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GREAT stress reliever. Stupid fun!
15 December 2022
Arnette was born to do this show. He seems like he could do this in his sleep, he is so natural at it.

This was probably the mist fun episode of the series. And partnering up Bateman and Rudolph was fun due to seeing them bounce off of each other instead of being left alone.

I was like an excited kid watching this because it was the first time in a long while that I just shut my brain off and had fun for an hour. It is just stupid, silly fun.

And it would have been perfect except for Pete Davidson showing up last minute. My constant grin literally sunk when he showed up. I'm sick of seeing his face. His 15 minutes really should be up by now. I'm tired of seeing someone who isn't funny, and just kills time with random laughing instead of being professional, getting so many opportunities. HE'S NOT FUNNY and he sucks at everything. Let him go away.
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Panos needs to be stopped
21 November 2022
People really need to stop giving money to this director. He thinks creating cool light flashes and reflections makes up for no story. He is the most boring filmmaker ever and it baffles me why he has such a following. Mandy was like watching paint dry. This was even worse.

Anybody that feels good about making an hour-long movie of people sitting in a room and talking, and then calling it art is a moron. Nobody knows what good filmmaking is anymore over too many years of reconditioning with crap. And now we help boost these awful directors and writers.

I don't want to waste my time sitting and watching others sit. Friggin SHOW something entertaining or go find a new career.
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Unsolved Mysteries: Missing Witness (2020)
Season 1, Episode 6
Watchers take heed! It's ALL about character!
26 September 2022
I want anyone that reads this to let this episode be a lesson to you. A person's character is EVERYTHING.

Gary was a fool to ever even contemplate getting involved with this woman because she was already with his brother. If she was with any man, Gary should have known better to not get involved.

A woman who is willing to date one man while living with another is CLEARLY no good. And a bad character is a rotten person. It kills me that people do not understand this.

I had a girlfriend for 7 years and everyone saw us as the perfect couple to learn from about a strong bond. But one day she decides she wants to start fooling around with another guy and lying to me. And he knew all about our relationship.

But they kept cheating and lying to me. I cut ties and left and warned her family that any man who is willing to step into a long-term relationship just because he wants what he wants is NOT a good man. I told them to be careful with that. And I left and never spoke to them again.

If a person's core is rotten, they will have no issues with betraying you or doing worse and ending you.

If a woman or man is willing to leave someone else for you, then they will have no issue leaving you for another later.

Character is EVERYTHING and it hardly ever changes. When you see red flags, take them seriously.

Ignoring red flags and intuition is usually when people get hurt or dead.
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Unsolved Mysteries: 13 Minutes (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
Doesn't take a genius to see Rob's motive
21 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I lived in Cumming for 3 years and instantly recognized the setting when the episode started. It's always weird to hear these stories from a place you called home at one point.

Anyway, I am a studier of psychology and humanity. And it's clear to see Rob purposely went to the neighboring town at that time and made SURE to pay attention to time details so he would have an alibi while someone he hired to kill her did the job. He spoon-fed too many precise details that someone normal would not have been paying attention to, unless they wanted a tight alibi.

Also, his motive was to have her all to himself which is exactly what he got. This is why he was creepily crying at the end. He now had her all to himself. Doesn't matter if she's alive or dead. He won because he has possession of her remains. I mean, to not offer the remains to her son is CLEARLY the signs of a psycho with no emotions.

But of course, US laws protect many psychos because of our stupid system. It's not enough just to see someone is mentally ill. I've had a mental man stalking me for years and police won't help me until someone dies.

We need a special force assigned just to checking out people with major mind issues because they are rampant in the US today. Brains cells are dying left and right from our overloaded lives, processed foods, and stress over money.

If they just looked more into Rob and his phone records, they would likely find a clue to solve this case. I really think he had someone else abduct her and take her to the woods where he even may have possibly met up with them later. He just wanted to be out of town during the abduction.

And keep in mind, he laughed when he said he has a degree in criminal justice and he said things no loving, normal man could speak of about his dead wife. For example, "did someone go use her as a toy? I don't know!"

These are CLEAR signs that he is HIGHLY suspicious.
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Untold: Crimes and Penalties (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
The fans cheering this on makes me SICK!!!
29 August 2022
I can't be harsh to the filmmakers who made this because they are just telling the story. And the story is entertaining enough but the story disgusts me!

It almost makes me feel like if the ice rink exploded and killed everyone in there then the world would probably be all the better for it. The fact that the fans ate up the insane violence and were cheering it on and getting pumped by it is disturbing.

I hate that these types of people are so rampant in this world. It's just sickening. I wish people did not enjoy the destruction of their own species so much.

Humans are friggin gross.

Sometimes I think we should get rid of all sports. They may be fun to watch for some but they also cause unnecessary violence from people who have no ambition or goals of their own. People literally stab each other over sports arguments. If you don't see this as a problem then you are part of the problem.

The outcome of sports serves NO purpose to your life. The winning or losing of a team does NOTHING to help your own goals. Watching sports does nothing to help you find YOUR purpose. Life is about doing your own thing to effect your own life. Sports are a passive thing that does nothing for you and makes players rich for stealing your precious time.

And the player who was hired purely to start fights, deserved the extremely painful leg break he got. Talk about karma finally working it's magic.
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