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Wild (I) (2014)
A real story written by a real woman
6 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
None of us gets through life free of fault or regret

I see negative reviews that complain; the scenery is beautiful and Reese is beautiful and her acting is beautiful but the movie sucks because of the story. As if the movie fails because it is non fiction. It is a real story written by a real woman who has real problems just like yours and mine.

The southern PCT is in my backyard and hiking is my passion. Everything she did, every mistake, every lesson learned, every expression, every post hole, every "fucking rock" comment was dead on.

Frank: " Do you ever think about quitting?"

Cheryl:"Only about every two minutes"

When you hike long distances that is how it goes, if it doesn't suck a little you haven't pushed far enough. And then you sit atop a peak or beside a stream and watch a sunrise or sunset and it was all worth it. The battle is not with the snow, or the miles, or the snakes, or the slope, the battle is within.

But: That is not what this movie is about, just as Huck Finn was not a book about rafting, This movie is not about hiking, it is about life and the trials we all pass, and yes some of our trials are self inflicted, that is life. Cheryl's book was about herself and she wrote it with total honesty. What does that tell you about her? You probably won't find a more honest person. She refuses to condemn herself for her own shortcomings. It's is all part of life, none of us gets through life free of fault or regret. It is not a fun movie, it is a thoughtful movie, thoughtful just as a 1,000 mile solo hike should be.

Go see this movie and think!
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In order to beat them you must join them
1 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
** Spoilers** I started watching this movie expecting, Quentin Tarantino, Sam Peckinpah type violence.

That is not what this movie is about. There is a fight or two and a gun appears a few times, but it is not violence that drives this movie. It is morality and how Abel reacts to his growing business being threatened by racketeers running New York's home heating fuel delivery industry. Abel's conflict is to stay clean while his enemies fight dirty. His wife, wonderfully played by Jessica Chastain, just wants to win. You decide if Abel succeeded in staying clean.

A good movie will make you think, this one does; we all make decisions in our lives that define who we are.

This movie is also a nice homage to French Connection and Godfather movies, a great gritty New York chase scene.

Well written, nicely shot, great acting, (is that really Albert Brooks) thought provoking, I rate it a "Go See"
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
30 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Wait! I am going to watch a three hour movie about a family not named Corleone, where nothing blows up? no one gets shot? Where nothing happens except a view into the life of a family just like yours and mine. And I will enjoy it? Who would have thought. A beautifully done concept movie where the actors come back for twelve years to chronicle the life of a young boy from age 6 to 18.

The family experiences just about everything we do, without excess. And after all isn't real life more interesting, and more moving, than fiction.

My Compliments to all involved for signing on and coming back year after year, you can feel how they all loved the idea of the children aging into young men and women.

Highly recommend this movie, a work of art without being artsy.
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Action Packed
1 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
How do you create tension out of an event when everyone already knows the ending? The last thirty minutes of this film are as exciting and emotion packed as anything I have ever seen. The facts I had not known or remembered (such as the crew capturing one of the Pirates to effectively end the hijacking) enhanced the excitement and the fact it was a true story with contemporary connections only added to the excitement.

Tom Hanks playing and ordinary guy put into extraordinary circumstances; who would have guessed he could have pulled off such a part? One criticism Tom, where did you find that accent? The Bob Newhard show? People in Vermont don't talk like that.

But please don't let that stop you seeing this movie, if you like Hanks, and you like action and you like movies go see this or purchase the DVD. Even my wife watched it with me.
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The Good ,The Bad, The Ugly Hairdo
1 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Some say that for a film to be truly successful it must have a main character you can sympathize with. I am not sure if this film does all yet I found it interesting and thought provoking. Maybe it is because I was there, North Jersey in the 70s, I was unable to look away.

Amy Adams as Sydney Prosser, just doing what she had to do to get by, Christian Bale as Irvin Rosenfeld playing the odds just trying to make a buck, and he ends up the films moral compass, Bradley Cooper as Richie DiMaso, the misunderstood FBI guy who just wants he get ahead and nobody likes, not even the FBI, Jennifer Lawrence as Rosalyn Rosenfeld, the Jersey accent is worth the ticket price alone and Jeremy Renner (and his hair) as Mayor Carmine Polito, family man extraordinaire who justifies his crime by saying "it was the right thing to do".

Some films have action, some scenery and some like this film focus on characters, quirky funny characters who when you look closely are not that different than people you knew back then, you just don't remember so much polyester and you are sure there was not so much low cut cleavage.

A fine film well worth seeing.
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I am not a Peter Jackson fanatic, I am not a Hobbit Lover, I am not particularly fond of Fantasy, yet I just loved this movie
28 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a Peter Jackson fanatic, I am not a Hobbit Lover, I am not particularly fond of Fantasy, yet I just loved this movie. I do not get all the negative reviews of this movie, I almost decided to forgo seeing it in the theater after hearing a bad review on radio. I can't imagine what motivates the reviewers. I expected to be asleep about halfway through the dwarf dinner scene, instead I felt like I was visiting with old friends. It was perfect. I believe I read the Hobbit 40 years ago more or less, and as I said I am no fanatic, but it felt comfortable seeing it on screen. And yes I know it is greedy for them to turn one book into three movies so they can generate more revenue, but hey...I don't care, I am just happy there are two more movies to see. It makes the experience last longer. I also wonder why reviewers critique this movie like it was a contemporary drama. It is a Fantasy based on a book for god's sake. So what if the movie does not follow the book exactly, which movie based on a book does? Go see this with an open mind and you will not be disappointed.
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Ordinary People with a shaky camera
31 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying I am really positive about this movie. Go see it.

"Ordinary People" and "Terms of Endearment" made with a shaky camera. This film touched me. Who among us doesn't have dysfunction in their family? Who escapes tragedy? Who can love in spite of it? Pat Conroy wrote something like "there is no sin beyond forgiveness, when it comes to family". In the end this film is all about that. Family love trumps everything else, as it should. Scene after scene pulled me into their life until I was feeling their pain and joy as the wedding progressed. I do not need to add to the accolades that the actors have already gotten other than to say I agree. Each character was well done. I had a "For Your Consideration" DVD and was able to watch at home on a 42" screen and the hand held camera work did not bother me at all. Maybe on a big screen it would have been different I don't know. I would never judge a directors choice to use hand held. Making a movie is a form of art, not an engineering feat. This is a good movie that holds nothing back. My recommendation is "see this".
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Comanche Moon (2008)
14 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am seldom motivated to write a review unless inspired by the quality of the movie. In the case of Comanche Moon I was so uninspired I felt the need to warn others how bad this TV mini series is. Here are a few thoughts.

The Indians: They came across like they were in a Saturday Night Live Skit, making fun of how Indians talk. When McMurtry writes dialogue in his novels it reads so interesting; I am not sure how they ended up with what they got.

Gus McCrae: Looks like Festus from the old Gunsmoke Series. Acting is OK and the mannerisms from Robert Duvall's McCrae are right on, but the look is pure comedy cowboy.

Clara: Maybe you could use a little dirt or sweat on her next time. Ever been in Austin in the summer before Air conditioning? I promise you women did not look like that. Do you think they never saw any episodes of Dearwood?

Gov. Elisha Pease: Again whenever they are in the Governor's office it feels like a Saturday Night Live Skit, and the skit is bombing.

Woodrow Call: Call is the most reasonable character, of course He talks so little how can you screw up that? But hey, what about that hat?

Blue Duck: See above and include the fact that he isn't even a tiny bit scary. They should have gotten Javier Bardem to play the part.

The Rangers: Right out of "O Brother, Where Art Thou" I expected George Cloony to come riding up and them to break into a song.

Perhaps I am premature because the miniseries isn't completed but I doubt I will watch any more of it any way.

I would not expect anyone to be able to duplicate the enthralling feel of Lonesome Dove, but I watch this and it seems like they have no feel for the old west at all.
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Crash (I) (2004)
There is Good and Bad in All of Us
23 April 2005
There is good and bad in all of us. This movie explores this like no other. It will make you think about the nature of bigotry and stereotypes. The characters switch from heavy to hero in a way that is deeply moving and exhilarating. It is TV drama style writing where several different groups of characters and plots interweave (Paul Haggis) but with none of the limits of TV, it reminded me of "Hill Street Blues" which from me is a big compliment. I am a Don Cheadle fan and he captures the role. Sandra Bullock plays against character and pulls it off with ease. The most impressive performance to me was Ryan Phillippe's. Almost every nationality in LA was represented and they all were interesting and realistic. The ensemble cast and various plots blend together and keep your interest. Cast is great, music is haunting, writing is superb. Go see this movie.
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