made videos ever on FNaF dating back all the way to the release of the very first game.

Of course the twist isn't really a twist if you know anything about FNaF Lore. Though there were a few decent jumpscares here and there, however I think that's mostly in part to how dull most of the movie is which makes you unsuspecting.

Finally, there is some CGI in the film, and for what the film is and with what little the producers likely had to work with its pretty fine. Of course it stands out when it's incorporated, but its an attempt to make the movie more flashy and honestly for what the movie is, it works for me.

There are a few sequels to the this film which I haven't seen yet but plan to watch. All in all, this isn't a must see, and it's not high quality, however if you are bored and have nothing better to watch, I'd suggest you give it a try, even if you're doing something else like playing games while you watch it. The creators clearly put a lot of time and effort into this, and I can respect it for what it is.
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