
14 Reviews
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
An amazing Storyline..
5 July 2024
I watched Shadow and Bone.. And my feelings about it is sort of mixed up.. The storyline is amazing.. The roll out of events is awesome.. Yet.. Somehow i do believe it has potential to be something.. More.. It is as if it can expand.. But it remains conservative due to limitation of episodes and the size of the world.. The character that i loved the most was Kaz Brekker (Freddy Carter)... He had that charisma on him.. And that anger that he contains and uses it as a drive to move him forward... But that doesn't diminish the role of the rest of the characters, which all had their value and distinguished characteristics.. I would surely add it to my TV series Collection.. And one day i shall read its novel hoping it has wider dimension than what was shown in the series.
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An RPG Game in Movie Form
4 July 2024
Rebel Moon was to a certain extent... Amazing.. And its events reminded me a lot with the old RPG Games, specially how the characters are getting exposed and unfolded.. And i really believe that if the movie is to be converted to a Game.. It will have the right rhythm... All characters do earn their position in the storyline, and there is no giving in any of them.. Which shows specifically in fight at the end of the movie where General Atticus Nobel fights Kora.. And both showed ability and skills that made each of them a formidable foe for the other.. I enjoyed that showdown to the end... A movie worth watching.. And i am surely to keep it among my movies collection.. And i can't wait to watch Part 2.
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His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
A Series with a High Potential, and a Missed Up Closure!
17 May 2024
I watched His Dark Materials, and the First 2 Seasons Introduced a Magical World and an Interesting Storyline.. I Could Hardly Stop Watching the Episodes as Each Episode Managed to Pull Me Further into the Realm of the Story..

Each Episode and Each Newly Introduced Character Managed to Add to the Excitement of the Series, and It became just Hard to Predict what lays Beyond the Next Curve or to Foresee Future Events..

I Loved the First 2 Seasons, and I believe that Each Character made its Fair Contribution to the Story.. and Each Had its Touch.. I Really Believe that it would be hard to find 2 Persons Cheering for the Same Character..

Well, my Only Preservation was the Lack to Provide a Great Actor, Such as James McAvoy a More Screen Time during the first 2 Seasons.. Most Probably because the Producers were Trying to Apply Cost Control, and to use his Presence Extensively in Season 3.. Never the Less, His Presence was Still Tangible and He Managed to Influence the Events to a Certain Extend.

The 2 Seasons were Very Much Family Oriented as it was Almost Impossible to Come Across any Scene with high Intimacy, which Made the Series Perfect for the Family Watch..

The 3rd Season, on the Other hand.. was a Great Disappointment.. The Full Season Could have been Cut to 3 Episodes, if not for the Side and UNNECESSARY Events, and the Lots of Dialogues where the Characters Kept Recapping Events.. also, the Usual LGBTQ was Introduced in this Season just to Comply with the Demand of Media, which ALSO had no Place but to Satisfy the Checklist... Include LGBTQ, Checked.. Target Achieved.. Also, the Ideas that were Adopted in the Season were.... Totally Unexplainable.. I Tried HARD to Digest the Concept, but understanding the Main Purpose is where I Failed.. added to the other observations that Made me feel that the Series went under a Heavy Budge Cut and the Produces are Trying to Cut their Losses Rather than Ending the Series..
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3% (2016–2020)
A Series that Actually Stands Out
1 May 2024
3% is a series that really stands out in its theme as I don't believe that any other series would have similar Dilemma... The series is partially Sci-Fi, however, it is not hard to see it through the eyes of reality.. Somehow, the characters helped in making the series more exciting.. What i enjoyed about the characters is that they are clearly distinguished between Side Actors and Event movers.. And all the events movers have their fair contribution in the story.. And each character that enters the series adds to the excitement and the thrill.. Among all the characters.. I favored 2.. Which are Raphael (Rodolfo Valente) and Marco (Rafael Lozano), however, as said earlier, other characters are as important for the events and each would have his / her favorite character.. The most intriguing part in the series was the very last test.. I was really on my toes as the outcome was indeed unpredictable.. A Series worth watching by all regards.
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History Reborn.. Passion Reignited
2 January 2024
When I first heard about the movie, i prayed from all my heart that it won't be a disappointment that your demolish childhood memories.. And when I actually finally watched, I cannot say anything except that i am extremely satisfied... The movie has maintained the Mario theme to the maximum level.. Including the soundtracks, the usage of magical boxes.... Adding DK.. Also the entire Mashroom World is exactly how i always imagined it.. I enjoyed watching it.. And loved how the movie was meant to show how Mario was introduced to the Mashroom World and how he had to adapt to it.. Watching the movie reignited the need to replay Super Mario again..
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The Rain (2018–2020)
The Rain.. NOT another Virus Series
2 January 2024
The Rain.. A series that I just Finished Watching its 3 Seasons... And I can say with Full Satisfaction that it was fulfilling and Real Joy to watch.. Season 1 doesn't give much of how the events would go, so I thought it to be another virus related series... But the Series developed well in the 2nd Season.. Making it one of the few series that its sequel take a step up and Ensure that the watcher is Not Disappointed.. All the Characters were amazing.. But my best 2 were Mikkel Følsgaard (Martin), who represents the young guy who has high determination and took responsibility at an early age and take harsh decisions to ensure the survival of his team.. The 2nd was Lukas Løkken (Patrick), who represents the simple minded youngest who follows Martin Loyally because that what he does best, and he never lacked courage or bravery and had an amazing presence in the Series that gave all of his scenes awesome and enjoyable.. Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen (Rasmus) Played an awesome role that required a total change of character in the middle of the series, and was able to represent both characters at an excellent level..
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The Shannara Chronicles (2016–2017)
The Shannara
25 December 2023
One of the best ever fantasy series that i have ever watched... I never read the book, but if the series is really depicted from the Novel, i am sure to add them to my collection.. The series is made in high details and precession that every episode is a joy.. And to some extent, the watcher enjoy a fact that there is rarely any character or race who lack skills or ability that makes them unique.. Even the Gnoms, show great diversity between scholars and absolutely amazing warriors.. But what makes the series a real piece of art is how the Producers managed to manifest the Character of the Warlock.. This depiction made me absolutely satisfied as the Warlock stood for his reputation.. Specially how featureless he was even when taking on powerful character.. Manu Bennett made this Series even better as he played the Role of Allanon the Druid as well.. So having him playing both sides, the atmost evil and atmost good, was a unique touch and somehow, i am sure that no one else would be able to play either roles... The story shows the building of powerful characters, who have amazing background and story twisting effects, and see their downfall as well, however, none would make the watcher disappointed.. I feel really sorry that the series was canceled, however, at certain level, i am happy too as extending it further could have raptured the series as nothing more could be introduced, as the watcher will tend to compare characters with Season 1 & 2 and surely won't get the same level of satisfaction...
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American Gods (2017–2021)
Amazing first Seaoson.. And let that be it..
3 October 2023
American Gods... I watched the first season and i was amazed, all the characters were awesome, the twists of events were just astonishing.. Specially the end of the season.. With its grand finale that made me have high expectations for the next seasons... But what a disappointment..

The 2 following seasons were a major disappointment, as it shows characters running around doing things without any progress toward the main case.. No more confirmation between Old and New Gods.. Actually, none of the Gods show anything at all.. Chernobog keeps smoking and waving hammer at nothing and talking in his eastern accent, makes you believe that he will alter events and bring calamities.. But nope, the only one he swing his hammer at was a bartender Leprechaun..

Mad Swini, my best character since S1.. Done nothing but running around with Laura Moon, talking, smoking and remembering days past..

Crispin Glover, the character knows as Mr. World, seems to have had enough with only talking, even though he had an awesome character and presence, so the character was shifted betwee 3 actors, like Danny Trejo and Dominique Jackson.. Well, that was lame indeed.. And racist to the maximum specially when a character commented on White people not being Trustworthy..

And finally, both S 2 & 3 seemed to be good opportunity for Ricky Whittle to keep showing off his packs at every possible opportunity..

I loved Season 1.. I really did, but the 2 other Seasons just made the Series sink faster than the Titanic.. Canceling the show was a sign of mercy.
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Knightfall (2017–2019)
An Epid that would Take you in Every Turn
17 July 2023
I Watched Season 1, and the story is surely mixed of everything that anyone who is into Epic stories would love.. Based on Knighthood, bravery, treachery, loyalty, history and much more.. The series holds both Christians and Muslims on high regards, showing that the purpose is to focus on the events, not dwelling on historic disputes... At the beginning, you might imagine that it is a medieval investigation story about the grail, however, the turn of events would prove you wrong and encourage you to watch more and more.. You would never imagine what would happen in the next moment not how an event would fold out...

UPDATE ON 25.07.2023: Just completed Watching Season 2, and unfortunately, the Series Lost its Spark that it gained from the 1st Season.. First of all, there is no longer mention of the Holy Grail, making the 1st Season seems so disconnected from the 2nd season.. Also, the Series went down the same wrong turn that many other movies / medias took, which is trying to implement Anime standards on normal media, which reminded me a lot with Solomon Kane Movie..few of the 'anime' measurements was when Prince Lui rides his horse un challenged into the crown hall of his father, the king, even though his identity was not known to the guards.. Also, he is always surrounded by these guards who cover their face fully except for the eyes and nose.. In anime, such guards would be a real challenge and real bad asses, where in Knightfall, they only.. Literally.. Stood there.. Doing nothing.. Making you wonder if they are not being baid enough to make fight scenes... Also, the character of Master Telos (Mark Hamill from Star Wars), has than animr aura around him with his drunkard stomach, harsh sound and attitude, but when coming to show his real skills, as in anime.. The scene only shows him walking toward the enemy, and then walking away from the dead corpses.. When will producers understand that such things look cool in anime.. But too cheap in real live media.. Finally there is a lot of dialog repetition that the audience would think that the actors are out of things to say, and can almost know what is to be said when certain characters get together....
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Has Potential, Failed to Impress
28 June 2023
Ironclad.. I remember watching the 1st Movie, and I Loved it.. the struggle and the Loyalty to the Cause and the Promise Given.. The 2nd Movie.. Oh well, was a Real Disappointment, as it hardly has solid Material.. It Tried to Use the Name Guy the Square, which Appeared in Ironcald 1, In Order to Nourish the Story and make those Followers of the Story more Attrached to it, however, it was Not a Sustitution for "James Purefoy" who played as "Marshall" in the first movie and His Act was Superb and Made anyone who watched the Movie get so Attached to the Character..

The Sword Fights are a collection of Camera Jumbles without Focus on a Certain Scene.. and The Rest of the Characters are Sort of Just Trying to Build Certain Characterstics in an Absolutly Boring way.. The most Character that I really Enjoyed and Cheered for was Berenger, but Sort of Expected he would be the escapegoat to Make the Movie.... more Touching... and More About Standing for the Promise and the Dept.. yet.. Again, It just Did not click..

One this I Noticed in the Fight Scenes, which is the Absence of ANY BOWs in the Entire Fights.. English Bows were Knows for being one of the Longest Range Bows due to their Length, However, it seemed that the Soldiers just.. Didn't have any.. Not Sticks to Push of the Ladders of the Attachers.. or Hot Oil to Pour it on the Climbers.. They were Like.. Waiting for the Enemies to Climb and then Start Hacking the Wacking at them..
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Awesome Graphics.. And thats It..
28 February 2023
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children is a Movie based on Squaresoft Marvelous Art work, Final Fantasy VII, and it seems to be a continuity for the storyline (honestly, i didn't play the game so i have no clue).. The movie is based on 2 elements, the Graphics, which is amazing and i do consider it as high class art CGI art work, and the Storyline, which is basically based on Cloud memories and attempts to run away from the past.. The only part that i really enjoyed in the 2 hours length movie was the battle scene with the monster in the city, which is by far more exciting than the final Battle, which was swift and quick, compared to what one would expect..
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Solomon Kane (2009)
Good Material for an Anime, Not a Movie
9 February 2023
I Watched the Movie. And I know that I am like a Decade Late, However, Better Late the Never, or so they say.. To be Honest, the Movie did have Good Material and Storyline, however, I Strongly Believe that it would have been a Better Anime Rather than a Movie.. Many of the Scenes and Fights are just Not Good to be Presented in Movie Format, but would Surely be highly Regarded in Anime, since the Range to Accept such stunts, whereas you would be like "Oh Really?" when seeing it in a Movie.. the Final Fight is a Disappointment for sure, as it was Brief, Short and Quick.. In General, the Movie Failed to Show the Real Skills of "Solomon Kane". While it showed more of the Strengths of the Masked Warrior..
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An Awesome Movie in All Aspects
1 February 2023
I Really Enjoyed Watching this Movie.. It was made with such quality from the very beginning till the last moment.. It is one of the few movies managed to gather humor, heroism, sacrifice, epic, magic, knighthood and strong storyline.. I loved it starting from the opening scenes battle till the final battle.. Every character had its correct weight and influence over the story, both heroes and villains.. I would surely loven to see the like to. See a full movie to talk about the opening scene battle.. Hoping that the quality would be maintained and the strong storyline remains deep and diverse..
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Live the Epic... Watch Heroism in the Flesh
30 September 2022
I watched 3 Seasons of the Last Kingdom.. And to tell the truth.. It has been a while since i watched a TV series that has so much details.. Having such vivid characters.. The Series is a never ending events of loyalty.. Treachery.. Love.. Hate.. A meeting between 2 civilizations and religions.. And a hero who is lost in between.. I loved each episode.. And loved all the characters.. Surely one of the few TV series these days that contain minimal sexual contents that makes it suitable for all ages.. Except for the bloodshed that is serving the plot.

Unfortunately, the story lost the sense of being interesting somewhere between S4 and Season 5,however, it picks momentum again at the end of Season 5... An awesome work that is could be hardly repeated in such a manner.
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