
11 Reviews
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
Sandra Oh is NOT attractive
30 January 2006
Why is Sandra Oh getting all this pub? She can't act and is hideous to look at. (It has nothing to do with her race, I just can't stand to look at her and her "acting" is a joke) Although, I did see the end of last week's show and the "crying" that Grey did in the closet after watching the old lady die when the plug was pulled was about the worst acting I have seen in some time...

My wife likes this show and never misses it. But even she can't stand Sandra Oh.

Have we reached the point that we have to be so friggen P.C. we can't say something bad about someone that isn't white?

I'm not saying that all the actresses have to be TENS, but why is the "ugo" being made out to be the best thing on this show?
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The Weber Show (2000–2001)
Should have been given longer
26 September 2005
Steven Weber (Jack Nagle) couldn't quite carry this show enough..... ... ... ..... .... Chris Elliot (Larry Heckman) is a sure fire way for poor ratings when he's a major cast member... ...... ......... ........ ......... .......... ........ ... ..... .... The woman who played Katie (Paula Marshall) the (pretend) lesbian was a cutie who I think is absolutely adorable............ But her lines were too weak. I've never been a fan of Amy Pietz (except for Caroline in the City)... .... .... .... ... .... ... ...... ....... ...... ..... ...... .... ... .. ..There were Cursed / Steven Weber shows that were rather funny and others that simply stunk....................................................

It should have been given more time to find it's audience...............................................

(Remember Seinfeld & Cheers weren't hits early on.)
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Yes, Dear (2000–2006)
Funny show that grows on you
15 April 2004
No offense to anyone who can't follow the plot - but give me a break.

This is an easy show to follow and can be easy to predict.

However, it has good lines and is funnier then most garbage on TV. It doesn't have the most talented cast, but they this CBS show is part of the reason they are kicking butt on the other networks - it is better then most shows currently on TV.

The show is best when Jimmy & Greg are at odds over something. Some of Greg's day-dreaming scenes are hilarious (that his son still wore a diaper as a teenager, needing help with girls, etc..) The kids they have on the show should get less lines - as they are weak.
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A funny movie that should be seen
23 February 2004
This is another one of those movies that I have to watch if I stumble across it. I can't believe Amanda Peterson didn't become a big star - she was just so dang cute in this movie. Somehow Seth Green sure did.

Oh well - this movie is very entertaining and can be watched by the entire family.
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Amadeus (1984)
23 February 2004
If you haven't seen this movie in a long time (or have never seen it) - do yourself a favor and rent this movie. I watched it again this past weekend and it was just as enjoyable when I saw it in the 80's.

You do not have to like Mozart's music to enjoy this film.

IT IS JUST TOO GOOD of a movie not not enjoy.
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The Matrix (1999)
Failure of sequel not a surprise - since original wasn't anything special to me..
26 June 2003
This may not be the worst movie of all time - but it does not belong anywhere near the TOP-100 list. People that think highly of this movie are too eager to give the special effects (albeit original) way too much credit towards the actual worth of the movie. If it really was the "story" of the movie that attracted the crowds to the original, the 2nd movie would have done much better. But since the effects are no longer "special" to a lot folks, it appears a lot of people are saying "NO THANKS" to seeing the sequel. Which backs up my feelings on the first movie. The story/acting was ok - but didn't WOW me in the least. Reeves is not a great actor - regardless of how much you adore him.
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One of the years most entertaining films
26 June 2003
I expected this movie to stink, but was shocked at how much I enjoyed it. As mentioned by others, there are some real "yah right" moments in the plot, but what they heck - there have been far worse leaps then seen in this movie.... Anyway, this movie is well worth the time to watch it. It is well acted & is entertaining.....
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A ***** Movie
26 June 2003
Just when you thought I liked nothing more then "shoot-em up" or 'slap-stick' comedies.. Yes folks, this is one of my favorite movies of all times

There are some people who may dislike this movie (because the truth hurts OR whatever sick reason they have for their hatred). But those capable of enjoying a well made film - will JUST LOVE this flick.
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Fletch (1985)
26 June 2003
This is one of the better 80's comedies. I might be biased because me and my college buddies would stay up until the wee hours of the morning (during mid to late 80's) and quote lines from this movie - but heck - JUST ABOUT everyone knows lines from this film even today.

"Can I borrow your towel, my car just hit a water-buffalo"

"He's 6,6" - 6,10" with the afro"

This is by far the BEST movie that Chevy Chase has ever been a part of - which isn't actually saying a lot - he,he. BUT THIS IS A GREAT MOVIE - at least it was in the 80's :}
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It's Your Move (1984–1985)
A great show!!
12 June 2003
This show deserved to be on longer. Despite that Mathew was so deceptive & the acting may not have been the best - the show was well written and was REALLY FUNNY!!!

The Dregs of Humanity, the old lady school teacher who black-mailed her students for grades, the episode when Mathew gets caught. GOOD STUFF!!
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Jerry Maguire (1996)
[DONT] Show me this movie!
28 January 2002
I am a BIG T. Cruise fan - but I HATED this movie. Take out the catch phrases ("You had me at hello" & "Show me the money!") and what was left? NOTHING! That was a boring & lame poor excuse of a movie. It was dreadful.

Although well acted, the story was dreadful. It was a sappy love story (at best) - nothing more.

Horrible, horrible, horrible!
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