
20 Reviews
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A Thousand Suns (2023– )
Cool but short series on YouTube worth the watch
17 April 2024
I enjoyed these short film sci-fi series as they called them. Negative is five minutes it's just not long enough. 10 to 15 minutes should be the minimum. It's just not long enough to get a satisfying experience in my opinion.

On the positive I like the ideas and they were well acted out and the visuals and production were great. I will give a plus for the acting CGI and story. When something makes you want more when it's over that's how you know it's good.

Black milk studio is on the right track, and I hope they do some longer stories. I will be subscribed and waiting for more. I really enjoy these when done well and these were done very well.

If you're looking for them, they're on
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
More of a romance, dark comedy with action
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure why it's getting such low reviews. I'm guessing because it's supposed to be an action comedy. Really it's an action/dark comedy/romance so the wife is liking it. Also it's them going through a relationship from start to finish. Acting is great, and the stories pretty good there's some different things they could've done in the writing to make it more entertaining. When people easily die, when they could be easily saved, it makes it pretty boring. And one episode, they could've saved a guy and maybe made friends with him instead of him just dying would've been more of a story arc. With each fail could've actually been a positive. Gaining allies along the way. But overall it's entertaining ride each episode and I'm enjoying it very much.
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Really enjoyed Rebal Moom part one!
23 December 2023
I really think there must be a Directors cut that is much longer. You have an awesome Director and awesome cast. Enjoyed it from beginning to end. Not sure why it got such low reviews.

I really dislike movies that are part one and then a whole another part two. Unless they come out at the same time, it seems like there was a lot more to the story that did not get told, some more backstory on each character would have been nice. I think that is the biggest problem with the low scores and also because it's "part one" of there's not a true ending to the story.

There was a great plot twist that I did not see coming and I will watch it again when part two comes out. I really hope they make it Directors cut that is longer with more backstory.
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Could have been a classic but the ending sucks...
9 December 2023
Good story, great acting cast and enjoyed the whole movie. It's just one of those stories that for some reason the Director decides it doesn't need an ending. The whole movie was really good, all the scenes and crazy things that happen, made it really fun ride but then it just stops, I get what the Director was trying to do but it doesn't work. I don't want to make up what I think happened after. That's why I'm watching the movie so you can give me experience from a cool story, to a climax, to a great ending, every movie should be this way. It always feels really lazy when a Director does that. Hope they come out with the directors cut that add something to the ending to make it more satisfying. So close to being in the perfect movie that you could watch over and over again. Would have loved an ending with their explanation to some of the things that you just don't know why they happen.
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Billions (2016–2023)
With a great wrap up to the show it's a 10!
30 October 2023
Wow, did I really love billions and so did my wife. Such a very smart show with tons of twists and turns and as season seven wrapped up. I was really happy with the way that they ended it with a true ending. A lot of these shows go through seasons, and then just end on a cliffhanger that doesn't get picked up for a final season.

Billions does it the right way and perfectly wraps up the show with a great great last season. I love the show from season one all the way through season seven. Wife and I love, intelligent, thoughtful, shows that have lots of twists and turns in smart ways. The show is a prime example of all of that combined, the acting and writing was perfect.. A must watch!!!
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A little Cheesy with the head archaeologists but good overall
3 July 2023
You can tell who paid for the documentary. A little Cheesy with the head archaeologists but good overall. They keep talking about how amazing they are and how they had a feeling that they're about to find some thing, little silly but it's fine. We got to see some cool tombs, opened and discovered, but you could tell those guys had huge egos like it was just all about them, and how awesome and special they are to find these tombs. And how it's all because of them that they were found. Yes I'm over exaggerating and repeating just like they did in the documentary. The video specifically not sure who edited it,. But it looks like they let the archaeologists be part of the editing process and that made it a little cheesy, but still enjoyable.

Overall, it's great getting to see pieces of history.
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Not just an action war movie. Must see best of the year
12 June 2023
This is a movie during war time but the importance of brotherhood and keeping your word. Which the US government did not and left people to suffer and die.

Shows the world what happens when you support the invaders and how that never works out in the locals benefit. Whether it's Vietnam or Afghanistan (and now Russia invading Ukraine) history shows us you can't change from the outside. The change has to come from within.

Great movie with many perfect scenes. Crying, laughing, despair, manly bro moments. It's all there to enjoy and think about. Im going to watch it to for a second time this week.

Jake of course kills it and so does Dar Salim. The director made great choices with a great script. Man I really loved watching this movie.
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Not sure why there's all the hate
26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Enjoyed Every episode not sure why all the hate? I think it's a eight star show but I'll give it a nine because of all the one star reviews. I almost didn't watch it but I'm glad we did.

Characters were fun, the dwarf was the weirdest because she was so small and feminine. She was a great actor just didn't fit the roll I don't think.

The Witcher is a fun story I glad they made it. Wish it was more than six episodes. Hopefully they make a season two. (Update they changed the six episodes down to four with cuts. Four episode series is not enough story or show, changing my nine star to an eight. So really a seven... It was still entertaining to me. The sevens were the right score.)

Great acting, cool monsters and great characters but the one. Not sure what else you want it a show?

I had funny parts, love parts and fighting! Count me in every time!
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Started slow
2 November 2022
Started slow didn't think I was going to like the movie and then character development happen. Not sure what other reviews are talking about. I don't think they watched the whole movie. It was slow because of the character development not because there wasn't any.

Great story arch and ending with a couple great make you cry moments. Fight scenes were 100% real and loved the UFC/grappling/parkour mix of fighting styles.

When it was over I was sure the lead actor will be getting the best actor awards at the end of the year. She was amazing and the scenery was beautiful.

Couldn't have been more surprised how much I was going to love this movie at the end! This is one I might watch again.
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Nope (2022)
Keke Palmer character sucked, she was super annoying.
28 August 2022
Movie was a little slow and Keke Palmer character was super annoying. She took me out of the movie a couple times. Jordan Peele is awesome and this movie was good but could have been better. I ideas were cool and some dark funny parts and what the F parts. Not something I would watch twice. Palmer makes me take a star off. She's been great in other things but not this one. I guess that's on the writer, Jordan took it too far to enjoy her parts. I didn't believe her character at all. She grew up on a ranch I don't think so. Could have easily cut a couple more scenes to help it move along faster.
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Alex's War (2022)
Puff puff Pass....Not a Documentary
2 August 2022
Nothing deep here just something alex Jones probably paid for to make him look good. Very boring and nothing interesting or new. Don't bother wasting your time on this one. I'm not a conspiracy theorist and this is meant just for his fans to watch no one else.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Real life, Jeremys best show by far I'm a fan now
1 January 2022
You know you watch something and say no way that couldn't happen. This show is real as real can get. Cops with their super alpha ego. Prison males running cell blocks. All very real and how the real world works. Jeremy kills it and makes him one of my favorite actor after this season. He just brings out the real in people and the situations and that's what its all about. He Fing kills it here. Great show reminds me of "The Wire" for some reason. Gritty and how it works in the real world. When you can watch something and know it can really happen in the real world. It just sucks you in.
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Lots of things happening but never plays out In the end
14 September 2021
Lots of things happening but never plays out. You think something is right around the corner but it's never plays out like you want it too. Relationships start and you need more details for it to all makes sense but it never gets there. This is one of those movies it wants you to imagine wants happens in the end and why... that's why I'm watching the movie, give me more details. In the end I can't recommend this film. I need a beginning, climax and a end but it comes up short. You're left wondering what happened in the end and/why. You have clues but no facts to come to a conclusion. Why do directors do this it's lazy and annoying. Maybe the important scene got cut I don't know why.
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When I got into real estate marketing over five years ago this blew my mind...
17 September 2020
When I got into real estate marketing over five years ago this blew my mind. Now everyone is just catching up. It's a must watch and 100% accurate. Nothing in life is free and your data is not an exception. Someday we will sell our data and daily life for good money someday but right now its still the wild west. Was fun to watch with a lot of giggling and why I have a great life style now thanks to the Facebook and google programs. Google ad words is king right now. I don't agree with the privacy issues and I'm not on Facebook personally much anymore because of their methods. Facebook is the evil dark side of social media for sure. Conspiracy theories are out of control right now. Government regulation is coming soon. Loved the documentary. I will repeat 100% true!!!
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Entertaining but hard to believe
20 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Finding tires worth 1500 bucks maybe. Buying TWO cars for a tenth of the price the next week... Come on man lots of people are looking for those deals. It's was a little hard to believe. The small business center and doing a BBQ place could happen it's just all to hard to believe together. I'm all about the little guy working hard and building a business but this show was a little to fake to take as true life effort and nothing else.
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Extraction (2020)
Another great movie with a bad ending...
28 April 2020
Acting is top notch, Action superb, super cool fight scenes, cool new setting in India, and they had to half ass the ending. Could have been a cult classic! You just have to give it a badass ending!!! So close to perfect, definitely wanted more.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
Season 1 was great 9/10 season 2 was boring 6/10 and the actor...
6 April 2020
The differences between the two seasons are ridiculous. You can't change the writers and actors and think it going to be the same feel between the two, it's just a totally different show. He's just super angry and short in the second season. They feel nothing alike, totally lost the cool quiet attitude ... hopefully the third season they get the feel and story right. Feels like a rush job to put something out. Season two is a total miss.
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The Platform (2019)
Enjoyed the movie but hate when they don't have an ending...
30 March 2020
Come on it was so good and then black screen... so disappointing to be taken through a story and have it just end... so many cool ways it could have ended and been a classic... director has no imagination... so close!
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First half is a slow burn but the ending is on fire!
2 November 2019
Movie starts out slow with a little comedy and nothing more. Two friends left and didn't want to finish it. They missed out on a great ending! It all comes together in the end and made the whole movie enjoyable and worthwhile. Don't give up on this one! Watch it to the end!
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Everything a gamer would want in a gamer movie!!!
18 May 2018
Thought it started a little slow getting to know characters but after that I was seeing all the video games I played growing up and movies! Pop culture sure it was part of it as it's part of our gaming lives but what we were looking for it had it all. From my wife a non gamer she enjoyed it and it was great watching it with no one around us! I got to tell my wife all the references and how and why clans are cool. Talked about all my passed gaming experiences and how I had the top Socom clan in the early two thousands making an Allstar clan and winning 193 clan matches in a row (which I wrote down the clans we beat all of them) before tying and losing to LIQ. Lol sorry love this movie and how it took me back to great gaming and the friends I have met along the way that I'm still friends with to this day. Termirator, PointBlank, Stickman, blah blah blah.... Ya it's my favorite video game movie and why I'm writing this first review. It took me back and that's what a great movie does! It's had a couple cheesy parts that I would have changed in the movie to make it more interesting and powerful but it's perfect the way it was done. Now I'll go read the book :)
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