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Barnaby Jones: Academy of Evil (1978)
Season 7, Episode 12
See future Berlin lead singer Terri Nunn in the "Academy of Evil" ep of "Barnaby Jones"
30 June 2024
A lot of unfortunate accidents at a girls' school is investigated by Betty Jones when she takes a job there. If she doesn't watch her back, she may be next...This is one of several "Barnaby Jones" eps from the last two seasons that didn't feature him as the lead character. It was usually either Betty or J. R. Jones. The lead teen Mean Girl, Olivia, was played by Terri Nunn who had a role in the disco movie Thank God It's Friday the previous summer. As she got a little older, she became the lead singer of the band Berlin which had a few hits in the '80s of which the biggest one was "Take My Breath Away" from the movie Top Gun which went all the way to No. 1 and won the Oscar for Best Song. In summary, "Academy of Evil" was an entertaining ep of "Barnaby Jones".
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M*A*S*H: Bottle Fatigue (1980)
Season 8, Episode 16
"Bottle Fatigue" is both a funny and dramatic "M*A*S*H" ep
29 June 2024
In this ep, Hawkeye tries to stop drinking for a bit after getting a large bar tab and Winchester is not thrilled when he finds out his sister in Boston is going to marry an Italian. Quite a few funny lines and situations in both stories before a dramatic turn comes near the end. What got me interested in watching this one, however, was knowing that Shelley Long appeared here as one of the nurses Hawkeye makes a date with. It's only a few years later that Ms. Long would become a star in a show called "Cheers" which, incidentally, takes place in a bar in Boston! As this site noted, this is the first "M*A*S*H" ep to air at the beginning of the '80s. So that's a recommendation of "Bottle Fatigue".
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M*A*S*H: Nurse Doctor (1979)
Season 8, Episode 7
"Nurse Doctor" ep of "M*A*S*H" shows how good the program is post-Radar
28 June 2024
A young nurse who's studying to be a doctor is having trouble getting along with much of the 4077th especially head nurse Margaret. The only one who really seems to reach out to her is Father Mulcahy but when she embraces him maybe a little too long, he steps back and that affects their friendship. So he talks about it to Hawkeye who laughs when he hears about it. Oh, and there's also a water shortage and only Winchester seems to be nonchalant about that...The first real post-Radar ep seems to move along fine without him as this one serves as a fine showcase for the military chaplain. Nice to also see Margaret realize how bullheaded she can become at times and willing to help a fellow woman along in her dreams. So that's a recommendation of "Nurse Doctor".
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Dragnet 1967: The Missing Realtor (1967)
Season 2, Episode 10
While "The Missing Realtor" ep of "Dragnet 1968" has mostly a cast of People of Color, that's not acknowledged here
27 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Friday and Gannon are looking for a missing female realtor. She turns up dead. So now they have to look for the murderer...Nothing too unusual about the above premise for this show except that just all the characters other than the two leads are black and at no time in this ep is that ever noted. And those people of color speak normally with none of the dialect usually associated with certain stereotypes of them at the time. During the period made at the time, that might have seemed a little unusual for the audiences of then even though Sideny Poitier was himself presenting himself on screen in theatres in such a way at that time. The only guest star I recognized was Scatman Crothers, mainly by his voice since he wore an obvious toupee in this one! Anyway, "The Missing Realtor" was another good ep of "Dragnet 1968".
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M*A*S*H: Period of Adjustment (1979)
Season 8, Episode 6
"Period of Adjustment" addresses how the departure of Radar is affected on "M*A*S*H"
26 June 2024
After the two-part "Goodbye, Radar" eps in which Gary Burghoff made his final appearances as the departed company clerk, we see the results in two characters: Max Klinger who's having a mess as his replacement and B. J. Hunnicutt who's upset because his wife revealed in a letter that when their toddler daughter greeted Radar at the airport, she mistakenly called him "Daddy". The scenes involving Klinger are pretty funny but the more serious sequences involving B. J. are pretty heartbreaking especially when he realizes he'll never experience his daughter's childhood if he's still stuck where he is. This was a necessary ep to make if the series was to move on and move on it eventually did...
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My Cousin Vinny is still funny all these years later
26 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I recently rewatched this movie while on vacation in Seattle on AMC. It had been years since I last saw it and I was relieved to see that the channel did not change any scenes or use substitute words dubbed over the bad ones though those bad ones were muted.

Two college students from up north are driving through Alabama and stop at a convenience store. One of them accidentally puts an item in his pocket and forgets to pay for it. They get arrested after leaving but find out during questioning that they're not accused of stealing but killing the clerk that happened right after they left. So the one who did the stealing calls his cousin from up north who's revealed to not have been experienced in courtroom trials as yet.

That's basically the plot but, of course, there's more but if you haven't watched it yet, I don't want to reveal any more. Anyway, this was both funny and quite dramatic in places and there are great performances by Joe Pesci, deserved Oscar-winner Marisa Tomei (though I've yet to watch the other nominees that competed against her), and, in a great departure from his Herman Munster and in his final role, Fred Gwynne as the often serious judge Pesci has to tangle with. Despite that, I've had some issues starting with Tomei's saying she had been engaged to Pesci for ten years. Seeing her obvious youth against his middle-aged demeanor, shouldn't that line have been changed to just a few years? Also, while Austin Pendleton was funny as the stuttering public defender, nowadays that kind of characterization might not play as well today and I cringed a little watching it a little just now. It's even more such now having just found out online he was suffering that in real life. All that said, however, My Cousin Vinny deserves the continued popularity it's had all these years now.
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Columbo: Forgotten Lady (1975)
Season 5, Episode 1
"Forgotten Lady" was one of the more poignant "Columbo" series entries
12 June 2024
Janet Leigh is a long-ago movie musical star hoping to make a comeback but her retired-doctor hubby isn't willing to finance it. If you're familiar with the "Columbo" series, you can guess what happens from there. Also appearing is John Payne, another veteran of old-time musicals, as Ms. Leigh's former co-star who himself stopped performing and is there mainly as moral support. Ms. Leigh was quite good playing a woman who seems to be not all there mentally as the narrative goes on. She is not cold-blooded as some of the other killers were in previous "Columbo"s. As a result, one does feel for her as also does Payne's character when his feelings are revealed. So that's a high recommendation of "Forgotten Lady".
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"Child of Love, Child of Vengeance: Part 2" was a mostly satisfying conclusion of this ep of "Barnaby Jones"
12 June 2024
As Barnaby has temporarily lost his license, J. R. is still at the cult place investigating the missing woman they're both looking for. Another cult member who's involved with that woman is already ready to leave knowing too much of the unsavory activities, but that woman is still ignorant and doesn't want to believe him when he tells her about it. Meanwhile, the cult leader and two of his henchmen are already suspicious of J. R. who came under an assumed name. I'll just now say this was a mostly satisfying conclusion to this two-part ep of "Barnaby Jones" even if I thought the way it ended seemed a little too pat.
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"Child of Love, Child of Vengeance: Part 1" was a good start for this "Barnaby Jones" episode
12 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A client of Barnaby's gets murdered by a couple of men. They're a part of a cult that's secretive about some of their activities. So Barnaby, Betty, and J. R. investigate. This was quite fascinating as a two-part episode of the show especially when now finding out it's based on something that really happened. Among the guest stars is Pat Hingle who I saw years later as Commissioner James Gordon in four Batman movies from the late '80s/early '90s. He plays the head of the cult and his menacing ways are a bit subtle here. I'll just now reveal here that at the end of this first part, J. R. joins the cult to find that missing lady they're looking for. Now I'll review Part 2...
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Columbo: The Most Crucial Game (1972)
Season 2, Episode 3
"The Most Crucial Game" was an okay ep of "Columbo" for me
11 June 2024
Robert Culp plays the general manager of a football team whose owner, Dean Stockwell, doesn't seem to care about them since he's usually sleeping or at the pool. So Culp does what he does to make sure he's not even around anywhere. So Lt. Columbo has to find out the clues to catch him. I have to admit, I didn't pay too much attention to many details that were presented and by the end, I was a bit confused by the clue that gave Columbo his gotcha moment. Still, this was another enjoyable ep and I liked recognizing other guest stars like Susan Howard as Stockwell's wife years before appearing in the soap "Dallas" and Valerie Harper as a...well, just watch this ep "The Most Crucial Game" to find out.
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"'Twas the Fight Before Christmas..." was a nice holiday ep of "McCloud"
11 June 2024
It's Christmas Eve and Sam McCloud is hoping to spend it with his writer girlfriend Chris but there's a lot going on: A woman (Linda Gray) is on a ledge after breaking up with her boss, a street Santa robs many of the people giving money, Chief Clifford plays Santa at a hospital ward full of children with Chris also in attendance that gets interrupted by three teens threatening them, and a stalker waits for McCloud. That's a lot to deal with and not everything gets resolved but it's pretty entertaining to watch, just the same. I especially liked the storyline involving Ms. Gray who did this a couple of years before becoming Sue Ellen Shepherd Ewing on "Dallas". Oh, and among those teens is Dean Stockwell, a former kid actor who'd later be known as Al on "Quantum Leap". Dennis Weaver himself directed this so on that note, give "'Twas the Fight Before Christmas" a look.
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Mission: Impossible: The Cardinal (1968)
Season 3, Episode 6
"The Cardinal" was another excellent ep of "Mission: Impossible"
10 June 2024
In this ep, a general in an unidentified country has captured a cardinal and is replacing him with a lookalike (of course, both are played by the same person) so that lookalike can endorse him on live TV. So it's up to the IMF to stop that. This was another nearly great ep of "Mission: Impossible" especially concerning all those switch-ups being done under extreme tension. I also thought it was a hoot finding out Barbara Babcock, having just previously seen her in a "Mannix" ep, plays a "nun" here doing stuff one wouldn't expect of one donning such a habit such as smoking and putting the ashes in holy water! So on that note, "The Cardinal" was another mostly excellent one of "Mission: Impossible".
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The Fugitive: Goodbye My Love (1967)
Season 4, Episode 22
"Goodbye My Love" was a nice change-of-pace for "The Fugitive"
10 June 2024
In this one, Richard Kimble falls for the female singer at a nightclub he's working at. They seem like quite the couple but she's actually into a man who often gets drunk there who Kimble has to drive home where that man's wife is waiting, confined to a wheelchair. Turns out that singer has seen the newspaper clipping offering a reward for his capture which gives her an idea...Jack Lord plays the alcoholic, two-timing man a year before becoming the straight arrow Steve McGarrett in the original "Hawaii Five-O" and he's terrific here, that's for sure! As the singer, Marlyn Mason has quite the pipes when singing two Frank Sinatra tunes: "Strangers in the Night" and "I'll Never Smile Again". So not only does Kimble have a brief romance here but also the cops aren't looking for him this time around! So that's my recommendation of "Goodbye My Love".
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Mannix: Bird of Prey: Part 2 (1975)
Season 8, Episode 21
Part 2 was a fine conclusion to the "BIrd of Prey" ep of "Mannix"
10 June 2024
Part 1 of this ep had Joe being struck in the head by the guy he was looking for who's revealed to be an assassin who's about to shoot the visiting president. So Mannix gets knocked out by a poison liquid and is at the same balcony as that assassin when the deed is done. So now Joe is being chased by the cops...Robert Loggia has more scenes here as the cop and makes the most of his screen time, that's for sure! He and Mike Connors have great exchanges of dialogue that make this one of the more worthy eps of the series. Ms. Marcovicci's character seems on more shaky ground especially at the end. Still, she's a compelling presence throughout even when she's smoking. (If I didn't personally get turned off by such scenes, I'd probably think she was most sexy when doing that!) So on that note, I very much enjoyed "Bird of Prey: Part 2".
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Mannix: Bird of Prey: Part 1 (1975)
Season 8, Episode 20
"Bird of Prey: Part 1" was in intriguing ep of "Mannix"
10 June 2024
In Part 1 of this ep, Joe looks for someone on behalf of a client who this someone saved. He's supposed to meet someone else who knows about him at a certain time only for this someone else to not show up. We then find out things about that first someone that are either true or not that's not so pleasant about him. So as a result, Mannix gets beaten quite a bit while he also gives it all in return. Among the guest stars are Andrea Marcovicci who's quite stunning here. I remember her from a couple of "Taxi" eps. And then there's Robert Loggia as a cop who I just saw in a couple of "Cannon" shows. I'll just now say this was quite an intriguing first part of "Bird of Prey" that I couldn't wait for Part 2 which I'll be reviewing next...
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Mannix: Race Against Time: Part 2 (1974)
Season 7, Episode 15
"Race Against Time: Part 2" was a great way to end this "Mannix" ep
9 June 2024
At the end of the last part, the pacemaker Joe had brought with him on the plane was broken possibly because one of the rebels was a spy. So he and the doctor go to a hospital, disguised in dictatorship uniforms, to get another one. But their pics are displayed on TV and while one of the hospital staff is loyal to the rebels, they don't know which one...I'll admit while this ep seems a bit ridiculous for a detective show, it was very exciting nonetheless. Like I said about Part 1, this seems more like a script for that other Bruce Geller show "Mission: Impossible" that was cancelled the previous season. Still, I highly recommend both Parts 1 & 2 of "Race Against Time". Dig especially the disguises Joe and the doc have on at the end.
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Mannix: Race Against Time: Part 1 (1974)
Season 7, Episode 14
"Race Against Time: Part 1" was a nice change of pace for "Mannix"
9 June 2024
Joe Mannix is assigned to help take a certain doctor to a certain country to help bring back to health a certain rebel leader in that certain country ruled by a dictatorship. Of course, there are a lot of obstacles in the way. I'll stop there and just say, yes, this resembles a "Mission: Impossible" script. That show, like this one, was produced by Bruce Geller so it's possible it was written for that other show before it was cancelled the previous season. Be that as it may, I enjoyed this one enough as a nice change of pace for the "Mannix" TV show. I especially liked that female villain who seems to have control over everyone. Now I'll review Part 2....
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Mannix: Cry Danger (1973)
Season 7, Episode 12
"Cry Danger" may not always make sense for a "Mannix" ep but it's still pretty entertaining nonetheless
9 June 2024
At an airport in San Francisco, Joe Mannix meets a woman who stood him up back in Los Angeles and he asks her why. She says she's married and says her married name. Just then after Joe leaves, he's being held up and taken to an embankment where he almost has to jump. Those men beat him up but then Joe does the same before escaping...I'll just stop there and just say that while I found myself riveted from beginning to end, part of me was indeed confused by some of the narrative. But it was nice to see the setting change to the city that was the resident living quarters for fellow '70s detective shows "The Streets of San Francisco" and "McMillan & Wife". Also, nice to watch Diana Muldaur outside of her recurring role in "McCloud". So I say give "Cry Danger" a look for any "Mannix" fans out there.
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Dragnet 1967: Management Services: DR-11 (1968)
Season 3, Episode 4
"Management Services: DR-11" was a historical ep of "Dragnet 1969"
8 June 2024
This ep of "Dragnet 1969" addressed the aftermath of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As Friday, Gannon, and their fellow officers man the phones in anticipation of riots happening in the Los Angeles area as was happening in other U. S. cities. But what was happening in the City of Angels was mostly peaceful. The entire setting is at a particular part of the police station as they're mostly sitting at the tables taking calls. Not all of them are male as there is one female and one black male uniformed officers also handling the calls. Also, two of the men are expecting. In summary, "Management Services: DR-11" was a pretty entertaining and educational ep of "Dragnet 1969".
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Barnaby Jones: Master of Deception (1979)
Season 7, Episode 20
"Master of Deception" showcased the leading character of "Barnaby Jones" full-time to good entertainment
8 June 2024
A man is found out by his wife that he's taking photos of plans from her company that he tells her what he's going to do with them. So he makes sure she doesn't escape with her life. We later find out he's also married to another woman who works for another company he's very interested in. It's up to Barnaby Jones to make sure he doesn't get away. Unlike many other eps of the show this late in the run, Barnaby is the center of the narrative full-time as opposed to the usual showcases of either Betty or J. R. during this period. One of the most pleasurable moments of this particular one was seeing Markie Post, a few years before starring in "Night Court", as that other wife. In fact, the entire ep was enjoyable from beginning to end. So that's a recommendation of "Master of Deception".
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Columbo: An Exercise in Fatality (1974)
Season 4, Episode 1
"An Exercise in Fatality" was another enjoyable ep of "Columbo"
8 June 2024
Robert Conrad is a fitness mogul who is having a tiff with one of his franchisees. So he plots his termination with what he thinks is the perfect alibi. When Lt. Columbo takes the case, well, watch out! This was another entertaining ep of Peter Falk's character with the rumpled raincoat. Nice contrast when he shares scenes with in-shape Conrad. Other nice supporting turns from Gretchen Corbett as Robert's secretary and Pat Harrington Jr. As his friend. Having been mostly familiar with Harrington as Schneider in "One Day at a Time", I always consider it odd when he doesn't wear a mustasche in his other roles. Anyway, I really liked "An Exercise in Fatality" ep of "Columbo".
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Cannon: The Deadly Conspiracy: Part 1 (1975)
Season 5, Episode 2
"The Deadly Conspiracy" was a nice teaming of Frank Cannon and Barnaby Jones in "Cannon"
7 June 2024
A young woman is raped and killed by a man who works for a company she's got the goods on. That man manages to pin it on a whiskey delivery man who we find out later is impotent! While Frank Cannon decides to defend him, Barnaby Jones takes the opposite tack. The version I watched has no part 2 that I understand was an ep of "Barnaby Jones" so I'll only review this part for now. It's quite entertaining seeing the two QM stars appearing together and doing what their characters are known for doing. And it's a treat seeing such guest stars like Charles Durning-here being really menacing, Murray Hamilton, and Hayden Rorke who I mainly knew as Dr. Bellows in "I Dream of Jeannie". While I'd like to watch Part 2 eventually, this version of "The Deadly Conspiracy" was entertaining enough for what it was.
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Barnaby Jones: Fatal Overture (1979)
Season 7, Episode 19
"Fatal Overture" was another fine showcase for Betty Jones in "Barnaby Jones"
7 June 2024
Betty Jones takes the lead here as she witnesses an argument of two women over one man across her apartment. Next day, one of them reportedly committed suicide and that man hires Betty on the spot to find out what really happened. Oh, and he also asks her for a date and the wife is a little crazy herself! I'll also mention he's some kind of musical conductor. Also, there's a male next door neighbor that may or not also be involved. Okay, I'll just now say this started slow but picked up steam when that wife...Oh, well I don't want to reveal too much just that I say give this ep of "Barnaby Jones" called "Fatal Overture" a look.
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The Time Tunnel: Invasion (1966)
Season 1, Episode 15
Yesterday being the 80th anniversary of D-Day was what made me watch the "Invasion" ep of "The Time Tunnel"
7 June 2024
Because it was a few hours after the 80th anniversary of D-Day, I took that time to watch this very ep of "The Time Tunnel" taking place two days before that historical event. Doug and Tony land in Cherbourg, France and encounter some Nazis. The doctor there has designs on them: He'll let one escape while brainwashing the other to do the SS officer's bidding. The one that escapes encounters some French resistance fighters of which some of them suspects the American of being a Nazi spy while the other one is ordered to kill that one! This was an exciting enough one with some nice color footage of that historical day. So that's a recommendation of "Invasion".
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McMillan & Wife: Reunion in Terror (1974)
Season 3, Episode 5
"Reunion In Terror" was another pretty good ep of "McMillian & Wife"
7 June 2024
Mac, along with wife Sally, attends a 20th-year reunion of his college football team though some are missing. Turns out one of those missing tried to call him but gets shot during it. Housekeeper Mildred took that call and later wrote what he said but since she didn't use her glasses, the words are a little scrambled leaving Sally to decipher the message. Of course, Sgt. Charles is also on the case as he and Mac figure there's some kind of sequential order for subsequent killings. I'll stop there and just say that there's just enough suspense to keep one riveted as well as nice humor mostly from Mildred. Also, what a pleasure seeing guest stars Rosey Grier, Buddy Hackett, and Ned Wertimer, a year before starting his recurring role as Ralph the doorman on "The Jeffersons". So that's a recommendation for "Reunion in Terror".
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