
3 Reviews
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If your into B movies you'll love it, if not stay away
24 June 2022
If your into B movies you'll love it. As "we" know, there is no such thing as a bad movie, only a boring one. This is not boring. If fact it is one of the best of the "in name only" Amityville offerings. The acting ranges from over the top and stunted dialogue, to good acting. Some of the actors would fit in fine in action movies or TV shows. The special effects cgi is what you would expect from a low budget it sucks, lol, (think the ending of The Langoliers), but then the make up effects are great. The humor and script are well done.

The main idea is a chemical explosion at a govt lab in Amityville has created acid rain that horribly burns its victims and turns them into zombies (borrowing some from Return of the Living Dead). The main story takes place at a police station where a cop and his teen son, a crazy "karen" lady paying a ticket (who brought comic relief although I am not sure she meant to), a prisoner, news reporter and cameraman, and other officers/morgue workers, have to deal with the bodys coming back to life, acid rain, and zombies.

The thing that sets this apart from some of the other low budget stuff is that the cast is ample and the pacing is great. No long drawn out parts of people looking out a window at trees or folding their laundry. :)

All in all, this is a successful entry and I would happily re-watch.
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Nine Meals from Chaos (2018 Video)
Awful. Very Disappointed.
27 October 2019
As someone who helped fund a few of Mr. Noels movies through indiegogo (including this one), I can say this was money completely wasted.

Ivan Noel is extremely talented; writing, directing, casting, composing, you name it. His movies have been top notch, and coming off one of his best, La Tutora (The Tutor), I expected to be treated to another amazing feature.

What I got is a bunch of children wandering around for an hour in a half with no real story-line and a narrator that continually preaches at me about how awful and destructive mankind is.

The camera work is super shaky (found footage/documentary style) which is off-putting. Apparently this is supposed to be a fake documentary, as at the end we see a horribly acted interview with the fake documentarian.

The scenery is tremendous. Absolutely gorgeous. And some great camera shots, unfortunately not enough or used an any meaningful manner. What I wish Noel could have done with his locations.

If this was your introduction to Ivan Noel you would think he were an amateur and might pass on his other work.

Pass on this, HARD pass on this, but DO see his other work. His best in my opinion Brecha, In Your Absence, and my favorite, his version of Turn of the Screw called La Tutora. Of course They Returned, Children of the Night, and Primary! were also excellent. I look forward to seeing Rejected and Lamb of God.

I have never written a bad review or given a a one star to my knowledge but this gets it. I hope Mr. Noel understands. He is one of those directors you can reliably see or buy everything they make as you KNOW it will be great. Its a shame this film is now in his repertoire.
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Galactica '80 is to Battlestar Galactica as Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home was to Star Trek!
16 June 2009
Both are plain fun!

++++For those 1st season watchers that are fans of the new series....this is the season that introduced the "human like" cylons.

This series lasts 10 episodes and is entertaining to those who have a base knowledge of Galactica '79 or even the new series (which were both more serious). In this, Galactica has found earth during 1980 and the questions of what would happen if? are pursued. This series is in fun.

Events happen like:

-A Galactica kids' baseball team takes on a Human kids' one.

-Two Galactica motorcyclists are challenged by a "Hells Angel" type group.

-Cylons visit a Human Halloween party and take over a radio station.

-Galactican's stop hijackers from taking over a human plane.

-A "baddie" Galatican (Baltar like) tries to help the Nazi's.

I watched (and bought) this after I saw the 1st season and the new series. I thoroughly enjoyed this lighthearted take.
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