
8 Reviews
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Nightbreed (1990)
Little things make the film average for me.
25 June 2024
As a kid i loved this film, as i guess i never cared about plot etc. As i watch it again as an adult, i look at it differently.

I see the weakness of how easy boone was to convince he was a murderer, i see how he doesn#t question how the doctor got the photos that would generally be kept to cops, how the monsters came for boone so quickly, but when the cops etc came, didn't appear to diffuse explosives etc, oor stop them. A people knowing doom is coming their way and they sit and wait for it. These are things as an adult that dissapointed me, and suddenly made my 8/10 as a kid, feel like 5/10 now.

I think for all the creativity in the monsters, how midian the home of societies rejects and misfits was interesting as a social commentary, whether gay, disabled, pierced, criminal, there was a place for you. I liked the idea of the baphomet and the berserkers and how some would even struggle in a society,. As well as the range of how they can die.

For too much i think the monster side, was under-developed as part of the story, and just seemed a background for boones story and that dissapointed me. Is a different concept of film, but it could of been so much better.
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Old Dads (2023)
Started good , got boring quick
10 March 2024
I saw a few clips, and though, wow this lookis like a funny films,that mocks the different generations and plays of the far end of of stereotypes. At first this was great, and rolled that way, and you could mockingly laugh a little. Sadly the longer it went on the jokes became thinner, and it tried to turn itself into a drama for some unknown reason.

Sadly it did have underlying serious themes, showing why couples are incompatible and doomed, but show stay together, how some modern day women fail to raise control their children, and how they can'd do no wrong. And how people on what seems a loveless relationship seem still to have kids, just to fill a gap. The women and the sacriffices only the men seemed to have to make, just about capped it off, as unrealistic and saddening.

Characters seemed to break from how they wereand the film became disjointed. It tried then to make people change overnight, which just doesn't happen. At the end i felt more depressed then happy watching the film which had become barely watchable.
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Happiness (2021– )
Started well and tailed off bad
14 February 2024
Ok i will try and keep it simple on what was good and what was bad, Then you can decide for yourself if its worth it. The show is a simple idea, you can turn into a semi zombie which turns back human after an episode if bitten, or take a pill call next. Many charactrs have been given them, or know of them and the source is found pretty quick. Simple ideas are sometimes easiest to understand.

The good parts of the show are showing how feral and greedy humans can be to get their way, and get more in life. Greed, jealousy, anger, murder all on demonstration in the show. The zombies may have 15 minute episodes as a zombie, so can stay hidden was a bonus which could of been developed further, but the show seemed rushed that way.

The romance aspect of the show, even for a fake marriage was destroyed pretty much to a large degree by the writers leaving a small child with the couple and a cop to help build that aspect. Add to that a veteran cop who would of seen so much cracking so easy and turning on his friends seeemed unrealistic.

The writing continued to be shoddy when changing how the virus worked where people could choose when to have their episodes which made a mockey of it. ONe minute they go mad with blood, next they don't. Same with selective attacking. Let them in, offering a route to targets, how a zombie can't open a door, then can. Just made the show weaker and weaker.

You add on top the fact even when they are overwhelmed a efusal to kill generally of these things threatening their lives when at the same time conspiring against others to kill uninfecteds kinda made it seem stupid.

So for me a lack of action, romance, intrigue made it watchable but dissapointing.
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simp male lead, dumb females
2 February 2024
Boy meets girl, girl hates boy, boy hates girl. Time passes, and boy and girl develop feelings for each other. Girl lies to boy about background as hiding from grandpa and doesn't want to be caught. So far so simple, til jealous friend of boy tries to toxify thing is the best synopsis i can give.

Now why i hate such a lovely idea for a show

I never understand a show where people hate others behaviour and then go and hang around with them,, expecting an immediate change in their behavior.

This is a simple story glossed out with lies, stupidity and scheming and is not even on a high level. One girl wants what she can't have, So will attack and bully those in her way. Our lead female is a tough girl who overpower the lead, yet doesn't beat up the bullies . No one reports bullying, theft, etc to keep people in the circle iit seems.

The quest for romance would be lovely if the acting wasn't so bad, and the male lead so stupid he didn't have to simp up to every woman to give her what tthey want and leave him unfulfilled it seems, a recipe for long term disastier.

The show does enough to say, how stupid will the next thing tey do but thats about it. The spark of romance they could of played more with, was too simple and boring. For most of the show. Just seems a determination at stages to be in a toxic relationship

so bad writing, bad story, bad acting. If characters don't learn, from how mean or stupid others are, it says a lot about supposedly smart asians.
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Fast X (2023)
Flogging a dead horse
20 May 2023
Expecting fast and furious to improve after so many films, is like flogging a dead horse. The cars can change and explosions and yes, that will please some, but for those with half a brain maybe not.

The film has a weak bag guy, a poor plot, our dodgy good guys going up against someone who has just stole a powerful computer system basically which can hack, track etc, so of course the fast crew do nothing to prevent such attacks.

No protection on electronics, no hiding their faces. No wigs or disguises. Etc. I honestly struggled to continu watching this as the writing and acting was so bad and is not like your dealing with talented actors to begin with.

Like any franchise, you push the same stuff to long, people get bored and writers gets lazy.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Lacking the fear that came with the game
14 March 2023
There were a few things was dissapointed with in the run up to the show, it was overhyped as being great, and the casting seemed just to keep HBO favourites on the book in some cases rather than look for the best to fit a roll.

We watched as the story was altered, the overplay of the frank and bill episode(especially the deaths) who were minor game characters that some forgot, and the lack of clickers, bloaters etc as the journey was far less eventful than the game ever was. It just felt it was trying to hard to win the approval of modern audience when ignoring features of the game.

What it made up for was keeping to most of the story, the great scenery of what happend to society, bt it lacked the spores, the monsters, the horror and tension. It was too soft. As if scared to frighten the audience. It was just another failure of a game adaption to me.
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Transparent, poorly acted and written
27 February 2023
Just like season 1 we see the one girl who is much sought after in an attempted love triagle, and yet she doesn't really care as still in a love with a maybe dead man. Hints of her love possibly not being dead surface, and no funeral ever shown even if most people decided he was dead.

The season shows the rise and fall and attempted rise again of our whirlwind girl in truly transparent and totally predictable style as she hides away from the world after injuring an oponent. Despite knowing, being repetitive told and treated like crap, she continues as doormat girl, who lives to be walked all over.

The script gets worse when supposed enemies become friends, the unreasonable, reasonable and vie versa as the sucky Song Bai. Hall fights for survival, Sadly the poor writing, poor martial artists of Song Bai make this a challenge, with the usual characters the heros. Is sad, cheesy, predictable, some will love it, me i know it could never compete with a half decent drama yet alone other Martial Arts dramas like Sweet Combat.
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Sad, Predictable and Indecisive
22 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If it was an anime I would say OP zero to hero in a reverse harem scenario. As sadly is about the level, and as much as some people love it, it just is transparent and gets boring quick.

The show tries to cover it's poor acting, and weak storyline by overloading you with different plot twists and scenarios that are about as see through as glass, and predicted episodes in advance, combined with trying to lay down several potenti\al unrequited love combos so no matter who someone is attracted too, someone else will get hurt.

The acting is bad, and most of the characters quickly forgettable and it honestly makes dramas like Sweet Combat look oscar winning. Even some of the fight features are horrible, with stupidly high jumping and super speed to run around the back of people, in whats supposed to be normal humans.

The show would of been better going for less but with a higher quality effort.
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