
6 Reviews
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Excellent Docu-Drama.
10 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*Possible spoilers*

I went to a preview screening last night of this. I have always been meaning to read the book, but never got around to it, I do al lot of walking so the subject interests me. This is very well made and a lesson in how to make a good film of this type. I am now interested in seeing 'one day in September' another film made by the same people. If this was fiction it would be a good film, but the as its based on a true story it makes it very moving and involving. The film raises a number of questions about climbing and the risks people are prepared to take to climb what are basically big lumps of rock. The two men involved in this were both committed and ambitious climbers who took many risks in order to climb the mountain in the film, knowing full well that a mistake could cost them their lives. A simple mistake almost did. More often than not what happened would have meant that one of them died if not both. The story of both men is inspiring and what Joe Simpson did is a staggering human achievement. It is a lesson to us all in what we are capable of. I won't say anymore about what happens other than you come away (I did) moved by it all and I left feeling that I admire people even more so that are prepared to take those risks and achieve what in many ways only benefits themselves yet is able to inspire many others to do other great things.

Excellent and a somewhat unique film to be shown on the big screen. Go and see it.
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Good film, but not great.
28 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*Some minor spoilers*

I enjoyed this but found a few areas of the story lacked. It all happened very quickly at first and then I found it dragged for a while before picking up towards the end. I was surprised at how quickly Amsterdam became close to the Butcher, it didn't seem convincing that he could do it so quickly. There were other areas but overall it does not spoil the story. Lewis gives a great performance and I found myself sympathising with both of the main characters, even though Lewis plays a ruthless gang leader, De-caprio gives a solid performance. I felt that De-Caprio's character was slightly let down by a script that seemed to give Lewis to strong a role relative to De-Caprio, the balance didn't seem quite right, not sure on that one. Diaz is good to, this is a long way from Charlie's Angels and The Mask. The action scenes were well done, very much in the way that many newer war films are done with plenty of 'realism' (i.e gore). The music is excellent during the battle scenes but outside of these scenes the music is hardly used or no where nearly as good. The settings and sets are superb and credit must go to those who created them as they look stunning.

I often look back on a film and if I can remember the majority of what happened it usually means it was a favourite but with this I don't think its up their with the best, it is not far behind. You just find yourself thinking a little bit more and it could have been one of his best, up there with Taxi Driver e.t.c..Maybe its to long and he tried to hard. All in I give it 8/10, worth the trip, but might not be for everyone.
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Stunning footage and excellent Narration, a classic.
7 January 2003
I admit to being in awe of the Sea and have spent a number of years in the Navy, so I am somewhat biased on this one. I missed this documentary when it first came out but nagged various people to buy me it on DVD this Christmas (2002) and I got it! Some of the film is amazing and I have a lot of respect for those who make these kinds of documentaries, to see 200 ton Blue Whales 'cruising' through the Sea is an incredible sight, they looked like submarines. I like the level of information and facts conveyed through the narration, it is just right, I don't want to know a load of science just some of the basics, to see these things is enough for most people. The BBC has a knack of putting things at the right level for the intended audience.

A really great documentary, up there with 'The World at War for' me, the DVD is of excellent quality. If I had a minor criticism it would be some of the obviously added sound effects here and there, I think they detract from some of the scenes. But well done to the BBC and Discovery.
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The Great Trilogy continues
3 January 2003
Tolkien created a world with depth of huge proportions and this is portrayed to great effect in these films. Only with todays technology can it be portrayed so well. These films are a feat of planning and project management if nothing else. Two Towers has everything you could get into a film, action, war, romance, character developmennt, intrigue....I loved it and have seen it three times already! Some may find it slow going for the first hour or so, but watch it carefully as you see more elements of the whole story being brought together. Gollum is a fantastic technological achievment and almost steals the show if it wasn't for everything else going on. The battle scenes are amazing. There are differences (a good number to) with the book but I think its worth letting them pass, the film does justice to Tolkiens creation. Truly great film making, what will Jackson do next.
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Good film, great music.
11 December 2002
I enjoyed this. Its a good film to watch with a few friends round on an evening. Easy to watch due to a simple plot. Brosnan and Russo are great together and were one of the best matches on screen I have seen for a while. The one thing that sets the film off is the music which is excellent and really adds to the feel of the film. Its better than a lot of stuff Hollywood pump out. Brosnan produced it. I have not seen the original but can recommend this as a good film in its own right, go rent/see it.
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The Matrix (1999)
The blue pill...
21 November 2002
What makes this a great movie? The same thing that makes so many films great, the story. It is such a good idea and put onto film so well. I cannot wait for the next film(s). An original story with good acting and some interesting twists. It is worth seeing just for the fact that it shows that Hollywood can make something that involves the usual action stuff and effects, but maintains a good plot.
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