
5 Reviews
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truly abysmal
3 July 2011
worst movie ever made,worst acting,hands down,seriously this is the most atrocious movie I've ever seen,a absolute disgrace and I've seen some cheesy movies in my time.its a fact that some of the high scoring reviews on IMDb are so false and as wooden as every character involved in this movie.everybody involved with the making of this movie,please spare us the pain of ever even thinking about getting involved in the making of another movie.i will say it once more because it needs to be said,the acting in this movie was so abysmal it was truly painful to watch.I'm not even gonna waste my time in explaining what this movie was about because i haven,t got a clue and it doesn,t,t deserve even a second of my time, a corpse could of done a better job.even a prisoner on death row given the choice in watching this movie or getting put to death would hands down without even blinking choose the option of being put to death.what is the movie industry coming to,
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Red River (2011)
you've got to be joking
28 February 2011
I'm a big fan of low budget movies,lets face it were would the movie industry be without them but there's a thin line between bad and abysmal and this movie ticks all the boxes as one of the worst movies I've seen for a long while.Roland thatcher a so called business man who sells fertiliser to the local hillbillies at a very deadly price.Roland also a fanatical man of god has his mutant son locked up in his not so good looking cabin and his son has a taste for human flesh,meet some campers on a fun getaway weekend,i think you know were this is going,did i mention there's also a reporter searching for the truth about red river and its weird reputation.Roland also has another hobby his will to kill and with some campers on the way hes in a very good mood.i cant tell you how many times we have seen the same story in this genre.the acting in this movie was just awful,the tension fell flat from the opening scene and it got to the stage where it just became laughable and tired some.the only good thing about this movie was the ending
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Vampires Suck (2010)
14 October 2010
this movie was terrible.the unfunniest childish spoof movie i have ever seen.i feel sorry for the movie industry releasing this rubbish to the paying was so bad it just came annoying after a while.I'm not a lover of the twilight movies myself,but breaking it up into a spoof movie just didn't work on every level.the movie fell on its knees from the opening titles.most people have seen the twilight movies so i don't need to go into detail and tell you this movie was trying to rip it to pieces and trying to be funny at the same time oops.nothing worked the one liners the jokes the gimmicky actors all fell was that bad it was embarrassing.even a prisoner on death row banged up 24/7 given a chance to watch this movie would run a mile.stay away from this movie at all costs people
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and they say serbians cant make movies
1 September 2010
i thought i had seen it all,when it comes to movies,salo,men behind the sun,flower of flesh and blood,the august underground movies,could it get anymore extreme.having just watched a Serbian film,lets just say i haven't seen a more disturbing movie to i ashamed to say i enjoyed it,well yes and no.some of the scenes are so graphic and repulsive you just cant believe your eyes,and i had to stop the movie at one point,and thats a first for me.saying that there's is some positivity to this movie.the story was above average.a semi retired male porn star,struggling to support is family gets a offer of a lifetime to shoot another porn flick,with a nice big pay check.not knowing much about the storyline,and with a chance to set him and is family up,he signs the contract.what he is about to experience,will be the most shocking journey of his lifetime.the acting is this movie is first rate,you cant fault that.there's one scene in this movie that really didn't need to be there,and it will repulse you.i enjoyed the movie in its own right,because it wasn't just some cheaply made movie like august underground mordum,it had a lot of bottle about it,and it was a serious well made me this movie all day long says there is no boundaries when it comes to the sick human being,and the ending says it warned
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Salt (2010)
angelina Jolie doing what she does best to save the planet
3 August 2010
this movie was truly awful.I've seen some cheesy movies in my time,but this one is right up there.the story was simply ridiculous.predictable,well a 5 year old could of got this awful storyline.angelina Jolie looked like she was on another planet.her worst acting to date,and she also looked really tired.everything about this movie the story the acting the special effects were they can release a movie like this in this day and age is beyond me.a corpse could of done a better job.its just not right to have people pay good money to watch this tripe.please people stay away from this movie save your money ,buy yourself a couple of big macs anything just to avoid this rubbish.its buy far the worst movie of the year,maybe the decade.i just cant explain how bad it is
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