
25 Reviews
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7 September 2022
This just happened to be the most booooring movie so far. They were filming in my town, I wondered what was in the film of that, waited a long time to see it (it never came out on DVD in the Netherlands, so import it is...) and what do I see? What do I spot? All the signs in real life are STILL LEFT ON THE BUILDINGS! Wasn't it a job to REMOVE these digitally, or was that too hard? Even near the bridge at the apartmentbuilding called Zeeland you can see very clearly the ANWB-sign with info about it. (among other signs, also when the captain is going inside the building at the Lange Haven in Schiedam you can easily spot on the plaque: PARKET.)

Sorry, but very sloppy!
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Lightyear (2022)
Not so infinite as I thought...
27 July 2022
Saw the movie, expected a LOT from it... but... after an hour or so I left the theatre. What a boreness of a movie. Thank goodness other reviewers agree with me that I say that this movie was a dumpster fire. Saw in the trailer that a ship blew up in space? Hopefully Buzz with it...

Gonna skip this on Disney+ when it comes out there.
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Berend Botje (2021)
Crash course in bad acting...
30 April 2022
Another example that the Dutch don't bother to make a nice film. Another case of pure bad acting, off-the-rack work, the kids really CANNOT act, apparently everything had to be recited from a sheet of paper. Geez, I only lasted half an hour before watching another (BETTER!) movie on Netflix. What a piece of poo. Sorry. You will soon find them in the DVD offers bin for a pittance!
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Captain Nova (2021)
Too may plotholes!
2 April 2022
Where to begin? What started time travel? Where did/do all the ships come from (of a desolate world, who does all the maintenance), without water no one can survive, where do the people go for a drink where there is no water, all of the people would be dehydrated long ago! If they are going to the past, making them young again and back again into the future and saying that it's too dangerous why do they even bother time travel in the first place? Where do these people live in a desolate world?

Questions questions questions in a movie with way too many plotholes! No wonder the Dutch are bad movie makers!
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18 February 2022
Oh man, I thought from the trailer that this show was gonna be good... but not this kind of awesomeness! But 2 things: the episodes are so short (hehe!) and... roll on season 2! There's work to be done, Netflix and StudioMDHR!!!

I DOUBLE-DARE YA to bring mooooooooore episodes! We LOVE that cup/head!
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Big Bug (2022)
Sorry, no.
12 February 2022
It may be colorful, it may be funny, it may be almost 2 hours long... but no. What that a comedy? Really? One star. AT LEAST.

Better luck next time, Netflix. I really could not laugh about this movie.

Oh well.
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Steve Irwin woulda love this!
12 December 2021
Crickey mate! This movie went from wannabe to a whoppah in no time flat! Netflix really outdone them with this movie. I really loved the design of the animals but here's the thing. WHERE WERE ALL THE KANGAROOS? THE BIRDS? WHERE? Or even the big old Cassowaries? Dang it.

The more I saw the movie the more giggles and laughs I got from it. Thank you, Netflix! And please. Make more! Steve Irwin would give his stamp of approval. Bless his soul in heaven!
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Pure garbage, what a way to spend Christmas...
30 November 2021
Sorry but this has to be a Christmas movie? Bad acting and even a worse script. Sorry, zero feelings for this monster of a movie. Bottom of the barrel-flick. Don't even waste your time on this yucky stuff.
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Absolute christmas magic!
24 November 2021
Well, what do we have here? An christmas origin story? With Mrs. McGonagall (Maggie Smith?) and Jim Broadbent? Well? That's a magical start of this movie! But man, this movie. It starts kinda slow, but when you have the magic to push on through it will unwrap itself to a magically beautiful movie.

Only one thing. The bad guy (or shall we say, the bad Elf?)... Was it really necessary? Oh well.....

But if you want to enjoy a real good feel-good movie. This is the one! I won't spoil anything but Netflix did a wonderful job. I really enjoyed the movie from start to finish!
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24 September 2021
Just wow, this movie was really something. The nods to FIM, the music, this movie has it all!! And please, don't react to the haters. Please lock them up in a dark stall!
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17 September 2021
OK, so I watched it for a bit. And I watched it some more. And then it came to me: this... is not He-Man. This. Is just utter garbage. Cashgrabbery by Netflix. The plot. Where is it going? The style. No. Just plain ugly. And WHAT in tarnation had they done to poor Skeletor?!

One to SERIOUSLY avoid. One star, because you can't give no stars on IMBD.

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Oh WOOF! (Which means awesome)
6 March 2021
Man, it doesn't happen very often but man, was I lucky enough to break out a box of tissues because at times this movie is a real tear-jerker. Happy times and sad times are coming and going in this movie in an alarming rate!

But man, now I want a DOG. Right NOW!

Such a great movie, more of this please!
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Oh... WOW!
25 November 2020
Just watched another pearl of a Netflix movie, named The Christmas Chronicles! Part one was good. Part two is super! So good that they brought back the original producer because 'all-things-magical' Chris Columbus was and is still the best man for the moviejob.

Please, give us Part 3. Can you, Mr. Columbus?
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4 November 2018
Can tell you one thing, this whole series is one big commercial for Hasbro to buy the yoyos. And about the cartoon itself: bad animation, bad script. It just made me crinch all over. Do yourself a favour and don't watch this badly-animated garbage!

Thank goodness they stopped at just 1 season. One season is enough!
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Just... NO!
29 September 2018
Just watched the trailer, even the full (awful!) movie can be seen on YouTube (oh please, remove that movie please!)

Bad lipsync, bad animation, bad EVERYTHING!

Steer clear of this.... this... THING...
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Well, that was crap?!
27 November 2016
I don't know about you guys but the overall animation could be WAY BETTER if handled by professionals instead of this cash-grab of a title. Stuttering animation, forgettable characters (also very flat and with no character at all)...

Please forget this title and leave it in the shops and watch Als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel instead. It also is done by Dutch animators and it's way better than this.

And why about Saint Nicholas? The kids in the Netherlands know him but what about the people outside the Netherlands? They have no idea what's deal about.

So yeah, just three stars. Sorry.
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Please, K3... stop acting!
30 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen many K3 movies, some were good, some were BAD. And this is as bad as it gets. Why? Because this movie is riddled with so many plot holes that a Edammer cheese would be blushing! Let me give you an example: Halfway the movie Karen finds a camel. A camel. Where did that camel came from? How did it got there in the first place? Another example. The director of the hotel leaves... for what? Right near the end of the movie he reappears again. Where did he go in the meantime? Why did he came back? Nothing is EXPLAINED! Characters pop up in the movie without warning. No background is been told, nothing! And why do the animals' mouths don't move? Come on, Studio 100. You can create beautiful stuff but you could not give the animals a moving mouth?! (Easily done, just look at BABE!) I know, I know... It's a kids' movie, but really. Avoid this movie! It's horrendous! K3, stay with singing. Stop with acting because enough is enough!
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Big and Small (2008–2011)
Fun DOES come in all shapes and sizes!
31 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of these children's' series that you want to see over and over and over again. It's mainly for the younger children, but adults can watch it too. The puppetry is nothing short of top-notch, and to be honest: I still have no clue how they manage to pull off the 'full-body'-moves of Small. You don't see a puppeteer and yet -- he has a life of his own. Same counts for Big. You only can wonder how they do that.

Again, this is a children's' show, but don't be fooled! Even parents can learn a thing or two. Even the occasional songs are catchy. Too bad I've yet to find a DVD containing episodes of this brilliant show... But I will keep on looking until I find it.

Each episode is a pearl so I hope they will continue making it!

Bring on Big and Small!
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What was this monstrosity I was looking at?
5 May 2013
I have seen many dutch movies, really many... but this one... well, it really is the sour berry on top of a smashed pie. Take some good names (Jan Smit for the first time in an acting role) and a horrible historic event (the bombing of Rotterdam) and you have a winner? Hell no! The acting: horrible! The special effects? Even more horrible. OK, there were explosions, but not the size that will make a house tremble, looking at the size of the actual explosions. More like of someone who accidentally drops some cherry bombs...

And why for God's sake did they put the ACTUAL BOMBING at the END of the movie? It's called Het Bombardement (the bombing) for nothing. Look at 2012 for instance, they put the action in the MIDDLE of the movie, and the rest after that.

No, Het Bombardement is a abomination of a movie, and it didn't showed the drama of that horrible event. If you come across this movie in stores, leave it there. It's not worth your money.
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So...? Where was the actual treasure in the title?
6 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie today, and I must say: what a total let-down. First they go to the arctic (why?), then they go on a sort-of scavenger hunt that is never fully explained in the movie (why on earth do they need a Thor's Hammer for?) and... well... there is just way too much CGI in the movie. Really...! OK, I know it's just a kid's movie. The first one was better but this one... I dunno...

And the most important thing of all: the title is hinting at a TREASURE. In the whole movie there is NO TREASURE to be found, only some artifacts, but NO treasure. Could they not call it Wicky and the Great Scavengerhunt? Also, the hammer is kiiiiiiiiiiinda rip-off of the other (greater movie!) Thor, don't you think? So... I give this title a 3.
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Bitter Lake (2011 Video)
The VERY FIRST EVER full-length fury movie
19 February 2012
Here it is, the very first full-length furry movie ever produced. Although it is kinda short for 45 minutes, I really enjoyed every second of it. It may look amateuristic but I can tell you, it is certainly not. Even the soundtrack is well done.

Few things nag me though: in the entire movie only the main characters are visible, but where were the extras, like the people in the villages. It now looked like the main chars were walking thru abandoned villages. Where were the rest? (I think due to the raging war all other peoples had fled to the mountains.) But overall: this movie is very watchable, certainly for furs and non-furs alike.

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Dolphin Tale (2011)
Putting the D back into dolphins...
22 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OMG... this movie is just super excellent and so beautiful, I can't hardly describe the feeling. For what comes to animal movies, this must be the cherry on the cake. But let's start at the beginning. I was browsing thru my movie collection and I heard about this movie, Dolphin Tale. I thought that it was just like Free Willy... boy, was I wrong. No soggy stories here, only uplifting stuff. OK, there are bad parts in the movie, like in the beginning when poor Winter is stranded. You can actually feel her pain burning off the screen. You KNOW she's in danger and that she NEEDS help. Later on, they amputate the tail off the dolphin (you don't get to see how it's done luckily) but then instead of downhill, it's going uphill with this movie. I will spoil no more.

Dolphinlovers, animal-lovers: this is your kind of movie right here, and even I enjoyed every second of it. Dang, Hollywood: make more movies like this!! please!! On the other hand, Hollywood knowing, there will be a part 2 -- let's all hope that this is not going to happen!!!!
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Horrid... just plain HORRID!
30 December 2011
What can I say, I thought it was a good movie. I already watched the last ones which were quite good (part 1 and 2 were very nice! After that it went all down-hill). But part 4 really beats the cake. Alright, special effects are OK, but the rest is just hogwash. There is just no tempo in this film whatsoever. I think even tiny toddles will cry when they see this piece of garbage!!! Please, I beg you. Let the Spy Kids grow up to be real men and stop with the series!

Now I know why this film was chugged on DVD as fast as it could: to rake up even more money from gullible customers... well, one things for sure. I saw this movie for the first time last week and it was immediately the LAST TIME!
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Speed (1984)
What a rush this was!
4 September 2009
I knew this that this film was the very first I ever visited at a Imax theater and it still gives me thrills all over. From the early bicycle to the grand sonic boom at the end, this movie is a thrill ride all on its own.

Altho it's now available on DVD (you have to look really hard, but it's there!), it's better to see this on the big IMAX screen. Home screen on TV just don't cut it, you have to experience this movie as big as possible or else the magic just won't work.

But the movie isn't bad and even on the short side - 30 minutes, that's all, but what a ride!
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Dreamer (2005)
Wow... simply WOW!
29 April 2009
Well, kinda lost for words... if you are a true horse lover (or maybe own horses) get this movie. If you despise horses: leave it on the shelve. But this film has everything: the love of a young girl for a broken down horse is so intense, you'll be in no time right in the middle of this movie. And the finale is so.... wait, I don't spoil it. You gotta see it to believe it! 10 out of 10. (or maybe even higher!)

I had seen this movie in the cinemas and I just had to see this one, but I could not find it. They only had the (terribly dubbed!) dutch version. I browsed every store and finally: at last I found the movie, included was a cdrom with some neat demos but I only care for this magnificent movie.

And o yes: try to run this movie in Dolby Surround: you won't believe you ears!
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