
22 Reviews
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Carolina (I) (2003)
Frustrating...but good
22 December 2010
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This was an unexpected romantic movie…that I think was suppose to be a romantic comedy. I'm not exactly sure what went wrong in the comedy part, but the movie itself was good. I was frustrated with Carolina's view of her family…and how she didn't see the man who loved her so much right in front of her. I mean...she had a HOT guy best friend who clearly had feelings for her...but she keep looking for love everywhere else. Her friend already accepted her weird family...and loved Carolina for who she was inside and out. He confessed his love to her, and she abandoned him for...what seemed like in the movie, years. Then, she finally comes to her senses, and tells him she can't live without him, but it seems like it's too late...until he unexpectedly showed up at her family thanksgiving dinner like he always does, and takes her back. Oh...romance...I love it.

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Thrill ride!
22 December 2010
Not a good movie for me. Had great actors in it…and it was rated PG…so I thought that they wouldn't actually show the ship underwater, or show it sinking into the ocean…I WAS WRONG. I don't actually understand why large ships sinking actually scares me to death...but it does. I can't explain to you the feeling I get when I see titanic and the ship sinking into the dark deep abyss. Seeing a cruise ship upside-down in the ocean is not my favorite either. Though the movie did seem to have its perks, and seem to have a good story and thrilling moments...I was completely focused the whole time at the ship being inches away from sinking. That, and the scene at the beginning of the movie where they're standing on top of the upside-down cruise ship. That image still haunts me.

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Miss conception...awkward!
22 December 2010
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This was an extremely uncomfortable movie. First of all, it's a movie about a girl who wants to have a baby so badly. She looks to be in her late 20's early 30's, and she wants to have a baby with her current boyfriend. When he clearly isn't ready…she storms off, and leaves him. She goes to the doctor, because she is afraid that she is too old to have kids. When the doctor says she's got one last shot at having a child...she tries to get ahold of her boyfriend...but she can't get ahold of him because his new assistant wants her boyfriend and sabatages her calls. So, thinking that her boyfriend left her for good...she tries to find three different handsome strangers...and...well, just use your imagination. It was uncomfortable...but in the end, her boyfriend realizes that his co-worker is rejecting his girlfriends calls, and runs back to her...but not in time. Still, it has a happy ending. It was OK...just uncomfortable to watch...not a date night movie.

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Poorly done
22 December 2010
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Poorly acted…very poorly acted. That is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of this movie. I usually like Brittany Murphy's movies…but this one…not so good. She tried to put on this obviously fake British accent…and it fails. I feel so bad for saying some of this, because I know that this was one of her last movies she made before she died. She didn't really go out with a bang like Heath Ledger did with Batman. I just wished there was more of a love story and a romance...maybe a spark...but there was nothing! Oh well, it's not a terrible movie...definitely worth watching once...but maybe just once.

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Harry Potter done right?
22 December 2010
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If you enjoy the other Harry Potter films…even if you just like the books of Harry Potter…you'll love this movie! This was part 1 of a two part series of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." I honestly expected this movie to be action packed with all wands blazing with war...mainly because until now...I didn't know what the books were about, lol. Now that I know what the books are about, it's easy to see why the first movie was not as action packed as I originally thought. This movie was demonstrating that, even through the most difficult times...true friends will always be there. Interestingly enough...there were a few awkward scenes in the movie with the character Hermione and Harry. I'm not going to go into detail, because it may ruin the movie for you...but I'll just say that it seems like they are trying to form a love triangle with Ron, Harry, and Hermione. I could be wrong...but the movies seem to be headed that direction. was pretty amazing! Definitely something you do NOT want to miss while it's in theaters! For daily movie reviews visit: now!
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Heartbreakers (2001)
Heartbreakers is a hit!
22 December 2010
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This movie was not your typical romantic comedy…it's more. This movie was a delight to watch, and it kept my attention throughout the whole movie. Sigourney Weaver is amazing as con artist mother, and may I say…she was stunning too. Typically I don't say that about her…she tends to go after roles that are aggressive, and more manly…but she was funny and entertaining to watch. Jennifer Love Hewitt was your typical spoiled brat, that fell in love with the man she was trying to con out of money. Gene Hackman played an ugly old (loaded) smoker…and may I say, he played the dying old rich man well, lol. The movie was funny, exciting, and romantic. I currently own this movie and will be delighted to watch it again in the near future. I do recommend this movie.

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Moving Target (1988 TV Movie)
Moving Target...loved it!
22 December 2010
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I didn't really have high expectations for this movie…in fact, I don't even know why I watched this movie because it really didn't look appealing to me…but I'm glad I did. It was actually a very well done movie. It of course is an 80's movie…and it does have the cheesy music...but the plot was VERY good. It was suspenseful, and it was thrilling. I was on the edge of my seat throughout the movie...and I was trying to figure out what was going on throughout the movie. It will keep you guessing until the very end. Jason Bateman was amazing and may I say adorable as a teenager. If you enjoy a good thriller, a good story, and Jason'll love this movie! For daily movie reviews visit: now!
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Good, but was kind of awkward...
22 December 2010
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This movie was not my favorite when I first watched it…not going to lie. They never really went into Sirius Black's character as much as I would have liked…and even for the book to kill of Harry's only "family" left was depressing. It's like Harry can't catch a break when it comes to the people he loves. I was actually surprised Rowling didn't kill of Ron or Hermione in the books...but that's another subject. The second time I watched was better. When you watch this movie for the first time, you get lost and confused because they are moving the story line way too fast. One minute Harry is in London, and the next thing you know he was kicked out of Hogwarts and on trial to get back in. That is why I didn't really like it as much as I should have. Honestly...take this movie, and watch it once, then watch it again a few days later and it all makes sense! If you're not up for watching a movie twice to understand it's meaning...then this is NOT the movie for you. I loved it...mainly because I'm a sucker for epic fantasy movies.

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Horrible interpretation of book, but amazing movie!
21 December 2010
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People ask me all the time…why did critics hate this movie? I honestly can't tell you what these critics are thinking…though I think it would be pretty cool to read minds. I only can tell you my opinion of the MOVIE. The movie itself was beautiful, almost a work of art. The storyline was captivating, and the effects were realistic. The movie compared to the book, however, was a bit of a disappointment for some people. I honestly enjoyed the movie better than the book, mainly because there was more action in the movie than there was in the book.

For those conservative fans out there that love the books, you will not like this movie. Prince Caspian is suppose to be a young boy, who is not ready to be crowned king…and that is the main reason why he had not been crowned king. The movie, however, had a handsome young man play the role of Prince Caspian, making him (in my eyes) in his early 20's. People were extremely disappointed in that fact, and did not understand why a 20 year old young man wasn't already crowned king…wouldn't he be ready by then? It's a very valid question. Overall, the movie was a success in my eyes, and I do give it four in a half stars out of five stars. I'm one of those rare people who can read the book, and watch a movie…and critique both separately without comparing it to the other.

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Good movie, little cheesy
21 December 2010
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Honestly, I'm not one for Christmas movies…not that I'm a Grinch or a Scrooge…I'm just not one for cheesy happiness. Me and my boyfriend were up watching TV, when we ran across ABC Family and them premiering the 1994 version of Miracle on 34th Street. My boyfriend immediately stopped channel surfing and asked if I liked the movie. When I told him I had never seen the movie, he insisted we watch it. I do have to say, this movie was happy, and at time cheesy, but overall it was a good movie. It's honestly not my favorite Holiday movie out there…still, I enjoyed watching it and feeling the spirit of Christmas…believing. If you're looking for a good holiday movie that will lift your spirits, try this one out. But me, personally, I would grab Elf or the Grinch before I would grab this movie…but that's just my opinion.

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Excellent tail that's old as time!
21 December 2010
I don't know about you, but the beginning of this movie gives me chills every time. It's funny how true classic can never lose its brilliance, and spark. I could watch this movie again and again, and it would still feel magical! The singing makes me smile, the background music is amazing…and the story is classic. If you haven't seen this movie…it just recently came out on DVD and bluray. If you don't have the money to spend…then look out on abc family…they played it the day before Thanksgiving…and they are bound to play it again during the holiday season. Experience the magic of Disney Classics…again and again! To read daily movie reviews visit:
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She's the One (1996)
Waste of Time
21 December 2010
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All around bad movie. I start it with that, so people who have their hopes up for a good review can just read that and know that this movie sucked! The only reason why it got anything close to a decent rating was because of Jennifer Aniston…she was funny, adorable, and charming in her role. The writer, Edward Burns…may think of getting himself a different job. I mean, I've seen some of the movies he's written, directed, and acted in…and they have (for the most part) all sucked! Now, when he is just acting in a movie (like the movie 27 Dresses), he is actually good. Maybe he needs to spend a little more time with his work…or maybe he should just stick with acting and leave writing and directing alone for a while.

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Her Best Move (2007)
Not their best movie...
20 December 2010
Like I said before, this week is finals weeks, so I will not have time to watch long movies at all this week…so I decided to watch a kids movie that lasted a little over an hour. Her Best Move was a story of a young girl who pushes herself to be the best soccer player…mainly because of her father. It was an interesting movie…but poorly acted. I wouldn't recommend this movie, mainly because it really wasn't worth watching it in the first place. You could tell it was a made for TV movie…or a straight to DVD movie. I'm not going to get a good selection of movies this week because of the time restriction…but we'll have to see.

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Visually Stunning!
20 December 2010
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Now this is my kind of movie! I love the Narnia series…all of them have made me…just happy! Once again, there are many differences between the movie and the book, but if you take them both and examine them separately, you'll see the wonders and magic of the movie. Honestly, this book was my least favorite out of all of them…the book seemed a little cheesy, and it didn't have hardly any action in them…and you know how I love action! The writers took the book, and created their own interpretation of what happened on their journey…and they made it more entertaining to be honest…but they did not take out the message of the book. I think that they did the book justice in that aspect.

Little things did change, probably because this movie is no longer a Disney movie, and Fox picked it up to finish the series. Prince Caspian (same actor) does not have a silly Spanish accent anymore…instead he has an English accent…which to be honest was sexier than the Spanish one. The movie did seem to steal a line (or scene) from Ghostbusters…but don't worry, there is no Stay puff Marshmallow Man in this movie. Overall, you need to see this movie while it's in 3D! It was definitely worth it, and I enjoyed being transported back into Narnia once again! For daily movie reviews visit:
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Burlesque (I) (2010)
Musical Madness!
20 December 2010
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I had really low expectations for this movie…REALLY low, yet I still in a weird way wanted to see the movie. I don't know why…maybe it's because I wanted to see if Christina Aguilera could actually act…or maybe it's because I'm a bit of a sucker for musicals…I'm not sure. This movie exceeded my expectations by a long shot! Christina Aguilera was stunning, and her acting skills were pretty good for a first timer…though there were scenes where you could tell she was not sure what to do. The music in the movie was outstanding, and we all know that Christina has a powerhouse voice…so no need to critique the singing. Honestly, there were a few holes in the storyline…but that really didn't bother me as much. Overall, a fantastic movie that would please any musical lover out there, like myself.

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No magic, no spark
20 December 2010
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I really hate when they take a perfectly good movie and ruin it with sequels! To be honest…this was one of those movies that disappointed me that way. I LOVE the first movie in this series…but the second movie they made in this series…well, sucked! When I finished watching it, I couldn't remember the magic of the first movie…I just remembered the tragic movie I had just watched that didn't follow the storyline of the original movie at all. The third movie…was just as bad. Martin Short…oh how you have fallen from fame. I loved him Innerspace…and I loved his movies he did in the late 80's early 90's…but he just can't seem to catch a break anymore. Tim Allen…maybe you should just walk away from Christmas movies for a while and focus on movies more like Wild Hogs…that was good! The magic is gone from these movies…so if you're looking for a good Christmas movie, I would suggest watching the original, and leaving the sequels alone.

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Another Cinderella Story (2008 TV Movie)
Current and likable
20 December 2010
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I personally love Salena Gomez! So far, she has done nothing like the "other" Disney Channel stars, and she still keeps her innocence, unlike a certain Disney Channel star that I will not name…but let's just say she thinks she's got the best of both worlds. Anyways, this movie was very good in its own way. It was one of those movies were you just felt good after you watched it. It was great for the entire family! Personally, I've actually seen this movie a dozen times it seems like, but I don't really mind, because I like watching movies multiple times…especially if they make you feel good after watching them, like this one does. Oh, and I love Jane Lynch! She honestly has a dry sense of humor, but she made me laugh so many times in this movie. I have never seen Glee, but I love her style of comedy…I may just have to take a peek.

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RED (2010)
Red hot!
20 December 2010
I looked at the list of movies that were out on Fandango and I came across a movie titled "Red" on the list. I clicked on it, and I was shocked that I had never heard of the movie! So, me and my boyfriend went out for a movie night and watched this movie before it left theaters (considering that Tron, The Fighter, and Yogi Bear is coming out…I'm sure small movies like this were in its last week). Anyways, it was really good! Who said that old CIA agents can't still kick butt! Bruce Willis is magnificent and funny in his role as a "retired" CIA agent who gets sucked into another mission. It's out of theaters now…so look out for it at the nearest movie store or on Netflix, because if you like action, and you like a good comedy…you LOVE this movie just as much as I did!

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The Tourist (I) (2010)
Sad storyline, fair acting
20 December 2010
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I love Johnny Depp…everyone knows this. I went to this movie knowing that it was a flop at the movie theaters and had terrible reviews…why? Well, I love Johnny Depps movies. What took me so long to see the movie…I hate Angelina Jolie. To be honest…the movie didn't make much sense by the end of the movie, and it left me wondering why? This is not the actors fault, it was just VERY poorly written. Depp is funny and charming, while Angelina busts out with one of her worst performances since Tomb Raider. I'm sorry Angelina…your British accent is awful, and you sound like you're whispering your words…I don't know if it's to be sexy…but it was very annoying.

Right off the bat, the movie starts with Angelina Jolie, and the whole first half of the movie was about how "gorgeous" she is…which to be honest, in this movie she actually looked old (even older than Johnny Depp). The scenes of intimacy…or what was supposed to be the "spark" in the movie where you see the two characters fall in love…ya, it didn't happen. You're left standing there wondering why Frank (Depp) fell in love with Elise (Jolie) because she was so cold hearted to him. In the end…I guess it makes more sense…but for nearly 2 hours of the movie you're wondering why Depp's character doesn't just leave…there was no spark! Overall, not my favorite Johnny Depp movie…sadly it's really not because of him, but because of his co-stars and the writers. Let's just hope he returns (triumphantly) as Captain Jack Sparrow this May.

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Tron: Legacy (2010)
A visual work of art.
20 December 2010
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What a thrill! This movie transported you back into the world of Tron…and it did a pretty damn good job of it too. Though I would have rather seen them redo the original movie and add the effect that were not possible back then…I still enjoyed this movie very much! The storyline seemed to drag a little bit, there seemed to be a lot of pauses in between the action, but overall a great movie. If you are going to see the movie…don't see it in 3D. There are VERY few 3D effects (if any) in the movie, and to be honest, it will be a waste of your money if you see it in 3D. If you HAVE to see a 3D movie, see The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in 3D (that was worth it!). Still, the effects were beautiful, and the movie was brilliant.

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How do you know when to walk out of a movie...
20 December 2010
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What a confusing movie! There seemed to be no passion in this movie at all! What the writer and director thought was "funny" was actually weird and confusing. Reese Witherspoon seems uneasy in her role, almost as if she realizes during the filming that she made a mistake it taking the role. Paul Rudd was extremely chaotic, and Owen Wilson was…well, he was himself. The story had potential, but it was not executed as well as it should have been. In the end, when she ends up with the right guy…there is no spark! There is just an awkward pause and then the movie ends. It's a passionless movie that was (at the very lease) well acted out.

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Scarlett Letter amazes!
20 December 2010
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Review: This movie was a beautiful movie. I can't tell you how happy this movie made me. It was a love story beyond anything I could have ever asked for! There is a disclaimer…there is male and female nudity, and extreme gore, so this is not a family movie. Though there was some extreme gore for a movie like this…I was happy with it. I did close my eyes during the fighting scenes, because there were some over the top nasty scenes…but the fight scenes only lasted a few minutes, and wasn't a huge part of the story. The story was about a married woman in the 1600's who moved to America to build a new life with her husband…though her husband decided to stay behind in London and send her there alone, almost like he was trying to test her.

After settling in, she begins to have feelings for another man in her husband's absence…but this man also is the minister of the town where they live. They both avoid each other, knowing that they both have strong feelings for the other, and if they were to do anything about it, they would both be hanged. They then get news that her husband's ship was attached by Indians, and no one was found alive…so they begin their love affair. She then becomes pregnant with what the town calls a "bastard" child…not knowing that it was their minister's child. He offers to give himself up in order for her to not be punished, but she forbids him to do so, because she loves him too much to see him hang for their love. She is put into prison until she has the child, and then is forced to wear a red "A" on her clothes everywhere she goes. Shortly after her release, she finds out her husband was not killed by the Indians, but captured, and returns home under an alias…only because he doesn't want the town to punish his wife…he wants to punish her by killing her lover. Still, no one knows that her lover is the minister…but her husband begins to investigate everyone, and soon suspects that her lover is the minister.

I could seriously go on and on, and give you the climatic ending of the movie…but I won't…because you NEED to see this movie if you haven't. It was a brilliant work of art in the form of a movie. Demi Moore was charming and graceful as Hester, and Gary Oldman was almost a knight and shining armor as Minister Arthur. They did change up the story of the book…but this movie was just beautifully done. I will watch this movie again…very soon!
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