
15 Reviews
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Terrific film
16 June 2003
I love Clint westerns and Two Mules For Sister Sara is no exception. Clint is Clint and Shirley MacLaine is perfect for her role as "Sister Sara". The developing chemistry between Eastwood and MacLaine is fun to watch and the score outstanding. As usual, Clint has some classic one-liners. I've watched this DVD 5 times and have yet to be bored.
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The Score (2001)
Simply Excellent
11 May 2003
Excellent plot, excellent actors and excellent ending. I love this movie from start to finish - Ed Norton was terrific (as always) and Robert De Niro was his usual outstanding self. Don't quite follow the reviews that said this movie was "boring". Sorry, there's no non-stop explosions or car chases, just plain old excellence.
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The Exorcist (1973)
2 November 2002
"For its time" this is one of the best films ever made. In my opinion, how you feel about this movie depends on when you first viewed it. I saw it for the first time when it came out in 1973, I was 13, and it scared the living crap out of me (being raised a Catholic, living 5 miles from Georgetown didn't help). The Exorcist was so UNLIKE any film made up to that point, it astounded people. Throw in the "weak" link to the truth and anyone who wasn't scared by this movie in the mid-70's was either in a comma or dead.

Of course 30 years later, we've been exposed to thousands of similar demonic-type scenes and it's lost much of its impact. A couple of years ago, my teenage daughter and I watched it and she, like many others, thought it was hilarious. I myself wondered why I was so scared. The answer of course was "timing". Great movie appreciated by those who are old enough to have seen it when it first came out.
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29 August 2002
I thought this was an excellent comedy...from start to finish. Any man or women who has had "rough" in-laws, or "soon-to-be" in-laws can probably relate to Greg's plight.....and to comments of 9/11...I suppose MASH shouldn't have been made (wars are NOT funny) and Cheers was disgusting with all the alcoholics we have roaming this planet .... sheesh.....lighten up!!!
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Entropy (I) (1999)
Fine piece of work
28 August 2002
Had a chance to catch this on cable..started watching, fully intending to see what else was on, and before I knew it, it was over. Very original, very entertaining, and a terrific movie!...and I loved the smoking cat!!
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Unexpected Pleasure
23 August 2002
I thought this moving was outstanding. Non-stop laughs (good clean humor for a change!!) from start to finish. The "ethnic" humor was done in good taste and the cast was absolutely terrific. As stated above, a true unexpected pleasure, well worth the money!!
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Not Too Impressed
18 August 2002
Finally took in Lord of the Rings and I'm wondering why this movie is so highly praised (#4 of all time? - not even close). The battle scenes are far too cheesey Western/"A-Team"ish (1,000 bullets flying around (arrows in this case) and no one gets hit - except of course the "bad" guys). The dialogue was hard to hear on more than one occasion because the background music was so LOUD and the special effects were not all that "special". In fact, based on the technology of the time, The Wizard of Oz runs circles around Lord of the Rings. Finally, as other's have mentioned, each movie should be it's own entity. The ending was a total let down.
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John Q (2002)
4 August 2002
Blowing past the overt health care message, I found this film to be very enjoyable. As other's have mentioned, the story itself was a little unbelievable but Denzel was absolutely fabulous!! Eddie Griffin's "Your my hero John" (or whatever he said) at the end brought a tear to my eye...As a father of one, Denzel's heartfelt, terrific performance, allowed me the opportunity to imagine what such a situation would be like - he is just an incredible actor...worth the rent for his performance alone.
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Shallow Hal (2001)
Loved it!!
24 July 2002
I've watched this movie 3 times now, and it gets better each time. The message is clear and point well-taken. I think this movie offends because as the old saying goes, "the truth hurts". Superficial beauty is craved by society despite it's ugliness. Gwyneth Paltrow was outstanding and Jack Black was excellent as usual.
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The Score (2001)
Well Done
10 July 2002
I found this to be very entertaining and didn't think it was slow at all...some time must be taken to set up the characters and plot...can't be all ACTION ACTION ACTION....I thought Brando, DeNiro, and Norton were all outstanding (particularily Norton - the guy is just an incredible actor!!). I was shocked to say the least when I read in a previous comment this movie was rated "R"...for what?? It's as close to "G" as a movie can be...sheesh....anyway, good flick.
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Funny and enjoyable but....
8 June 2002
I agree with several other reviews that Abby was fact, I know it's a matter of personal preference, but I think Jeanine Garofalo is the better looking of the two (particularily during the photo session scene)....Ben Chaplin was terrific....Overall I thought the movie was a bit unrealistic as pointed out by others (but hey, it's a MOVIE) but very entertaining (that IS why I watch movies) nonetheless....
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Kingpin (1996)
Absolutely Hilarious
3 April 2002
This is my most favorite comedy of all-time (Happy Gilmore is a close second)...The casting was perfect and the plot, simple and clear..."Munson'd" will forever be a part of my vocabulary....I agree with a previous post - If you don't like this classic, lighten up!!
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23 March 2002
Having not seen this movie in almost 20 years, I was curious to know if it still appealed to me after all these years...the answer, YOU BET!!!..a terrific cast, non-stop action, and outstanding special effects make this movie a true classic...I was somewhat surprised at the low rating this film receives (6.3)...but alas, I've learned these ratings, like most movie reviews, are basically worthless (Lord of the Rings #2 ALL-TIME, give me a break!! :).....
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Did I really waste 3 bucks to see this piece of crap?
16 March 2002
This goes down in my list of the 5 worst movies I've ever seen...though Haley Joel Osment was impressive, I had a hard time keeping my eyes open through this extremely long, boring, attempt at entertainment. I actually couldn't wait for this movie to end (which rarely happens) and it went on, and on, and on......I watch movies for entertainment purposes, and like some others, am not into analyzing every detail of the movie, so to keep it short and sweet: absolutely NOT a movie I'd recommend to even my worst enemy.
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Cast Away (2000)
8 March 2002
I think this is an excellent movie..I've noticed many felt it "too long, boring, etc..." which is to be expected in today's "gimme non-stop action; I haven't been doing anything for 5 minutes, I'm bored" mentality. This was a true man vs nature movie that really made me think about what I take for granted and I found myself wondering how I would react in such a situation. Would I talk to a volleyball? you betcha...anyone who has spent any significant time alone can relate. Bought the DVD and will watch it for years too come.
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