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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
A show that is over the head of many viewers
29 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really want to give this show a higher rating but I just can't. Cranston is acting with his hands tied behind his back and too many characters were severely miscast. But reading reviews that say much of this series is unrealistic makes me feel I should focus my review on why it's actually very realistic.

Some reviews devote their entire low stars to misunderstanding the show. For starters, the Judge is not a good guy before this all goes down - he and the Mayor are paid off by Desire to keep their people out of prison, including people like Eugene's mom who Desiato goes out of his way for to find some reason to dismiss her charges. If you misunderstood what was happening there, you are likely going to be lost through much of the series.

Reviewers complain that the show is full of race-baiting and claim that cops and lawyers are simply not like this.

It's set in N'Orlins where not only are police known to be corrupt but are considered to have no concern for the poor, predominantly black areas. They didn't collect evidence from the scene because they have no interest in what really happened -- for 3 reasons: they can never get people in that area to snitch about each other; it's a dangerous area even for cops; and it's owned by dirty cops who use the inhabitants in various ways including confidential informants or framing someone. The neighbors are see no; hear no; speak no people and that's why no one came out after the accident. Also, a white kid in that area truly would find himself surrounded by gang members very quickly. His mom having been there was different cuz she was a cop unknowingly in the company of corrupt cops who owned the neighborhood.

So, unfortunately, much of this film can only be understood by knowing these realities which are only very subtlety exposed.

There are other parts that are less realistic or dramatized, but the lawyer risking everything to "save" the little killer Eugene is very in line with today's liberal mentality of perceiving even the most dangerous thugs as victims of the system who would not be sociopaths if not for their circumstances.

Koffi was a great character - I wish they kept that actor and got rid of Eugene who was not as interesting. His willingness to go to prison for something he didn't do is a real thing. The deep fear and loyalty within the Desire gang was not well presented in Your honor. When Trey tells Chris Mo needs to go, it's Mo setting up Chris to test his loyalty after promising Trey a way back into the gang - his loyalty is to the leader, Mo, who has provided for him and makes lavish promises mostly unseen in this quasi presentation. Gangs are made up of fiercely loyal members who are recruited at very young ages from broken families where their needs are not being met. They are clothed, fed, provided with expensive toys and money, given attention and compliments - but also severely punished for small things. It's called Grooming. The series expects the audience to already be aware of these realities.

Some is dramatized and yet the series also holds back - a lot - in showing details to get us to the threshold of what it does choose to present.

Mo is not believable as a gang leader and the misfortune of making her love jones a lesbian causes the powerful pull of her obsession - her Achilles heel - to be lost on most the audience. Also, the idea that the singer wasn't accepting of the gang life was out of character or that Mo simply let her walk away.

My 5*, which is one more than I really want to give, is because the story is not really that unique and promises more than it delivers. Adam was well-played but most reviews don't understand the character - he's not trying to save his father or himself but rather he's reacting to the numbness his dad forces him into and then trying to understand his damages by getting close to the victim's sister. From there, things get out of his control.

Someone asked how Fia could have not known what Michael went to prison for, but the judge didn't go to prison for what he actually did; he went for made up charges that are never fully disclosed except for the suggestion to charge him for tax evasion.

I thought Lee was well-played but I noticed only a few people realized that her actions to save Eugene were immoral if not illegal and that it really speaks about the upside-down system we see right now. And speaking of -- yes, Judges do control the courtroom and the jury; just look at what they did in NY in June for counts the Supreme court declined to prosecute over 2 years earlier. I'm not saying I'm for it or against it, but you'd be blind not to know it happened.

I agree the title Your Honor seems a strange name since most of the show is not about Desiato being in the judges seat but the series of unfortunate events is because of actions he took as a judge. In that sense. I see why the series has this title.

Thanks for reading, hope I cleared some things up.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
people are taking this too seriously
10 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The background of Hutch is too vague and the reviews seem to be trying to see this as a serious action flick. I can tell you, Odenkirk has not been in anything serious and he hasn't started here, either. If a more serious bad azz were in the lead, I'm still not sure how it could be taken seriously. This guy is an elite military who retired into the FBI as a desk jockey so he could settle down and have a family. But he's missing being in control and getting the sickness out of society. So he goes ballistic and ends up maiming the son of a huge Russian mob leader. His elderly father, played by the comedic actor Lloyd, sets up traps that would have taken elite military days to prepare within a few hours. That right there is comedy.

I could have done without seeing this film but it was entertaining although gory (not extreme imo). I like Odenkirk and this film seemed a good vehicle for him. But please go in knowing it's not meant to be taken seriously.
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Bull (2016–2022)
No audience investment in the characters, ridiculous outcomes
14 March 2024
I don't actually watch a lot of series but I probably let this one play too many episodes because I had it kind of in the background after watching the opening segments. But a really good series requires ones full attention, so that itself speaks of how well the show did - or did not - pull me in. The first half of S1 stayed true to the original theme of reading jurors and appealing to the aspects of each to garner the outcome TAC put their collective brilliance to use over. Bull was a likeable character although none of the characters were invested with the audience - we knew relatively little about them.

Toward the end of S1, the writers seemed to be trying to make Bull an arrogant narcissist and he was worried about money. In S2, we are introduced to more details about the team yet still it's very flat and unemotional while they continue to have Bull act arrogant but now he is wealthy. By S3, the court processes seem to rely mainly on luck and illegal harvesting of information. We lose one of the main characters by an act of tragedy, which seems to inspire the writers to bring in a string of clients based on past or current relationships with the TAC team, many of which irl would be considered a conflict of interest.

By S5, the writers - like most series at the time - decide to remove the drama and insert masking and sanitizing despite that 40% of the public didn't do it or believe it was the appropriate way to overcome a relative of the mostly benign common cold.

In the meantime, the show can't seem to decide what path it needs to pave to keep it's audience - will it be the Perry Mason courtroom stunts of Benny; the savvy luck of Alan Shore in Boston Legal; the mysterious charm of Dr. Lightman in Lie to Me? The problem with all of these attempts is that the writers never really sell Bull to the audience. He goes from untouchable psychic-like to angry to involuntary father and we can never say "wow, that character is brilliant!" Think of Kevin Bacon in The Following, James Spader in The Blacklist, or Walter White in Breaking Bad. Those were some brilliant characters who had solid backstories and understandable, even likeable or relatable, quirks.

With Bull, it felt like the writers were initially trying to use Weatherly in a similar way that NCIS did - the cavalier playboy void of honest emotion, bullied by his coworkers. But then he goes through a series of personality fittings, none of which pull out a realistic impressive character. Weatherly gains at least 20lbs on the show, which is addressed in S3 but then they pretend he's sobered up and slimmed down. He didn't pull off the arrogant drunk and he certainly didn't slim down.

They remove the Garcia of TAC and replace her with a sort of boring, middle-aged mother who can't work the hours required. And this is only one of the many issues we are met with in BULL that turns this in to a liberal-based soap opera that speeds through ridiculous court scenarios where those who break the law are given little or no consequences because, well, we like them and they've gained our sympathy. Not mine, but in theory.

Imagine for a moment that someone who lives underground in a dilapidated building she doesn't own or rent invites people to live there with her. She's told by at least one person that the roof looks like it's going to cave in, specifically above her bed. Nevertheless, she has a couple move in and gives them her bed. The building caves in and kills the couple. The jury finds her guilty but only finds her liable for one dollar. I mean, there are so many ways this could have gone - they should have sued the building for not securing the area, for one thing. There's no law firm in existence who would sue an impoverished person in a civil court for squatting in a building that was accessible and whose roommates were injured or killed. She would not be responsible since she wasn't charging rent, for one thing. But this case is just one of many silly antics that end up relying on luck more than trial science (a real tactic; and yes, they absolutely can pull up information within moments on any given person as long as that person uses social media, credit cards, owns property, etc).

I like Danny and Marissa, Chunk, and Cable. But they just never were displayed well. Especially Marissa who was an obsessive fan of Bulls and they could have done so much with - we've all heard of how obsessive fans will go to any lengths for their target. I especially don't care for Benny because his voice is so grating, like a 2 pack a day smoker. Most series rely heavily on attractive voices or interesting but tolerable voices. Rodriquez is appreciated by others, I can tell by the reviews, but more likely because he was one of the token minorities even though they use him as Italian in Bull. The love interest of Bull, JP, is very forgettable and isn't even on the list of characters but she does manage to sully the show by making claims that garner her a huge windfall. I hope she has not gotten any work since. Izzy isn't a very memorable or likeable character but the show decides to stop pursuing the relationship with Diana who is much more interesting. Chunk is sold as a former football star but his soft demeanor and soft physique make that implausible. But he is a good character, especially after he - the hired fashionista - gets some fashion tips for the show. I think he takes over as the lead attorney for Bull but I'm not sure I'll keep watching.

The series changes Bull from the amazing psychiatrist to someone pushed and pulled around by the hunch of the day and by his much less educated employees.

For me, Bull has become like a lot of procedural shows that I just keep letting Play Next while I'm working or playing games despite that each episode seems to get further and further down the rabbit hole of Unsalvageable. None of the characters are very interesting or believable.

I'm sure by the time the series ended, it was way past time. It's a bit sad because I thought Weatherly was one of the highlights of NCIS, but with Bull, they just couldn't find the right character for him or for the show. When he ends up with his ex just because she gets pregnant yet she won't marry him, it feels like they are trying too hard to make him fit some scenario in the modern liberal arena where men are emasculated yet the character of Bull requires a much stronger persona. So, again, just one example of how this show can't commit to a theme on Jason's personality.

I can't compare it to other shows because all of the shows I've watched have a strong lead and Weatherly just didn't have that chance here.
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What's the difference between a conspiracy and a truth?
21 February 2024
What's the difference between a conspiracy and a truth? About 6 months. All the conspiracy theories relating the Donald can be found in this film and, to take it a step further, the film attempts to prove the theories by using snapshots of speeches, jokes, or interactions while having those tiny segments analyzed by paid participants - or in some cases, former acquaintances who Trump severed ties with and are now holding a grudge.

Now 3 years later, a growing majority of the public have realized that most of it is not true and even if it were, Trump is a way better option than what we currently are saddled with. Just look at how the African American community has done a 180, even the creator of the original BLM movement (not to be confused with the Antifa/dem-funded sub-movement). For phug sake, even Louis Farrakhan is now pro-Trump!

There's this old saying called Everything I Need to Know I learned in Kindergarten - it points out things like Play fair, Clean up your mess, Don't take things that aren't yours, Stick together.

America was great when we all followed simple rules like these: Be honest, admit mistakes, ask for help when you need it.

I very rarely give only 1 star on a film, it has to be so bad that a negative rating might actually be in order. The incredible deception and misdirection the high-jacked Democrat party have taken to gaslight the public into perceiving Donald as such a threat, a criminal, and a grifter can only be described as evil.

Donald Trump is a successful businessman; he has thousands of friends worldwide who appreciate not only his shrewd business dealings but his incredible intuitive sense of how things operate. The most basic research tells us that, regardless whether we like his humor or pull-no-punches style, he was perhaps the most ethical and accomplished POTUS of our time if not in history. His keen sense of right and wrong have created a massive backlash from those who make their living by being deceptive and underhanded.

We now know that most of this film is falsely identifying things with a twisted attempt to make you despise someone just because he is NOT a politician and is NOT bought by any political agenda. Any sane person would ask why those facts are so upsetting to the opposition.
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Love Is Blind (2020– )
A train wreck that's hard to look away from
26 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Idky I clicked Play on the first E of S5, I have a daughter who's recently single and, I guess, I wondered what dating might look like today. I took courses in psychology so, my immediate realization about seeing someone v not seeing someone while talking to them is: each person has a blank canvas on which to superimpose their own interpretation of what's actually being said and the meaning behind it. People do this irl in person, too -- superimposing their own fantasy and desire or negative perspective onto another person but without seeing or smelling them (scent is important - am I wrong?) the effect is more pronounced. There's a book from the 70s (when personal psych evaluation was popular) called You Are Always Your Own Experience; it delves into how we each can only perceive a person or situation from our own pool of knowledge and experience that's sometimes lightyears from who or what they really are.

Shakespeare said "It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved." You have to take chances; you can't go through life shying away from the negative what-ifs, and then if you're wrong, at least you had the passion and fun before you understood that person was not what you thought.

From a relationship perspective, charisma is really key to knowing if you can share someone's life through thick and thin. That's missing when two people can't see each other.

Having only seen S5, I can say it's very much like a train wreck that you can't look away from. After the first couple of episodes that give you hope and lure you in, the rest seems to be nothing but discourse and jealousy.

I think Milton has a good head on his shoulders and he is an alpha male, which most people don't realize. He is picking and choosing what to let Lydia get away with and when to put his foot down. He knows that if this is her best behavior, he's in for a very bumpy ride later on and he seems ok with that. Same with Izy and his girl. She is very domineering and extremely jealous but he likes her dominating style, and his hope is that she will give him continued sex and take care of him financially. So he will try his best to stay in her good graces even though we can see she is totally out of line frequently. Uche is what we call a Smooth Criminal - he's well-spoken and knows himself very well but he is unusually self-assured and probably very demanding. His style is to be very diplomatic even when delivering insults because he understands that people will believe what they want to and he doesn't waste energy trying to fight that. He's successful and knows he's a good catch and doesn't mind finding someone who needs taking care of as long as she is submissive and has similar values.

I'm ff though some of the silly arguing -- the women need to refrain from drinking so they can stop making azzes of themselves. I'm sure I was in that category at that age but it's just so blaring on a show like this. They are defending Lydia and yet she is a poison. But they are doing the right thing, in a sense, because women do need to treat each other better and be supportive.

Interesting show but it's designed to cause discourse - for the ratings. I'm not sure what kind of person would want to be on a show like this but I do think most of the females are more dramatic or damaged than typical women.
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How not to conduct business?
26 October 2023
As someone in the business world (well, I have a business degree but actually I'm in Tech now), I see this film as a cautionary tale to be shown in Business college. They did everything wrong. When the first home computer was created in someone's garage, they were breaking new ground; there were no real laws or rules; no one foresaw any lawsuits other than making sure the over-heated apparatus didn't cause a fire in the end-user's living-room. When something is brand new, the only rules are applied to any portion of the thing that resembles products already on the market and the most urgent (if not obvious) step in getting ready for that first prototype is to find out if any lawsuits have arisen surrounding anything remotely resembling your components or marketing ideas. Juul failed on both accounts.

It's not clear what this docuwhine is about other than a cautionary tale. In business school, we are repeatedly told about how not to get in trouble by researching every step yet there are endless examples of creators who had large teams of people on their projects yet failed at the most elementary steps.

It's kind of like planning a wedding, in a way: Everyone will tell you to diy but I can assure you that is a certain way to fail hugely by leaving out important things you can't possibly understand until that moment where you want to cry and pull your hair out. There are reasons we have lawyers, marketing experts and wedding planners: because they will stop us from falling on our faces.

I agree with other reviews that say it could have been summed up in less time. I would have liked to hear more about their actual facts and less blah blah about -you know- the whining.
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M3GAN (2022)
Moral of the story
22 October 2023
... could be that all parents/guardians are putting their kids in danger when they let technology babysit. I'm a bit torn on this film because it has a ton of plot holes in order for the story to work. But if you go in with zero expectation, it's an interesting watch on some levels. But it's definitely for a younger audience just for the scares. I love thrillers and sci-fi but I don't include things like Chuckie or Dolls, plus they kept M3gan at PG13, so it could only go so far with the scary aspect. But honestly, M3gan seemed almost comical on some levels. The niece and the doll were good actors but overall the characters were somewhat boring. There were surprising moments and unexpected moments and it was entertaining enough that I did watch the entire film. But it's definitely a bit underwhelming. I think it could have been more interesting.
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Medium (2005–2011)
Great show and easy to re-watch/binge
11 September 2023
I've watched the series a number of times over the years. I seem to have different thoughts each time. I initially thought it was excellent and loved all the characters. But re-watching it now, I see that Alison is extremely bent on having her way at any cost, which is a bit frustrating. In fairness, I'm aware that such people do have an inner voice that can be akin to being forced or perhaps better said is that they must obey. But in the episode where they flashback to her and Joe getting married, I really thought that was outrageous. And the fact that Joe marries her anyway is beyond believable. She JUST showed him what his future will be like. But during their perpetually dysfunctional marriage the writers do depict Joe as never really understanding his wife despite the saint-like patience he exhibits when she, time after time, gets into trouble. Watching it this final time (I think I'm done now), it's frustrating how clueless Alison is when something begins to take shape and how condescending Joe continues to be in every scenario. For me, S6 is the most boring. It focuses too much on the Grade-A brat, Ariel. Every good parent will be fuming to see her blatant refusal to follow rules and at how she bullies her sister Bridgette. But having said that, I know it is all part of the attempt to show the family as an all-American family with struggles we can all (or most of us) identify with. I definitely believe in psychics but I've read a lot of stories about them and while they do show the compartmentalized process of trying to understand what the psychic is being shown, the ones I've read about are typically much more confident rather than pushed and pulled around by ghosts. As a spiritual guide, I do take issue with the way the writers depict the dead in some instances or how they characterize the afterlife. But that's another story. By the end of the series, I felt Alison should have had a much better understanding of her own ability and yet the writers continue to make her a hapless idiot stumbling through every episode. I felt this was a bit far fetched. The earlier seasons are the best but the last 2 clearly have a whole new writing team and perhaps this is why there's no season 8. I thought all of the characters were very well-played (even Ariel). And if I can just say, in S6 E14 when Diedrich Bader played all those characters I was super impressed. I never thought much of him although I feel like I've seen him in a number of things (Oswald on the Drew Carey show, for one). Imagine having to get into character and have the exact mannerisms of 6 or 7 different people. It was truly incredible. Kudos to Bader. Also, to who asks why did Morrow kill Sato, it should be clear from watching - maybe you fell asleep at the end? Ask yourself what happened to Gloria's son. And to How a Real Medium Rates this show: Thanks for the insight, very interesting.
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Ambulance (2022)
Very entertaining non-stop action
25 June 2023
Bottom line: there are excellent action scenes, car wrecks, and stunts in this film. Reading through the reviews, I'm surprised at all the criticism, it's as if they're paid trolls like you find all over fb and yt to take down the ratings or change the dynamics -- the 21st century lobbyists. The truth is this film is an action packed adventure that seems to never run out of steam. I see several reviews mention comedy but this is definitely not intended to be a comedy. There are a couple of scenes with intentionally dumb characters that are tossed in for variation to the intense action but they were well-placed and rare. The camera work was really good and the stunts were amazing. It kept me guessing even when I thought I knew what was coming. There are several familiar faces but most are relatively unknown but all did a great job. The plot has some holes, sure, but not that makes you mad. They want us to believe it took Memorial's top paramedic over 30 minutes to discover the 2nd wound. Every arm chair medic knew long before she did. But they needed that huge plot hole to create the scenario that ensues in the back of the ambulance. Just like the completely unbelievability that this otherwise smart medic would shoot someone before seeing who it was. But again, this is needed to give her the motivation and means to carry out Will's request and get evidence through undetected. I thought it was a brilliant film and I was thoroughly entertained. This would be amazing to see on the big screen with surround sound.
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A fun watch and great soundtrack
18 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the film because Walking on Sunshine was one of my favorite songs of the 80s. And I thought, you know, I guess that could be a mood lifter, a romantic holiday on the beach! So I was pretty surprised when it quickly burst into a musical, but I thought that first one was really good. The other ones could've used a little polishing, and I don't just mean the bad singing. I have not seen Mamma Mia so I can't be like 99% of the reviews and comment on that aspect. However I enjoyed the film, I do like musicals, and I thought all of the actors did a great job. However since they did have a good crew of real dancers that were not the actual actors I do wish they had done a little bit more with the all of the musical interludes. Some of them were just quite boring because they focused on just the main actors or even just a couple of the main actors. However I found this movie to be very fun and uplifting. One of the reviewer said that they figured out the plot early on, and I don't want to disappoint them but that isn't genius level. I think the Director wanted us to understand where he was taking us from the beginning. If I could say that there was one thing that didn't make sense to me, it was that the sisters just didn't seem that close in my opinion that Maddie realized Taylor was still in love with Raf, and in real life I'm pretty sure that no one who just got dumped at the altar would be smiling and kissing another woman in just 10 minutes time. But it worked well for this film. I think that because of the song, walking on sunshine, the final scenes should've been Taylor and Raf singing along the beach in the water because my feeling was they were the ones walking on sunshine. So my only gripe really is that, while not all musicals have songs that perfectly fit each scenario, they could've done more with this especially since it was the title of the film. So I am going to be honest and say I do think the producers were remiss in not using more professional singers. Whether they were trying to be like Mamma Mia, I can't comment on that, but I do know that during some parts of the film I thought to myself I think this movie has ruined every 80s song. But all in all I'm giving at nine stars because it's just a very feel good movie and I liked the review that said her seven year old daughter enjoyed it.
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chicken soup for hollywood?
11 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a well known comedic actor, Hanks didn't sell this for me. I've not seen the original so I can't speak to that aspect. But while it should have been comical on some level that this Scrooge can't end his own life, Hanks didn't pull that off at all. The character is 63 but Hanks looks much older here. It felt very contrived and overly preachy. I also tire of the shove down our throats that it's noble somehow to force someone to keep living when the love of their life has passed on. Here we are shown that Otto is needed for silly things by people who seem drawn to insert themselves into his most personal moments as if that is some purpose that replaces that longing left by his wife's departure. I agree with others who say making the characters so diverse is political angling and is out of place. Overall, this is a throw-away film that would not have made it out of the dollar bin if not for Hanks, although I can honestly say the cast did a great job. I think almost anyone would have been better at selling the part of Otto. Hanks needed a nap or something. Too many preachy moments and an ending that honestly made me cringe because the world is full of people who will endear themselves to you just waiting for you to croak and leave them in charge of your house and money. For me, that poor-man-becomes-wealthy-after-befriending-lonely-old-person is just in very poor taste because it's an epidemic in America.
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Arnold (2023)
my five stars is for the man and the documentary
10 June 2023
I just want to be clear, I think the documentary was great because of course it was produced by one of the worlds richest and most well-known men, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The man himself is a phenomenon, rare and unable to be copied from merely reading or hearing about him. Not unlike Michael Jackson or Tony Robbins. These are people who were mega stars in their field. In this documentary we learn a lot about Arnold, and I admit I've been a huge fan all of my life. I was in bodybuilding when I was younger in my 20s and I actually met Arnold for a few minutes and Rachel McLish, at golds gym in San Jose California when it first open downtown. I wasn't really starstruck because it was just the life I was in and, at the time, Arnold was just Mr. Universe. My boyfriend who was a local bodybuilding celebrity was much more impressed with him than I was. Somewhere I have a picture of myself being held up in the air like a barbell by Arnold Schwarzenegger. So trust me when I say I've always had a deep respect for him. But I wasn't so much of a fan that I knew even half of what I learned in this documentary. I think the least interesting part was about him becoming a politician but I can appreciate that someone who is intelligent and sees clearly with a higher intelligence than the normal person and lacks the drive to be politically compromised is indeed a very good option in politics. Which is why I change from democrat to republican back in 2016. But I digress. The thing I found most shocking was learning that he had an affair with his housekeeper and not only that but he allow that boy to be raised in the same house with him but didn't spend any quality time with him as a parent. For me that dismisses every other good quality that I've ever felt about Arnold Schwarzenegger . So my five stars are really more or less for his films and his ability to rise above and make so many accomplishments - I mean we have to admit that that is an incredible life on the surface. One of the reviews said he wish that someone else had spoken about how Arnold achieved what he did but I can let that reviewer know that there are millions of books written about the subject . The problem with that is those who write the books and who have accomplished these things had that passion and they'll tell you over and over again that it's all about vision but I'm here to tell you that without the passion there is no vision. You can't fake that. You have to find something you're passionate about and then the visions come because of the passion not vice versa. It's not something you can learn, you cannot fake that. But I disagree that other people should've spoken about him and how that might've been achieved because I see Schwarzenegger as someone who is really one of a kind he had so many pluses in his favor: he was attractive he was tall he was charismatic and he was very driven. You can put anyone of those qualities into someone who is short and unattractive and it won't work or who's good looking but not charismatic and it won't work. It's the same reason that Michael Jackson rose to fame while his other five brothers did not . They were from the same family they had similar appearance but Michael Jackson had this magic in his voice because of his passionate desire to move people with his art and share a message of love. Arnold Schwarzenegger had this desire to always strive toward receiving accolades and attention. I mean we can deduce this from the fact that in an almost solitary environment he saw someone physically impressive and he wanted to emulate that. I think a lot of his initial drive was just based on the fact that he wasn't brainwashed with all these limitation that most people, unfortunately most Americans, are brainwashed with. So I didn't mean for this to turn into a rant, but I was both very impressed and very disappointed in this documentary. I feel that Arnold Schwarzenegger did himself a disservice by revealing that infidelity when a lot of people, like myself, didn't even know it existed. I think I would've rather continue to think of Arnold as an actor, someone in some of my favorite films such as Terminator two and twins, then to have seen this documentary and had to face the fact that he was not only driven but very self-centered to the point of having a child in an adulterous affair having not even taken precautions and then continuing to allow that family to live near his wife until the boy was almost a teenager. I mean for me that is mine boggling and shocking beyond words. So with that in mind I think that five stars is a very high score considering my thoughts on what I learned here.
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FUBAR (2023– )
big budget cheese
27 May 2023
Schwarzenegger is a super star, there's no denying that. The pilot here was a good lure but it quickly loses flavor as the writers chose to pit the daughter against the dad instead of just letting them revel in the new-found common denominator. For me, that story arch is tedious -- the angry daughter of the military father. Double-yawn. Schwarzenegger is reliable here - and has aged well. But the rest of the cast are much less experienced, for the most part, however likable -- fashioned after the popular themes of modern tv including the genius introvert, the buff Casanova, the minority female lead and the highly decorated but casually dismissed older man; and using modern technology to pull off incredible feats. Very little action and way too much talking midway but gets better. However I will say the characters are not bad and there's some clever humor and nice character quirks. But the interaction of dad and daughter just has barely any authenticity - despite Arnolds great ability in front of the camera. It's not a bad watch, just go in knowing this is written as a cheesy cookie cutter action series. But whoever said Schwarzenegger did it because he needs the money doesn't know anything about him. Schwarzenegger is wealthy and a shrewd business man. Actors keep acting in their later years for the same reason they did in their younger years - the thrill of the art; the fun of practicing their craft. I liked it enough to hope they have season 2.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Disjointed, painfully redundant
8 May 2023
When better call Saul first came out I absolutely couldn't get into it. Having been a fan of breaking bad and knowing to this day that it was perhaps the quintessential series for shock and anticipation, I found BCS to be extremely excruciating to watch. I thought it was taking a while to get started so I hung in there, but outside of the Breaking Bad phenomenon Jimmie McGee is just another criminally minded cheap stab you in the back lawyer. With Walter White and Jesse Pinkman Saul had plenty of opportunity to be on display amidst the most edgy and unexpected circumstances. Fast forward to the so-called prequel and we get a face full of boring tedious useless information. When they start bringing some of the gangster action back as a side story, then there is not so much frustration. However that is short-lived and also overuses the minutia that Vince Gill made famous in BrBa such as panning in on a small section of desert. In brba we would actually see something in that final shot , however with better call Saul it ends up just being an empty shot. I find Sauls interaction with his brothers uninteresting, to say the very least. Kim Wexler, while a sociopath, no doubt, is an uninteresting character and is no more than a backboard to Jimmy trying his best to manipulate people. I actually found that the last season was a bit more interesting than the first ones. I can admit there's a certain interest in just letting the episodes play one after the other because of the familiarity of some of the characters, the presentation, and the camera work. But like other people have said, it's way over done - there's an obviousness to the attempt that feels disingenuous. And how many times do we need to spend five minutes listening to Jimmy and Ken discuss minutia? I see that there are a lot of high stars here but I can't help but wonder if they were incentivised because they all have similar titles. I think anyone who finds this series to be even more amazing than BrBa didn't really understand BrBa and how fantastic it was in its time. It's hard for me to comprehend someone being totally enthralled at the Laurel and Hardy type of scenarios between Chuck and Jimmy that went on and on to the point of exhaustion but were not the least bit funny. We all loved Saul Goodman and I can totally see that he should've been a great spinoff character like Shirley and LaVerne, Frasier, or Xena; however he needs to have a real situation to react in because this series doesn't pull it off with just trying to show him in the past getting by through trial and error with his best magic tricks of the day. I agree with another review that this series tried to reveal too many secrets about the original cast and it takes away the mystique and in very many cases does not match the original character . If I can assume that the 9 and 10 star reviews really do feel that way about BCS, then I can only believe that they were still high on the breaking bad series without realizing that they were now being twisted down into something subpar and lackluster. I think there's no way someone could put a 10 on this series without having watched breaking bad before hand. In fact if you go through the reviews to the ones who report that they did not watch BrBa they are completely gobsmacked that this series even has high stars at all. So I think Jesse Pinkman stopped by everyone's house and got them high and paid them to write these reviews all suspiciously titled either Masterpiece, Perfection or Better than breaking bad because trust me it's none of those.
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A bit confusing but great action and costumes
7 May 2023
Not having seen the first film, I jumped into Retaliation just for the entertainment and entertain it did. I may have been a bit confused due to not having been introduced to the characters previously, so it was a little disjointed in trying to keep track of who the good guys are. But I thoroughly enjoyed the non stop action and badasness. I normally enjoy reviews after a good film but there's a lot of whining here about how there wasn't much plot to the film. So let me draw this out a bit: You click on an action comic made into a movie with state of the art CGI and perfect choreographed fight scenes and you expected a plot-line? Like character development and technical accuracy or... Help me out here. Byung-Hun Lee is very hot, I can see why he's one of Korea's top rated actors. I'm not sure why imdb has him listed as Lee Byung since in America we say the given name before the family name. It's Byung and in fact he goes by Brian because of Americans mistaking the pronunciation of Byung. Dwayne looks especially good here and I'm not sure if it's the facial hair or the eye liner, or both. But it definitely helps bring out his Samoan heritage.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
An epic series
6 May 2023
This is an epic series that was unfortunately mishandled by Netflix to the point that no one knew it existed until it was canceled. Very disappointing on that level dash in fact Netflix never shows me anything but the same old stuff and you start wondering if there's anything new on there. Apparently they're just hiding it. I was attracted to the title because I love anything based on religious fantasy or fantasy, and I halfway wondered if it had anything to do with the life of Joan of arc. What I did find is that it draws you in pretty quickly once you realize that the super tween foul mouthed Ava is thankfully not dominating every scene. I'm giving this 10 stars but I will say that the character of Ava was very poorly thought out, she is definitely no Bridget Regan or Katie McGrath, who in their roles on the legend of the seeker and Merlin were impeccable and put women, warrior or otherwise, in a much better light then Alba lends to the character of Ava. I see a lot of people saying how beautiful Alba is, but from my perspective she is rather common looking and lacks the powerful beauty that one would expect in such a character. The show or the actress, or maybe both, go to far overboard in trying to portray the haphazard on interested young girl who falls into this fantastical life. At some point we would like her to be at least a little rounded instead of so rough around every edge on top under and in between . In fact my favorite character so far is Toya Turner who plays shotgun Mary. I see a lot of reviews from people who are probably younger - at least much younger than me - who don't realize that the show is not new, per se, but rather an old twist on some old ideals in both science and religion and reminds one of the knights Templar but with a little Mord Sith style. Someone said Warrior nun is based on a book but it's actually based on a comic series. I think this is really well done and I can appreciate that although it's full of women it is not also full of long straggly hair, huge eyebrows, and butterfly lashes like so many shows who want powerful women but can't give up trying to make them sexy according to Hollywood. Powerful badas women are very sexy on their own. I was a little surprised to realize that they are actually speaking English, although with a thick French accent so it does take a while to understand certain characters. A a quick search indicates the show was canceled due to lack of audience, but I must again point out that I am on Netflix every day several times a day and never saw one advertisement for the show until now. I'm just not sure who Netflix expected to be watching this with no advertising.
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Bigorexia (2020)
may be trying to fit too much in
29 April 2023
Early on, I felt the film doesn't really help someone understand the illness, more just to exploit these people. But eventually it does provide more insight. I've been in and around body building off and on since before Schwarzenegger was famous yet this bigorexia is a newer phenomenon for me, probably because a lot of common things have been given a psychological label since the early days. I can see some of these people have a genuine disorder -- the guy with the massive lopsided biceps is truly disturbing, especially because he clearly made little real effort to sculpt or train any other part of his body -- but the blond guy was probably more brainwashed to believe it's a disorder when really it looked more typical to the profession; there is very hard work and dedication involved but that doesn't mean something is wrong with you. So I feel this film tried to include too much when this is really rare rather than labeling every person who spends 6 hours in a gym for a competition. People have for centuries gone to extremes to be bigger and more powerful. It's just that in modern times we have modern inventions that make the bar much higher. Dolly Parton had her breast enlarged 8 times but no one said she had body dysmorphia except her doctor probably. Which she clearly did. Models would be accused of this, too, yet they are simply fitting in to their industry. I think it's dangerous to try and label everyone who doesn't look like Mr or Mrs Cleaver. Everyone feels the desire to improve themselves and it's always a personal thing. There's a lot of pleasure in weight lifting and sculpting the body. If it's destroying your life, only you can really make that determination.
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if you think the movie was bad wait till you read the reviews
27 April 2023
I often read the reviews after watching a movie because they can be entertaining and even give you a new perspective. But almost every review here is criticizing that it wasn't technically accurate. Guys the movie is titled on a wing and a prayer not technically accurate emergency landing documentary. This film is about a man who had lost his faith and then who felt God saved him and his family. So now that you know what the movies about, I hope y'all go back and remove these ridiculous redundant verbose reviews about how it's not technically accurate. I've never been so disappointed in reviews in my life. Yes the acting wasn't great although it actually wasn't bad. Dennis Quaid is the name we all know and I really appreciate him being in a film that is Christian-based. We should have more of these wonderful actors putting their name on Christian-based films like Denzel Washington Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson. The woman who played his wife has been in other shows and I was a little surprised that she seem to play this as a comedy act, or maybe it was just the ridiculousness of an belting a 200 pound human being in front of a flight array . There was a lot of little things that I'm sure may have been added for drama and interest. But for those who say the kids on the bikes were ridiculous and unrealistic, I beg to differ when I was a kid on a bike I went many places I wasn't supposed to go and outsmarted a lot of security officers and police officers who thought I shouldn't be there. This is what kids do . I did think it was ridiculous that the teenager had a peanut allergy reaction when everyone knows that having such an allergy makes you read ingredients very carefully before you eat it's not after. I did feel the film took too long to get going while they try to intro the characters , but all in all it was telling a based on real life story about a man who lost his faith and then regained it in a time of near disaster. I repeat this is not a technically accurate documentary. The reviews here are common for a well-known actor who attracts people who are looking for Hollywood entertainment and action instead of reviewing the film that they actually just watched. Shame on all of you for your immature responses. And to the review who called it dribble, the term is drivel.
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God's got me
27 April 2023
I'm giving a solid five stars, and that is a high rating due to the fact that I love a good Christian film. And the great rendition of God's got me at the end it's almost worth the whole film -- by SYDNI Eure. This film is very low level. It's always nice to see Tyrone and nice of him to lend his name to this touching story. But honestly I didn't even know there was such a thing as acting this bad outside of high school lol You would think that they could retake a couple of scenes and try to get it more realistic. This videography was so amateur that instead of starting with the camera panned out and zooming in they started zoomed in and waited for the actors to get into the screen. As much as I love a good faith based story, it is a little sad that so many of them are so amateur. I had to fast forward some of this because it was very redundant and the story was quite pedestrian - something that is a very common scenario. It's your very basic vanilla Christian film with passable - barely passable - acting . I was expecting more emotion, not including the over acting from the mother character, and more insight into what this man was going through but instead this film expects the acting and dialogue to express everything with flashbacks and occasional narration on the part of the lead character. But having said that I do appreciate when people make a Christian film. But I will say that I am not a big fan of pure flicks, because it does create a motivation for people to create bad Christian films, and trust me just because you talk about Christianity or God or faith it doesn't mean that your Bible based or that you're accurately educating others. This would be a good film for teens to watch, especially if they are getting into trouble a lot.
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26 March 2023
Very interesting and insightful. There have been many attempts to document this horrible ordeal yet this doc does manage to add another layer. As you watch the documentary, it's clear that the individuals involved believe that their own personal experience is the most relevant experience at the moment and they don't appear to be coached in anyway. I'm not sure that the documentary is leaning one way or the other. But I do remember this time in history and I feel that I've gained some insight that I didn't have before. I've always felt that the feds went out of their way to instigate and cause this horrible tragedy. Did David Karesh orchestrate his own vision or did he truly have the vision that came to life? I think that is debatable. Even in the Bible some of the most notable names had at one time been criminals. My opinion is that we will never really know who David was or what he believed. There are many people who are gifted with some sort of ability to motivate people and to hear the FBI talk about him is to believe that he was a lunatic and a violent pedophile. But regardless of what he was or was not I can only feel that this was a tragedy evoked by our own government. There are times that the people we trust with our safety are so inept that they wouldn't even pass a high school exam. And unfortunately that is not limited to state government. I'm sad for the families of everyone involved. Watching this we have to admit that Koresh was an intelligent human being who just wanted to be taken seriously and to have a negotiation that he could put his faith in and neither of those things took place. Imagine manipulating a mother to coming out to see her child and then letting her spend an hour or two only to never see him again. To go to an even sadder conclusion, other countries see this kind of violence on a routine basis and I'm still glad to be living in what is still the safest country on earth. I was actually the first review but have yet to figure out which part of my review was declined the first 2 times. Took out a lot and trying again.
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A slow intense burn
22 March 2023
When you run into an incredible movie like this you will find a lot of people who misunderstood it and didn't appreciate it alongside of the many who found it entertaining. Everybody likes pepperoni pizza so you can't go wrong with that you're going to get a lot of hands in the air. But when you bring out 100 year old bottle of scotch you're only gonna have a few sit down. That's what this movie is. I admit I clicked on it because it had Mel Gibson, and eight out of 10 films he's done were worth it. I started watching this and thought it's really starting slow, but it just moves in such a way that there's little pieces of cheese that keep you wondering what's gonna happen next. The Director really focused on minutia because it was building each scene and each surprise, which were many. I've seen a lot of movies in my time and watched a lot of action and a lot of thriller and a lot of horror. This film is almost in a category of its own. I found it absolutely mind blowing. Not only the story or maybe not the story at all but how it was presented in every detail that led up to each moment. So if you're here for an action film and you just want to see another Mel Gibson movie then you're gonna put one star and say some really rude things on your review. But if you understand what this film is really about and everything that takes place in it then you're gonna give it at least an eight. There's one review that went on and on about this side if the audience is going to dislike it in this side of the audience is going to like it. But in a nutshell the ending for for me was we are there could be two minds: you will either celebrate the black man coming out on top or you will detest the black man coming out on top. I felt a little of both.
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NCIS (2003– )
Mixed bag, great thru S6
17 March 2023
Once I realized what this show was, I binged the first 2 seasons. See, I'm on netflix where they just have one thumbnail for the series and it's a pic of a goth chick. It doesn't scream Here's your new favorite crime show. With stars like McCallum, Harmon and Weatherly that thumbnail should have been rotating like all their other thumbnails. Initially the characters had no chemistry But the situations were interesting. Dinozzo (Weatherly) was such a hottie back then and very entertaining through his entire time on the show. Harmon of St Elsewhere fame was just a prop for the other characters to perform off. Ducky is one of the funniest characters (and wow was McCallum hot in the 60s). Abby is an intriguing character and it's really a role built by Perrette that no one could step into, the way Brent Spiner was to Data on TNG. Ziva turned out to be a better character than Kate and was actually believable as a beautiful trained assassin but when Bishop Nick and Kasie entered, the series changed so dramatically that I actually stopped moving forward and just act like the series ends much earlier. The hardest character to endure was Director Shepherd (Lauren Holly of All My Children fame) who epitomized the sexist, overly confident ambitious female that gives women in high positions a bad name. She had way too much facetime and I thought if I had to hear her terrible French pronunciation of la grenouille one more time I would do a g-search to find out when she leaves the show and fast forward. Sorry, had to vent a bit after my 3rd time playing the series through to around S7. Vance is a much more believable character. I agree when they tried to replace Abby, they made a huge error in trying to cover too much with one character. They could have found someone equally intriguing, like Garcia was to Criminal Minds. After all, Abby was one of the main focal points and to replace her with a cheesy over bearing people pleaser with zero style sense was a huge mistake. The new characters was just too different and the chemistry, so well built in the early part of the series, was completely gone. Plus it started going way to the left. Great series to around S6. There's alot of sarcasm and humor as well as a lot of very subtle humor, and all the characters play off each other really well. But later there's just too much time spent intro'ing new characters instead of presenting a solid episode.
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26 February 2023
Leave it to TMZ to exploit this. Anyone who looked into her death knows it was the over-use of weight loss pills that did her in. But TMZ, like all media, love to drag out and drug use, like it's a suicide pact. While drugs do cause n many untimely deaths, car accidents and obesity each have a 40% higher rate of mortality. But there are a lot of inaccuracies including that they claim Michael Jackson died of a drug overdose. Anyone who watched the trial knows he was left to die by his doctor, who was incarcerated for man slaughter. OD refers to self-imposed drug use. How does someone go to prison for murdering you if you killed yourself? This so called investigation is just to garner attention and magnify the many heart aches in LMs life. I found it incredulous that the mother signed a DNR while LM was still fighting for her life. Wtf was that about? So she actually died of a heart attack and a DNR order. Most people survive heart attacks so this to me is extremely sketchy. Hoping she finds peace now.
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Bloodline (2015–2017)
overall a well done carrot on the stick, dark soap opera
4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Saw a good catch-phrase & high praise for this show. But man, is it a slow start! 20 min is spent on showing the loud, dysfunctional family having a party. But then the little glimpses and vague innuendo start. I came to see the reviews trying to decide if it's worth continuing. While bloodline is a good title for the show it could've also been called John To The Rescue. The series is about a dysfunctional family and the dark secrets that accumulate as each dysfunctional member acts and reacts to the myriad of things in their small town. The show is well done, the acting is top notch, the camera work is great. I didn't care for the soundtrack. However, you do have to set aside your hope for a plot that makes any sense. Reviews are correct in saying that season one was really top level while season two and then three we're obviously just attempts to keep running the family theme while meandering too much in minutia. I appreciated season one the most, and it does have a satisfying ending because the so-called black sheep, who was really a criminal and a sociopath was finally gone. But as the series continues, the main thing that I notice is that John is burdened with fixing everything including having to cover up for his brother and sister removing the body of Danny after he murdered him. Had they not done this it could've been spun as an accident. Kevin becomes the true black sheep, the problem child, who cannot do anything right and makes the most horrendous errors in judgment at the expense of John and his family. I truly thought the ending was lacking for one huge reason - Nolan is obviously just like his father and no one wanted his father around, so why are we supposed to now presume that John is going to come clean to Nolan or somehow try to make amends? John is clearly protected by some unseen spirit, because even when he tries to confess he's not believed, or perhaps the sheriff has just decided that he isn't interested now that he is on a different path. A lot of it doesn't make sense like John's wife leaving him despite proclaiming her love even in the midst of doing so. I also think that two producers must consider the audience very low IQ that we should believe a couple on the run will have one of those partners fail to turn off or remove the Sim card from their cell phone. So yes, there's a lot of big holes in the plot. The second to last episode is almost not even worth watching it's so convoluted and uninteresting offering no information. Like a lot of modern shows , there is an overuse of people returning from the dead, and just sitting in the passenger seat, talking to the family. And honestly, when Danny did show up in that capacity, I was disappointed; I was so ready for him to be out of the show. I mean, they had just killed him at the end of season one. In season two Nolan comes off as so perfectly similar to his father, that we immediately dislike him, and expect the worst from him, and I found that extremely disappointing because, as I mentioned, previously, we were finally rid of that train wreck in season one. The son was almost like a incarnation of the father. But overall a lot of interesting characters, and potentially some realism as to how a typical dysfunctional family could fall into a life of crime without even considering themselves criminals. So as many have said, season, one is a great season. You could end there and be satisfied. But you'll probably move on to watch season two and three and they are entertaining , although lacking by comparison.
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Shooter (2016–2018)
big action but big character flaws
30 January 2023
Anyone whose been in the situation of being hunted knows you don't get your whole crew together at an outdoor pub - especially in a foreign country. This huge character plot hole runs through the entire series -- highly trained professionals making really dumb decisions. I'm the first to roll my eyes when reviews complain a series like Shooter isn't realistic -- it's not supposed to be. But these super careless moves by the otherwise bad asses are unbelievable within the story itself and they are many. You're a high-profile world class sniper hunted by the most vicious deep state agency but no one is guarding your family? Gmafb. Having said that, I did find the series very entertaining. Lots of action. I found it very unrealistic the wife was so extremely dumb without the common sense of a rabbit, or that she would turn on a man she showed such deep respect and support for early in the series. So S3 for me was not pleasant - and how are you standing in front of a window where people were just shooting at you? These type of enormously dumb actions are blaring holes in an otherwise entertaining series.
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