
2 Reviews
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Ultima V: Lazarus (2005 Video Game)
Best DS Mod BY FAR
16 June 2006
Copperhead was awesome - MageWorld was stellar, but Lazarus just plain freaking ROCKS! Great job guys. This one was a long time coming and was painful to develop at times I bet - but persistence has paid off for the whole team and the community at large. Lazarus is pretty much one of the best game mods I have ever seen for just about any game. And when you think about the complexity of modding the Siege Engine - this is quite a feat. I am continually amazed at the production value of an add-on of this magnitude. The whole team really deserves a lot of kudos for sticking together and pulling this one off. It is truly an amazing product.
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I fell in love with Jennifer Connelly in this movie
26 February 2002
A very well done, humorous teenage love story that every "not so popular" guy who was passed over in high school can appreciate. Funny, awkward, and lighthearted, this movie has something for everyone. This was the first movie I saw Jennifer Connelly in and just like the main character, immediately fell in love with her. What an outstanding actress, although this is perhaps not her best performance. All together this is a great "Order in on Saturday night and have a few laughs with the wife/girlfriend" kind of feel good romantic romp.
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