
4 Reviews
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Surreal experience!
25 January 2002
A whirlwind ADHD MTV music video tour of the depths of 1999 Paris.

A drug experience on film.

Captures the outrageousness of the time and place for today's audiences, (who would not be nearly as shocked as the contemporaries were by the sight of women's legs!)

Not a film for passive viewing, and historical accuracy is sacrificed on the alter of experiential attunement.

Fun frolic.
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Surreal Medieval Musical
25 January 2002
Modern rock musical dealing with class distinction and the fight between good and evil in a (very clean) medieval context.

Peasants bursting into rock lyrics in the opening scene is your first clue that this is not a straight story.

The developing story of a young peasant seizing an opportunity to change his social class, fall in love with the fair maiden, and defeat evil is loads of fun, and entertaining.
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Rousing adventure!
25 January 2002
Not having played the game, I cannot speak to it's authenticity.

The film is beautiful, and Angeline Jolie does a marvelous job of bringing Lara Croft to life as a realistic, if larger than life heroine.

There are minor plot problems, as with most adventure films, if the Charactors actually thought to solve their problems, there would be no adventure...

Paced well (as Indiana Jones and Romancing the Stone were) the film balances the action/adventure scenes well with slower paced plot development.

Suspend disbelief and enjoy, as the film is great fun, despite what might otherwise be glaring unrealities.

The interior bungee cord fight scene is awesome!
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The Lathe of Heaven (1980 TV Movie)
Disappointingly dragging
25 January 2002
Builds slowly, nicely done, but could have been much more tightly edited, hopefully the new version will be an improvement.

The story, which deals with the nature of reality, is excellent, and I recommend the book, but the execution of this made for TV movie is below average, and tends to put me to sleep.
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