
112 Reviews
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Goodbye Earth (2024)
Great premise but, oh man, what a slog.
25 June 2024
The premise of the series was interesting enough to make me finish, although it took me a couple weeks. I watched other things and would occasionally come back to this for an episode or two because I was genuinely curious where it was gong. In the end I think the major flaw was in the execution. I get that it was a drama and that it was only the premise that was apocalyptic, but they really dragged it out to ridiculous proportions. So many of their attempts to linger on emotional moments really killed the story. They could have cut a lot of those repetitious and superfluous elements and created a tighter series with about 6 to 8 episodes. What it really lacked was momentum. I thought the acting and production was good. But I have to admit I didn't hit pause when I left the room for a bathroom break or to refill my coffee. Gave it 5 because I didn't really hate it. It's like there was a good story in there somewhere, buried in a lot of meandering excess. And the ending was a bit suspended for me, especially after having to come so far to get there.
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Abigail (2024)
Vampires aren't scary anymore.
4 June 2024
This film was a bit better than 'meh', but not much. It started off pretty good actually but after Abigail's reveal it just goes over the top and gets rather stupid in some places. But it did make me realize something general about the genre': vampires just aren't scary anymore. I guess that depends on who is making the film but in general vampires have become either gory or sexy but not really frightening. I had the same feeling when I was watching the "Interview..." series. Not to go off topic here, but I thought season 1 was really good in the re-framing of the novel lore. I enjoyed it. But season 2 is actually kinda boring. Then I realized that an old saying applies here: 'familiarity breeds contempt'. In this case familiarity isn't scary. The power of the vampire lies in their mystique; in their supernatural qualities. There more we learn about them the more 'natural' they become; the less mysterious they are and hence the less scary. And there's really nothing mysterious about Abigail either. It's a competent action film with a lot of gore and comically neo-generic vampires. I didn't hate it but there was no horror in the film, just over the top gore and undead people with big fangs and super powers. It was ok for romp but nothing was scary. It'd be fun to see some scary vampires again someday.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Just another story about aliens coming to take our stuff.
23 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(UPDATE: I am leaving my original negative review for this series below, but adding this preface since I just watched the first two episodes of the original Chinese series, which is already much better. In the 2nd episode of the Chinese version they go into a detailed metaphor of "physics is broken" using a pool table. Now I get what's missing in the Netflix version: this show is supposed to be about the science. The way the new US series abbreviates those elements takes away the most important part of the show. That's why I gave is the bad review below.)

Since I watched the whole series I feel compelled to write a review. This is either a bad adaptation of a good book or an accurate adaptation of a bad book. I don't know since I never read it. But after an intriguing first 3 episodes the story becomes full of holes and strained attempts at emotional moments. The characters seemed plastic neo-generic caricatures. What should have been huge dramatic moments felt rushed. I mean, the night sky blinks on and off and somehow the world goes back to normal after a few days? I dunno. There was no scope to this story. It should have been longer and had a wider societal breadth. There must be something from the novel they didn't capture because there were a lot of unexplained cryptic exchanges... especially in the joke that Ye tells Saul. I was waiting for that to take on some relevance in the story but... nope. I have a feeling it was cryptic information on how to fight the aliens...? Maybe it's explained in season 2... if there is one? Otherwise, why all focus on that story? And the subplot about the man who was dying of cancer...? They kept trying to create these moving moments but failing, imo. I didn't care what happened to the guy. So they sent his brain into space so the aliens could clone him... maybe? It just doesn't make any sense. And whoever wrote that scene where they use the nanofibers to slice up the ship doesn't understand anything about the Panama Canal. The ships have to move into locks where the water level is changed. There are hundreds of way they could have secured that ship while it was in a lock. It just seemed like such an over the top way to get the disc. I continued watching mainly because I was genuinely curious to see where it would all wind up. But I must admit it was almost as big a let down as the end of season 1 of "From". In the end it's just another story about aliens coming to take our stuff. And that just seems so old school now. While it wasn't awful it was a little plastic to me.
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Interesting but how about a little MOMENTUM??
21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(small spoiler) I am following this series because the stoyline is actually interesting and I want to find out what happens but... oh man, what a slog! And that dialogue constantly telling us what we already know and then telling us again just in case we didn't get it the first three times. It's a weird mix because there's actually some clever shots and some really good story elements, but the filmmakers could really learn when to cut a scene. This could have been a 5 or six episode series and not lost anything. How many speeches can the characters make in the middle of a gun fight? Hey. Let put everything on hold for 5 minutes while we re-establish the conflicted relationship our protagonists are developing AGAIN! C'mon, man. We get it! ... I'm only writing this because it started out really well but the minute they entered that hospital, the story got mired and aimless. And how big is that place anyway? Got giant monsters walking around and people escaping all over the place but nobody can ever seem to find them. Anyway, I kept watching. Not awful just frustratingly redundant.
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The Signal (2024)
Ok ok, it's not really an 8 but I'm giving it one anyway.
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Small spoiler) This is more of a 7, because I genuinely enjoyed it, but, yet again, I am giving rating a series up because it's getting hate it doesn't deserve, for the message of the story, and because Yuna Bennett is a little gem. There are problem with the story and (spoiler) even if Voyager didn't burn up in the atmosphere it would have crashed into a million piece on impact. But those technical issues aside, I think this series had a message for humanity that we could all use right now. Some idiot said it had poor acting which makes me wonder wtf he was watching. I thought all the roles were performed with excellence, especially "Charlie" the little girl played by Yuna Bennett, who casually steals almost every scene she is in. Admittedly the story goes a bit over the top towards the end but, again, that didn't bother me so much. I was intrigued and entertained and moved by the conclusion. And that's really all I need from a show.
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Brings back the horror of Godzilla.
20 December 2023
This is a powerful and dramatic retelling of the classic monster film that created an entire genre'. I've heard some people calling it best film of the year. Well, I don't agree with that. But it is definitely a great film and the best Godzilla film since the original. It makes Godzilla a monster again; a majestically horrifying and unrelenting force hellbent on destroying humanity. Just like the original. Over the decades the iconic beast has become a sort of anti-hero; showing up to fight other monsters and perhaps take out a few cities in the process. Gone was the sheer terror of its arrival. But GMO fixed that. And this Godzilla has weight... I mean when it moves and smashes buildings, you feel the impact of those moments. But perhaps the greatest thing about this film is the humans. These are not vapid peripheral characters put there just to take up screen time until the monster arrives. These characters have weight too... emotional weight. And they have arcs. No point in me going on about it, it's already getting critical praise. But a last note; I had to sit through 25 minutes of trailers before the film began. And not a one of them generated any interest ot caused a reaction in the theater. I'm not a Hollywood brasher because I know how difficult it is to get a production off the ground... but they better start upping their game. Japan just whupped their collective butts on a fraction of the cost of a typical US blockbuster production.
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A complex and compelling drama
30 November 2023
I started to give this series a 7 but then realized I had just binge-watched the whole thing in one sitting. It's after 1 in the morning and I have to work tomorrow! It was so good I lost track of time. So I have to drop an 8. It's like I wasn't even aware of how captivated I had become. Amazing script and performances. I got so sucked in to the characters I forgot they were actors. There were a few dream-sequences and flashbacks that I thought were a bit too stylized, but that's minuscule stuff. I don't want to go into particulars because I don't want to do a spoiler review, but let's just say it keep you guessing on many fronts, and the reveal is not what I originally thought it would be. A captivating and complex drama and just beautiful film making overall. A truly human story.
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Unique idea. Typical result.
30 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was a clever idea to base a film on the captain's log from the novel Dracula. But none of that cleverness seems to have made it to the screen. They went to some effort creating an authentic environment, but everything else seems rather hackneyed. And there are more than a few moments of superfluous speechifyin and forced poignancy. The boy's death, perhaps the closest the film came to actual tragedy, was dampened by the predictable events that lead up to it. But perhaps the film's biggest failure is that it's just not scary. They wasted a lot of time on hackneyed tension raising tricks , CG gore and scenes that are supposed to shock - not to mention the blaring score telling us it's time to be afraid - but the film never hits the mark. Not for me anyway. The best scares are born in silence. The 'Last Voyage...' doesn't know when to shut up. It feels like a film that was script-doctored to death. Perhaps the tepidity could have been solved if they had not shown us Dracula so soon. If the appearance of monster had been treated like a reveal. We already knew the fate of the crew, so they could have put something unexpected in the tale... something that didn't go against canon. And lastly, I would have rather seen a more human appearing Dracula, one that could have been mistaken for a stowaway at first, and then slowly revealed itself. The monster vamp wasn't frightening at all.
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A dark and subtle portrait of tragedy.
11 November 2023
How the hell is this riding at a 5/10? This film is an easy 8 but I'm giving it a 9 to buck the trend. It's not the standard fare murder mystery, but a dark examination of the myths, lies and tragic lives that lead to a brutal killing; a portrait of the people involved in the act and the social currents that provoked them. It's one of those little arthouse gems that tends to get bypassed for trending titles. The cinematography is beautifully simple but encompassing at the same time, and the performances are so subtle you might not notice there's some serious acting going on. I'm not in the Scorsese camp of pop-culture bashing, but the fact this film is only riding at a 5 rating suggests something rotten in our aesthetics.
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Mood Indigo (2013)
A most bizarre and beautifully tragic love story.
12 September 2023
I put this DVD in my cue maybe last year and just finally got around to it tonight. The trailer was intriguing and knowing it was from the director who brought us 'Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind' let me know I woiuld be in for a ride., But seriously, NOTHING could have prepared me for this dazzling surreal love story. I thought about the rating for a while. But I had to give it a 10. Because it's not just visually excellent but they somehow managed to make that bizarre realm beautiful and moving and captivating. No matter how much visual and sonic chaos comes from the screen you never lose sight of the story. There is an art to creating such a surreal world that has it's own consistent internal logic... and then to make it move me this way. I don't know what else to give it. 10/10. Bravo. A keeper.
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Village (2023)
Not a thriller... it's more than that.
26 June 2023
The promotions for this film labeled it a thriller. But it's not. It's more than that. It's BETTER than that. When I think of a thriller I think of a film that is filled with climactic build ups and fast paced action. I love thrillers. But I also love films like The Village" which is kind of the opposite of a thriller... but in a GOOD way. It's really more a drama; a slow paced slow building film, that, even at it's crescendo, does not even attempt to deliver "thrills". Again I mean that in a GOOD way. Instead of thrills this delivers a thoughtful, metaphorical story about the rise and fall of an outsider with nuance and metaphor and underscored by tragedy. There is probably a lot of subtext I am missing due to cultural differences and my ignorance of Noh Theater. But overall I really like this film. Even though it is slow, there is something taut just beneath the surface. You can tell something is going to snap at any moment. And since it does not follow the standard American style of plot development, you have no idea when that snap is coming. It takes its time getting there but in the end delivers a satisfactory conclusion that doesn't forget any of the characters or their set-ups. And it is beautifully filmed. It's really more of a 7 but I gave it an 8 because it definitely doesn't deserve the 5 it is currently riding at.
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Lansky (2021)
An interesting story poorly directed and half-told.
20 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There's a lot in this film that was interesting and eye-opening (like the Jewish mob's attacks on the German American Bund. Wow. I did not know about that!) but imo, weak direction and a poorly achieved 'Scorsese' style moral ambiguity flattened what might have been a truly challenging tale. I really like Harvey Keitel and Sam Worthington, but there's no real chemistry established between them. When Keitel tells Worthington he has nothing to worry about because 'he likes him', it's just words. That sense of trusting relationship hasn't really been established, it was just 'depicted'. At any rate, I don't think either actor had a lot to work with here. All the characters are a little wooden, some are borderline 'mobster' caricatures. And in general I really have a problem with films that play as apologetics for killers. The mob is a bloody business and there are no good guys in it. And the FBI bashing was typical and tedious. The things those guys have to go through to build a case would drive most people crazy. Batista was a bloody dictator who committed acts of mass murder and threw bodies into the streets but there's not a hint of that here. The kind of people Lansky did business with didn't just kill other mobsters. All those guys were psychopaths. The film almost puts a sheen of respectability on them. The blurb at the close of the film talks about how Lanksy's casinos generate hundreds of billions of dollars and employ millions. Yeah, well so does fast food. If the film had been better achieved, its constant attempts to make us love the guy might have been forgivable.
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Poker Face (2023– )
Great to see Natasha doing her thing.
3 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed this series. Great to see Natasha doing her saucy, sarcastic thing with her acerbic wit and obscure references. While I think they should have kept the murder culprits a mystery, so we could find 'who dunnit' along with Natasha, it was still great fun. I guess they were pulling a 'Columbo' which, if I am recalling correctly, used to reveal the murders up front too. And what a freekin cast! Of course Perlman would play the bad guy with a heart of gold. And it was a shocker when I heard a familiar voice. I was like "is that the guy from The Mountain Goats??" Lol. I only found the band a few years ago and had no idea what John Darnielle looked like. So when I heard that voice I was pretty excited. Great episode. Anyway, 7/10. Wraps up nicely. Hope they get a second season.
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A Gem
3 January 2023
This film sort of ruined my night. I was going to catch up on some series I had saved after watching this. But I couldn't watch anythng esle afterwards. I was comletely sated. And grateful. This is one of those films that makes me marvel at the power of cinema. And great acting. A perfect blend of humor, drama and tragedy. This would have been a 10 but for the very last segment which, while I get it and understand it was a necessary part of the story, sort of detracted from the dramatic impact of what I thought was the conclusion. No spoliers but those who aready saw it know what I mean. Gratitude to all who were involved in this amazing piece of work.
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I had no reason to worry.
28 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was very hesitant to start this series. There have been so many lackluster and just bad revisions of earlier works as of late. The remake of King's "The Stand" I would just count as lackluster. The revision of Tolkien in "Rings Of Power" I would just count as bad. And I didn't get past episode two of "House Of The Dragon", though I know many enjoyed it. But it turns out I had no reason to worry about the revision of "Interview...". I read Anne Rice's classic novel when it first came out, more than once actually, and I followed all her works until many volumes later when her novels, Taltos and Memnoc the Devil stuck me as lackluster rehashings of old ideas. It didn't even seem like her writing. But her masterwork "Interview..." has remained unrivaled in Vampire lore. It was as impactful on the genre' as Tolkien was to fantasy. When the first film came out I was amazingly surprised by Tom Cruise's performace as Lestat. So was Anne Rice, who had objected to his casting at first. And young Kurstin Dunst as Claudia was truly frightening and acted the part like someone well above her years. A great adapation which I still enjoy to this day. And though it is an updated story, this new revision of Rice's tale has the breadth of history, the beauty of language, the romance and the horror of her novel. It is also true to the books in its own peculiar way. Truer than the first foilm in some counts, as in the nature of vampire tears and the depiction of Armand, although not totally accurate, is much closer to that of the novel. It is not a retelling but a revision and imo stands wonderfully on it's own merits. I was surprised and pleased and am looking forward to season two.

(EDIT: I have to correct myself, it's been so long since I read them I forgot, but Lasher was Rice's first novel that I didn't like Especially coming after her amazing novel The Witching Hour, for which Lasher was the sequel. But it was so weak, imo, that I never finihsed. And Memnoc The Devil sort of ruined Rice for me completely. I never read Taltos.)

UPDATE: I'll make this quick: season 2 is boring me. I don't know what happened but where the revisions in season 1 worked imo, season 2 is coming off like a soap opera of the undead. They're less immortal powerful creatures and more like tedious drama queens. It's trying to be too clever by half and there's way too much dialogue. I even forgot I hadn't finished watching episode 6 until I started 7. When you stop an episode in the middle and forget you did, it's a sign that the thrill is gone. Dropped to a 6.
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I am (almost reluctanly) enjoying this series.
1 November 2022
The original Swedish film is a horror classic and on my all time favorites list. The American knock off "Let Me In" is tepid entertainment with none of the creative boldness of its predesessor; worthy of one viewing but no conversation starter. This series is surprisingly ok, though I find myself wishing they had just created a new frnachise and left "Let The Right One In" out of it. The story is gradually becoming borderline sci-fi and cumbersome in its long list of characters and intrigues. However, while I am disappointed in the changes that were made to the characters and story, I am (almost reluctantly) enjoying this series. It's a good story, I admit. But when I saw the first billboards I was hoping to see a gritty, realistic continuation of Ellie and Oskar's adventures... or misadventures... that would carry the darkness and moral ambiguity of the original. The changes made to Ellie are my biggest problem since "her" character was so complex in the original. It easily deserves a 7 since I find myself anticipating the next episode, but I gave it a 6 as an admittedly meaningless protest. I am being petty perhaps, but while it's fun to watch, it just doesn't capture the horrific magic of the Swedish original.

UPDATE: When I wrote the above review I was at around ep 3 or 4. I am now at ep8 and the show has been slowly circling the drain for a while. The things I didn't like about it have just become worse and it's turning into a bit of a tepid romance that doesn't seem to know what to do with itself. The initial mistake of writing Ellie as an innocent is blunting the edge of what is already a blunted character. I've gone from anticipating the episodes to just getting around to it later. Downgrade to 5.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Lifestyles of the Rich and Ruthless
1 September 2022
I waited for the second episode before writing this because I wanted to give the show another chance. I don't really want to dump on HBO. I know they are hoping to revive the magnificent spectacle that was Game Of Thrones; the international, multi-generational audience, the global watch parties etc.... I wish them the best and hope this show pays off. But I don't think I'll be carrying on. Not because it's bad. I don't really think it's "bad". It's just, as I had feared, a lackluster knock-off. It's what the Hobbit films were to the Lord Of The Rings; an obvious attempt to cash in on a better product by trying (and failing) to do more of the same. I find it a little ironic that people who trashed the last season of GoT could love HotD. I too was disappointed in the last season of GoT, but not for the reasons I heard from many other fans. And this series already has all the elements I disliked about the final season. The things that hooked me on GoT were the pacing of the scenes, the realism in location and nuance, the way they introduced and developed characters, the natural banter etc... all of those were abandoned in the final season of GoT, and none of these things are evident from the beginning in this show. The Double D's were offered plenty of money to deliver the full ten episodes for the final season. But for some reason they opted to give us a truncated season, abandoning their long established scene and character development, opting instead for quick expositional scenes and battles filled with hackneyed deus-ex-machina moments. But it took the Double D's years to take so many short cuts. From the start of HotD, the pacing is quick. Scenes are not given time to breath and therefor characters have no time to develop beyond their specific role in the story. Remember when we first met Ned Stark and his family... and Robert Barathoen? Remember when we were first introduced to Danyeras and Littlefinger, and Cercai and Jamie and TYRION! We met all those characters in the very first episode. And how quickly, for good and bad, they won us over. But I have not yet seen one character in HotD whose story I really care to follow. And the dialogue isn't much more than huge info-dumps delivered by GoT style caricatures. Everything has a glossy CG sheen, the modern equivalent of putting Vaseline on the lens. And nothing has any weight. The jousting scene tried to replicate the realism of The Mountain's battle with gore.... tried and failed, imo. GoT felt real. Authentic. This just felt gratuitous. But the real test for me is simple: do I want to watch more? And the sad answer is, not really. I'm not a hater. I don't think it's bad. It's just meh... and it's competing for my attention with a lot of other new shows... and sadly not cutting it. I really wanted to like it. I did.

(EDIT: I realized I was wrong about meeting all the afore mentioned GoT characters in the first epiosde. I think we don't meet Little Finger until episode 2... or 3 maybe? It's been a while. But the rest still stands.)
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Liked on first viewing. Loved on the second.
13 May 2022
Saw this when it first came out and enjoyed it. I thought it was a bit odd but good. But after a few years, I just rewatched it and now I think it is a genuine piece of genius. The rapid-fire dialogue kept me a bit off kitler for the first viewing so I wasn't really paying attention to the amazing framing of the long single shots and the fact that most of the story is done in real time with very few cuts. And the score is perfect for the 50s era sci-fi sensibilites they are trying to convey. The sound design is eeriie and effective. The nod to the racial prejudice of the times is excellently conveyed. The sense of mystery and of something truley alien to this world is masterfully executed. The acting is true to form and the dialogue never seems forced or affected, although it is obviously playing to period. I think people who gave this a low rating need to watch it again. I love this film.
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From (2022– )
Starts out intriguing. Ends on a frustrated 'what the...?'
27 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
(lite spoilers) I think I get it. The winding road that loops around the town is actually a metaphor for the show... it goes round and round and round and never really takes you anywhere. I'm angry because I liked this show... at first. It was good enough to get wrapped up in the story, but as it got closer to the season finale I started getting this sinking feeling that there would be no fking answers. I mean, the finale was at t-minus 15 minutes and they were still engaging in sentimental character moments that were so repeptitive they grew tedious. It just started dragging. And, of course, there were no fking answers. Starts off really intriguing, but ends on a frustrated 'wtf'? It's fine to tease the second season, but give us something to chew on during the interim. What they probably thought was going to be a huge mystery conclusion that wuld keep everybody riveted until next year, wound up feeling like a big let down.
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Starts fresh but falls into tropes and tiresome CG tricks.
13 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
(spoilers) This is the third film I've seen this year that starts off really well but then descends into tropes and chase scenes. This one also starts off with a seemingly fresh and nicely stylistic take on a ghost tale. But after about 45 minutes or so the CG take over and Thomasin McKensie (sp?) turns into an hysterical mush of a character, running aimlessly through the streets as she flees the digital monsters. Twice she runs in front of cars that have to skid to avoid her, as if once wasn't enough for that tiresome trope. C'mon man. Is there a list of worn out ideas that directors are obliged to follow? It's stupid and predictable and imo, ruined what was starting out to be a good film. None of this is the actors fault. The performances were great. The through story was great. I love the twists. But there was too much style over substance. And the hackneyed stairwell scene at the end sort of ruined the effect of the big reveal.
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Starts good, then descends into tropeville.
8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
(Spoilers) Starts good. Tense. Terrifying. Kids are good actors, easily relatable. I thought I was in for a scary ride.... but it quickly descends into tropreville The kid Bobby is smart enough to trick the kidnapper and manage to handcuff her, but not smart enough to grab the gun or at least kick it away? And neither is smart enough to later grab the axe? Yeah, they're kids, but c'mon! That's the most infuriating thing about the film. I get that they are kids in a terrifying situaiton. But the stupid stuff is just over the top and it gets to be too much. Why not write them smarter but give them more difficult and credible obstacles? And why can't screenwriters do a little research on police procedure before they put ink to paper? The kids being stupid because they're scared is one thing, but cops have training in these situations... not to mention the fact that when a cop is unresponsive after arriving at a distress call, he isn't just forgotten. Oh, and if cops find a kid with a gunshot wound, they call for paramedics. They don't just put him in the cruiser to take him home. WTF? ... There are a few clever things... like the kidnapper being a woman for a change... and the MAGA sticker on the pedos car is highly appropriate. Should have been a Q sticker. ;-) Doesn't really deserve this long review but I really hate when films start good then turns stupid. This could have been an easy seven with a better writing and less tropy tricks trying to up the scares.
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Encounter (III) (2021)
Liked the idea but it was missing something.
5 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
(SPOLIERS) Personally I wasn't disappointed by the bait & switch theme of the film. I think if the rest of the film had been better constructed other people wouldn't have felt as cheated by thinking they were going to see a sci-fi film. But then again, perhaps if I had dished out my hard earned money to see it, I might have felt a little pissed. I can imagine heading to theater for some sci-fi horror and instead getting a drama. But my only real problem was the very end of the film. Nobody, especially a state trooper, is gonna stand there while some kid points a gun at them. That was a serious trope violation. And this film really needed an epilogue. I would have had the kid throw the gun out the window and then cut to some point in the near future and end on him visiting his dad in jail. But to be fair that wasn't the only problem with the script. I appreciate the idea of the film, but it was missing something. Perhaps the hallucinations should have lasted longer... maybe until the very end. The Micheal Shannon film "Take Shelter" did something similar and that was another one I liked but felt it was missing something. Still, imo, could have been a 7 except for last scene.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
1st season was excellent... so what happened?
8 March 2022
Season 1 made this one of the most intersting and unique series I've seen in a while. But season 2 is just all over the place. The story is muddled. Character motivations make no sense. Episodes are anti-climatic. Shots linger past their purpose. It's like they're making it up as they go. If I had rated season one it would have been a seven. But I'm giving it a five and that's only because I am curious about where it's headed.
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Cold Skin (2017)
A deeper film than the trailers and promos suggests.
30 October 2021
Ok, I admit this fim is really a 7 stars, but gave it 8 because it deserves more than the 6 it has. I first saw it on a dvdrip mp4, but immediately bought the DVD. It's a shame it didn't do better at the box office but it was poorly promoted and the trailer did it no favors. But to be fair it's not an easy one to digest... or even to understand. It's much deeper than it appears. It's like a weird combination of The Lighthouse and Shape Of Water. People who were expecting to see Clash of the Mini-Titans would have been sorely disappointed. Sort of like "Night Eats The World", the surface story for "Cold Skin" also created inaccurate expectations. But the deeper story is tragic and beautiful.
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I Am Greta (2020)
A wonderful docu about a wonderful child.
9 December 2020
When I queued this film on Nt**x's I saw their best guess for me was 3 out of 5 stars. Which just goes to show you what crap their algorithms really are. Granted I would have given this film 5 stars just for the subject, because so I admire her for what she's done; the movement she started.. But it was also a very well done film. A short look behind the curtain of public persona. No doubt the fright-wing trolls and MAGAtards will flood the IMDB with bad ratings while never even seeing the film, but it's a wonderful docu abut a wonderful child. And precocious as she can be, Greta is very much a child. She has a few short tantrum moments during the film that prove it But that is not a disparagement of her. It's an indictment to the rest of us; the 'supposed adults' who just want to carry on the compulsive shopping spree while the world burns and drowns, like anti-mask 'Karens' demanding their delusional constitutional rights to poison the rest of us with their disease and stupidity. Support this film. Support climate legislation and regulation of carbon gasses. And support Greta. Because she was right when she said she shouldn't have been the one confronting climate change at the U.N. It should have been one of the adults. But it seems she was the only grown-up in the room.
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